President Obamas birth certificate through the eyes of a birther....
Open Thread February 22 2025
Yesterday, The Conversation newsletter included an article titled “Making
sex deadly for insects could control pests that carry disease and harm
crops.” I ...
2 hours ago
Of course, it was never about where he was born.
So Lisa, You're the real deal? A real, live birther? That's hilarious! It's been a couple of years since I met a true bona fide on-line. C'est incroyable! N'est ce pas? I haven't been this excited since I saw a bumblebee in my backyard.
So, what's it like? You do realize that his mother was born in Kansas? That's right, like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. If you have any intellectual curiosity at all, you should go to the NYT on-line and look for the article from April 20th "Obama's Young Mother Abroad," written by NYT reporter Janny Scott who took a two year leave of absence to write a yet to be published book "A Singular Woman." In the article she gives a good overview of Little Barry's life in Indonesia. It's a real eye opener. She interviews Ann's American friends in Jakarta, a houseboy, the president, academics and clerics. I learned a lot.
...I think everyone should now wear their paperwork pinned to their sleeve...or since we are in the age of technology, on a jump disk, fashioned into a necklace, around their necks...
Awwww, come on now? Too Brave New World, 1984,? or 1930's Germany?
Sue .. The smoking Gun comment is as funny as hell ..
The birther nonsense has been put to bed, it was fun watching Lawrence O'Donnell metaphorically kick Orly Taitz ass the other night.
No, this nonsense is not over. I read a comment the other day from a "birther" which stated, "it was never about his birth is about his father". WTF?
Of course the commenter prefaced his comment with..."I am not a racist". Whatever.
so, the first comment was lisa? Dumb lisa forgets I can retrieve the comment from my inbox and publish her back up. Can't wait!
Yes Mary, 1930's Germany...
One comment on said the REAL BC says Barry something and he changed his name to Barack Hussein later in life, so it has to be a fake! LMAO!
here's the link lisa left for us
this is what the idiot video says......
Uploaded by 3TruthSeeker33 on 27 Apr 2011
After downloading Barack Obama's newly released long form birth certificate, and loading it in Adobe Acrobat to take a look, I noticed that the background and some miscellaneous text on the document loaded separately than the background image it is purportedly printed on. It seems the background image is a separate scan of safety paper, what birth certificates and checks are printed on. But after uploading into Adobe Illustrator, I found that is it a "built" or carefully constructed document containing many layers that the creator apparently forgot to "flatten". The proof is in this video. I don't claim to know WHY this was fabricated... furthermore, after reading new "birth certificate" it seems odd that the President wouldn't have released this 2 years ago when asked as there is no information on it that he would have wanted or needed to keep from the public.
You'll find loads of videos claiming the bc is fake. The fuckers are Fuckin MORONS! I can't believe we have real live Americans with his kind of mental thinking!!
lisa is a real birther!!
Re: Lisa's "proof".
"...the creator apparently forgot to "flatten". Yes, Lisa, we dumb ass graphic artists continually forget to do this important step when we are faking documents. There is no question that the Obama camp would have hired the most inept graphic artist they could find. Or, more likely, they had a file clerk do it.
Lisa, your head is so full of bullshit it makes mine spin!
As if we need more proof of the Cult of RepubliCON CONservatism...
I don't expect Lisa the Loon to take the time to link to the nine sites provided in this article which prove Obama's citizenship.
I can't help but wonder why she and all the other "morans" never bothered to raise questions about McCain's citizenship or Jackson's or Teddy Roosevelt's and several others. Since Obama is the only African-American amongst this auspicious crowd, do ya think it's racism? Duh.
This is so funny, I'm sharing on FB - with credit of course.
Birtherism has always been racism and now the Right having been shown time after time to be racists are turning Birtherism into a religion. It's a matter of faith amongst conservatives that President Obama is not an American. Evidence doesn't matter, it shall not shake their faith, indeed evidence shall only serve to strengthen their ardent faith.
To those who blame Mr. Obama for the Birther conspiracy:
President Obama produced his birth certificate that the State of Hawaii and its REPUBLICAN governor at the time and all other officials in the state attested to and said was proof POSITIVE of his citizenship.
It was the Birthers who were not satisfied with this official document and who kept this controversy going, not Mr. Obama.
Why was the approved-by-the-State- of-Hawaii birth certificate NOT believed?
Was that Mr. Obama's fault? No.
