Monday, January 31, 2011

Here they come, the most unpatriotic, most dispicable.....and they call themselves Patriots!

The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth.

Look for websites like this one to ramp up the birther rhetoric in the next year.
This is the sure-fire way to keep Obama's name off the 2012 ballots!
Keep working patriots! Urge your state to do the same! Now is the time!

 "In the event we cannot remove the usurper from the current term, don't you think it is vital that we do everything in our power to keep him from running in 2012? God forbid we have to suffer through another year of 'campaign' speeches of hopey changy blah blah blah!

Yes he is sinking his own ship. However we must ensure his ship is destroyed with no hope of floating back to the surface. Take a lesson from the left, don't just promote your own candidates, destroy your opponent as well (legally)! In this case, we absolutely, positively must ensure that Obama won't even be our opponent, meaning, he won't run in 2012 (and ever after)!

To make sure that he won't run, we broadcast the truth that he is constitutionally ineligible. We make sure that his name will not be on the 2012 ballot even if he has the audacity to run again!

No matter what, Odevil will still have blind supporters in 2012. He still has gigantic war-chests, millions of bought voters (unless we manage to remove him prior), rigged voting machines and ACORN/labor union election fraudsters and Soros hand-picked SOS etc etc. If his name gets on the 2012 ballot, we will face a very difficult battle.
we better be armed to our teeth to keep his name off the 2012 ballot: (never too early to plot on this!)
  1. educate voters, especially the Independents, that Obama is ineligible (seek help from (Globe?) to broadcast his lack of proof of US birth and his 'born a British' status etc.)
  2. help/demand individual states to enact 'proof of constitutional eligibility for presidential candidates' legislation.
  3. Make sure Congress passes the 'proof of citizenship' bill.
  4. line up at DNC to demand proof of his constitutional eligibility before they can send the 'certification of nomination' to the states.
  5. line up at every state's election office to demand same proof before his name can appear on the ballot.
  6. Have rallies/marches to demand Obama show his constitutional eligibility (will the Tea Party and other group leaders agree to do this? If they don't, is it because they want another 4 years of Obama!?)...............
You get the idea.
So you see how vitally important it is to make sure people know Obama is ineligible so that they won't be deceived again? Removing him is the goal, but keeping his name off the 2012 is just as important!
If you have other better ideas to keep obama's name off the 2012 ballot, please share with us.

If we want our own candidates elected, we must plan our strategy carefully and cover all bases. It is not enough to trumpet our own candidates, we must also destroy our opponents (legally and civilly), especially odevil, and  Hillary."

 Sounds like Tha Malcontent, huh?

Call me a partisan, call me an Obama-lover, I don't care....But when I read disgusting crap like this it makes my skin crawl. I have a hard time believing we have Americans with so much HATE for our POTUS. As we watch what is going on in Egypt it's so amazing our citizens can not put aside their partisan hate and stand proud of our country and what she stands for, which means respect the office of the president and our elected leader, President Barack Hussein Obama.


Leslie Parsley said...

#1. They aren't "real" Americans. #2. Nobody with a half grain of sense pays any attention to them.
#3. Why do you waste your time reading their ass-hat shit?

Jolly Roger said...

The afterbirthers will never accept a damn n____r in the WHITE House, any more than they were ready to accept a Catholic. Just having brown eyes probably makes one ineligible.

However, you can be the off-product of sibling breeding (like Michele and Mama Grifter,) and they'll accept you with open arms. The rules of the trailer park are something to behold.

Sue said...

These idiots are real and have no intentions of giving up their fight to destroy Obama or just have him removed from the ballot next year. These people who read stuff like World Net Daily are mobilizing and recruiting. Look what they did last year. They are fueled by hate and will not stop.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The people who write and publish that stuff are slimy political opportunists and hate mongers.

And the people that believe it....and I'm sorry, there's no way to sugar coat this....well, they're just stupid.

I wonder how many of these "patriots" consider themselves God fearing, righteous Christians? I guess they've forgotten that one commandment about "false witness".

Anyway....the President should tell these critics that he'll produce any and all requested documents ONE MORE TIME....on one condition.

Sarah Palin must produce her college degree first.

Anonymous said...

