Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hi Bloggy Friends,

 I have missed all of you!
We laid Mom to rest yesterday, it was cold and rainy, but the service was very nice. I held it together for Amelia's sake, she has seen enough crying in her short life and I didn't want her to see me cry that day....she didn't know why we were there, she was just looking forward to a "party" with her cousins! She hasn't asked about Mimi and why her stuff is all packed up in her room, she just looked around today and on the wall where Mom's teddy bear shelf used to hang ...she asked if she could have the little hot air balloon with the tiny dog hanging from it in his tiny basket...I think my sister made it years ago and Mom treasured it, now Amelia will treasure it...She's been running through the house playing with it all day, not a care in the world. I'm so thankful I have her to make me laugh and smile every day! Kim and Drew found a house to rent right up the street from me, so the little turd will be at Gamm Gamms all the time! :)

2012 is gonna be a BIG year huh?? Already gearing up to be a landslide victory for President Obama! That's my prediction, you can bet on it!  I'm not here to talk politics, just wanted to check on everybody and assure you I will be back in rare form for the new year, reading all your terrific blogs and doing some ranting of my own!

 Have a wonderful Christmas, or whichever holiday you celebrate, and make it memorable! Have a Happy New Year too!

Love and Peace, Sue


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

CHRISTmas Blessings from my home to yours my sweet Sue..I have you and your family in my prayers and heart as always..Hugs and love Gl♥ria

Sue said...

Hugs and love from my home to yours G, Love you!! Merry Christmas!!

Justin said...

Merry Christmas Sue. Have a great time. Look forward to next year as well. I have a feeling you're right about the landslide.

Sue said...

Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family, Justin. Yes, I do believe I am right! (I mean correct)

skip 2 colorado said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. We're thinking of you, your family and your beloved mother, and hope that you will find comfort. A dear friend once reminded me that the pain of loss is the price we pay for loving and being loved. You are not alone.

Sue said...

Thank you for the kind words skip2! Have a wonderful holiday and get ready for 2012!!

Cirze said...

My heart is with you, Sue.

Keep the faith and may the new year bring blessings to us all.

Love you,


Magpie said...

When I was a kid I took it on faith that nothing ever bad happened around Christmas, but as an adult I learned otherwise.

Yet Christmas is still beautiful. Even more so, oddly.
Smell of blossoms and buzz of summer insects.

You stay warm where you are.

Sue said...

Thanks S, I have faith in the new year, it's gonna be a great one!

I have my beautiful new laptop, a gift from Mom, I will think of her every time I use it...which is every single day! I can now read your blog, I couldn't get through your posts with my old dinosaur!

xo Sue

Sue said...

Magpie, yes bad and sad things happen around the holidays and there isn't anything we can do to stop it, so we surround ourselves with loved ones and muster through ....We also have hope in a bright New Year, and this one coming for us will be spectacular! :)

Oh and you are not making me jealous with your blossoms and bees comment...I LOVE WINTER!! The snowier the better! LOLOL!!

Thanks for the visit Magpie, Have a wonderful holiday!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear Sue,

This Christmas will be very low-key for our family, and perhaps that's a good thing. The loss of a loved one at this time of year, when families gather to repeat holiday traditions, makes those traditions ever more precious.

Our family will be together for the traditional Italian Christmas Eve Feast of the Seven Fishes, but we'll be somewhat subdued, and we'll concentrate more on appreciating those who are still with us.

I hope you have a peaceful day.

Sue said...

Dear Shaw, How are you doing?

Our large family gathered together every Christmas Eve at my brothers home, but this year we will be scattered because they need to spend the evening at his wife's parents, they are both ill...

My children and Amelia will come here for Christmas Eve, Amelia will open her book I bought her and listen to my voice read Twas the Night Before regret is I did not have Mom put her voice in the book too..It will forever haunt me!

