Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground..Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.
Friday, June 17, 2011
I was washing dishes tonight, minding my own business, when
on MSNBC I hear Chris Christie, my buffoon governor, telling a woman who asked a logical question of her governor, "It's none of your business"! I heard him in his most arrogant, ignorant voice tell this voter (who BTW will never vote for a GOP candidate!) that it was NONE of her business where he sends his kids to school. He wants his kids to have some religion in their curriculum so they go to parochial school. Apparently they get no moral teaching at home if this is representative of his parenting skills! The woman was asking about cuts in education funding but instead of answering her question he got all bent outta shape and bit her head off! And this is the kind of guy the GOP would love to see as POTUS?? Can you imagine in ten million yrs President Obama telling a citizen "it's none of your business what I do"!? hell NO! But this is standard fare for the GOP, this is the kind of buffoon they rally behind. This is the kind of person the religious right holds up on a pedastal..so typical...
He's a bully, plain and simple. And he'll never, never be president.
The GOPers love this sort of "in your face" arrogance.
PS. It's amazing how silent the GOPers are about Christie's girth when their bloggers foam at the mouth about Michelle Obama, who, BTW, could do a lot of damage to the soft, obese governor of NJ.
It is the attitude of entitlement. The conservatives always bitch and moan about entitlements, but it is the rich and powerful who actually feel entitled and behave as though they can do whatever they want and the rest of us be damned.
Shaw, you are absolutely right! He is an arrogant ass. I would add "hole" to that description too.
Wow! Does he ever need to trade those fries in for broccoli! And seriously if he can afford that much in private school and property taxes, why can't he afford nutrisystem and a personal trainer?
This is one of those situations they were talking about on The Best of the Left this week. People on the right will PRAISE Christie for this. They will say, "OMG LULZ, he is awesome because he's the only one with the balls to say this kind of thing!!" When in reality he is the only one STUPID enough to say this kind of thing. It's not WIT Guv-nuh Christie, it's just you YAPPING without thinking first.
Have you noticed though, that for all of their "arrogance" and "entitlement" attitudes...when they speak of Obama's "arrogance" or "elitism", they really want to say "uppity N$^%#r?" I'm just soooo sick of these posers.
Shaw he is worse than a bully, an elected by the people governor who has NO respect for the opposing party in his state, talks down to them when he was elected to be governor of the whole state of NJ not just the wingnut section. He is rude, crude, disgustingly arrogant.
You're right about the attitude of entitlement Jerry. he'd probably like to sit on a crush all those who oppose him.
hi Expresso, that's what I said as I listened in disbelief! Did you all notice the surprised look on the hosts face?
yea Mary, the millionaire can afford that much in property taxes, which BTW I find highly suspect. I know our taxes are the highest in the country, but 38,000??
that's so right Judi, but oh hell no, we know better than to accuse the righties of racism..;-)
I agree, everything I've heard about the dude seems to indicate that he is rude, crude, and a disgustingly arrogant bully... which probably does explain why Right-wingers want him to run for prez.
SUE!! You said the same thing that I was thinking while watching this with my jaw on the floor...politician's don't feel like they are "public servants" anymore. They feel NO NEED to serve ALL the people, just the ones that pay to get them in office. You know how mad we get at Obama when he says things like "I know the Democrats won't like this, but I wasn't just elected to be President of the Democratic Party, I was elected President of the United States." Well, Fat Boy Slim Morals over there didn't get that memo!
This guy complains about his $38,000 (wow, mansion time!) in property taxes going to pay for schools his kids don't use, then in the next breath (did he take a breath in between?) says that as Gov. he has to be concerned about all the children of the state...huh?...what?
And now as the resident morbidly obese person here I take GREAT offense at the King of Big Phat Phuck's here (Love that Sue, stealing it, using it often!) we fatties have spent years building up a persona of being jolly, lovable, rolly pollys...and this Tub comes along and makes us all look FAT again. >:[
Has anyone used the word pompous yet? That is the word I think best describes large and arrogant. See Rush Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, et. al <--they might not all be large, but they all have fat faces!
And seriously...After the whole birther/schooler crap and Anthony Weiner scandal...a Republican occupying the executive seat is going to have the audacity to utter the words "none of your business"?
Can someone let us know what is and is not our business? I want a detailed list by COB Monday.
RN: Please provide an example of where one Democratic candidate or office holder has ever come even close to this kind of rude outburst toward a constituent - or physically attacked them or shouted them down.
Here is a list of Democratic governors currently serving their states:
Mike Beebe, Arkansas Jerry Brown, California John Hickenlooper, Colorado Dan Malloy, Connecticut Jack Markell, Deleware Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii Pat Quinn, Illinois Steve Beshear, Kentucky Martin O'Mally, Maryland Deval Patrick, Massachusetts Mark Dayton, Minnesota Jay Nixon, Missouri Brian Schweitzer, Montana John Lynch, New Hampshire Andrew Cuomo, New York Beverly Perdue, No. Carolina John Kitzhaber, Oregon Peter Shumlin, Vermont Christine Gregoire, Washington Earl Ray Tomblin, West Virginia
Any of those names come to mind as being arrogant, bullying, and "in your face?"
Didn't think so.
Christie is beloved by the party that appreciates strutting, cock of the walks, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
This post by JuanitaJean had me in stitches. The part where it said he looked like he ate his brother in the limo and even his shadow weighed seventeen pounds had me on the floor.
great list of Democrats Shaw, and NO, I have never witnessed in person or in the media a Democrat being rude to a constituent. The Republicans have that attitude of entitlement as Jerry said, and "nobody can do it better than a GOPper can" frame of thinking. This is the attitude of a school kid with no self confidence or self esteem. They have to resort to bullying to get people to pay attention. Our side sees that as rude and crude and their side sees it as confidence!! Bwahaaahaaahaaa!
