Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Will of the People.... Yes WE Have Spoken...Loud and Clear!

                                              NBC/WALL STREET JOURNAL 

81%  of Americans say TAX MILLIONAIRES

68% of Americans say ELIMINATE THE BUSH TAX CUTS

74% of Americans say CUT OIL/GAS TAX BREAKS

77% of Americans  support PUBLIC UNION BARGAINING

36% of those polled described themselves as conservative,  24% were liberals.

Republicans consistently spew the same 'ole same 'ole... "The American people sent us to Washington, we are doing the will of the people".  NO THEY ARE NOT! This poll shows the will of the people and it sure as hell ain't pointing RIGHT!! 


Jerry Critter said...

It is clear that the republicans are not doing the will of the people. Hell, they don't even do what they say they will do. They get away with it because too many people only listen to what they say and do not look at what they do.


Sue said...

Jerry, it's so easy to see, the GOP is going down because they don't give 2 fucks about the American working class.. I feel good about the protests around the country by liberals, for the first time in my life I can see a protruding backbone on those lefties! Our people are fired up!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've been saying all this stuff all along Sue.

I was done with my union after the shit it's hierarchy pulled on me but seeing all the union folk get out to protest this Working American hating jive turkey Scott Brown I'm getting the itch to get back involved.

God help that asshole if I do and the union elites get the fuck out of my way.

Ligtstar said...

I'm rooting for the republicans to keep this stuff up and they will go the way of the whigs. (We don't want those with short memories to forget on election day what the repubicn really are!) Then maybe we can get a party that is like the republcans of the 30's, 40's or 50's, when they knew certain things were good for the country and disagreed more about details than whole policies so this country can start moving forward again.

Brian said...

I agree with some but not all. I dont have a problem with taxing millionares but where I disagree is where th cap starts at(250,000) for married couples.

Generally speaking those making 250,000 could pay a higher % of tax depending on where they resided. However for those living in New Jersey, New York and other places where State and County Taxes are through the roof not to mention housing prices this could really hurt some financially.

As for the Bush tax cuts, I'm not sure if this is true but supposedly if the Bush Tax cuts were let to expire a couple with 2 kids making 50K a year would pay about 3K more in income tax.

Now here is a question for Sue and others who are alot smarter than I on the subject of Unions and collective bargaining. What is the impact if Unions can't collecitve bargain on Medical and Benefits?
The reason I ask is that I'm a Federal Employee who automatically belongs to the Union but dues are voluntary and we have no collective bargaining on medical and benefits. I don't understand where the problem lies. For the record I had no problem when Obama asked for a Pay freeze on Federal Employees pay.

I can understand and would be angry if all of a sudden my medical went up 6-8% and I had to contribute more to a retirement. For those making middle class income salaries that's a big chunk of change right off the bat.

It could be that since I'm shielded for the most part of huge medical increases that I just dont fully get what the average worker goes through.

I'm retired Navy so my medical is very low and the only way my premiums can go up is by Congress hiking up Tricare premiums.

Brian said...

As far as the polls showing Republicans are not doing the will of the people. Let's be fair and say neither do or have the Democrats.

okjimm said...

But but but... the corporate tax rate is TOO HIGH... MN Governor said so.....

Jefferson's Guardian said...

If you've read The Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein, you'll probably recognize the shenanigans of Scott Walker and his Republican cronies as typical market fundamentalism attempting to profit during a crisis. Ms. Klein calls these "...raids on the public sphere in the wake of catastrophic events [i.e. budget deficit], combined with the treatment of disasters as exciting market opportunities, "disaster capitalism."

This same behavior is reminiscent of what occurred after the Iraqi invasion and occupation, New Orleans after Katrina, and even earlier during the Soviet Union's collapse, and earlier still, when the United States propped-up Pinochet after the economic collapse in Chile in 1973.

Disaster Capitalism -- hoping to come to a town near you...

magpie said...

In reference to and support of the above comment regarding Klein and the shock doctrine here is an interview with her about Wisconsin:

Dave Dubya said...

When the GOP says "the people", they mean only the corporations that are "persons", millionaires and billionaires, of course.

okjimm said...

Wow... magpie.... GREAT link.....