I know every one grieves differently, but to be honest I don't think I have grieved yet because I'm feeling very peaceful and going about my day without sadness...My niece thought I would leave Moms bedroom as she left it, she was hurt I packed her things up. It didn't make me sad either to go in the room. It feels fine for me to move on and not let myself get depressed, or feel guilt I could have done more or loved more...

Enjoy your holiday with loved ones, I'll be thinking about you! xo

Dave Dubya said...

Have a great Christmas. It's good we have young new faces to help us over the loss of older ones.

Sue said...

I like that thought Dave. Ya know they say God takes one but gives one in return...we had a grandchild born into the family 4 months ago..

have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones!

okjimm said...

I just try to get will be the first one without my mother..the last of her generation in my family.
I guess 'we' are now the old folks.
oh well...
be good

Lisa said...

Welcome Back Sue.
In the spirit of the holiday and trying to get back to normal I have the perfect campaign song for Obama

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a clip from the film "Jesus Camp" where children are singing the praises of George W. Bush.

Now let me ask our friend, Lisa, in this season of peace and love, if she was outraged over the Christian children singing their love and allegiance to a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush?

But forget that, the real issue is that the guy who is featured in the video Lisa posted, who compares the kids singing about Obama to the North Korean and Hitler Youth leaves out one very important FACT:

Those children HAD NO CHOICE, those tributes were government sponsored.

The tributes to Obama AND Bush were not.

It's too bad people like the guy in the video use propaganda like this and count on those who watch it to be too ignorant to know the difference.

In this season of peace and love [and loss], I would have hoped that Lisa could have found some other subject to attract our attention. Like a yummynice gingerbread cookie recipe?

Lisa said...

Aww Amelia is so precious. The tree is nice but looks much better with her in front of it.
Love her smile!

Lisa said...

Shaw I'm more of a Anitpasto, Prime Rib,Lasagna type of Gal

Sue said...

Hmmm are you saying Kims tree is ugly, Lisa??

Yes Amelia is precious, thanks

Lisa said...

No I said the tree was nice. It's Organic looking

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a recipe for a traditional southern Italian sweet we enjoyed every Christmas:


Sue said...

Shaw that looks DELICIOUS, but you know me, I am NO cook or baker so if you want to make some extra for me and slip them in the mail... :)

(((HUGS)))) Merry Christmas, enjoy your family around a table of spectacular food! :)

Sue said...

Lisa, that first tree picture I posted then deleted was my tree, this picture of Amelia is at her house and her tree...just wanted to clear that up.

Merry Christmas!

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue, I'm so sorry about "Mimi"'s a sad, heartbreaking time no matter when it happens, but near a holiday has got to be THE WORST! ((())) Hugs to you!

You are very blessed to have that precious granddaughter! She's adorable. Enjoy her, and your Christmas!

Sue said...

Thank you so much Pam! I wish you and yours a wonderful Merry Christmas! See you in the New Year! xo

Leslie Parsley said...

I wish Sue and everyone here a very warm and Merry Christmas - including Lisa, who by posting that video showed about as much class as Palin in her silly criticism of Obama's Christmas card, to say nothing of being completely insensitive.

This is Christmas and in the spirit of Christmas, could we maybe leave politics out of the equation for just 48 hours?

Sue said...

Jim, Leslie, Shaw, Pam, Dave, Magpie, Skip2, Justin, Suzan, Gloria,Lisa..and ALL my wonderful bloggy friends..Have a Merry Christmas and may your new year be filled with hope and prosperity thanks to President Obama and Democrats with their big hearts!!

OBAMA 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B.J. said...

Sue: It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m thinking of you. I was all set to wish you the merriest of Christmases and a very Happy Birthday on Monday when Leslie let me know about your mom. I am so sorry, but, at the same time, so glad you have Amelia to carry on for. Christmas must be very special with a little granddaughter nearby. Love, BJ

Sue said...

Thank you BJ, and Merry Christmas to you too! There will be no time for tears with Amelia around, she is the joy of my life! Hope your holiday is a special one, Merry Merry! xoxoxo