John Hickenlooper IS LOVED!! HE WAS LOVED AS MAYOR! He is hilarious! he ran a completely positive campaign with hilarious commercials...he was attacked with attack ads, so his response ad was as commercial with him in a cowboy hat, fully clothed, saying "All these negative ads make me feel like I need to take a shower" and he gets in the shower fully clothed with the cowboy hat on and soaps up...He was a geologist and small business man before he went into politics....so he's awesome. He cleaned up Denver! Literally, It's so clean you could eat off the sidewalk. Oh, and it's safe now too. He turned the projects into integrated housing communities, which turned into neighborhoods...There are seriously NO really unsafe neighbor hoods in Denver anymore, just petty. HE started GREEN everything in all of the city buildings.... He would NEVER EVER talk to a constituent like that...NEVER, unfathomable. Several of my friends worked for him as mayor and said he was the nicest guy ever and were sad to see him leave.
Chris Christie, look at Gov. Hickenlooper, that is how you act.
Fact is...its none of this womens business where Christie's kids go to school. New Jersey....the attitude capital of the world,Christie's a Jersey Boy,deal with it.
Could you imagine what would happen if Obama were to answer a constituent's question in this manner? Oh lordy lordy....! FOX News would have a fields day with how Obama's gone back to his Chicago "street" roots...or something...
Soooooo getting a divorce....apparently my husband thinks that this kind of attack was warranted because the woman's question was "baited"... He's just a no-nonsense type of guy...WTF!?? TOTALLY MISSING THE POINT!
And to Rusty Shackleass - She didn't ask where his kids go to school. You've missed the point too.
Sorry, RN, Rusty, and (as always) Will. This clown is trying to gut public education in NJ, which DOES make where he sends HIS kids the business of HIS constituents.
Your defense of your hero isn't even ill-informed this time. It's just stupid.
typical wingnut response Rusty, you did not GET the post. Christie was NOT asked why he doesn't send his kids to public schools, HE didn't even listen to the womans question either. It'll be a cold day in hell if that buffoon gets re elected. He is a fat fuck and an arrogant one at that!!
Will, it's my responsibility to show the world how ignorant these GOP are so they do not get re elected. A video is a great way of doing that cuz I can't fabricate anything.
Of course they don't get the point, their brains are so clogged with false facts they don't know how to think for themselves anymore. Rusty is the proof here.
OKAY, I see we can add RN to the list of brain deads... You are more than welcome to move on RN.
JR, the first thing the buffoon did was cut education. He is one of those "religious righties" who believes we should home school our kids so who needs the evils of PE. And as he gave his rich cronies tax cuts he cut PE by a trillion dollars. Do you know our property taxes are the highest in the nation? Do you know who has to make up those cuts? The middleclass homeowners in their property tax bills!
The most obvious thing about hopium addicts is that they can not tolerate anything that strays outside the corral of their statist top down government mentality.
Talk about being brain dead! You guys must have one of the largest brain dead trusts on the net.
My work here is down. When you guys trash a reasonable and objective guy like Will... well, I guess it really says volumes about where you guys are really coming from.
In that simple ridiculous act you proved my {our} point.
This is my blog and I did not trash Will. He and I differ from time to time but that is to be expected when you have a friend, as Leslie says, who is a fence sitter. Leslie meant no disrespect just an observation on her part.
Was'nt it wonderful to see Gov.Christie stand of to the teachers union.He's now made a deal with the leading state dems to have public employee's contribute to their health care and pensions...talk about moving a stagnate foward into the future.Christie's done more positive things for NJ in one year then that buffoon Corzine did in four.
Facing Budget Woes, Chris Christie’s Poll Numbers Fall in New Jersey
The freshman class of Republican governors has mostly been facing rough sledding in polls as they take a hard-line on fiscal matters in an effort to tackle gaping state deficits. That’s been true particularly of Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, Ohio’s John Kasich, Michigan’s Rick Snyder and Florida’s Rick Scott. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had fared better than them, although he also took some lumps from voters.
BTW: This is what Rusty says behind your back, Sue:
Rusty Shackelford said... I'm guessing you are the Lisa who is damn popular over at Sue's echo chamber. I started twisting their tails once in a while and now,according to them,I'm a f*#king idiot,a f*%king moron,I hate the poor,I'm a racist and lord know what else.Why on earth are those libs so friggin angry?
Rusty, you are an excellent example of false consciousness. Your last comment proves it. Please. Please. Please. The cuts to education must end! Future generations of children cannot be punished by learning to articulate as eloquently as you.
Oh Mary,Mary...I'm guessing you're one of those who want to continue flushing tax dollars down the failed american public school toilet.Or perhaps Mary you're one of those who worship at the alter of the teachers union....either way you're dead wrong.Its people like yourself who believe our public schools are fine but just need more money.Its your ilk and your antiquated belief in our failed school system that will indeed punish future generations of american children.
Whether he is "JERSEY" or not is moot. What we do not need is any politician adopting an attitude of arrogance. The Conservative Republicans are breeding a atmosphere that is more than likely to produce a severe backlash. We need cooperation and respect... from all sides.
Rusty do you live in NJ? Well I do so I see both sides and what they are doing for and against the best interests of our citizens. Christie is typical rightwing, he works for big corps and turns his back on the poor, the children, the unemployed, etc etc. I will say this... the state workers who had the pleasure of free HC benefits and are now paying a portion just like the rest of us IS A GOOD THING, I am not one who bashed Christie over that. But the cuts in education hurts our children, and it hurts the middle class tax payers, so I think IT'S WRONG and I will speak out on it.
Shaw I saw that comment from Rusty boy at lisas. We have a good time hanging here with some good conversations going on, they are jealous that's all. Ya know that old saying Liberals do have more fun! LMAO!!
Just because there are SOME failed schools doesn't mean you punish all public school systems in this country. Changes are needed but NOT abolishing PE like the Right wants to do. How ridiculous is it to think parents in every state can either home school their kids or afford to put them in Private schools?? That is insane thinking, well It's not thinking at all if ya ask me!
Poor kids are destined to grow up to be losers. Because their parents are losers. We should stop wasting money trying to educate them. Instead that money should go to vouchers. Vouchers that wealthier parents can use to supplement the cost of sending their kids to private schools.
The money we save by not "investing" in failure can be used to build more prisons for the poor loser kids after they grow up and are arrested for selling drugs, breaking and entering, or some other crime.
It's a win-win for everyone involved. The tax payers don't have to pay to send losers to school when they won't graduate anyway, wealthy parents get a supplement to send their kids to private for-profit schools, private for-profit schools make more profit, for-profit prisons make more profit, and the dregs of society are forced to contribute (through prison labor).
