Monday, July 5, 2010

UT OH, Look out you Mormons who love and cherish Sean Hannity!

This past week, Utah’s KSL Radio announced that it will be dropping Fox News host and radio personality Sean Hannity from its regular programming lineup. Although the company was tight-lipped about why it chose to end its relationship with Hannity, Utah’s ABC-4 speculates that Hannity’s uncivil behavior on air was behind the move:
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) – KSL Radio announced that they will no longer air Sean Hannity’s syndicated national talk show.
The last KSL broadcast of the Sean Hannity show will air on October 1, 2010. The announcement comes after speculation that Hannity’s on-air style was not in line with Deseret Media Company’s mission statement that calls for civility and other ethical stances.
Deseret Media Companies (DMC) is a for-profit arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and manages KSL radio and other media outlets.The DMC “Mission Statement” calls for the dissemination of “light and knowledge” along with the promotion of “integrity, civility, morality, and respect for all people.”
In the past, Hannity has said that every Democrat in the U.S. Congress should be “tortured and killed” in the Guantanamo Bay prison camp and that anyone who believes homosexuality is a natural phenomenon is “brainwashed.” “At the end of the day, we simply feel our future success and competitive advantage reside in creating unique local content, and that is our objective for developing replacement programming,” KSL CEO Mark Wiles explained in a press release.

I keep seeing commercials for this Hannity special on a movie called Generation Zero and I'm not sure if they are replaying it tonight or this week, it first aired in February of this year and this is the first time I have heard of the movie. I guess it's the rightwingers version of a Michael Moore movie. The commercial says this....

  • A Hannity Exclusive: Generation Zero

     It's the film hailed at the last national tea party. This explosive documentary exposes how 40 years of liberal policies have led to America's financial collapse.

    Yes, that's what it says, 40 years of  LIBERAL policies  have caused Americas financial collapse.... sigh....

    Here's a bit of transcript from the Hannity show in February, 

    HANNITY: And welcome to a "Hannity" special: "Generation Zero" now the new documentary part of which you just saw examines not only the current economic crisis that our nation is in but also how we got here.
    Now the movie completely refutes the popular notion that massive deregulation caused the economic downturn and that, as liberals say, capitalism failed.
    So what actually happened? Now this ground breaking film reveals a frightening alliance between the Democratic Party and big business. Now it also turns to history for answers. Finding many of them within the baby boomer generation.
    Now for the entire hour we'll examine all of this. And we're now joined by the writer, director and producer of "Generation Zero," Steve Bannon, and the film's executive producer and the president of Citizens United Productions, Dave Bossie.
    Guys, welcome here. So you showed us — you guys at Tea Party Convention. You showed it at CPAC. A massive hit. Did you expect this kind of reaction?
    DAVID BOSSIE, "GENERATION ZERO" PRODUCER: I got to be honest, no. I'm really shocked and obviously very pleased.
    STEPHEN BANNON, "GENERATION ZERO" DIRECTOR: Two different audiences, too. I think the Tea Party audience was slightly older. The CPAC audience very young. They hit them exactly the way we wanted it to. I think that's the first time they've kind of been seeing all these facts put together in an 80-minute, 90-minute presentation.
    HANNITY: Let's go to one broad overview. We're going to be showing highlights of this film, you know, throughout this hour because this is really important. The myth is, is that capitalism failed. The myth is, is that the banks failed and the insurance companies failed. But there's something deeper to the story.
    BOSSIE: Certainly. It's hubris and greed at the same time that it's the cultural and social break down from the '60s that is really taken that 30, 40 years that led up to September 18th crisis.
    BANNON: On September 18th, at 2:00 in the afternoon the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the secretary of treasury went to the White House, then went up to Capitol Hill and told the leaders of our government that our economy was about to melt down, the world economy was about to melt down, and we would have complete social meltdown.
    How did that happen? I mean how did something that our enemies — the Kremlin, the Nazis, the Japanese — could never do? We look at all the forces —
    BOSSIE: We did it to ourselves.
    BANNON: Did it to ourselves and all the forces that came together over 40 years.
    HANNITY: Wasn't that always their goal? They're going to get America from within?
    BOSSIE: That's right.
    HANNITY: Right?
    BANNON: That's exactly what happened.
    HANNITY: See, I always make the case that especially — and we're going to get into some specificity detail here. But the idea that the government would tell — first of all, they designed the car companies in the country. The government would tell banks and financial institutions that they've got to make risky loans that they know people are never going to pay back.
    BOSSIE: Sure. The greatest generation, the World War II generation — it would never dawn on them to take the type of risk that these people did. The people who were the '60s hippies. The people at Woodstock in the '60s who became the yuppies of the '80s really the barons of the 2000s and really are the leaders around the country that helped cause this. It really is a remarkable thing.

