Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Dalai Lama is 75 today

Today, 6 July 2010, is the Dalai Lama’s 75th birthday. For decades, he has been a purveyor of hope, setting a generous example of wisdom, non-violence and compassion for a better world.

I felt the need to highlight a bit of the Dalai Lama's wisdom after reading this disgusting bit of horse crap on Malcontents blog...

Yes, my good friends, NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said that President Barack Obama has asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries.
There is absolutely nothing to support or justifying this insanity.
Now why on earth would the President of the United States want to sent the head of NASA, to be interviewed by Al Jazeera? Do we now want to sent the first Muzzie to the moon? If we do, then I suggest that we leave him there! And possibly take Obama with him!
I seriously think that we have to ask ourselves if this strange man sitting in the Oval Office is posing as President of the United States or not, or is he just a Marx-leaning anti-American, and really actually mentally ill. This sort of perverted thing has become a regular daily occurrence.
Or maybe he wants to teach the Muzzies to operate our space shuttles and then let them fly into buildings, now that airport security is too tight. And another thing! Wouldn’t this be considered “Racial Profiling? You can’t specifically pick on a Muslim in an airport security line, or stop them or a Mexican on the street to ask them if they are a citizen? So tell me why should you be able to give them special favors in NASA?
Why is the Magic Negro reaching out to Muslims to build up their self esteem? Why should we even give a crap about their self esteem? This is more evidence, as if we needed any more, of Obama's lack of interest in American achievement and American Greatness. Now he wants to spread America’s achievements and America’s Greatness, so that we could bring self esteem to the Muslim world!

 This post on the Dalai Lama is not about religion it's about tolerance for all religions, which the conservative right shows us in their ignorance they have none!

A few of the Dalai Lamas words from the New York Times.....

Many Faiths, One Truth


Though intolerance may be as old as religion itself, we still see vigorous signs of its virulence. In Europe, there are intense debates about newcomers wearing veils or wanting to erect minarets and episodes of violence against Muslim immigrants. Radical atheists issue blanket condemnations of those who hold to religious beliefs. In the Middle East, the flames of war are fanned by hatred of those who adhere to a different faith.

Such tensions are likely to increase as the world becomes more interconnected and cultures, peoples and religions become ever more entwined. The pressure this creates tests more than our tolerance — it demands that we promote peaceful coexistence and understanding across boundaries.

Granted, every religion has a sense of exclusivity as part of its core identity. Even so, I believe there is genuine potential for mutual understanding. While preserving faith toward one’s own tradition, one can  respect , admire and appreciate other traditions.

And I'll close with this from Huffington Post writer Bhuchung K. Tsering...

 During the Dalai Lama's May visit to the United States that included trips to Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and New York, I was struck by his categorical assertion that the world is becoming more gentle and positive. This is quite contrary to popular feeling of the world becoming more violent and crisis-ridden. It has certainly provided much food for thought to students of the developing society.
His Holiness was adamantly clear during his lectures, his brief appearance on NBC's The Today Show, and during his meetings with the press in general that the world is becoming more positive. The indicators of his world view were the broader human concern for man-made or natural calamities worldwide (shown in the aftermath of the Asian tsunami and the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Tibet), the existence of peace movements throughout the world (which was visible prior to the United States' war in Iraq, for example); the emergence of an environmental movement (there was no such movement in the beginning of the previous century); and the increased interaction between science and religion (science is showing interest in not just external matters but also in the study of mind). In short, through a comparison between the 20th century and the 21st century so far, the Dalai Lama feels the world is becoming more positive.

The Dalai Lama feels that much of the blame for the popular view of the world becoming worse should be placed on the media, which tends to always highlight the negative (even though it involves only a miniscule amount of the world's total population) while taking the positive for granted.