And prison labor is another bonus for the for-profit prison system!
BTW, I'm not in favor of adopting this plan to deal with our educational problems... but I think it's fairly clear that many Republicans are.
Rusty. I want reform. You cannot have reform without funds. There is a huge difference between our ideologies. When something of mine is faulty, I try to fix the problem by examining it closely. I try to figure out the root of the problem using the processes of experimentation, correlation and observation. Some might even call this the scientific method. I would suggest that this is what we do with our broken education system.
On the other hand, you and you ilk propose that we take what is faulty, and throw it down on the ground and step on it, just like a child throwing a temper tantrum, and then toss it into the trashcan. In your mind, this somehow "fixes" the problem. You are in the mentality of, "If it is too complicated for me too figure out, why fix it? It must be worthless!"
Sue and RN, thanks. It was just a nondescript comment that reflected on just how like-warm I am about all of these guys. Would I ever vote for Mr. Christie myself? Probably not. He's pro-life. I'm pro-choice. That alone would give me some major pause.
All candidates have an obligation to answeer to Americans about their position on public schools, since their decisions as elected leaders will effect the school system. It's easy with Republicans, they want to eliminate public schools in favor of private schools.
Over at RN's blog He's raving about the Soviet over the American system. No surprise since his political and economic God, is Russian born Ayn Rand.
@Tom, not only that, but he is reprimanding Senator McCain for blaming the tragic AZ wildfires on illegal immigrants, not because it's a disgusting unproven allegation, but because "plays right into the hands of the pogressives." (direct quote). Typical Neo-Libertarian realist conservatism at its finest. Self-interested and circular history; no room for progression at all.
Mary,throwing money at our failing public school system is'nt the answer.We spend as much per student as any country yet get far less results.Need more "Tiger Mom's'" less "you're all winner's" mentality.
We spend as much per student as any country yet get far less results.*
Who said anything about "throwing money" at a problem? We are fighting to stop cuts! Did you read any of what I just said? Obviously not.
If it has problems, throw it away (but for everyone). Typical wasteful, right-wing mentality. Rich people can afford new things (but not for everyone).
* The price per student calculation is skewed. Any nominal amount of skepticism could show you that. We mismanage the crap out of our education system. We have revisionists in places like Texas that want to rewrite the Science and History books every year that we have to pay for. We have middle management that doesn't exist in any other country, which gets factored in to this calculation. We also factor in ALL of our fees for student social services such as free lunch, reduced lunch, special education, teacher's aids, student's aids, programs to watch children after school, etc. These are all things that other "socialist" countries, as you would call them, provide their citizens normally free-of-charge because they are entitled to them as a right of citizenship, not as a part of their Department of Education. This, among other things, skews the hell out of the numbers. It paints a very different picture Mr. Shakenfries. That's why I want reform.
"A nation that destroys its systems of education, degrades its public information, guts its public libraries and turns its airwaves into vehicles for cheap, mindless amusement becomes deaf, dumb and blind."
Need more "Tiger Mom's'" less "you're all winner's" mentality. You DO realize that America is the most individualist (versus collectivist) society in the entire world, right? Or do you even know what that means?
What the hell does being an individualist society have to do with a failing public school system? In all your silly rants about revisionists,middle management you never seem to mention teacher accountability or continued insipid demands from teachers unions.You keep screeching reform,reform,yet the only "reform" you call for is money related.You are a bit of a one trick pony.
@ Rusty - When did I ever speak of money related reform? Never. I simply stated the answer to the problem is reform not cuts.
You are saying our failing school system is because we have too much of a, and I quote, "you're all winner's" mentality vs. a "tiger mom" mentality. Do you have that memorized, or do you have it bookmarked so you can go to your favorite right-wing blog site and just copy and paste it?
In America everyone is taught to pursue their own interests and dreams, including educational (individualist), vs. China, where your "Tiger Mom" mentality prevails, where everyone is taught to put their own individual thoughts and interests aside and put the interest of the group and country first (collectivist). Certainly this cannot be what you are advocating in America? The "Tiger Mom?" It sounds so very authoritarian and, well, "fascist" to me. How un-republican?
By the way, it won't ever happen. It's a cultural thing.
I guess it's your brain that's getting rusty. I'm glad Shaw reprinted your dumb comment at Lisa's place about how I said that you hated your fellow citizens in need. (Wake-up call, not everybody who is hurting right now is actually poor.) It just shows that you're a big fucking pussy because you were afraid to take me on intellect vs. intellect. (Admittedly not a fair fight.) So I figured it was time to kick your puppy ass. I read your last two or three comments. They are completely unintelligible. I have nothing to say to you.
I love doing battle with conservatives that hang out on liberal blogs. It's great sport. And sometimes we actually find some common ground and bridge the gap. I miss that SilverFiddle if for nothing else than his outsize ego. RN is a wonderful opponent. A true gentleman.
Mary Mayhem - OK, he was wrong for politicizing this event. He had no facts and he should have kept his mouth shut until he did. And personally I suspect he will never present any supporting evidence.
I am sure you know my stance on illegal aliens, but you are right. McCain is pandering and it smells exactly like that way.
I said nothing about a "rant" Don't know where you got that from RN. I said you were raving about how the Soviets knew better than Obama on economics. Anyone can read your post. Yes, President Carter. When you had nothing one day to bitch about Dems, you wrote about how Carter was the worst President in History Blah, Blah, Blah. It's not my job to make you sound fair, or real. That's an impossible job anyways, because you are not. You are an independent Nothing, you are a Ayn Rand cultist. Delusional!
An unrelated (to the big phat phuck who is the topic of this discussion) FYI for all the readers of Sue's blog...
Keith Olbermann returns to the airwaves TONIGHT at 7pm central time on Current TV (channel 358 on DirecTV and channels 196 and 406 on Dish Network). Be sure to tune in!
Also, anyone interested in reading about the event can do so on my blog... where I authored a post titled "Countdown to Keith Olbermann" to commemorate/announce the occasion.
I hereby invite all of Keith's fans, potential fans, non-fans, and haters to my blog to discuss the re-launch of Keith's show (which is still called "Countdown", as it was on MSNBC).