The afterbirthers will never accept a damn n____r in the WHITE House, any more than they were ready to accept a Catholic.

they would accept Alan West. Oh that's right he's not a n----r,he's an Uncle Tom.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You're not at all being partisan on this one, Sue. Anybody who thinks that the President of the United States isn't a natural born U.S. citizen truly IS insane.......I mean, think about it, not even Ann Coulter is buying this crap......Must be something in the H2O down in Arizona.

Mordechai said...

The around 12-15% of the US population who really buy into the insanity of the patriot/birther movement are for the most part people who reject science, reality and any possibility they or their "good book" could be wrong.

They believe in American Exceptionalism, circa 1955 or the unreal world Ronald Reagan believed in when he confused his Hollywood script world for the real history of the mass middle class and poor in America.

They now believe in a past that never existed and are fighting for a future that has no possibility to exist.

They are in for a very rude awakening when the real effects of AGW and peak oil hit home, and NOTHING can be done about it. They will be 10X as dangerous as they are now because since nothing will work they will begin to believe in the more extreme suggestions of Palin, Beck and Angle are the only way to return America to a place it never was.

If President Obama wins a second term in 2012, they will become more angry and will double down in the vitriol and hate but except for postings like this, and unfortunately violence have no way to really deal with the insanity they have decided to live in.

By 2016, peak oil and AGW will be beyond denial with a near ice free arctic by 2016 and price of oil and it's products above the 2008 high The effects that this will present at that time could derail the entire country with those people being the most dangerous.

An old chinese proverb/curse is

May you live in interesting times,

Which is certainly what we have today, and the times are only going to get more interesting, unfortunately.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It's racism. No other president has had to produce a birth certificate.

But the first bi-racial president who HAS produced his birth certificate and has met all the requirements for eligibility set out in the Constitution, is not believed.

It's racism.

And Arizona? Would anyone seriously set foot in that state unless it was absolutely necessary?

This country has so many more interesting and SANE places to visit, why waste money and time in a state overrun with crazies?

Sue said...

so true Shaw. We have a bi-racial, intelligent (righties aren't used to intelligent, they don't know how to react to intelligent people)man with an odd name and they go berserk. They are overwhelmed with fear of the black man and their reaction is to have him removed with any means possible. They will not back down, they will not give up, they are INSANE. Hate can do that to people.

Pamela Zydel said...

According to this, it’s not just Arizona, there are 10 states on this ridiculous bandwagon, although Arizona seems to have the “most advance plan”.

Reading their “mission”, I think it sounds like they are afraid of losing in 2012 and would rather have Obama kicked off the ballot rather than have him campaign against a Republican candidate.

My question is this: Once this is “handled” and Obama is found to be a LEGAL citizen, what are they going to hunt for next? His parents’ marriage license so they can prove he’s a bastard?

I’ll tell you, I’m about sick of this behavior. I have no problem with disagreeing with any public official on substantial issues, but this crap is just STUPID and a total waste of time.

okjimm said...

yupperz....Racism is alive and well in Amerika.....
The only thing that would piss these people off more is if Obama was a A Gay Black Vegetarian Jew.

Sue said...

Pam I think the whole birther story has been handled and Obama found to be a legal citizen, but these insane groups will not believe any of it because they just refuse to.

okjimm that is just plain funny!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

I find the leadership of the GOP deplorable on this issue.

All it would take is a few words from Boehner or McConnell, saying unequivocally that Mr. Obama is a natural born citizen and the birthers who keep the controversy alive are doing a diservice to America.

But the sad fact is that the birther controversy is good for the GOP, because it casts aspersions on Mr. Obama's legitimacy, and anything that delegitimizes the opposition is good for the GOP.

This is not the way this country used to be.

The opposition doesn't want to just vote their rivals out of office, they now want to destroy them.

Leslie Parsley said...

okji: LOL! Rich.

The GOP "leadership" is using exactly the same kind of tactic the Klan leadership used/uses. They "appear" to keep a distance from all the riff-raff when, in fact, they are working overtime behind the scenes to stir up the masses. The sad thing is that the masses are too dumb to see that they are being used and that as soon as they are no longer useful, they will be dropped like hot cakes. I could almost feel sorry for them. They are gullible, paranoid and deluded -- but very dangerous as is all ignorance..

kid said...

Two quick points,

1) THERES IS NO ACORN, BREITBART SMEARED THEM, REMEMBER. They never got a billion dollars from the government. They didn't rig votes like J.Kenneth Blackwell did in Ohio, Heck they didn't rig one vote.