    So what do you think?? Check out my post from last week showing the conservative economics that started this collapse. I guess they have to blame it on someone....


JUDI M. said...

It totally blows my mind that these FOX folks can say this stuff and believe it. Have they no souls or consciences? The right wingers surely have this "twisting facts" and "shifting the blame" thing done pat, don't they?
Now if these Mormons would get rid of Glenn Beck.......

Grung_e_Gene said...

Conservatives hate Democracy they only support America and freedom when their candidate steals an election. When the voice of the american people is heard and they overwhelmingly choose Liberals, conservatives threaten violence and murder.

Conservatism is Terrorism.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Forty years of liberal policies have caused America's financial collapse?

Let's see....40 years takes us back to 1970. Nixon was President until 1974, followed by Ford. Then it was Carter from 1977-81, Reagan 1981-89, Pa Bush 1989-93, Clinton 1993-2001, Shrub 2001-09. Obama 2009-10.

I see less than 14 years (and counting) of Democrats in charge, and 26 years of Republican Presidents. Now even if Hannity were to sell this crap of "but it was a liberal Congress", shouldn't the Republican Presidents be held culpable as well for any economic woes....even the sainted Ronald Reagan?

If anybody believes this line of "logic" from The Manatee then, I'm sorry to say, you must really have shit for brains.

BTW...isn't Glenn Beck a Mormon? I wonder what his take on this is.....I've got $5 that says he'll say Obama was leaning on the FCC to lift KSL's license.

Jerry Critter said...
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Jerry Critter said...

The hippies did it! LOL

mommapolitico said...

Great post! Hugh Jee is right-on here. I am amazed by how Meg Whitman in CA blames our mess on the "liberal policies" of the last few years. Uh, last time I checked Sacramento, Ah-nuld was there. And the liberal policies came from where???

Amazing. The GOPs just keep saying things over and over again until people believe it.

Hannity must not be making enough of a profit for these folks. Nice work on the post - keep it up!

Infidel753 said...

and that anyone who believes homosexuality is a natural phenomenon is “brainwashed.”

In which case there are an awful lot of "brainwashed" chimpanzees, bonobos, dolphins, sheep, penguins, etc. out there.

I am continually amazed that there are still people who manage to stay so uninformed as to believe such stuff.

As for civility, the concept is as alien to Hannity as the Sahara is to a dolphin (gay or otherwise). Kudos to KSL for having at least some standards.

nonnie9999 said...

david bossie is such a lying sack of shit that even newt gingrich fired him!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I’ll tell you who should be tortured and killed at Guantanamo - every filthy Democrat in the U.S. Congress."
Hannity and Colmes] (June 15, 2005)

That, my friends, is the level of discourse for this greasy stain on humanity.

Imagine if a Liberal had said the same thing about a Conservative.

Hannity gets away with his stupidity because...well I just don't know why.

But here is an ode to the jerk by a man who has more intelligence in his silly walks than Hannity has in his whole smarmy persona:

Aping urbanity,
Oozing with vanity,
Plump as a manatee,
Faking humanity,
Intellectual inanity,
Journalistic calamity,
Fox Noise insanity,
You’re a profanity,

==John Cleese, Ode to Sean Hannity

Jerry Critter said...

Well said, Shaw!

Sue said...

Thanks for all the great comments! Judi it blows my mind too, they have no conscience, no scruples either and the followers of Fox are deaf dumb and blind! Yes Beck, he NEEDS to be next. He and Limpballs are destroying the fabric of our country and free speech or no free speech, they know they are speaking to a fringe that grows increasingly hostile and violent as each day goes by.