Every now and again something happens that renews one s faith in America,today is one of those days. A united U.S. Supreme Court threw out a frivolous equal pay lawsuit brought by a group of menopausal harpies against Wall-Mart. What tribute to a solid American company and their management who in lieu of any out of court settlements stood tall fighting for their rights.Hip,hip,hooray Wal-Mart.
Shackleford: "...a group of menopausal harpies..."
I don't know who this "Rusty" character is, how old he is, what shape he's in, or what his IQ is...wait...after reading his slur on women, I can guess the IQ part [and it's probably in the range of cole slaw].
That sort of explicit sexist talk shows he's still stuck in the the 1950s when it was accepted for men to demean women in order to make themselves feel macho [or to cover up for their little inadequacies].
Real men don't call women harpies nor make fun of a natural passage of a woman's life.
FYI Rusty, this blog supports our president, if you do not then why are you here trolling and plain ole stirring up trouble?? If you want to be treated like another lamebrain lisa then keep it up, if you want to be a grown man and comment on the featured post then fine. But rest assured all nasty comments that are off topic will be deleted.
RN, I was not censoring an opposing view, I deleted a comment that was off topic, and as for yours, it was off topic and unnecessary to the conversation.
Your behavior on this blog has come to the attention of one of my Golden Retrievers, Billy. He has told me that he would like to challenge you to a debate. He has even graciously agreed to provide you with a hypothesis. Here is Billy's thoughts on where you are coming from. Please correct him if he is wrong.
Hi! I'm Rusty. My handlers have told me that it's okay to say that GWB spent too much money on wars and the pharmaceuticals for seniors. It is very important, however, that no matter how much one might suggest that GWB ruined the U.S.A. and by extension, the world, it is extremely important to understand that if BHO had not been elected president, everything would have been okay. We could have just further lowered taxes on the wealthy and most likely everything would have worked out. Even though GWB ruined the world, it was really BHO that wrecked everything.
Billy is awaiting your response. He is fairly certain that he has stated your position correctly.
if you want to be a grown man and comment on the featured post then fine
Having watched rusty's shtick(read his comments here) for almost five years on various blogs, his "...a group of menopausal harpies..." comment is actually somewhat milder then some of his more juvenile comments.
BTW he is willing to LIE openly when called on his childish behavior.
Also rusty has at least 5 known aliases on blogger itself;
This is very strange. I checked Rusty's blogger profile quit awhile ago, and it said he had no blogs. Then "Leopold Stotch" commented here a few days ago (in another thread).
I went to Leopold's blog and posted a comment. Today that blog (LeopoldsHouse) now belongs to Rusty, as well as another one called "Mr.Mackey speaks".
Even stranger, the one and only post on "Mr.Mackey Speaks" is dated 4/13/2006, and the one and only post on "LeopoldsHouse" is dated 2/12/2008. What kind of funny business are you up to Rusty?
I think he created multiple blogger accounts in order to SPAM liberal blogs... with his inane comments about Ed Shultz being a ape and Barack Obama being a dummy...
The question is, why do they both now have the ID "Rusty Shackelford" attached to them? Did blogger find him out and delete his two other accounts?
At the very least we know he's stealing character names from "South Park" and "King of the Hill" ("Rusty Shackelford" is an alias used by the character Dale Gribble from "King of the Hill").
Neither will nor rusty's buddy has ever commented on their knowledge of rusty's various disguises he uses on blogger.
So expecting rusty to be honest and not a far right wing fringe troll isn't going to happen. He is very involved in the far right wing fringe in the country and has spent years attacking anybody left of center.
clif, great investigative work. Another blogger who goes by the name "Blogging Sleuth" has done similar investigations into fraudulent bloggers/spammers who steal other people's photo IDs and facebook IDs and blog with them.
"Tha malcontent" erroneously believes I am the "Blogging Sleuth," but he's usually wrong about everything he believes. LOL! [Did you get that, lisa?]*
I did, however, discover that one of the fake bloggers stole a photo of a policeman in California who was killed in the line of duty and put up a fake blog using that fallen policeman's photo with a made-up identy.
Rusty sounds like the same sort of fake blogger/troll whose only purpose is to disrupt liberal blogs.
He's a sad little troll who's full of sound and fury but signifies nothing.
*that reference to "lisa" is included because she usually lurks here and reports back to "tha malcontent" on anything anyone writes about him so that he can fill his blog with his own version of "sound and fury signifying nothing."
It's stupid-ass comments like that, that INSTANTLY remind me of how uneducated christians are as opposed to Agnostics and Atheists...especially when it involves the topic of religion.
I'm sure the flying spaghetti monster would disagree, but then again, most of your quotes and idiotic posts remind me of an angry 13 year old girl, having a temper tantrum.
PS: he sure doesn't look like a "gawd", but more like a grounded blimp.
she's just trying to get you all to talk about her or talk TO HER cuz she is a lonely 13 yr old home on summer vacation...damn I have alot to look forward to these next couple months
I think this thread has run it's course so I'm gonna put a stop on comments. I have something I'm working on, I just need some more quiet time and a brain boost. Thanks everyone!
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Lately I've wanted to give my thoughts on the Oc...
He's a bully, plain and simple. And he'll never, never be president.
The GOPers love this sort of "in your face" arrogance.
PS. It's amazing how silent the GOPers are about Christie's girth when their bloggers foam at the mouth about Michelle Obama, who, BTW, could do a lot of damage to the soft, obese governor of NJ.
"None of your business?"
What an arrogant ass!
It is the attitude of entitlement. The conservatives always bitch and moan about entitlements, but it is the rich and powerful who actually feel entitled and behave as though they can do whatever they want and the rest of us be damned.
Shaw, you are absolutely right! He is an arrogant ass. I would add "hole" to that description too.
Wow! Does he ever need to trade those fries in for broccoli! And seriously if he can afford that much in private school and property taxes, why can't he afford nutrisystem and a personal trainer?
This is one of those situations they were talking about on The Best of the Left this week. People on the right will PRAISE Christie for this. They will say, "OMG LULZ, he is awesome because he's the only one with the balls to say this kind of thing!!" When in reality he is the only one STUPID enough to say this kind of thing. It's not WIT Guv-nuh Christie, it's just you YAPPING without thinking first.