2)... "we better be armed to our teeth". Is this Egypt where you need guns in a voting booth? If racist Republiklans need 2nd Admendment solutions, then so do others. Do you really want America to look like Egypt? How many more little white girls born on 9/11 do the Tea Party have to kill just because they hate Blacks?

Sue said...

hey kid, thanks

btw, trolling Lisa gets around doesn't she!

TomCat said...

I'm unhappy with Obama for several reasons, but when I express them, I give real documented facts, not fantasies like these. And with all that reason's I'm unhappy with him, I thank God we have Obama/Biden, not McConJob/Mooseolini.

Sue said...

ya know devine, I didn't go to your blog and leave smart ass comments to you, I did not call you names either, I don't even know you. I went to your blog and see from your list some of my old friends from the nice and sunny side of blogland. I suggest you stay over there away from the likes of lisa the troll, because you have no idea what she is and what you are getting yourself into with her group of fake friends!

Sue said...

You got that right TC!!

Lisa said...

Sue just because someone doesn't walk in lock step with the president doesn't give you the right to call them "fake".

Shaw Kenawe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa said...
Sue just because someone doesn't walk in lock step with the president doesn't give you the right to call them "fake".

Seriously, Lisa?

You have the ovaries to come here and make that puling statement when on your blog you have a post implying that liberalism is a mental disorder?

C'mon Lisa. When you come to Sue's to attack her at least try to have some self-awareness of your own hypocrisy.


PS. Do you mean by "mental disorder" something like Downs Syndrome by any chance? That is a mental disorder.

Do you mean to imply that being a Liberal is like being afflicted with Downs Syndrome?

Jolly Roger said...

The afterbirthers will never accept a damn n____r in the WHITE House, any more than they were ready to accept a Catholic.

they would accept Alan West. Oh that's right he's not a n----r,he's an Uncle Tom.

HAHAHAHA.... you got me. I agree. I'm sure they'd cozy right up to Alan Keyes too :)

Anonymous said...

We don't hate the man. We hate what he stands for. There's a difference.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell us why you love him so much? Because I'd really like to hear.

Flying Junior said...

We don't hate the man...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course not. Mustn't be the tiniest semblance of racism. I know. It's just his socialist agenda. Hitler was a socialist. I get it now. Sort of a business-friendly commie sociopath president. He's a damn good president! I can't understand how anyone could hate him. FOX news addicts. I actually heard some reporter on FOX speaking of the turmoil in Egypt saying that, "Obama is a president who can't handle a crisis." What's the point of that? Might as well hate FDR in 1941.

The minute Sarah Palin opened her mouth at the republican national convention and spouted the same tired ideas, I knew it was the defining moment of our times. It really was the cool people vs. the dicks. No two ways about it. Sorry dicks, the cool people won this time.

Why do we love him? Can't you feel it baby?

TOM said...

"We don't hate the man. We hate what he stands for."

Really? That's why you attack his birthright and not his policies?

These are racists plain and simple.

I wondered how the "I won't stand for a ni.... as my President" crowd, would attack him.

These are sick people, and America should be shouting at the top of their lungs, to denounce them, or we are lost as a people.

The Secret Service (no numbers given) says death threats against Obama are more than twice as many as any other President throughout our History.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"We don't hate the man. We hate what he stands for."

Really? So you hate him for giving people the chance to buy health coverage when they have pre-existing conditions?

You hate him for not allowing insurance companies to drop babies and children who have catastrophic diseases from their insurance rolls?

You hate him for expanding loan programs for small businesses?

You hate him for closing the "doughnut hole" in the Medicare Prescription Drug plan?

You hate him for expanding the Senior Corps Volunteer program?

You hate him for bringing home the troops from Iraq?

You hate him for fully funding the Veterans Administration?

You hate him for expandngi the Veterans Administration's number of "centers of excellence" in specialty care to care for severely injured military?

You hate him for making a greater investment in advanced military air technology?

You hate him for reducing subsidies to private student lenders (cutting out the middle man who did not guarantee the loans) and for protecting student borrowers?

I could go on and on.

But whoever you are "anonymous,"
these programs and the legislation he's passed to implement them are what he "stands for" and you have declared to everyone here that you hate them.

I'm sure you'd be real popular with parents of sick babies and children and veterans returning home from defending your "freedoms."

