Friday, July 30, 2010

Nothing has changed, the GOP are still obstructing assholes!

This post was born out of my frustration with our mealy mouthed Democrats not forcefully speaking out, but I'm editing to add this.....

WASHINGTON — A bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to people sickened by World Trade Center dust fell short in the House on Thursday, raising the possibility that the bulk of compensation for the ill will come from a legal settlement hammered out in the federal courts.

The bill would have provided free health care and compensation payments to 9/11 rescue and recovery workers who fell ill after working in the trade center ruins.

House Republicans late Thursday were able to corral enough votes to defeat the bill.

Anthony Weiner goes ballistic....

and this...

Republicans blocked a bill Thursday that would have opened up lending for small businesses. The fund would have been available to community banks with less than 10 billion in assets to help with lending and also it would have provided 12 billion in small business tax breaks. But of course its political games playing as usual. Republicans are saying the bill is too much like the huge bailout of the financial industry. What a joke! The Dems are saying the banks should be able to use the lending fund to leverage up to 300 billion in loans which will help loosen the tight credit markets. But NO, these idiots in Washington care more about their standing in the polls and what they THINK voters want them to do, in the meantime Americans must suffer more.....

Democrats had wanted to pass the bill before Congress leaves town for summer vacation, but that won't happen with the House scheduled to adjourn Friday. The Senate is in session for another week, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said there would be no more votes until Monday. Crybaby Mitch McConnell said Dems were blocking GOP amendments and Reid said the GOP demands kept changing. Changing to slow things down is more like it. The usual obstructing to hurt democrats but in the end they are hurting the country. Do they care? Hell NO! The back and forth childs play is sickening!

Now back to my original posting. This is what I want to see more of from our elected leaders. I want to see fighting for us, not fighting between them!

One of the greatest voices in Americas history. I believe this was from '07, Senator Ted Kennedy bellowing on the Senate floor. We have no voice today like the voice of Ted Kennedy, we don't seem to have the passion and determination in the party like we did back then. If you want to get fired up and fight the obstructing do nothing republican party then listen to this video. Damn, I miss this man so much...

I found this comment while reading the news stories last night. I loved what this woman said...

"The entire country is being played with, just like a cat with a mouse, by the republicans and the corporate sponsors.

It's a mean little game for them, to show the country "who is boss." They want nothing to be gained by this administration so that history will reflect an ineffective administration, and they will destroy people's lives in order to attain their goal.

The United States will soon become an evil empire thanks to the ill-informed people who believe that the republicans have any regard for the people in Middle America."


TOM said...

Again, the Republicans are playing the game; that if Obama appears to not be able to get anything done, that will help Republicans at the voting booth.
No matter what they block, is actuall what they claim they are for, like helping small business.
We need some screaming from the Democrats, to Democrats. Wellstone was great at screaming at his fellow Senators.

Teeluck said...

This is a really great post Sue. I loved the videos...stole them don'tcha know :) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

There is a court settlement, so at least these heroic people are not left with nothing
CBS says:
The compensation system set up by the court would make payments ranging from $3,250 for people who aren't sick but worry they could fall ill in the future to as much as $1.5 million to the families of people who have died. Nonsmokers disabled by severe asthma might get between $800,000 and $1 million.

Anonymous said...

There is a court settlement, so at least these heros are not abandoned

CBS news
The compensation system set up by the court would make payments ranging from $3,250 for people who aren't sick but worry they could fall ill in the future to as much as $1.5 million to the families of people who have died. Nonsmokers disabled by severe asthma might get between $800,000 and $1 million.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

A little more on the 9/11 compensation bill, which would allocate $7.4 billion primarily (but not exclusively) to the responders to the attacks and those involved in the cleanup.

Many Republicans voted against the bill because of the cost, but there was enough Republican crossover votes to get it passed in a straight "up and down vote" in the House. However, certain Republicans wanted to attach amendments to the bill, one of which was no compensation to any undocumented aliens who might be ill from the effects of the WTC attacks. The Dems said "no" to that procedural move, and demanded a two-thirds majority vote in the House which effectively denied passage this time. Peter King, a GOP co-sponsor of the bill (working with Dem Jerry Nadler) pointed a finger at the Democrats and called them cowards.

That's when Anthony Weiner went ballistic and shot back at King and the Republicans.

To be fair, King and other New York Republicans have been pushing this bill with Democratic co-sponsors for years, but with little help from his fellow Republicans.

The bottom line is both sides were playing politics on this while more people are getting sick, exhausting their bank accounts on medical bills, and some are dying.

Too many cameras to play for and sound bytes to be had, and way too many fingers to point.

Just get the bill passed...we're talking about peoples lives, people who responded to a national tragedy while the rest of us watched on TV.