Have you noticed though, that for all of their "arrogance" and "entitlement" attitudes...when they speak of Obama's "arrogance" or "elitism", they really want to say "uppity N$^%#r?" I'm just soooo sick of these posers.
Shaw he is worse than a bully, an elected by the people governor who has NO respect for the opposing party in his state, talks down to them when he was elected to be governor of the whole state of NJ not just the wingnut section. He is rude, crude, disgustingly arrogant.
You're right about the attitude of entitlement Jerry. he'd probably like to sit on a crush all those who oppose him.
hi Expresso, that's what I said as I listened in disbelief! Did you all notice the surprised look on the hosts face?
yea Mary, the millionaire can afford that much in property taxes, which BTW I find highly suspect. I know our taxes are the highest in the country, but 38,000??
that's so right Judi, but oh hell no, we know better than to accuse the righties of racism..;-)
I agree, everything I've heard about the dude seems to indicate that he is rude, crude, and a disgustingly arrogant bully... which probably does explain why Right-wingers want him to run for prez.
SUE!! You said the same thing that I was thinking while watching this with my jaw on the floor...politician's don't feel like they are "public servants" anymore. They feel NO NEED to serve ALL the people, just the ones that pay to get them in office. You know how mad we get at Obama when he says things like "I know the Democrats won't like this, but I wasn't just elected to be President of the Democratic Party, I was elected President of the United States." Well, Fat Boy Slim Morals over there didn't get that memo!
This guy complains about his $38,000 (wow, mansion time!) in property taxes going to pay for schools his kids don't use, then in the next breath (did he take a breath in between?) says that as Gov. he has to be concerned about all the children of the state...huh?...what?
And now as the resident morbidly obese person here I take GREAT offense at the King of Big Phat Phuck's here (Love that Sue, stealing it, using it often!) we fatties have spent years building up a persona of being jolly, lovable, rolly pollys...and this Tub comes along and makes us all look FAT again. >:[
Has anyone used the word pompous yet? That is the word I think best describes large and arrogant. See Rush Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, et. al <--they might not all be large, but they all have fat faces!
And seriously...After the whole birther/schooler crap and Anthony Weiner scandal...a Republican occupying the executive seat is going to have the audacity to utter the words "none of your business"?
Can someone let us know what is and is not our business? I want a detailed list by COB Monday.
Shaw - While I happen to like Christie in some ways I see your point.
I also know that progressive, or liberals if you prefer, are guilty of...
" love this sort of "in your face" arrogance."
The knife cuts both ways and if you are honest, and I believe you are you will agree.
RN: Please provide an example of where one Democratic candidate or office holder has ever come even close to this kind of rude outburst toward a constituent - or physically attacked them or shouted them down.
Here is a list of Democratic governors currently serving their states:
Mike Beebe, Arkansas
Jerry Brown, California
John Hickenlooper, Colorado
Dan Malloy, Connecticut
Jack Markell, Deleware
Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
Pat Quinn, Illinois
Steve Beshear, Kentucky
Martin O'Mally, Maryland
Deval Patrick, Massachusetts
Mark Dayton, Minnesota
Jay Nixon, Missouri
Brian Schweitzer, Montana
John Lynch, New Hampshire
Andrew Cuomo, New York
Beverly Perdue, No. Carolina
John Kitzhaber, Oregon
Peter Shumlin, Vermont
Christine Gregoire, Washington
Earl Ray Tomblin, West Virginia
Any of those names come to mind as being arrogant, bullying, and "in your face?"
Didn't think so.
Christie is beloved by the party that appreciates strutting, cock of the walks, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
This post by JuanitaJean had me in stitches. The part where it said he looked like he ate his brother in the limo and even his shadow weighed seventeen pounds had me on the floor.
great list of Democrats Shaw, and NO, I have never witnessed in person or in the media a Democrat being rude to a constituent. The Republicans have that attitude of entitlement as Jerry said, and "nobody can do it better than a GOPper can" frame of thinking. This is the attitude of a school kid with no self confidence or self esteem. They have to resort to bullying to get people to pay attention. Our side sees that as rude and crude and their side sees it as confidence!! Bwahaaahaaahaaa!
MaryB you are NOT morbidly obese, and you are JOLLY, thats a good thing!
FJ I checked out that blog and left a comment. The woman is Funny!!
John Hickenlooper IS LOVED!! HE WAS LOVED AS MAYOR! He is hilarious! he ran a completely positive campaign with hilarious commercials...he was attacked with attack ads, so his response ad was as commercial with him in a cowboy hat, fully clothed, saying "All these negative ads make me feel like I need to take a shower" and he gets in the shower fully clothed with the cowboy hat on and soaps up...He was a geologist and small business man before he went into politics....so he's awesome. He cleaned up Denver! Literally, It's so clean you could eat off the sidewalk. Oh, and it's safe now too. He turned the projects into integrated housing communities, which turned into neighborhoods...There are seriously NO really unsafe neighbor hoods in Denver anymore, just petty. HE started GREEN everything in all of the city buildings.... He would NEVER EVER talk to a constituent like that...NEVER, unfathomable. Several of my friends worked for him as mayor and said he was the nicest guy ever and were sad to see him leave.
Chris Christie, look at Gov. Hickenlooper, that is how you act.
what a great story Mary! Thanks, and yes I did see that commercial!
GO DEMS, the party of PLAIN 'OLE NICE!!
Ha! Word is ...he is over weight for a helicopter... his next official ride to his son's Little League is a tow truck.
maybe a dump truck would work better, we could dump his ass out!!
Some people love Christie for stuff like this. Some people hate Christie for stuff like this. Absolutely nothing new here. Zero.
Fact is...its none of this womens business where Christie's kids go to school.
New Jersey....the attitude capital of the world,Christie's a Jersey Boy,deal with it.
Could you imagine what would happen if Obama were to answer a constituent's question in this manner? Oh lordy lordy....! FOX News would have a fields day with how Obama's gone back to his Chicago "street" roots...or something...
Soooooo getting a divorce....apparently my husband thinks that this kind of attack was warranted because the woman's question was "baited"... He's just a no-nonsense type of guy...WTF!?? TOTALLY MISSING THE POINT!