He produced his certificate when the Birthers demanded it.
The Birthers were not satisfied.
Everyone knows why. And it's ugly.
Mr. Obama is the first president in US history to be hounded over this issue.
Can you guess why?
Read Eugene Robinson's WaPo column for more insight into lisa's disgustingly insatiable racism.
oh boy I found this blog that I heard so much about. They were right you people are whacked!
Of course, it was never about where he was born.
Correct M.r Critter,it's about his past, his incompetent presidency and the fact that he had zero qualifications to be the POTUS.
Ah yes, the infamous anonymous. Guess he/she told us. Hmmmmmmm...could this be...lisa...incognito?
If what you say is true (and thanks for agreeing with me) then why bring up the "birth thing" in the first place? Concentrate on the real reason.
Unless you can give a coherent answer to that question, you are just full of BS.
Anonymous wrote:
"'s about his past, his incompetent presidency and the fact that he had zero qualifications to be the POTUS."
The Constitutional qualifications to be US president were met by Mr. Obama. You don't like him? What a surprise! So you come here and stupidly say he had zero qualifications? What country were you raised in? Have you ever read the Constitution? LOL!
So if this birther issue was all about what you wrote, Anonymous, then why did birthers spend hundreds of $$$ on billboards saying "Where's the birth certificate?" Why did people call him a Kenyan Muslim?
Now that the birthers have been defeated, made out to be fools and proved to be nothing but a group of racist sore losers, they've changed the subject and now question the authenticy of the long form birth certificate. Ugly stupid people like Pam Geller are doing this.
The egotistical swamphole, Trump, is whining about Mr. Obama's academic credentials, and the charlatan preacher Franklin Graham is calling into question the sincereity of Mr. Obama's faith.
A fekken trifecta for the racists!
You're boring, Anon. Come back when you have something intelligent to discuss.
Trump, Graham, Geller...Goodfuckinlord!! Embarrassed YET wingnut conservative morons!!
They keep forgetting, Bush and Reagan had zero qualifications and look what they gave us! Now we have qualified Barack Obama in to clean up the rights MESS!!! YEE HA! Eat your hearts out wingnuts
This whole issue gives credence to the argument that birthers are INSANE! Even when given proof, they still don't accept it and go around spoting the same garbage thinking that maybe they'll get a different response from the general public.
Insane...and stupid.
A birth certificate is needed many times in life, for various reasons. Obama, no doubt, has had to present it on other occasions. If... there had been variances... it would have come out long ago.
Unless..... it was fabricated by the guy on the grassy knoll, with the umbrella, back in 1963. See... Lee Harvey Oswald really did the 'fake' birth certificate... and that is why he was framed for Kennedy's murder, because Global
Warming was anticipated by Big Oil and Martin Luther King knew about it and Malcom X knew about this, see...... so, the baby seals in Newfoundland and then... the sky started falling and that is why they had to kill Vince Lombardi when they did...
How many times do we have to address this issue? I just re-posted my old post about BIRTHERS ARE RACISTS.
Those now blaming Obama for the issue, giving points to Trump for forcing Obama to release the birth certificate, and now questioning his college records, are also racists.
If we debate such filth, we give them the publicity they want. Ignore these bigots.
It was just for shits and giggles, Tom. The title was not in anger but in amusement. We are at the point of amusement..
Didn't mean to put a damper on your fun Sue.
I was laughing about it over a year ago, but now I consider them just sick.
Especially since the Rethugs are not only blaming Obama for the issue, but are now claiming his college records are skewed.
Like I said to Leslie tonight, the more these buffoons like Trump and Palin are on TV spewing their moronic drivel the more energized the Dems get. The fight to make sure all those idiot wingnuts are defeated is heating up, we will defeat the republiscums!! :-)
Pam Geller is like when you're working at a restaurant, and you're closing Saturday night and Sunday night on a weekend, and you have to clean up the grill and the walls and the floors and do all the dishes, and you're bleaching the drains and you find this greasy fucking stain with like sugar or syrup and burned on fat and grime.
Look, that document is worth the paper it is printed on. I am not sure why that Muslim even produced it. He will have to come up with a better way to convince us he is one of us.
FJ and John...ROFLMAO!!!
says on page 231 under the section "Race and color" the following:
"Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite."