The problem with folks like you, anon, is that you don't know jack about Mr. Obama. You only know Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin about him, which means you're woefully uninformed.

Anonymous said...

I am not an amreican, but even i can see what this president of youra is doing to your one times great country. hE IS WITH NO DEOUBTS THE WORST PRESIDENT OF YOU COUNGTRY THYAT YOU EVER HAD IN MY LIFE TIME OF ALMOST 60 YEars.
But for sure you will soon learn of this bad mistake that you have made.

Sue said...

FJ, Tom and Shaw, you say it perfectly, thank you! I have tears in my eyes because the left tries so hard to put forth an agenda for the people of this country only to be persecuted for it. We are ordinary people who work hard to raise our families on a wage that would make the rich balk, we are the same in that sense righties, yet you degrade us, call us a party out to destroy America when all along it is your party leaders who are on a fast track to destroy America. You do know this because you listen to Glenn Beck.

A liberal president was elected by an overwhelming majority of whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims...and you tiny minority who say "its his policies not the man" are lying to yourselves. You ONLY watch and listen to wingnut rhetoric because if you truly paid attention to our president you would see his policies are for ALL Americans not just the liberals!

okjimm said...

Dear Anon....

I am a Nigerian... you have won $6,000,000 Nigerian Dollars... please send me $280 thousand dollar Nigerian funds, you left testicle, and sister's second born... I will be most happy to process this for you and sends money quickly please as possible.
your friend

Shaw Kenawe said...

The "foreign" anonymous makes critical statements about Mr. Obama, backed up by nothing, then screams in ALL CAPS that Obama is ruining this country?

That's an huge amount of angry passion from a person who isn't even a citizen.

And this foreign anonymous sounds an awful lot like a guy who uses this same sort of rhetoric on his once red, and now blue, blog.

Leslie Parsley said...

I wonder who the foreign anonymous thinks is going to protect his right to free speech and even the right to be in this country. NOT the Republicans. He must have relocated here from a country with a repressive form of government and doesn't understand how democracy works.

Mordechai said...

One question foreign anon,

what country do you reside in, and is it the country of your birth?

I was born in and reside in the USA with our best president of the 21st century President Barack Obama, as opposed to that other guy who illegally invaded a foreign country and murdered it's civilian inhabitants so corporations could make more money, both off of all the killing and wanton destruction war brings, and of course off the puppet governments which were set up, who used US taxpayers money to fund their existance.

Sue said...

excellent anonymous! You too Shaw and Leslie..


Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Before we congratulate Mr. Obama too much, please, keep in mind, he has to sizable extent continued a lot of his predecessor's neocon policies; "surging" in the Middle East, horrifying drone attacks in northern Pakistan, warrantless wiretaps, renditions to knuckle-dragging thuggish regimes, limitless detentions, etc.......I mean, it's not like he's been a choir boy or anything.

Mordechai said...

Compared to his predecessor he is will, which is why I said;

best president of the 21st century

Too bad your being your moderate self instead of addressing the reality of the options he has.

He has done in two years more then any President since FDR at least, and FDR never had the Fox news-Koch-Right Wing noise machine/corporate owned MSM propaganda ops weighing down his options.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He had an option in Afghanistan, anonymous. He could have taken Mr. Biden's advice and switched to a counter-terrorism strategy and axed once and for all this whole Beau Geste bullshit......I'm not at all "moderate" about the Afghan and Iraq wars.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You would think the right would love President Obama. The rich kept their tax cuts. We're still in the unending occupations. We still borrow to pay for everything.

I guess republicans want their black people to be fuck ups like Michael Steele.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"He had an option in Afghanistan, anonymous. He could have taken Mr. Biden's advice..."-W[tnp]H

But Mr. Obama did exactly what he said he would do when he was a candidate.

First he stated that he wasn't against all wars, just dumb wars, which he said the Iraq war was.

He also said we should have kept our resources in Afghanistan to fight Al Qaeda, the ones who attacked our country.

Then Obama stated that if elected president, he would listen to the generals and take into advisement what they, the professionals, believe is needed in Afghanistan.

He did exactly that. Listened to what the generals advised and sent more troops to Afghanistan and widened the war.

(I do not agree with this, and that has been one of my biggest disappointments of his administration. I have a personal interest in this, since a nephew has been deployed in Afghanistan. He an army ranger.)