And to Rusty Shackleass - She didn't ask where his kids go to school. You've missed the point too.
Will and Rusty - Well said and spot on!
Time to move on.
Sorry, RN, Rusty, and (as always) Will. This clown is trying to gut public education in NJ, which DOES make where he sends HIS kids the business of HIS constituents.
Your defense of your hero isn't even ill-informed this time. It's just stupid.
typical wingnut response Rusty, you did not GET the post. Christie was NOT asked why he doesn't send his kids to public schools, HE didn't even listen to the womans question either. It'll be a cold day in hell if that buffoon gets re elected. He is a fat fuck and an arrogant one at that!!
Will, it's my responsibility to show the world how ignorant these GOP are so they do not get re elected. A video is a great way of doing that cuz I can't fabricate anything.
Mary I'd divorce him too!! LOL
Of course they don't get the point, their brains are so clogged with false facts they don't know how to think for themselves anymore. Rusty is the proof here.
OKAY, I see we can add RN to the list of brain deads... You are more than welcome to move on RN.
JR, the first thing the buffoon did was cut education. He is one of those "religious righties" who believes we should home school our kids so who needs the evils of PE. And as he gave his rich cronies tax cuts he cut PE by a trillion dollars. Do you know our property taxes are the highest in the nation? Do you know who has to make up those cuts? The middleclass homeowners in their property tax bills!
Will says: "Some people love Christie for stuff like this. Some people hate Christie for stuff like this."
Woohoo! Ride 'em, cowboy! You're gonna get a few splinters up the ole arse from riding that fence.
RN says: "Time to move on."
That's the best idea you've ever had. So, why don't-cha - along with Will and Rusty there?
The most obvious thing about hopium addicts is that they can not tolerate anything that strays outside the corral of their statist top down government mentality.
Talk about being brain dead! You guys must have one of the largest brain dead trusts on the net.
My work here is down. When you guys trash a reasonable and objective guy like Will... well, I guess it really says volumes about where you guys are really coming from.
In that simple ridiculous act you proved my {our} point.
This is my blog and I did not trash Will. He and I differ from time to time but that is to be expected when you have a friend, as Leslie says, who is a fence sitter. Leslie meant no disrespect just an observation on her part.
Was'nt it wonderful to see Gov.Christie stand of to the teachers union.He's now made a deal with the leading state dems to have public employee's contribute to their health care and pensions...talk about moving a stagnate foward into the future.Christie's done more positive things for NJ in one year then that buffoon Corzine did in four.
Facing Budget Woes, Chris Christie’s Poll Numbers Fall in New Jersey
The freshman class of Republican governors has mostly been facing rough sledding in polls as they take a hard-line on fiscal matters in an effort to tackle gaping state deficits. That’s been true particularly of Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, Ohio’s John Kasich, Michigan’s Rick Snyder and Florida’s Rick Scott. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had fared better than them, although he also took some lumps from voters.
BTW: This is what Rusty says behind your back, Sue:
Rusty Shackelford said...
I'm guessing you are the Lisa who is damn popular over at Sue's echo chamber.
I started twisting their tails once in a while and now,according to them,I'm a f*#king idiot,a f*%king moron,I hate the poor,I'm a racist and lord know what else.Why on earth are those libs so friggin angry?
June 13, 2011 8:24 PM
Rusty, you are an excellent example of false consciousness. Your last comment proves it. Please. Please. Please. The cuts to education must end! Future generations of children cannot be punished by learning to articulate as eloquently as you.
Oh Mary,Mary...I'm guessing you're one of those who want to continue flushing tax dollars down the failed american public school toilet.Or perhaps Mary you're one of those who worship at the alter of the teachers union....either way you're dead wrong.Its people like yourself who believe our public schools are fine but just need more money.Its your ilk and your antiquated belief in our failed school system that will indeed punish future generations of american children.
Whether he is "JERSEY" or not is moot. What we do not need is any politician adopting an attitude of arrogance. The Conservative Republicans are breeding a atmosphere that is more than likely to produce a severe backlash. We need cooperation and respect... from all sides.
Rusty do you live in NJ? Well I do so I see both sides and what they are doing for and against the best interests of our citizens. Christie is typical rightwing, he works for big corps and turns his back on the poor, the children, the unemployed, etc etc. I will say this... the state workers who had the pleasure of free HC benefits and are now paying a portion just like the rest of us IS A GOOD THING, I am not one who bashed Christie over that. But the cuts in education hurts our children, and it hurts the middle class tax payers, so I think IT'S WRONG and I will speak out on it.
Shaw I saw that comment from Rusty boy at lisas. We have a good time hanging here with some good conversations going on, they are jealous that's all. Ya know that old saying Liberals do have more fun! LMAO!!
Just because there are SOME failed schools doesn't mean you punish all public school systems in this country. Changes are needed but NOT abolishing PE like the Right wants to do. How ridiculous is it to think parents in every state can either home school their kids or afford to put them in Private schools?? That is insane thinking, well It's not thinking at all if ya ask me!
thanks Jim, the voice of reason...
Poor kids are destined to grow up to be losers. Because their parents are losers. We should stop wasting money trying to educate them. Instead that money should go to vouchers. Vouchers that wealthier parents can use to supplement the cost of sending their kids to private schools.
The money we save by not "investing" in failure can be used to build more prisons for the poor loser kids after they grow up and are arrested for selling drugs, breaking and entering, or some other crime.
It's a win-win for everyone involved. The tax payers don't have to pay to send losers to school when they won't graduate anyway, wealthy parents get a supplement to send their kids to private for-profit schools, private for-profit schools make more profit, for-profit prisons make more profit, and the dregs of society are forced to contribute (through prison labor).
And prison labor is another bonus for the for-profit prison system!
BTW, I'm not in favor of adopting this plan to deal with our educational problems... but I think it's fairly clear that many Republicans are.
Rusty. I want reform. You cannot have reform without funds. There is a huge difference between our ideologies. When something of mine is faulty, I try to fix the problem by examining it closely. I try to figure out the root of the problem using the processes of experimentation, correlation and observation. Some might even call this the scientific method. I would suggest that this is what we do with our broken education system.