"The category "white" includes, in addition to persons reported as "white," those reported as Mexican or Puerto Rican. With one exception, a reported mixture of Negro with any other race is included in the Negro group; other mixed parentage is classified according to the race of the nonwhite parent and mixtures of nonwhite races to the race of the father. The exception refers to a mixture of Hawaiian and any other race, which is classified as Part-Hawaiian. In most tables a less detailed classification of "white" and "nonwhite" is used."
Why does his father's race say African? Just wondering.
Dear Anonymous, no one gives a flying coconut donut that you're "wondering."
The loonies never give up, do they, Sue? It is a sickness, to be sure, but I've never seen it this bad.
It just eats at their greasy arses that the guy in the White House is "smarter, richer, luckier, and better looking"* than they are and that his skin is not lily white.
*from a Eugene Robinson article in the WaPo.
so true Shaw!
Lets see anon, Barack Obamas father is Kenyan, so I don't have a clue what you are trying to say. His Mother was born in Kansas, his Father in Kenya and Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. So what's the problem?? Nobody is talking about the senior Obama but you.
Okjimm: And Elvis arranged it all, on orders from the alien reptile Jews.
Anonymous: Of course now it's not about where he was born, except for those morons who think even the long form is faked. It's about his father blah blah Muslim blah blah socialist ACORN Hitler blah blah. It's still all nonsense.
Actually Sue, the extremists are now impugning President Obama because of the actions of his father when he was here in the US in the early sixties.
Any excuse they can find to question the motives and everything else about our President,
I did something I never do. I posted a political article without a story behind it. I usually post "stories" with political philosophy, but this time it was an out-right defense of the poor misunderstood birthers. Your article was one of two primary sources for this inspiration. I started the article as a comment for your site, but then realized it was an article unto itself.
Thanks for the inspiration.
People on the left impugned the motivation of George W. Bush (who I have absolutely have no problem whatsoever calling a terrible President) for the actions of his GRANDFATHER! HIS GRANDFATHER!!......Can I have a LOL on this one?
It's a known fact (maybe not known to you) that Bush's grandfather did business with Hitlers government.
No matter what Hitler was doing, Mr. Bush was making money off Hitler (so were a lot of other American capitalists) but that action is certainly a valid reason to criticize him (Bush's grandfather).
It may or may not be a reason to criticize the grandfather (Averill Harriman was also a part of that company and he had HIS assets frozen, too, btw) but it isn't an excuse to tarnish the grandson with idiotic Nazi innuendo.
Sue, I have just heard the US Soldiers have killed Osama bin Laden.
While our soldiers have the body, I wonder if the birther crowd will believe this either.
After all, belief of proof positive evidence is not their strong suit...
Nice work Mr. Obama and our military...
"I understand and I have the knowledge and the background and the experience to make the right judgments (to capture Bin Laden). Senator Obama does not…Obama doesn't know how -- how the world works nor how the military works."
Quote by Senator John McCain, 2008 Republican candidate for President.
Anybody remember that shit?
"People on the left impugned the motivation of George W. Bush (who I have absolutely have no problem whatsoever calling a terrible President) for the actions of his GRANDFATHER! HIS GRANDFATHER!!......Can I have a LOL on this one?"
Where in the fuck in your comment (which I just copied above) does it say anything about Nazi innuendo?
Then, of course, the cultist chirps in with his usual intelligent comment.
With brain farts like these two, no wonder this country is so fucked up.
Great news Dave! C, I'm gonna use that quote for a new post, Thanks!
Sue .. your "dingdong" osama dead post has not published
I was updating it, its up
Excellent, I have posted a link t0 this on my blog.
Mind you, our readership is a Very Very select crew...
Dave made a comment about how people on the right are impugning Obama for the actions of his father. I tried to pit that into context by showing how a lot of people ON THE LEFT did the same thing with Bush and his grandfather. I was accusing certain elements of the left of having an inconsistent moral compass......Oh, and just for the record, fella', I voted for Mr. Obama and have defended him on many occasions. I DO have a consistent moral compass.
Sue, take a look at "Jeannie's" profile...suspiciously like lisa's before she had a blog. Empty...like____(fill in the blank)(speaking of low intelligence hovering).
I suspect that if you take a look at your sitemeter, you might find the very same IP Address.
At the very least, it is the same MO...called, beat a dead cat to death.
HA! Might be JJ, lisa does love her youtube links...
Sue, I'm thinking that for the country's sake, she needs to have those Tubes tied. Just sayin'.
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