Gene I don't know how the righties can claim to be the patriots, they hate everything America stands for! They are domestic terrorists and they admit it! They proudly say it on their blogs! lol

Hugh thanks, exactly right. People like Linda miss Reagan, and people like lisa miss Bush! LOL, I'll be listening to see if the Mormon bloggers and Beck blame Obama for Hannitys misfortune! LOL

Jerry did you see the clip?? They show a big peace sign and Woodstock, and hippies smoking pot! I believe this movie was made to bash liberals just because of Michael Moores movies. I have never heard of this movie and it's probably talked about ONLY on Fox and at teabagger conventions to rile up the fringe wackos!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Excellent post, Sue. Wonder why they're waiting till Oct. 10.

Sue said...

mommap, it's true, the media reports over and over the lies and insane remarks from the rightwing nuts! I hope the believers are just the teensy tiny 10 to 20% of the population. We can hope right?! Liberals get blamed for everything, it's so lame. Blame the liberals but don't give us anything new! They have nothing new!

Infidel the right has nothing to add to their platform so it's the same ole same ole. Abortion, gay bashing, environment bashing, liberal policies bashing, immigrant bashing... they are just a pathetic bunch of do nothings...

Sue said...

nonnie have you heard about this movie? It's quite amazing!

Shaw, Hannity is the pretty boy, like the altar boy for Fox. He definitly has the wingers fooled into believing he is sincere. He is total scum! Love the Ode by Cleese, that is fabulous!!

Thanks Les, I don't know, contract maybe?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute. Incredible how they all gravitate to the republican party and FOX.

TOM said...

This week Bluepitbull says he is going to end his blog!

Thanks for the little things in life.

Hannity's opinions do sound like the uneducated, ex-construction worker he is.

Mormons kicking someone out of their love net? That's as much as a surprise as a Bear shitting in the woods.

Jolly Roger said...

I would hope that we all remember when Klannity promised he'd allow himself to be waterboarded so we'd see that it's all good clean fun.

Or how Klannity is using donations to a supposed "charity" for our war veterans to keep him in the stle to which he is accustomed-while the supposed beneficiaries of his charity get a few crumbs, if anything.

This "man" is a piece of shit. He makes Limbaugh look like a good guy in comparison.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"This week Bluepitbull says he is going to end his blog!

Thanks for the little things in life."--Tom

I noted this small blessing to Sue in an email.

A year ago, BPB was cyber bullying me, now he's calling it quits.

A very, very conservative value.

Silverfiddle said...

Could you provide a link to the original transcript for the Hannity quote?

Silverfiddle said...

Hannity is wrong, it's 100 years of progressivism that brought us to the brink of disaster. Collectivist enterprises have never worked, and central planning has consistently proven itself inferior to free enterprise.

Every Republican president since TR has had to work within the progressive system of more taxes to pay for more centrally-planned government experiments.

And you post last week had nothing to do with economics. It was an incoherent, disconnected list of items.

Sue said...

which quote of Hannity's? Every quote in the post is linked. Be more specific please SF

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So, that the economic downturn was caused, in large part, by deregulation is only a "popular notion"? I'd be interested in seeing this film just to see how the hell they refute that fact.

I'd guess that Fannie and Freddie are blamed. And the CRA. The fact that any blame can be assigned to Fannie and Freddie is due to the fact that they've been corrupted by the Conservative ideologies of privatization and deregulation.

Robert Reich says, "Fannie and Freddie corrupted our political process. They blocked any attempt to reign in the risks. Their lobbyists were and are the most sophisticated and among the most ubiquitous in Washington". I say, why the hell do Fannie and Freddie have lobbyists?! It's because they were privatized. If they had been kept as wholly owned government institutions, their involvement in this mess would have been nil.

The Community Reinvestment Act (a federal law designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities by discouraging a discriminatory practice known as "redlining") played NO PART in the financial crisis. It's a myth. And another example of the blame-the-victim class warfare that the Cons love to engage in.

I haven't seen Michael Moore's latest yet (Capitalism a love story), but my guess is that it does not blame liberal economics.

Silverfiddle said...

Sue: Your links are not sources. It's just other people telling us what Hannity supposedly said.

Can you provide a link to the actual transcript?

I don't take anybody's word for anything, conservative or liberal.

So can you please provide the link to the transcript?


Sue said...

gotcha, Think Progress

Silverfiddle said...