On the other hand, you and you ilk propose that we take what is faulty, and throw it down on the ground and step on it, just like a child throwing a temper tantrum, and then toss it into the trashcan. In your mind, this somehow "fixes" the problem. You are in the mentality of, "If it is too complicated for me too figure out, why fix it? It must be worthless!"
It certainly is W-d, and it is truly frightening.
Sue and RN, thanks. It was just a nondescript comment that reflected on just how like-warm I am about all of these guys. Would I ever vote for Mr. Christie myself? Probably not. He's pro-life. I'm pro-choice. That alone would give me some major pause.
All candidates have an obligation to answeer to Americans about their position on public schools, since their decisions as elected leaders will effect the school system. It's easy with Republicans, they want to eliminate public schools in favor of private schools.
Over at RN's blog He's raving about the Soviet over the American system. No surprise since his political and economic God, is Russian born Ayn Rand.
Wow Susan....your blog is huge...I am so proud of you, and you are right on the money with your views and opinions. Good luck.
@Tom, not only that, but he is reprimanding Senator McCain for blaming the tragic AZ wildfires on illegal immigrants, not because it's a disgusting unproven allegation, but because "plays right into the hands of the pogressives." (direct quote). Typical Neo-Libertarian realist conservatism at its finest. Self-interested and circular history; no room for progression at all.
Thank You Jueseppi! You are too kind...my new FB friend!
so simple..
CON = conservatives,
PRO = progressives
Mary,throwing money at our failing public school system is'nt the answer.We spend as much per student as any country yet get far less results.Need more "Tiger Mom's'" less "you're all winner's" mentality.
We spend as much per student as any country yet get far less results.*
Who said anything about "throwing money" at a problem? We are fighting to stop cuts! Did you read any of what I just said? Obviously not.
If it has problems, throw it away (but for everyone). Typical wasteful, right-wing mentality. Rich people can afford new things (but not for everyone).
* The price per student calculation is skewed. Any nominal amount of skepticism could show you that. We mismanage the crap out of our education system. We have revisionists in places like Texas that want to rewrite the Science and History books every year that we have to pay for. We have middle management that doesn't exist in any other country, which gets factored in to this calculation. We also factor in ALL of our fees for student social services such as free lunch, reduced lunch, special education, teacher's aids, student's aids, programs to watch children after school, etc. These are all things that other "socialist" countries, as you would call them, provide their citizens normally free-of-charge because they are entitled to them as a right of citizenship, not as a part of their Department of Education. This, among other things, skews the hell out of the numbers. It paints a very different picture Mr. Shakenfries. That's why I want reform.
"A nation that destroys its systems of education, degrades its public information, guts its public libraries and turns its airwaves into vehicles for cheap, mindless amusement becomes deaf, dumb and blind."
Need more "Tiger Mom's'" less "you're all winner's" mentality. You DO realize that America is the most individualist (versus collectivist) society in the entire world, right? Or do you even know what that means?
What the hell does being an individualist society have to do with a failing public school system?
In all your silly rants about revisionists,middle management you never seem to mention teacher accountability or continued insipid demands from teachers unions.You keep screeching reform,reform,yet the only "reform" you call for is money related.You are a bit of a one trick pony.
and Mary....how is the weather in OZ today?
Tom - A rant huh? You are a one sided blind progressive who views all non progressive views as a rant.
Why not discuss my post on Jimmy Carter or John McCain.
Why, because you would then have to acknowledge that I actually am an independent conservative.
ow go stuff it.
Will - Your welcome. The swamp has gotten so deep here I do believe it is life threatening. ;)
@ Rusty - When did I ever speak of money related reform? Never. I simply stated the answer to the problem is reform not cuts.
You are saying our failing school system is because we have too much of a, and I quote, "you're all winner's" mentality vs. a "tiger mom" mentality. Do you have that memorized, or do you have it bookmarked so you can go to your favorite right-wing blog site and just copy and paste it?
In America everyone is taught to pursue their own interests and dreams, including educational (individualist), vs. China, where your "Tiger Mom" mentality prevails, where everyone is taught to put their own individual thoughts and interests aside and put the interest of the group and country first (collectivist). Certainly this cannot be what you are advocating in America? The "Tiger Mom?" It sounds so very authoritarian and, well, "fascist" to me. How un-republican?
By the way, it won't ever happen. It's a cultural thing.
And what do you mean by "Oz"?
Hey Rusty,
I guess it's your brain that's getting rusty. I'm glad Shaw reprinted your dumb comment at Lisa's place about how I said that you hated your fellow citizens in need. (Wake-up call, not everybody who is hurting right now is actually poor.) It just shows that you're a big fucking pussy because you were afraid to take me on intellect vs. intellect. (Admittedly not a fair fight.) So I figured it was time to kick your puppy ass. I read your last two or three comments. They are completely unintelligible. I have nothing to say to you.
I love doing battle with conservatives that hang out on liberal blogs. It's great sport. And sometimes we actually find some common ground and bridge the gap. I miss that SilverFiddle if for nothing else than his outsize ego. RN is a wonderful opponent. A true gentleman.
You have nothing to offer.
@ RN- I'm glad you busted on McCain, but not for the reasons you gave. Why not just say he is wrong for politicizing the events?
Mary Mayhem - OK, he was wrong for politicizing this event. He had no facts and he should have kept his mouth shut until he did. And personally I suspect he will never present any supporting evidence.
I am sure you know my stance on illegal aliens, but you are right. McCain is pandering and it smells exactly like that way.
tisk,tisk Junior....your time as come and gone,the bus passed you by.
I said nothing about a "rant" Don't know where you got that from RN.
I said you were raving about how the Soviets knew better than Obama on economics. Anyone can read your post.
Yes, President Carter. When you had nothing one day to bitch about Dems, you wrote about how Carter was the worst President in History Blah, Blah, Blah.
It's not my job to make you sound fair, or real. That's an impossible job anyways, because you are not.
You are an independent Nothing, you are a Ayn Rand cultist.
An unrelated (to the big phat phuck who is the topic of this discussion) FYI for all the readers of Sue's blog...
Keith Olbermann returns to the airwaves TONIGHT at 7pm central time on Current TV (channel 358 on DirecTV and channels 196 and 406 on Dish Network). Be sure to tune in!