It is so easy for us on blog comment boards to say what Mr. Obama should or shouldn't have done, when we know next to nothing about the facts that inform his decisions.

That is why I'm not jumping in to criticize his handling of the Egyptian crisis--yet.

jack said...

Sue you are so hypocritical it's laughable. I've seen you talk about Bush the way you're blaming people for talking about Obama. And I can already imagine the things you will say about the next Republican president.

I at least try and see things from different view points. I see the good things Obama has done, and the choices that are not in our country's best interest. You however my dear, are clearly so blinded with love, it's scary.

Anonymous said...

"It is so easy for us on blog comment boards to say what Mr. Obama should or shouldn't have done, when we know next to nothing about the facts that inform his decisions." - and maybe you should apply that to others, including conservative leaders.

Sue said...

jack I am in no way a hypocrite. I speak the truth, I criticized Bush when he deserved it(BTW, I was not blogging when Bush was president) And my liberal friends will tell you I have criticized Pres. Obama on MANY ocassions. SO, therefore you are WRONG about me.

Sue said...

Hi Truth, hope you had a good night ;-)

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...and maybe you should apply that to others, including conservative leaders."--anon

Conservative leaders--Speaker Boehner, and Sen. McConnell have shown us their mettle:

The first thing the Republicans in the House did when they took over was to have a meaningless and time-wasting vote to repeal the ACA.

Then they proposed weakening a legal medical procedure by threatening to allow abortions only for "forcible rapes."

"Rape" by its definition is forcible in all instances. The GOP realized their egregious blunder and withdrew the word "forcible" from their proposed legislation.

So in the first month of the GOP House, they've gone after overturning a law that provides health care for Americans, and then tried to weaken a legal medical procedure for rape victims.

Nice work.

Where are the jobs that Boehner promised he would make his first priority when he became speaker?

Was Boehner in possession of facts we don't know about that forced him to try to repeal health care and go after rape victims?

If so I would apply the same benefit of the doubt to him as I do the president.

But for some reason, I feel the House GOP's actions had something to do with pandering to their base rather than moving the country forward on jobs.

So many anonymous commenters here, it's difficult to know which one I'm answering.

Leslie Parsley said...

"So many anonymous commenters here, it's difficult to know which one I'm answering."

imo, if they can't stand up and be counted/identified, they are nonentities and don't deserve a response. They don't exist.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Shaw, I would have rather had Mr. Obama NOT keep this campaign promise (which, let's face it, he made strictly to differentiate himself from Bush/McCain) and do the RIGHT thing than vice versa.......As for the generals here, their advice should strictly be for strategy and tactics. It is the President's job to put forth the larger geopolitical vision of America - and, yes, that includes whether or not to expand upon a conflict........I'm sorry, Shaw, but this currently has Nixon/LBJ written all over it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I'm sorry, Shaw, but this currently has Nixon/LBJ written all over it."

Actually, I think it has "USA" written all over it, as we seem not to be able to extricate ourselves from wars/war zones as easily as we insert ourselves into them.

We're still in Europe and Korea and we'll be in the ME for years more to come.

As far as I know, we have no military bases in Viet Nam, just a marine contingent with the US Embassy. Don't know if this is correct, though.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You're right, Shaw. And, yes, I clearly should have added McKinley (the Spanish-American and Philippine Wars - both engaged under false pretenses), too.

Frodo, how do you do, said...

It is rare moment indeed when the Hobbit quotes the late, but unlamented, George Corley Wallace. He does so in noting the similarity btween Wallace's "American Independent Party" and the loose confederation of mollusks who respond to the term "Tea Party". Wallace said, "There ain't a dime's worth of difference."
Which goes to show you that even a brain-dead racist prick can say something truthful, given time.

Sue said...

My dearest Frodo, you always grace my blog with truthful and inspirational words! The Teabaggers would have ADORED Wallace, he could have been their leader...:0)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, do you really think that the entire tea party is racist (a la Janeane Garofalo)? I seriously can't believe that you think that. I mean, that would be like saying that everybody who ever went to Reverend Wright's church had a "deep-seated hatred for white people".

Mordechai said...

Don't know about the whole tea party, I haven't met them all.

However the ones I have met personally and have heard make pronouncements certainly are.

Mordechai said...

BTW will I left another response to the global warming thread, hopefully that one won't disappear for some reason.

Leslie Parsley said...

