Lets fix this???
The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days.
What does this mean?
now, the presidential election results are only a PROJECTION of the
election outcome. They are PRELIMINARY RESULTS. A candidate still needs
to earn 270 electoral votes to win. Hillary Clinton won the popular
vote, which means that more than 50% of the voters wanted her for
president. The electoral college shouldn’t guarantee an override of the
public’s opinion– and it doesn’t have to.
There are 21 states that do NOT restrict which candidate the electors vote for. Out of these 21, Hillary lost the following:
states are worth 166 electoral votes. As it currently stands, Hillary
Clinton is projected to receive 232 votes. Trump is projected to win
306. This means that 37 votes need to be taken away from Trump to bring
him down to 269. Hillary Clinton needs 38 votes ADDED to win 270. These
electoral voters can also abstain, which means that they can refuse to
vote for either candidate. If 37 of the voters within these states
abstain then no candidate will have reached the required 270. In this
case, the vote would be taken to the House.
Trump won
Pennsylvania, a state that typically votes blue, by less than 100,000
votes. While it is highly unlikely to get all 20 electoral voters to
cross party lines and vote democrat, it also isn’t impossible to
convince a few of them to be “faithless electors.” We only need to
convince 38 out of the 166. That is 23%. There are SIXTEEN states we
need to focus our attention on.
A move like this would
be unprecedented. However, as we all saw on November 8th, odds don’t
guarantee reality. Trump had a less than 20% chance of winning, yet
given the circumstances, enough people came together and made it happen.
We can make this happen.
Ask yourself this: What do we
have left to lose? We can stay complacent and accept that this country
will be run by a racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, ablest bigot,
or we can at least try.
WORD. Trend #NotMyPresident to let people know that we do not accept
being led by a man who does not care about our wellbeing. Email your
professors, email the dean of your colleges. The last thing a university
wants is negative press. Millenials can take a stand, but that doesn’t
mean we have to be the only ones. Church-led events helped bring a lot
of disillusioned voters to the polls. Spread the word in any way
possible, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or even in person.
Stage a peaceful protest. Hand out flyers. Let the people around you
know that you don’t accept this man as your leader when he won’t even
accept you as a citizen with your designated rights.
These 166 people need to face the consequences of electing this man.
this for the people who couldn’t vote. Do this for the people who live
in the very real fear of being deported. Do this for the people who will
have to face the rise in hate crimes. Do this for the people who have a
very real possibility of losing their rights. Do this for the people
who will no longer be able to afford necessities.
Students Sue The Department Of Education Over Illegal Elon Musk Hack
A group of students are suing the Department of Education, because they did
not give consent for Elon Musk to access their personal data.
6 hours ago
Come on now. As much as I'd like this outcome to be different, it is done. The good guys lost. We lost because the constant drumbeat of negativity left 5 million people at home instead of at the polls. Let's not start the shouts of illegitimacy or anarchy. We have a process and it was completed.
We have to start thinking about how to motivate the disaffected non voters from this election. We have to figure out how to get Democrats/liberals/progressives motivated for the mid terms. We have to find the next group of candidates for president. We have to make sure that we are doing all we can to get our issues heard.
I know you're upset. We all are. But let's remember that we still have a fight on our hands. Regardless of who the president is, we have to make sure that the issues we believe in are being addressed. We have work to do. Just not this. We can only look forward now.
I send you all the love I can. I wish I were there to give you hug. We'll get through this. We just have to focus on the future. I'll end with this line from MLK that always resonates with me: The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. Keep the faith, darlin'.
I'm sorry I can't. If this was another republican like a John McCain or Jeb Bush yes, but not trump. He's unfit and dangerous. He's scaring my president and hundreds of intelligent politicians in office. If they are scared then I'm petrified. Watch in the next few weeks who he surrounds himself with, who he chooses to work with him in our WH. Don't laugh, but the white supremacists he's got around him is telling me they want a race war. That's my fear.