Also, anyone interested in reading about the event can do so on my blog... where I authored a post titled "Countdown to Keith Olbermann" to commemorate/announce the occasion.
I hereby invite all of Keith's fans, potential fans, non-fans, and haters to my blog to discuss the re-launch of Keith's show (which is still called "Countdown", as it was on MSNBC).
Every now and again something happens that renews one
s faith in America,today is one of those days.
A united U.S. Supreme Court threw out a frivolous equal pay lawsuit brought by a group of menopausal harpies against Wall-Mart.
What tribute to a solid American company and their management who in lieu of any out of court settlements stood tall fighting for their rights.Hip,hip,hooray Wal-Mart.
@ FJ - So what were you saying about having nothing to offer.....?
you are all alone in your love of Walfartmarket Rus...
Shackleford: "...a group of menopausal harpies..."
I don't know who this "Rusty" character is, how old he is, what shape he's in, or what his IQ is...wait...after reading his slur on women, I can guess the IQ part [and it's probably in the range of cole slaw].
That sort of explicit sexist talk shows he's still stuck in the the 1950s when it was accepted for men to demean women in order to make themselves feel macho [or to cover up for their little inadequacies].
Real men don't call women harpies nor make fun of a natural passage of a woman's life.
If he's married, I pity his poor wife.
Ding Dong the troll is dead.
FYI Rusty, this blog supports our president, if you do not then why are you here trolling and plain ole stirring up trouble?? If you want to be treated like another lamebrain lisa then keep it up, if you want to be a grown man and comment on the featured post then fine. But rest assured all nasty comments that are off topic will be deleted.
RN, I was not censoring an opposing view, I deleted a comment that was off topic, and as for yours, it was off topic and unnecessary to the conversation.
Your behavior on this blog has come to the attention of one of my Golden Retrievers, Billy. He has told me that he would like to challenge you to a debate. He has even graciously agreed to provide you with a hypothesis. Here is Billy's thoughts on where you are coming from. Please correct him if he is wrong.
Hi! I'm Rusty. My handlers have told me that it's okay to say that GWB spent too much money on wars and the pharmaceuticals for seniors. It is very important, however, that no matter how much one might suggest that GWB ruined the U.S.A. and by extension, the world, it is extremely important to understand that if BHO had not been elected president, everything would have been okay. We could have just further lowered taxes on the wealthy and most likely everything would have worked out. Even though GWB ruined the world, it was really BHO that wrecked everything.
Billy is awaiting your response. He is fairly certain that he has stated your position correctly.
Here are Billy's thoughts. Sorry.
if you want to be a grown man and comment on the featured post then fine
Having watched rusty's shtick(read his comments here) for almost five years on various blogs, his "...a group of menopausal harpies..." comment is actually somewhat milder then some of his more juvenile comments.
BTW he is willing to LIE openly when called on his childish behavior.
Also rusty has at least 5 known aliases on blogger itself;
1, :>Rusty Shackelford
See the two W dervish found here "A Blot on an Otherwise Exemplary University"
This is very strange. I checked Rusty's blogger profile quit awhile ago, and it said he had no blogs. Then "Leopold Stotch" commented here a few days ago (in another thread).
I went to Leopold's blog and posted a comment. Today that blog (LeopoldsHouse) now belongs to Rusty, as well as another one called "Mr.Mackey speaks".
Even stranger, the one and only post on "Mr.Mackey Speaks" is dated 4/13/2006, and the one and only post on "LeopoldsHouse" is dated 2/12/2008. What kind of funny business are you up to Rusty?
I think he created multiple blogger accounts in order to SPAM liberal blogs... with his inane comments about Ed Shultz being a ape and Barack Obama being a dummy...
The question is, why do they both now have the ID "Rusty Shackelford" attached to them? Did blogger find him out and delete his two other accounts?
At the very least we know he's stealing character names from "South Park" and "King of the Hill" ("Rusty Shackelford" is an alias used by the character Dale Gribble from "King of the Hill").
Two other aliases from a far right wing blog friend of rusty's rustyridesagain and returnofrusty
Neither will nor rusty's buddy has ever commented on their knowledge of rusty's various disguises he uses on blogger.
So expecting rusty to be honest and not a far right wing fringe troll isn't going to happen. He is very involved in the far right wing fringe in the country and has spent years attacking anybody left of center.
thank you Billy, I doubt you will hear from RussssssTeeeee,
Thank you for that info too Clif...could ole Rus be another Malcontent infiltrating the blogs lisa and Mal have been banned from?
clif, great investigative work. Another blogger who goes by the name "Blogging Sleuth" has done similar investigations into fraudulent bloggers/spammers who steal other people's photo IDs and facebook IDs and blog with them.
"Tha malcontent" erroneously believes I am the "Blogging Sleuth," but he's usually wrong about everything he believes. LOL! [Did you get that, lisa?]*
I did, however, discover that one of the fake bloggers stole a photo of a policeman in California who was killed in the line of duty and put up a fake blog using that fallen policeman's photo with a made-up identy.
Rusty sounds like the same sort of fake blogger/troll whose only purpose is to disrupt liberal blogs.
He's a sad little troll who's full of sound and fury but signifies nothing.
*that reference to "lisa" is included because she usually lurks here and reports back to "tha malcontent" on anything anyone writes about him so that he can fill his blog with his own version of "sound and fury signifying nothing."
It's hilarious to read a winger describe a GOP politician as a "God," when they're the ones who claim liberals think Mr. Obama is the Messiah!
Oh the humanity!
And the predictable idiocy of winger trolls!
"Chris Cristie is a God"
It's stupid-ass comments like that, that INSTANTLY remind me of how uneducated christians are as opposed to Agnostics and Atheists...especially when it involves the topic of religion.
Chris Cristie is a God
I'm sure the flying spaghetti monster would disagree, but then again, most of your quotes and idiotic posts remind me of an angry 13 year old girl, having a temper tantrum.
PS: he sure doesn't look like a "gawd", but more like a grounded blimp.
she's just trying to get you all to talk about her or talk TO HER cuz she is a lonely 13 yr old home on summer vacation...damn I have alot to look forward to these next couple months
I think this thread has run it's course so I'm gonna put a stop on comments. I have something I'm working on, I just need some more quiet time and a brain boost. Thanks everyone!
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