If there are those in the Tea Party who aren't racist, they need to speak up and be heard - and denounce their fellow members. I haven't heard anything to make me think anything other than they're all racists.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I mean, that would be like saying that everybody who ever went to Reverend Wright's church had a 'deep-seated hatred for white people'."

I don't believe all Tea Partiers are racist, but they do allow elements of racism in their movement; and as far as I can determine, have not unequivocally disowned it.

As for your comparison to Rev. Wright's church, I don't think that works.

Rev. Wright, according to what I've learned about his church, was one of several pastors who sermonized on Sundays, and Rev. Wright did not use his "G-d America" rhetoric every time he spoke.

I don't think white people can understand what provoked those outbursts, since there is no history in their past of being massively discriminated against [with the sanction of the US government] just because of the color of their skin. We white people have no way of understanding how centuries of having one's race debased can affect one's emotions. Rev. Wright IMHO didn't say anything worse than have white pastors, say, like Falwell and Robertson, who blamed the 9/11 attack on gays and feminists, and said America had it coming because of it tolerated those elements in our society. Those were America damning statements as well, but they were America damning statements from white pastors.

The Tea Partiers OTOH, identify themselves with the colonists' rebellion against taxation without representation, which is curious, since all the TPs HAVE representation, and their grievances emerged less than THREE MONTHS into Mr. Obama's administration--[I saw a TP demonstration in Florida in April of 2009.]

I've always maintained that it is curious that the TPs went on the march before Mr. Obama even had his cabinet chosen, but the TPs were conspicuously absent during Dubya's 8 years--when he never vetoed a spending bill.

Perhaps a look at the influence of the Koch Brothers and their billions will shed some light on the TP phenomenon?

Sue said...

Will, where did I say the whole tea party is racist? Because what I said about George Wallace? No, I don't think the whole group is racist, ya know how conservatives like to say all liberals are atheists.

Why do white conservatives hate Rev. Wright? The sermon the Obama haters like to highlight came from the heart of black oppression. I understand it fully, and if the haters would stop and listen to what the Reverend said in the right context MAYBE they would get it. The conservatives who have a racist attitude will never get it. What the Reverend said does not offend me in the least because I do empathize with the black community. This country needs to have more empathy.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm not a supporter or defender of the tea party. I find their message incoherent and devoid of solutions but, PLEASE. A) George Wallace was a racist segregationist. THAT was his message. It had nothing to do with limited government spending......B) Yes, the tea party needs to be criticized for hypocrisy (the fact that they never spoke up during Bush's tenure, etc.). But why does it necessarily have to be a racial thing. You don't think that a similar phenomenon could have gotten started with a President Edwards, a President Kucinich (i.e., a white liberal)?.....C) It wasn't just "white conservatives" who were offended by Reverend Wright's oratory. A lot of liberals were offended by it, too. Hell, folks, even President Obama was offended by it (you don't think that Obama was lying, do you?)......D) Yes, Reverend Wright is an old black man who probably DOES have a reason to be bitter. But 1) he can't be too bitter in that he apparently lives in an upscale white neighborhood and 2) most of those people in that church cheering him on WEREN'T old......E) A lot of tea partiers have spoken out against the racism in certain quarters. It's not their fault that the media doesn't cover it/the fact that certain hyper-liberal bloggers cover their ears every time that a conservative speaks......F) I've never approved of Robertson and Falwell, either. IN FACT, I didn't even like it when Obama invited Rick Warren to speak at the inaugural......G) White oppressive America? You mean the same white oppressive America that just elected a black man President, a man who less than a decade ago was doing pot-hole legislation?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"White oppressive America? You mean the same white oppressive America that just elected a black man President, a man who less than a decade ago was doing pot-hole legislation?"

Correction: bi-racial president.

And since African-American slaves were here for more than a century before the US became the US, and have been the largest minority in this country, one might say that it took a hell of a long time.

Massachusetts was the only state, post Reconstruction, that elected a black senator, Edward Brooke, and when he left the senate in 1979, only 3 other AAs have been elected to that august chamber.

During Reconstruction and before Jim Crow laws, 2 AAs were elected from Mississippi to serve in the Senate.

I use the Senate as an example because since 1913 senators have been elected statewide.

As for your condescending remark about Mr. Obama's career as a Senator, you may want to read up on the facts before you say that in the company of people who know better than you what he accomplished as a state senator and a US senator.

Pot-hole legislation? Really.