TomCat said...

If Harry Reid ever tears into them like that, please attend my funeral.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Who'd ever thunk a guy named Wiener would be the one with the balls to attack these obstructionist asshole republicans on our behalf?

I guess with a name like Wiener you better be tough.

Teeluck said...

Ha Ha ha, Peter King is a pussy! He needed a BIG Wiener...Weiner...a big mess of BALLS shoved down his throat! to shut his Repuglicker ass up!! Anthony is right, it is a shame that the First Responders...who are sick! it is shameful that they are made to suffer for Repuglicker trickery. Anthony said maybe the Brooklyn came out of

Kentucky Rain said...

The president gave a great speech today at a Chrysler plant in Detroit. He called out the Righties in no uncertain terms.

Lisa said...

Who's playing games here? The democrats have the votes to pass anything they want. Until wee still what other crap they added to this bill I can't debate it. They passed health care and Financial reform by deceitful means so if they really wanted to pass this they would. They just want to be able to say nah,nah it's all the republicans fault.
The biggest anti-business president is all of a sudden pro small business. If he was he wouldn't be cash strapping them with unforeseen taxes and regulation.
Again we know who plays this game of politics the best.

Sue said...

thanks guys, Weiner is great isn't he! He explained it on Ed Schultz, the outburst and why he was so fuming mad. The GOP are playing games with the people, no doubt about it.

I'm having a huge mental block right now, I can't think of a thing to say except how much I appreciate you all reading my blog and commenting!

Sue said...

you can see the video of Weiner explaining why he was so angry here at Hughs...

It was on Hardball, not Ed Schultz!

Shaw Kenawe said...

If the Dems don't come together we'll have these obstructionists running the government and issuing subpoenas on the president.

If you think things are bad now, wait til that happens.

TOM said...

I love reading your blog. You tell it like I wish some Democrats would tell it.

Sue said...

Shaw that is true but more and more I'm believing the dems are gonna hold the House because the right keeps talking and as long as they talk the voters can see the difference in the parties. I don't think they want to go back to the days of rethug rule, the same ole same ole stupid governing that got us where we are today. The only answers the GOP have and have ever had are cut taxes.

Sue said...

Tom that is such a huge compliment, you make my day! I appreciate that AND your friendship!

magpie said...

Anthony Weiner's anger was profoundly impressive.

Flying Junior said...

Don't forget that earlier this year, republicans blocked Obama's plan to reduce payroll taxes on jobs created and salaries increased by small businesses. The perfect marriage of targeted tax cuts and job creation.

The little person is expendable. Even if he/she makes a convenient propaganda talking point. Indisputable proof. Rush tipped his hand the first morning Obama was in office.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Lisa suggests that this is an example of the Democrats playing politics???!! How ridiculous. Quite clearly he Republicans are playing politics. As Anthony Weiner said, vote yes or vote no because you agree or because you disagree, but enough with the BS about voting no for procedural reasons.

The Republicans wanted to add on unrelated amendments. I heard that an amendment they wanted to add was a permanent repeal of the estate tax... I did not hear about any amendment prohibiting illegal aliens from receiving assistance for health related problems due to their being 9/11 responders... are there any???

What's going on here is obvious to all except the most blindly partisan brainwashed Conservatives. The Republican's behavior is inexcusable. They should LOSE seats in November, not gain any!

Sue said...

this just found...

Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich warned Thursday that President Obama and congressional Democrats appear to be on the verge of repeating the same mistakes that aggravated the Great Depression, adding that letting the Bush tax cuts expire would prove "very dangerous" for the nation's economy.

Gingrich sounded the alarm that raising taxes could cause serious damage to the economic recovery.

"If we have large tax increases in January," Gingrich said "this economy will sink deeper into recession. There will be higher unemployment. The recovery will be longer.

What I don't get from the asshole comments like this is why is there no hiring now with the tax cuts in place???? Why would the tax cuts expiring cause a meltdown and a jump in unemployment if the tax breaks the rich are getting HAS NOT WORKED in the first place?? It makes no sense!

TOM said...


And they have had decades to prove their economic plan. It has failed! Why try it for the third time? It has already put us 13 trillion in debt.

Sue said...

holy shit Tom, I think we're smarter than all of the GOP!!

Les Carpenter said...

"Nothing Has Changed, The GOP Are Still Obstructing Assholes!"

Would that be like in Democrats?

It's all a game. Right now no matter which "side" wins America is likely to lose.

2010... A good dustin and cleanin is in order. Get rid of those Republicrats and Demicons alike. Start anew.

2012... The Tsunami FINISHES THE JOB. Obamaites flee DC to safe haven in Chicago.

And then,just maybe this nation may have a fighting chance.

There is always hope.