I just stole this from MadMike....
Released today by France 24 and Radio France Inter­na­tionale, the Har­ris Inter­ac­tive Poll asked 6,135 adults between the ages of 16 and 64 who live in the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Ger­many or Spain to name their favorite world leaders.
Seventy-seven per­cent of those sur­veyed chose Obama, which is one per­cent­age point higher than when Har­ris Inter­ac­tive asked the same ques­tion in November.
Obama and Dalai Lama
Getty Images
Close on his heels is the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spir­i­tual leader, who was men­tioned by 75 per­cent of those polled. U.S. Sec­re­tary of State Hillary Rod­ham Clin­ton came in third at 62 per­cent,

stick that where the sun don't shine Obama haters!

Thanks BJ for the post idea! ;)


Silverfiddle said...

I am all for religious tolerance. Now if we could just get Muslims to join in on the happy fest.

In case you haven't noticed, a noisy number of them kill people over things like cartoons. Daughters get killed for looking at a boy. Women cannot drive...

I don't care about any of it if they're doing it over in their little hell on earth, but when they bring it to the US, I become extremely intolerant.

You won't catch me doing violence because some tard dipped a crucifix in urine or threw elephant dung on a religious picture.

Our nation was founded on classical liberal principles. Nobody here has the right to not be offended.

Shaw Kenawe said...

When the KKK was lynching black Americans with impunity back in the day, I didn't hear people calling all Xtians a bunch of maniacal terrorists, when, in fact, that is exactly what those people were--American terrorists killing Americans.

All Muslims are not terrorists. I have Muslim friends--American Muslims and Middle Eastern Muslims, and they are not terrorists. And I resent those who demean these people because of the maniacs within their group.

Should we paint all Xtians as murderers because of what a bunch of them did in the south less than 50 years ago?

People need to grow up and learn not to denigrate an entire group because of what a small percentage of fanatics do.


"...seriously think that we have to ask ourselves if this strange man is...really actually mentally ill. This sort of perverted thing has become a regular daily occurrence."

Pretty much describes the blog.

Sue said...

SF, when people like the Malcontents spew hatred for Muslims and for the president, because he believes him to be a Muslim too, they don't say they just hate the Muslim terrorists, they hate the Muslim people. There is a segment of radical extremists in the Muslim world, and there is a segment of radical extremists in America too! There are Americans who do the most hideous of crimes against women and children in this country, crimes so horrific they are not readable without getting physically sick.

What's wrong with happiness? You prove liberals are happier people. Conservatives like to wallow in self-pity and hatred for their fellow man.

Sue said...

Shaw I just missed ya! Yes, Mals blog is nothing but a place to spew hate for his followers, he's trying to be the next Limpballs I guess...

we had the same thought, America, as well as every country on earth, has their extremists who commit atrocities. Mals hate is toward Muslims because our president is Barack Hussein Obama, he can't handle it.

Something else has crossed my mind today. Mal is a military man, do you think his hateful personality and his views are the norm in the military?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Every man in my family served in the military. In fact, a favorite cousin, a Marine who served in Vietnam, just recently died.

None of those honorable men would have behaved as that guy does. It would have been conduct unbecoming.

They were all proud servicemen, and they loved their country enough not slander its president.

Sue said...

Shaw I just find Mals attitude horrendous for a Marine. He DEMANDS respect because of his military service but he acts like spoiled hateful ranting child! How can a person earn respect when they have those views?

Shaw Kenawe said...

It has been my experience that those men and women who served with honor and dignity in the military, never bring it up in conversation to gain admiration pats on the back.

There's something to be said about the quiet nobility of serving one's country without reminding people every chance one gets.

My cousin, who saw combat and suffered life-long injuries as a result, never talked about being a Marine. His medals hung on the wall of his living room, and he had his picture as a young recruit on a table beside the couch.

But he never brought up the subject nor bragged to anyone about his medals and his service.

A real class act.

RIP, Jerry.

Jolly Roger said...

I am all for religious tolerance. Now if we could just get Muslims to join in on the happy fest.

Oh, bullSHIT. In this country you've got Jesusistanis who want to send women to the gurney for having abortions and want gays stoned in the town square.

Fundamentalist religion of any stripe differs almost none from fundie religion of any other stripe. These dumbasses who start that "Christianity is better" bullshit ignore several hundred years of history, as well as what a lot of the Jesusistanis are advocating RIGHT NOW.