I might point out to other readers here that a little more than a decade before GWBush became president, he was a drunk.

But that has nothing to do with this subject, does it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

A) Yes, we have a racist history. Duh. But clearly we aren't the same country that we were even 50 years ago. Mr. Obama's victory 2 years ago (which, yes, I participated in and applauded - to a degree because McCain was talking like a lunatic but that's beside the point) is a testament to that......B) If the Republicans had been smart enough to have nominated Colin Powell (I know, I know, the Republicans AREN'T smart) in 1996, HE would have been the first black (he was born in Jamaica so I won't call him African-American) President......C) Pretty much ALL African Americans are biracial. The fact that the slave-owners consistently boinked and impregnated their female slaves is yet another of "our" dirty little secrets......D) I never supported Bush and I never voted him. That's a total red herring......E) Yes, I exaggerated about Obama's record. But, come on, a State Senator? They're a frigging dime a dozen. And I'll bet that each and every one of 'em could reel off a similar stat sheet to the one that you just provided. How many of THEM would you have wanted to run for President 2 years after having been elected state-wide (i.e., to the U.S. Senate)?.....F) I'm condescending? I'M CONDESCENDING? The stuff that some of you folks constantly say about conservatives (Palin as Mooseolini -alright, that one was actually kind of funny) and I'm the condescending one - for a gentle little jab at Mr. Obama - that's nice.

Mordechai said...

If the Republicans had been smart enough to have nominated Colin Powell (I know, I know, the Republicans AREN'T smart) in 1996, HE would have been the first black (he was born in Jamaica so I won't call him African-American) President

No he would not have, Colin Powell has FAR too many skeletons in his closet to with stand the extreme scrutiny of a Presidential election cycle. That is the reason he could never survive the primary process, because republicans would have unleashed parts of Powell's past he would rather see buried.

Like his cover-up of the My Lai massacre for over a year when he was a major in the Americal Division in Vietnam.

Or the fact he was the go to guy Casper Weinburger used to transfer DOD assets to the CIA to ship to Israel to be sold to Iran during the early years of the Reagan Administration.

Several felonies were committed there, which a two star general in his position have to had know about.

This is part of the reason why G H W Bush pardoned Weinburger, which covered up for Powell also.

Trust me GOPer contenders in 1996 would have been more than willing to dig up these episodes to deny Powell the nomination, which is why he never has run, and never will.

Mordechai said...

Yes, I exaggerated about Obama's record.

Where is the non-partisan here?

The truth isn't enough for you, so you pull a right wing tactic of exaggeration, ie distorting the truth, like those people YOU rail against on your blog?

Pot meet kettle.

Mordechai said...

I'm condescending? I'M CONDESCENDING?

To the people you disagree with, especially to the people who you seem to feel have slighted you;


Your blog is full of such condescension.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Who do I rail against; Hannity, people who accuse Obama of being a Communist - people like that?.....And, really, what is your frigging problem, dude. I have been more than gracious to you on my blog. No, I don't agree with everything that you write. But I always try to be measured and I've purposefully tried to stay out those nasty little food-fights of yours with Rusty......And, you know what I'm a hell of a lot more liberal than you, too. This, me-bucko (Cliffy, 1138, whoever the eff you are), in that I have NEVER castigated an entire group of people based upon the actions of their selective worst. And I also have an open mind. When was the last time that you ever changed your mind on ANYTHING? WHEN? I've never seen it.

Mordechai said...

Sorry will, but you know VERY little about me so i see no need to defend myself against your angry rants.

Mordechai said...

As for your blog you can keep it, you attack liberal bloggers numerous times to include ganging up on Tomcat on his former blog, but for some reason allow right wingers free range, enjoy the echo chamber.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Tomcat - the guy who used to routinely use such disgusting terms as "Reich Wing" and who constantly compared McCain and Bush to Hitler? That Tomcat?.....It really sounds like you need some serious help there, fellow.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Just to set the record straight, Colin Powell was born in Harlem, NY, of Jamaican parents.

And you're right, state senators ARE a dime a dozen, but very few, in fact almost none go on to become US senators and then defeat a powerful political machine (the Clintons) and continue on to win the presidency.

It takes intelligence, political savvy, and strategic thinking, and organizational skills to come from nowhere (as Obama essentially did) to accomplish what he did.