Thanks for your love, I need it, I'm devastated, hurt beyond belief. We have been robbed by lazy voters who didn't care about our future. They think Hillary is trump in heels. I feel robbed of a Hillary presidency I waited so long for.
I hate him, I hate him with a passion. Watching President Obama have to endure that monster today was too much.
After the electors vote Dec.19 I will try to move on. I'm praying they don't vote for a monster to be our President. <3
My latest post is "Donald Trump Will Be An Illegitimate President". We WERE robbed, Sue. Trump said the election was going to be rigged. Everyone thought he was talking about it being rigged against him. But the OPPOSITE was true. As I said on my blog BEFORE election day. But I thought HRC would win despite the rigging. As it turns out, the James Comey sabotage IS what cost her the election. I've been watching a lot of MSNBC, and Chris Hayes confirmed it on his program last night. The election was stolen and DJT will be illegitimate.
And Trump, as President Obama and Secretary Clinton said before the election, is uniquely unqualified. NOTHING has changed! He is unqualified. I WISH there was a chance that the electors would vote against him for the good of the country (although the result might be an armed rebellion).
Not only are we going to be stuck with Trump for 4 years, everyone is talking about how he's going to be installing in positions of power all the deplorable scumbags from the past. Rudy Giuliani (AG), Joe Arpaio (Homeland Security), Chris Christie (for some position, if he isn't indicted for his role in BridgeGate), etc...
Hopefully Trump will be voted out in 4 years after he fails to deliver on his campaign promises. I suspect a repeal of the ACA will be successful. It being easier to destroy than to build (the wall, which won't happen). The rubes will feel betrayed when they lose their subsidies and can no longer afford health care insurance.
In the meantime... from what I've heard, hate is on the rise. The racists and bigots have been emboldened and empowered with Trump's "win". I've been deeply depressed for the last few days. I'm not looking forward to the next 4 years. I WAS worried about holding a President Hillary Clinton accountable (re: her hawkishness, the TPP, etc). Now I worry about the coming Trump depression (along with all the other damaging things he can accomplish while in office).
The blame got trump winning lays squarely on the shoulders of the Democratic Party.
Have you seen this, Sue?
Sign the Change.org petition...
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19.
On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine... they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.
This petition has 2,991,444 supporters thus far.
I signed the petition and added the following...
Kris Kobach cheated via his "Interstate Crosscheck" voter disenfranchisement scheme. HRC is the rightful winner (popular vote winner AND electoral college winner). Electors should vote for the TRUE winner and not the candidate who won by cheating.
Yes, I did sign the petition, I'm hopeful that the petition and our voices (the protests) could sway the electors. It's all we have, right?
Jerry, I just read an article where Hillary believes the two Comey letters at the end of the campaign played a big part in trumps win. I don't believe the DNC did anything to hurt Bernie or Hillary. Hillary got the most popular votes. Hillary's supporters came out and Bernie's support came out for her too. Those who didn't vote I believe were Green Party to begin with and wanted Bernie or Stein.
So after two days of crying I'm feeling better. I'm loving the protests and the petitions but if that monster gets in the WH he will face a Democratic Party that is ready to obstruct every thing he and GOP congress tries to do that will bring harm to our people. Bernie is saying he will filibuster every goddamn thing he disagrees with and will support what he does agrees with.
We'll soon see the cabinet picks, trump seems to be backing off just a bit don't know if it's just show for the electors or not. But if can show how dangerous and unfit he is somehow then the electors should do their job and protect the country from a trump disaster. There is so much at stake.
Sorry Jerry, but I've got to STRONGLY disagree with you. A LOT of blame can be placed on Hillary Clinton and her campaign as well as the DNC. The DNC absolutely did put its thumb on the scale during the primaries in order to make sure HRC was the nominee (emails Released by WikiLeaks Appear to Show DNC Trying to Aid Hillary Clinton). It's why Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as DNC chair.