Ron Paul 2012!!

TOM said...

RN is dreaming again.
Right, America will not vote for any Democrat, or Republican in 2010, or 2012.
Got any realistic ideas?
No, Democrats are not like Republicans. Democrats have not put this country in bankruptcy with their fiscal policies.

Les Carpenter said...
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Les Carpenter said...
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Les Carpenter said...
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Les Carpenter said...
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Les Carpenter said...

Yeah I guess I do Tom. Here's a few for you. Keep your head in the sand, keep voting the most progressive collectivist politicians you can find, keep handing over more power to the federal government so you have less control of your life, ask Leviathan to increase your taxes, make sure that the feds spend as much as they can on every conceivable and emotion filled issue, and If I have left anything out just fill in the blanks.

I get it about Bush being perhaps one of the worst chief executives until Obama. And "When The Lights Go Out In Georgia" because of the COMBINED excesses of our past and current administration first I'll curse GWB and then I'll curse BHO.

In the meantime have a great party drinking the koolaid. Whether it be Republicrats or Demicans the end result seems to look pretty much the same. Because the over riding concern is to gain and then maintain power. Power to control the individual. Power to invest in the crushing machinations of governemnt.

Yeah and I get it about greedy corporations and executive management. Been there and done that. I am sickened by corporations rushing to the subsidy trough for their corporate handouts. I am just as sick of the politicians and the government that readily and willingly are there to accommodate them.

I could go on and on. But for what purpose. Idiots on the progressive collectivist left chose to play the class warfare to the hilt. Most, like yourself, are so blinded by their hate for conservatives that your mission is to destroy our borders, our language, and our culture in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.

Les Carpenter said...

The left is the most divisive element in our society. It find's more ways to classify and categorize people, and all for the purpose of dividing and controlling. Rather than unify, the left knock's themselves out to divide. In so doing control and enslaving people to the Leviathan government that promises everything while strangling the life from what was once a vibrant nation.

Yeah both sides are guilty. One is just more guilty than the other. When viewed over a historical 100 plus year history.

Thanks for the time.

Good Day Sir.

PS: When I get around to reviewing your last comment at RN USA I will likely release it with the appropriate response.

Hint: Your assumptions with respect to my religious tendencies are as far off the mark as one could get.

Remember; I am a student and Rand's philosophy and find myself in agreement with Objectivism.

And now you may begin the feeding frenzy.

TOM said...

I made no assumptions about your religious beliefs. You lie.
You are a cultist, that blindly regurgitates republican talking points.
I am not a progressive collectivist, so again, you lie.
You are stuck on Rand. She is your delusion, your God-that's not a religious assumption, it's your words.
Everyone is wrong, but you. Seek professional help.
Your a jerk who rants and insults people just because they gave their opinion. Well I can play that also. You went out of your way to do it to me, and I have seen you do it to others.
I guess you can dish it out, but you can not take it. Another characteristic of an unstable mind.

Les Carpenter said...

Tom - I thank you for once again pointing out your own lack of intellectual clarity, and unstable character.

You are what you are. And you are the one who has trouble dicerning fact from fiction.

Anti intellectual progressive colectivists such as yourself all view Rand as a cult figure. To be expected from those who live in an intelectual vacuum.

You live by your emotions, a very unstable source of guidance. you lack the capacity, like most progressives to entertain any thought outside of your own rose colored selective reality.

And to top it off, the ease with which you so readily call those you disagree with names only points to your own insecurities and instabilities.

Need a recomendation to a good shrink? Call ObamaCare.

Have a Good Day.

TOM said...

Your 5the one who started the name calling. As I pointed out in my post, to get respect, you need to show respect. You never have to me. As I also pointed out in my post FUCK that. As I also pointed out in my post, why not come to my blog? Why post this attack on Sue's blog? Chicken shit liar. Go put head back in Rand's ass, cultist.

Les Carpenter said...

Tom said - "As I pointed out in my post, to get respect, you need to show respect. You never have to me."

The reversal of your words direction hold truth.

Tom said - "Chicken shit liar. Go put head back in Rand's ass, cultist."

Feel better vulgar one?

Truth is obvious only to those with an open and objective mind. Keep trying Tom.

TOM said...

You are such a chicken shit to carry this on at Sue's blog. What an Ahole, only proving my point about you.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - In response to your recent comment on Tom's site.

Conservaties stop discussing issues with (rational) progressives because... When continuing to continue to do so it becomes obvious that ultimately only a stalemate will result.

Continuing to attempt rational discussion with emotionally unhinged idividuals is the definition of insanity. So therefore we (I) move on.

The unhinged emotionally unstable progressive is among the most dangerous individual ever unleashed on civilized society.

Thanks for giving me the space to respond to your comment.