I found this on a rightwingers blog.....
Black Panthers- Have they been empowered?
The following video was aired today and its a calling by the Black Panthers for A RUMBLE WITH THE TEA PARTY, GLENN BECK AND ALL RIGHT OF CENTER PEOPLE ON AUGEST 27th AT THE NATIONAL MALL.
All right of center Americans: Be prepared to defend yourselves!
Is Eric Holder and Barack Obama emboldening, empowering, authorizing SOME in the African American community, or better yet the Black Panthers to have free rein over the law without repercussion? Without justice being served?
What is the next step?
If Obama looses his re-election bid in 2012 will there be trouble upon the nation in the form of backlash from some African Americans? Or worst yet, a rein of terror by this new Black Panthers?
I would be very vigilant on this situation over the course of the next 28 month!
This is not only fearmongering but actually very funny! Are teabagger type rightwingers scared of the big, bad, black man?? Rein of terror on the horizon? Don't they WISH!!
Malik Zulu Shabazz says Fox News is trying to stir up racial fears and lying to the public. He tells Russian viewers that Fox News’ viewers are whites and “Confederates”. When whites say they want to “take their country back, we interpret that as meaning take our country back from this black man”.
Shabezz also challenged “Right-wingers” and the tea-party: “We’re ready to rumble”
Russia Today reported:
Members of the New Black Panther Party had allegedly intimidated voters who looked as if they may not vote for now US President Barack Obama, FOX News has been extensively covering the story.
Allegedly members of the New Black Panther Party positioned themselves outside of a polling station in Philadelphia with the intent to intimidate voters as they arrived to cast their votes during the 2008 presidential election.
“I have been predicting that the attack would increase as we go into the elections, because this whole so called voter intimidation controversy is just a tool by the Republicans,” said Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, the chairman of the New Black Panther Party.
Shabazz said he expects the attacks to increase and he expects to see ads featuring the New Black Panther Party as well as new allegations against them.
“They [Fox News] have no intention on being, as they say, fair and balanced. They want to paint us as extremists and they don’t want the truth to come out because they have political purposes,” said Shabazz.
He continued, later adding that “this is just part of the right wing paranoia in playing on racial fears, unfounded racial fears in every way. I say Fox News should be ashamed of themselves. We used to be on Fox for years, but now they won’t call us, but they like to talk about us but they are afraid to talk to me and us
Okay so what are the righties REALLY afraid of?? Teabaggers can go to rallies with guns strapped to their legs, they can intimidate disabled people in wheelchairs, they can call for the heads of our president and our elected democratic leaders, they can form militias and threaten our government with violence, and these are white Americans! If there is violence it will most likely be started by the white supremacist religious fanatical militias,they are the groups who have been inciting violence since the election of Barack Obama, not the Black Panthers.
Scenes like this are why whites fear blacks and call them violent.....
Oakland, California (CNN) -- Police arrested dozens of people in downtown Oakland, California, Thursday night after hundreds protested the verdict in the trial of a white former police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man, Oakland police officials told CNN.
But take the time to understand why blacks took to the streets in California. A black man was shot while he was laying on the floor, unarmed, by a white policeman. Do I think it was cold blooded murder? YES, I do. Do I understand the black mans rage, Yes I do....
Do I think the blacks will rise up in violence against the whites?? Absolutely not......
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Proving once again that people on the extreme right are paranoid and racist.
Leslie I was just about to leave a comment here explaining this post more clearly because NO comments so far!
Who is talking about the Black Panthers? Fox and rightwing blogs. WHY? Because it's an election year and the rightwingers win by fear. This time they have fear AND the black boogey man in the White House!
It's ok for WHITE militias to terrorize America but when blacks do it they are calling it WAR.
I am not defending Black Panthers, just pointing out the hysteria and hypocrisy from the right. Fox is sensationalizing the story to rile their base and put the black race in a scary light.
Alot of rightwing blogs are talking about the Panthers but you will not see them saying anything negative about rightwing domestic terrorism, they embrace it because of Barack Obama.
Shortly after President Obama was elected the National Security Agency stated they expected (and were watching) for white hate groups to become more vocal and violent.
Seems logical that blacks would be encouraged to become more vocal, after the election of the first black President, but thoses blacks would not be violent anti-white groups.
Was Shabazz eating crackers during the interview?
Part of the battle plan of some of those on Far Right is to create a controversy, or even a conflict.
If you have a minute click here for a post on my blog from an anonymous poster who had to make a comment about Malik Zulu Shabazz.
