Wednesday, July 7, 2010

President Obama and a second term?

Tonight's Ed Schultz show had guest Jonathan Alter who wrote the book about President Obama's first year, The Promise. Ed asked Alter if he thought Obama looked run down and tired, and if he thought he would even want a second term. Alter said NO, he doesn't look tired and yes he absolutely will run again,  plus added this which is also in his book.....'Around Thanksgiving '09 Obama told an old friend, "Who would really want this job for more than one term? But I have to run now, otherwise it'll mean letting someone like Mitt Romney step in and get credit for the good stuff that happens after we've been through all this crap."....

Wow, if that ain't the truth of who the GOP is I don't know what is! This is what the right does, they destroy with such ignorant incompetence then the Democrats MUST clean up their crap. But this time I hope it's different, I hope the country lets Democrats prove they can fix the disasters caused by the right and their policies. I have said this before, it's a vicious cycle and we have nobody to blame but ourselves when we get so impatient as to actually go full circle bringing back the GOP whether they deserve it or not.

Obama also said this one year after his election, "I don't think think people fully appreciated the degree to which, prior to healthcare, we had twelve straight victories in a row...these are pieces of legislation that in any normal year would be considered huge accomplishments."

I'm proud of you Mr. President.....


Cirze said...

You and me both, Sue.

If I were a praying sort . . . .

Keep the faith!


But this time I hope it's different, I hope the country lets Democrats prove they can fix the disasters caused by the right and their policies. I have said this before, it's a vicious cycle and we have nobody to blame but ourselves when we get so impatient as to actually go full circle bringing back the GOP whether they deserve it or not.

Sue said...

Hi Suzan! Unlike the rightwing sickos, I'm praying for our country to heal and for our president to lead us. I will keep the faith, thanks!

Leslie Parsley said...

Who in the f wouldn't look tired after a year in the White House under normal circumstances? And the prez's have been anything but normal.

Sue said...

+you're right Les, just look at Obama's gray hair, he has been under tremendous pressure to succeed and that's just from his own party! The others, well they have savaged him mercilessly...

Jerry Critter said...

And the Democrats will really be able to claim victory (assuming there is one) because the republicans are doing everything they can to prevent it.

Sue said...

Isn't it sad Jerry, they hate America and want her to collapse.

TOM said...

What's sad is there are so many Americans who will vote Republican after what they have done and said. there is a sucker born every minute.

mommapolitico said...

You're right on the money with this one, Girl. Great post, well-stated. Good work!

Jolly Roger said...

Actually, in 2000 we have someone other than ourselves to blame. And in 2004, we quite likely had Blackwell to blame, although I do believe the moronic monkey got the most votes.

Anonymous said...

gag me

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The very thought of Mitt Romney winning the presidency makes me shudder; his decision making process is based entirely on which way the political winds are blowing (ie pro- choice to anti-choice, and then giving some confusing explanation for his flip-flop).

I will differ with you in this regard; Republicans don't HATE America. They only hate the following elements that help make up America- liberals, Democrats, labor unions, environmentalists, non-evangelical Christians, cafeteria Catholics, anyone who's name ends in a vowel and not named Guliani, African Americans without college degrees and making less than $100,000 a year, anyone wearing a turban, gays and lesbians (unless they're in the immediate family), Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and anyone at MSNBC, Tina Fey, and anyone who reads this blog.

This means YOU!

Oh....Barack? These are supposed to be comments about the Prez, heh?

Nice job....I'm voting for him in 2012, whether he decides to run or not.

Annette said...

I heard part of it and it made me sick so I turned it off... Tweety is pushing the same thing or was yesterday. I threw something at the TeeVee lol

Have you been watching the Ratigan show? Cenk Unger is guest hosting and he has been vilifying the President for being a conservative... Even did a comparison with St Ronnie and he determined that Obama was more conservative than the St was... To me that was just unbelievable.

He was more of less suggesting someone should run against the President... a "real progressive" as he said.

Sue said...

hey guys, I survived the heat yesterday! Even tho today is 92 it's VERY humid. So whats the difference between 100 and humid or 92 and VERY humid?? NOTHING!!

Tom it is sad rethugs will vote against a dem even if he's doing a superb job, probably all boils down to brown skin.....

mommaP thanks I appreciate the support!

that's true JR. Even tho Obama won by a good margin the right still calls him illegitimate. Guess it's that darn brown skin...

lisa fuck off

Hugh I love that Mitt Romney line from Obama. It's so true and I'm so glad he said it! I can't think of another thing to add to your thugs hate list, great job!

Annette I have been there too as you know, but when I come to my senses and think what a mess we would be in today if McCain won it makes my skin crawl! Obama absolutely does deserve a second term and if these wars end and the economy is back on track, he will win by a landslide. Who do the GOP think holds a candle to Obama, Romney?? NO, he's a Mormon it'll never happen. Palin?? NO she's a Moron it'll never happen...

Anonymous said...

Just wait till Cap and Trade and see if you still turn on that A/C but the extra money will cool the planet so you won't need A/C anyway.


Leslie Parsley said...

BTW, I think fuck-witch stopped off at my place yesterday, 3 different times and going by the name of Anonymous. So stupid to think we're so stupid. Her first comment was just one word but misspelled nonetheless: "Kumbya."

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I will be getting out my gloating sunglasses this Fall ehrn the repubs and their ignorant tea bagger candidates fail to get any seats back despite the midterm swoon for the party in charge.

I will dance with glee when Obama wins in a landslide over the republican in 2012.

Sure President Obama's pissed me off with the pace some things are going. I'm sick of the occupations and the limited scope the health insurance bill really has. Card check is still a pipe dream. I realize this is all at the feet of the obstructionist republicans though. Their sobs of despair this Fall and in 2012 will be sweet music to my ears.

Sue said...

Leslie this is how dumb lisa is...I get all the comments in my inbox so duh I know it's her when she first comments under lisa then deletes it and the next minute publishes the same exact comment under anonymous! LOL!

Truth I'll dance with ya! I hear ya, the pace has me frustrated too but look at the alternative if we don't stay focused and get dems elected and reelected!! If the dumb voters would just wise up to the rights obstructing!