There's way more to Mr. Obama than his stints as a state and US senator, and you'd have to be blind not to see that.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Shaw, he beat the idiot, Alan Keyes (yes, this, after giving an admittedly great speech at the 2004 convention). And then he started running for President 2 years later (running against one of the most unstable candidates in U.S. history, Mr. McCain). I hate to proclaim it, but what Mrs. Ferraro said (admittedly awkwardly) wasn't entirely inaccurate (though, yes, I continue to root for the man).

Mordechai said...

So only will gets to decide who is OK to harass on the Internet since YOU and your friends Rusty and Voltron harassed a liberal blogger, actually several liberal bloggers on quite a few liberal blogs.

You are setting yourself up as that person will?


BTW, no comment on what the GOPers would have done to Powell if he ever threw his hat into the ring?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't know what you're talking about. I had a hard time with some miscreants on Lydia Cornell's site 2-3 years ago and pissed off some guy named 1138 during roughly that same time frame. If in fact you're talking about this stuff, then, really, you need to get a life, son......I agree. The right-wing of the Republican Party (which seems to dominate most things during the nominating process) would have excoriated Mr. Powell and never would have nominated him. That in fact was my major point.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't think that I ever "harassed" Tomcat. I may have written a post on my own blog that was critical of his use of Nazi comparisons (I've also criticized Republicans for using similar hyperbole).

Mordechai said...

If in fact you're talking about this stuff, then, really, you need to get a life, son

Why so hateful will?

Mordechai said...

In fact to help you achieve a little serenity,

try a little of this Will;

it might help you deal with those anger issues you keep exhibiting here and there at people.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...he beat the idiot, Alan Keyes (yes, this, after giving an admittedly great speech at the 2004 convention)."--WtnpH


Keyes [who never lived in Illinois] ran against Obama for US Senate only because the original candidate, Jack Ryan, withdrew 86 days before the election, due to a sex scandal.

As for historical context, Mr. Obama actually had more experience in government than did Abraham Lincoln, when he ran for the presidency. Remember, Lincoln came from behind to win the Republican nomination, beating out the popular and better known ex-governor and US Senator of New York state.

People often throw up Mr. Obama's "thin" record, to undermine Mr. Obama, but by the time he's ready to run for re-election, that will have no leverage, and it doesn't have any now either.

As for Mrs. Ferraro' racist remark, one could say a similar thing about all previous candidates:

"They only reason they won was because they were white."

And that would be racist as well.

Her remarks were nothing more than racially sour grapes.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Thank you, anonymous. That was very pretty.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My point, Shaw, was that he, Obama, beat an idiot that my cat could have gotten 60% against......And do you really think that an obscure white State Senator would have ever gotten that speaking gig at the Democratic convention? If you do, then I definitely have some swamp land for you......Look, I'm not saying that Obama's a bad guy, or even that he's a bad President (he certainly looks better than the crop of Republican 2012 contenders). I'm just saying, come on. The frigging guy thinks that Austrians speak "Austrian"......And that there are, HELLO, 57 states!

Mordechai said...

The frigging guy thinks that Austrians speak "Austrian"......And that there are, HELLO, 57 states!

Typical right wing talking point again will;


Mordechai said...

Just because he M-I-S-S-P-O-K-E,

It does not mean,

That is what he

A-C-T-U-A-L-L-Y believes.

So why do you always seem to exaggerate with right wing talking points?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

When a Republican makes a gaffe, he or she is an idiot. When a Democrat makes a gaffe, he or she is misspeaking. Nope, I wouldn't expect any less a rationalization from a partisan.......So, when I criticize people on the right, on those instances am I being perceptive?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

So, he REALLY knew that Austrians speak German? You're gonna stick with that, huh?

Mordechai said...

Why do you always seem to exaggerate with right wing talking points?

For some reason you avoided answering the actual question.


Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't accept the premise of your question.

Mordechai said...

Sorry but the premise of the question is correct,

You have already admitted you exaggerate,

The right wing talking point of Obama not knowing is apparent,

Unless your claiming not understanding that a misspoken quote does not equate with actual intelligence of a fact.

Oh and BTW the misstatements you are referencing ran rapid on the right wing blog-i-sphere during the 2008 election cycle almost verbatim the way you wrote them here.

Just though you might want to know the facts.

Instead of, you know,misspeaking.

Mordechai said...

So again, why do you use right wing talking points when you exaggerate the facts?