What makes it curious to me is that the guy posted this comment yesterday (July 9) on an entree about John Lewis getting roughed up by Tea Baggers in DC, dated March 20th!. That was about 100 blog entries ago.
I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but this "out of the blue" comment was no coincidence.
SF: Sounds pretty articulate to me, which is more than can be said of Beck and Palin. Sometimes I wonder of a person works at being an ass or if it just comes naturally.
Off-topic but relevant. On your blog banner you observe:
I will shock you by agreeing with you.
A party too stupid to learn from past mistakes is a party that will stumble into more of the same. George Bush was a free-spending progressive (expansion of dept of education, new medicare benefits, more government intrusion in the lives of private citizens, expansion of government powers)
This is why the GOP establishment itself is just not relevant. Good people like Chris Christie are forging a new path and hopefully the GOP establishment catches up.
conservatives and libertarians and tea partiers sure don't forget Bush existed. We may like him personally, but his policies were a failure.
tnlib: We're finding out that it takes more than just being "clean and articulate..."
Every Republican President (yes that includes Ronnie) has added multi-trillion dollars to the national debt. Cut taxes, but did not cut spending. You should try and forget all of them, because History will not be kind to any of them.
You just described every president, with the exception of Clinton, since Andrew Jackson.
hey guys thanks for the comments, even tho they are a little off subject talking about taxes. I was nervous about this post and when I woke to NO comments I said ut oh, I've done it this time!
Hugh I looked at that comment and its dated March 20, am I seeing things or are you?? LOL
SF, you said...
A party too stupid to learn from past mistakes is a party that will stumble into more of the same.
This is why the country should stay on the path it's on now and not go back to republican majority, agree??
SF....just for the record.
Chris Christie is not a good person. He's a scofflaw who used his clout as a US attorney to getaway with driving an uninsured vehicle (with his kids in the car), and later flashed his US attorney's ID to get off from another ticket for driving one way in a busy urban area. just plain folks would have been in traffic court at the very least, and been paying big$$$ in insurance surcharges.
When students in several schools staged a walkout last spring and reporters wanted to question him on the subject, Christie's handlers made sure all doors were locked until he made a getaway. Ask John Slattery of WCBS of his treatment of the press. Christie's "town halls" are a joke, consisting mainly of the local GOP faithful ready to shout down any dissenting opinions, with special venom thrown at public employees who question his policies.
Let me continue....he's a "my way or the highway" bully who has no respect for opposing points of view, who stabbed cops and firefighters in the back after many locals supported him.
Chris Christie is Jersey's version of The Kingfish, Huey Long. Try living with the fat windbag on the tube everyday, you'll see what I mean.
Have a nice day!
Sue- no, the comment was dated July 9, 2010 8:00PM. The posting date is at the bottom of the comment, not at the top.
I'm starting to wonder if it was a mass posting to certain sites with a sensitivity to particular tags.
Hugh thanks for clearing up the misconceptions righties have for Chris Christie. Have you noticed the wingnuts are Praising Christies bullying and think he would make a great president! LOL. Yea they definitely need to walk a day in our shoes. We shall see if the bully can work his magic, let's start with property taxes.
Ok, that means your anon commenter was going thru your archives and felt the need to be heard. Maybe it was lisa....:-)
Sorry, not every President since Andrew Jackson has added multi-trillion dollars to the debt. In fact only a few Presidents have such honor-Reagan, Bush, and Bush.
> his high school, Thornton-Donovan School, and then graduated
> from Columbia University in 1983 as a Political Science
> major in the same class that Barack Hussein Obama was
> supposed to have been in.
> Some Other Interesting Questions...
> Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002? Why was
> Michelle's law license inactivated by Court Order?
> It is circulating that according to the U.S. Census, there
> is only one Barack Obama but 27 Social Security numbers and
> over 80 aliases. The Social Security number he uses now
> originated in Connecticut where he is never reported to have
> lived.
> No wonder all his records are sealed!
lisa I will leave up your comment as proof of your IGNORANCE!!!
Looks like someone is reading and quoting Orly Taitz....anyone who quotes her and uses what she claims as truth is in deep trouble.
I remember on election day when this happened... there were exactly 2... count them 2 people at the polling place and only one, that is 1 had a "weapon" and it was a night stick.. yes it could inflict harm... but he wasn't using it in any kind of threatening way... and they were only asked to leave as I remember...
Annette it's amazing people in this country actually believe that shit lisa spews. AMAZING!!!
In my opinion the black man has always been submissive to the white man, therefore I can not see any uprising by blacks against whites. I just don't see it, and the fearmongering is disgusting.
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