Uh... No. No you don't. I want a link to the transcript, even a time and date of when he said it, not to someone saying someone said something.

Thinking people require proof before believing something.

You've proved nothing.

Sue said...

now you're just being a sarcastic asshole. You know how to use GOOGLE, so GOOGLE away. You'll find thousands and thousands of juicy tidbits on Hannity the scumbag.....

Silverfiddle said...

I did use Google, and I was sucked into the Liberal BS echo chamber. Everybody was talking about it, but no one provided a link or transcript so one could go read or hear the whole conversation. Nobody even said when it happened.

This explains much about the left...

Sue said...

it took me all of 3 minutes to Googke and find this on wikiquotes...

I’ll tell you who should be tortured and killed at Guantanamo - every filthy Democrat in the U.S. Congress.

* Hannity and Colmes] (June 15, 2005)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

thanks w, I think SF was referring to the torture and murder of democrats quotes, found it in 3 minutes so he was just being a typical rwj (rightwingjerk)

Sue said...

of course you know I mean GOOGLE, you got me all flustered!!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I deleted my comment because I misunderstood what proof Silverfiddle was asking for. He disputes that Hannity believes that Democrats in Congress should be tortured and killed? I don't see where he clarified that, so how'd you figure it out?

Sue said...

I know, even asking him to be specific he didn't, so I assumed he meant the torture quote because it's the most damning. And since I found it so quickly he was probably just trying to trip me up somehow. That's a rightie for ya!

Silverfiddle said...

Well my lefty friends, I hate to break this to you. Wikipedia is not an official source. Anyone can easily hack it.

However, in the interest of fairness, I will also quote this, from the same wiki:

False quote attribution

This quote **I'll tell you who should be tortured and killed at Guantanamo: every filthy Democrat in the U.S. Congress. [6/15/05] is most likely fake and made up. I noticed that this person also made a similar quote on Rush Limbaugh's page which is now being disputed as fake. I removed it for the reason because looking at the history the post appears here and was removed because the person who removed it stated Quote that I removed is false and made up by some malicious prankster.. However it was restored by the same person claiming (→Sourced: Restored quote removed by anonymous user. It is sourced, and he said it. You may not like it, but that doesn't give you the right to delete it.) as if he was a completely different person when he is one the same. ViriiK 21:00, 13 October 2009 (UTC)

Looks like some little liberal gremlins at work. Can't find anything real, so they make crap up. Point me to the OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT and I'll believe it.

I am not standing up for Hannity, I am standing up for truth. Show me the transcript and I'll happily acknowledge it.

Go to my blog and you'll notice a studied lack of this kind of crap. Some rightwingers do the same, trying to trash liberals by putting words in their mouths, and I don't believe it until they can prove it.

Sue said...

you should be able to read the Hannity and Colmes transcript on, right??

Silverfiddle said...

The Quote's a fake:

Even Grung_e_Gene admits it after he did some further research. Look in the comments section:

I urge everyone to do research like Gene. For this reason I do not read WND, Newsmax and other sensational rightwing sites. Most of what they say is just not credible, and the stuff that is is spun so hard it warps reality.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Silverfiddle, you're trying to discredit Sue's entire post by discrediting this one quote. Read the transcript where Hannity discusses the "explosive" documentary - it's chock full of lies. Good for you for not believing WND and Newsmax though.

Silverfiddle said...

So do you admit the quote is false?

If so, good for you.

Now, about the transcript. It's all true, and verifiably so. Of course, you can argue with his conclusions, but he uses facts to make his case.

Are you really so naive as to believe that only republicans are in bed with big business?

I don't question your sincerity, but I think you should definitely question your politicians.

Having said all of this, using a false quote does call ones credibility into question, and therefore causes ones arguments to be called into question.

You wouldn't believe the juicy things I refrain from saying just because I can't prove it.

Sue said...

SF, the Hannity quote in Genes post is not even the same quote you are questioning here!

Silverfiddle said...

You still haven't provided a verifiable source. Look at the Wiki statement. You got caught ingesting media matters BS.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

SF, you may be right about the SH quote, but I think you need to recheck that link. The quote is NOT from Media Matters. Media Matters is a reputable organization that utilizes stringent fact-checking. I take offense at your impugning their reputation.