Friday, July 16, 2010

okay, one at a time..

First up is TanMan Boehner. He is calling for a repeal of the finance reform bill yet to be signed by President Obama. Then today he is whining about a moratorium on the reform,"there should be a government moratoriumon on new regulations for a year with new regulations only coming if there is an emergency".
 He said the ban would send “a wonderful signal to the Private Sector that they're going to have some breathing room.”

 WTF did he just say??? This my friends is the rethug party in all its glory!

edit to add:   
65% said they wanted more regulation for the oil industry (versus 16% who want less); 57% want more regulation for Wall Street firms (compared with 15% who want less); 53% want more regulation for big corporations (versus 21% who want less); and 52% want more regulation for the health-care industry (compared with 27% who want less).

Boehner represents a disease that has infected American conservatism. The Republican Party-- and the Blue Dogs who vote with them-- don't recognize the legitimate role government plays in balancing the enormous power over us that wealthy corporations hold. That refusal to help ordinary families is the essence of today's GOP. And the idea of the Republicans gaining control of Congress and a man of John Boehner's miniscule stature becoming Speaker is just unthinkable.

Next we have Michelle Bachmann. She had a brainstorm of an idea, Rand Paul had the same idea but he has yet to be elected to implement it. Bachmann has filed the paperwork to start a House Tea Party Caucus! Doesn't that sound dandy? She wants to formalize the baggers movement within the federal government, this is her letter:

I would like to register the House Tea Party Caucus as a Congressional Member Organization for the 111th Congress. The House Tea Party Caucus will serve as an informal group of Members dedicated to promote American’s call for fiscal responsibility, adherence to the Constitution, and limited government. Presently, I will serve as the chair of the House Tea Party Caucus.

WTF did she just say??? 

 But I think Idiot of the Week has to go to Peter King. Yesterday while talking to radio host Bill Bennett he said the Republicans shouldn't lay out a complete agenda because then people would be able to scrutinize it and make it a campaign issue! What the Fuck???
For your amusement, some of the conversation.....

BENNETT: Is it enough for Republicans to say we are opposed to what [Obama's] doing — stimulus, health care, we don’t like what he’s doing with the government, and look at the job situation — or do we need to have meat on the bones? And say, this is what we are for? Do we have to have positive proposals? [...]
KING: So, It’s a combination of being against what Obama is for, and also giving certain specifics of what we are for. Having said that, I don’t think we have to lay out a complete agenda, from top to bottom, because then we would have the national mainstream media jumping on every point trying to make that a campaign issue.
And later in the interview, King offered a good example of why he probably shouldn’t be talking about policy. While saying that conservatives need to craft a “much more intelligent argument” to defend the Bush tax cuts, King argued that those tax cuts “saved our economy”:
KING: That’s where we have to make a much more intelligent argument and defend the Bush tax cuts. Because after all the years of the Bush tax cuts, after two wars, after September 11th, as of 2007, the deficit was down to $165 billion, which is almost chump change by today’s standard. No, the tax cuts is what saved our economy. People forget, they have this talk about how there was a $6.5 trillion surplus projected when President Bush come in. The fact is, he inherited a severe economic downturn — the third quarter of 2000, the first quarter of 2001, the economy was tanking. Then we had September 11th, then we did have two wars — both of which I’ve supported — and with all of that, the economy continued to add jobs, and by 2006, 2007 the deficit was being dramatically reduced.
King’s claim that the Bush tax cuts increased revenues reflects the “view of virtually every Republican on that subject,” according to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), but contradicts the facts and Bush’s own economic advisors, including former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan.

the choice is clear, do you want to move forward with democrats and Pres. Obama or do you want idiot- moron- stupid- asshole- wingnuts running the country? You decide....


TOM said...

Reportwers questioning a politicians stand on the issues, or what they plan to do? How anti-American.

Jerry Critter said...

I find Peter King's comments particularly interesting. I thought campaigns were supposed to be what each party was proposing to do. You know, their political agenda going forward.

The republicans do want to run on the issues. They want to make up shit and then try to roll the Dems in that shit, making them so stinky the only solution is to elect repugs.

Republican campaign slogan: Vote for us. We are not covered with made-up shit!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

In a 7/9/2010 article, David Sirota asks, "Are Low Taxes Exacerbating the Recession?"

I think the answer is irrefutably and resoundingly "yes". Republicans will never stop lying about how tax cuts help the economy. President Obama is correct that the Cons are still, "peddling that same snake oil that they've been peddling for years".

Sounds good, but I think he still isn't doing enough to eliminate the snake oil completely (or get rid of more of it). How about a return to pre-Reagan tax rates? Or a decrease in military spending? IMO we need to do something drastic to get back on track, or we may be heading for some serious trouble.

It may very well not be possible, however. Only a couple of months from now and Obama may be facing impeachment.

TomCat said...

Sue, that's far too much Teabuggery for one dose. ;-)

I forget which idiot said it, but the latest GOP whack-a-doodle-do along King's line is that the GOP has plenty of ideas. They just aren't saying what they are so Democrats can't launch propaganda attacks against them. Oh brother!

Sue said...

Thanks guys! Wow the thugs are on a roll, but I guess they want their roll to be a big secret! LOL. How can their followers vote if they don't know what they are voting for? Simple. Thug followers vote for thugs, message means diddly squat!

Anonymous said...

the left is so threatened by the tea party because they are exposing all the nuts in your party. The NAACP is showing it's desperation by using character assasinations.
No go out like good little leftisits and kill some cracker white babies.
Fannie and Freddy not only helped caused this disaster they were rewarded and not included in the bill and the 2 responsible for it wrote the bill.

Sue said...

lisa don't come here after watching FOX and spew stupidity!

Jerry Critter said...

Actually Fannie and Freddie are "...privately owned and operated by shareholders..."

Anonymous said...

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the only two Fortune 500 companies that are not required to inform the public about any financial difficulties that they may be having. In the event that there was some sort of financial collapse within either of these companies, U.S. taxpayers could be held responsible for hundreds of billions of dollars in outstanding debts. A recent investigation by the Justice Department and the SEC into the accounting practices at Freddie Mac revealed accounting errors in the amount of 4.5 to 4.7 billion dollars and resulted in the termination of three of the company's top executives. Ongoing investigations by Congress, particular the House Finance Services subcommittee that oversees the activity of GSEs, will determine the future role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the secondary mortgage market that they dominate

Leslie Parsley said...

I wonder what the SEC found when they investigated the Wall Street jerk-offs.