I've seen on the news interviews with White rust belt voters who said they were lifelong Democrats who voted for Obama both times... but voted for Trump this time. Because Trump ran to the Left of Hillary on trade. She said she was opposed to the TPP, but she supported it beforehand and so did her VP. *I* didn't trust her on her TPP position change. Although I sure as hell don't trust Trump. I think much of what he said during his campaign was a lie. He said what he needed to in order to get elected.
Even so Hillary would have won. It was Comey's election meddling and the voter suppression that put Trump over the top. Greg Palast writes about how they stole it in his article from yesterday titled "The Election was Stolen - Here's How". Hillary would have won Michigan, Arizona and North Carolina if not for Republican election fraud.
Trump TOLD us the election was going to be rigged! Although he lied about WHO it was being rigged against. "Red Shift" is the term used to describe the discrepancy between exit polls and the actual vote. This time we got an "Orange Shift".
BTW, I think the Democratic Party can be blamed for their decision to ignore this problem. It's seemingly baked in now. Republicans GET to cheat. Al Gore lost because of cheating in FL (ChoicePoint) and now Hillary Clinton lost because of cheating in Michigan, Arizona and North Carolina (Interstate CrossCheck). Gore and Clinton both won the popular vote.
If democrats had voted in the same numbers as in 2008 and 2012, Clinton would have won. But Democrats stayed home as a result of having a poor candidate and a poor campaign. When you can't beat a candidate like Trump, you don't belong in the race.
Last night a Bernie supporter turned Hillary supporter posted that in Wisconsin 33,000 write in votes went to Bernie. That's deplorable simply because the two choices were stark! That is total fuckin whiny bullshit when people say Hillary wasn't a good candidate, ANYBODY including my husband would have been a better candidate than trump!! Hillary is on her way to winning 2 million more votes than trump and trump actually had less votes then Romney got in 2012! These trump surrogates need to shut the fuck up about Hillary. SHE WON!!!
Sue, I agree, anybody should have been able to beat Trump, but she didn't. The vote that counts is the Electorial College vote, not the popular vote. I voted for her. If more democrats had voted instead of staying home, we would have won the votes that really count, the EC votes. If that's not her fault and her campaign's fault, where does the blame go?
Agreed, Sue. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote AND the electoral college (although it was stolen). Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot. Barack Obama said Trump was "uniquely unqualified" to hold the office. NOTHING HAS CHANGED! He is STILL unqualified.
And he's going to "drain the swamp" by stocking his administration with lobbyists, Washington insiders and f*cking neocons? One of the concerns about HRC was her hawkishness, but will a Trump administration be less hawkish with John Bolton as Secretary of State?
Trump lied to get elected. Everyone but Trump voters KNEW he was lying. About EVERYTHING. A president never keeps all his campaign promises, but it looks like Trump will keep fewer than any president before him. I wonder if he will keep any of his promises. He's going to appoint conservative SCOTUS judges. If enough, Roe V Wade may be overturned.
I *thought* we were moving in the right direction with marriage equality, HRC supporting getting rid of the Hyde Amendment, possibly a move to single-payer, etc. Now, under One Party rule and a Conservative SCOTUS (for the next 30-40 years!), we're going to be moving in the WRONG direction.
Regarding the theft of the Supreme Court appointment from Barack Obama (to replace Scalia), there are currently 2 White House petitions (I signed both).
Appoint Garland Now (Senate Has Waived Its Rights).
We the People ask President Obama to immediately appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.
Daily Kos article where I found the links to these petitions.
White House Petitions to Obama: Appoint Merrick Garland Immediately.
Jerry: If that's not her fault and her campaign's fault, where does the blame go?
James Comey, for one. Also Kris Kobach and everyone involved in rigging the vote via their Interstate Crosscheck voter disenfranchisement scheme.
Comey? He just highlights how poorly Clinton and her campaign handled the whole email "scandal". Voter suppression? That's nothing new from republicans. Clinton's campaign should have been prepared to counter it...if it was really a problem. Democrats need to look in the mirror.
Jill Stein Requests Recount in WI MI & PA.
Go here to donate (candidate requesting the recount must pay for the recount).
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