Thursday, June 9, 2011

There is More Important News....

Too much shit going on in politics to worry about Weiner. Guess when ya fuck up ya have to pay the price. You would think in this electronic age these sex addicts would realize every single move you make, every thing you say, every picture you take and send into cyber space..... is recorded some how some way.  Good Luck Anthony Weiner....

Paul Ryan calls for the US to default on it's obligations.....what a fuckin' joke this idiot is!

Tim Pawlenty's economic plan cuts taxes for millionaires by 41 this guy for real?? Another republiscum who ignores the will of the people!

 More signs Rudy Giuliani will make second White House run....I don't know what you think about Ole Rudy, but he makes my skin crawl. I can't picture him as POTUS at all! He's got a creepy weirdness about him.

and if you are tired this week of politics and Weiner's penis,  here's something different and educational too!   Study: Most woman fake orgasms- but why?   I will say (with a red face)... I do not!

I hope to be here this weekend to spend quality time with you....TGIT


Jerry Critter said...

I think the republicans have "jumped the shark". Their proposed economic policies are purely batshit crazy. They keep talking like this, and Obama is guaranteed another 4 years.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The ones in charge know what they're doing, politically. Congressional republicans are doing all they can to obstruct us into another recession. They don't care about 2012, thus the plethora of shitheads. They will create someone to run in 2016 just as they created Bush in 2000 and convinced just enough people that he would be a good president because you'd rather drink a beer with him than Kerry.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Another thing going against Mr. Weiner is redistricting. It looks like his district is going to merge with another and he'll probably have to go up against another liberal Democrat in primary, one presumably without this high level of baggage.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm too exhausted to deal with politics and Weiner's weiner.

But your the last segment of your post reminded me of this.

Sorry guys. It's true.

But why bother when you don't have to fake it. More than once.

Sue said...

Shaw, great blast from the past! LOL! I'm exhausted too...

It's so clear for us to see Jerry, but the Right will always love and support their morons and their horrible damaging policies, not because they believe those morons would make a great president,they believe God chooses our president, that's what Mom says and believes too. So a President Palin is a Godsend to them...:-)

Makes sense Truth, I don't see a single GOPper who could beat Obama. Now 2016 I believe will bring out Jeb Bush, but will the country elect another Bushie?? The Dems need someone spectacular...ya know the GOP coming back in 2016 to destroy all the progress from the 2 term Obama reign is so typical of what the voters are capable of doing.

Will I have come to terms with Weiner stupidity, if he is challenged and loses his seat then fine. I would hope the person is much wiser and even more progressive in our fight. I'd be happy then...

Jerry Critter said...

Too funny, naughty little girl!

The CDM said...

The newt campaign just imploded. Something tells me it was all a sham to begin with. They partied, took the money and ran.

Jolly Roger said...

The problem is while Weenie is still around, little things like the Paw-Paw plan get pushed-very deliberately-to the back burner.

Christopher says he'll leave today. I hope Christopher is right.

Infidel753 said...

I don't know what you think about Ole Rudy, but he makes my skin crawl.


Flying Junior said...

I'm not sure if Ryan and Pawlenty qualify for a Golden Fleece Award, but if we can't slip it past the judges, surely they can share the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Such genius cannot go unrecognized.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - Isn't this... "the progress from the 2 term Obama reign"

1) Premature, he ain't completed the first yet.

and 2) very telling of the real motives of the liberals who are beginning to see Obama as a King.

Now we conservatives {as opposed to republicans}have long believed Obama sees himself in such exalted fashion.

Just a couple of observations.

TOM said...

How can conservatives separate themselves from Republicans, if they vote Republican because they refuse to vote Democratic?
They are still responsible for our mess, because they voted for these idiots.
Who did you vote for the last 30 years RN? Any Rand - write in, or are you like TAO who didn't vote at all, but enjoys bitching about all politicians.
As the crude saying goes, shit, or get off the pot.
Blame, blame, blame - insult, insult, insult.
Have you ever had a realistic idea before? Randian ideology is not realistic, it won't work within the American system.
I know, you want to destroy that system in favor of Randian ideology.
Got any better ideas than simply destroying what generations of Americans had died to protect?
Obama is not my king. If you had read my opinions instead of simply attacking me you would know that.
Sue can testify to the fact that I have problems with Obama.
Sue has had problems with Obama's decisions also.
But he is so far better than Bush, or the current crop of idiots running for the Republican nomination.
The question is why would anyone vote for a bimbo like Palin, or Bachmann for President of the United States?
Justify that kind of vote.
Justify voting for Pawlenty. A guy who took Minnesota from a 600 million dollar SURPLUS, to a 6 Billion dollar DEBT.
Get real dude. Pull your head out of Rand's ass.

Mary Mayhem said...

Out of pity...and because we have shit to do!

Oh you know what I am talking about!

Mary Mayhem said...

Speaking of Nosferatu, baby Nosferatu! They are so creepy when they are young.

Sue said...

LMAO Mary! That's because you are young with a young child, just wait til you're middle age then you can relax and enjoy, there won't be any need to fake it! ;-)

Sue said...

C, seems Newt is gonna work around that little detail, he's running!! YAY!!

JR, last I heard Weiners constituents want him to stay. I feel like it's gonna blow over pretty quickly, but I may be wrong..

amazing resemblance, Infidel! LOL

genius yes FJ! Now we have another religious wingnut Rick Perry with family and Texans begging him to run. It's gonna be a wild ride! Let's see...God, Guns, Gold, God.....

Tom there is no way we are ever gonna understand the mindset of a conservative/republican voter, so I give up. Did you see JollyRogers post on Ayn Rand? Its a good one!

Flying Junior said...

Alright, I'll bite...

How can you tell if a woman is faking her orgasm? I must confess, I am somewhat inexperienced in this type of matter.

The answer tomorrow!

Sue said...

FJ there are definitely ways a man can tell, but I don't want to get to graphic on here. I'll just say there's more going on then the ooohs and aaahs if the bog O is an intense one. Woman are lucky, we have multiples... do you know what multiples are??


Les Carpenter said...

Tom - As you (actually we )kick the socialist ball down the road I fail to understand what it is that liberal hate about the founding documents of this great nation.

Rand actually supports those documents. In the original context and intent.

As for my head up Rands ass... well lets just say your comment deserves no response. As to original ideas... well lets just say I have likely have had as many as you have. Ideas that are diametrically opposed. So, does your remark apply to you as well because we disagree?

At any rate the BS is getting tiring. You should keep on doing what you believe in doing what and I shall do the same.

I believe history is cyclical and if this world is around long enough we will eventual complete the circle. The human race will find itself back at the beginning likely having learned nothing from history.

Sue said...

RN I believe everything is cyclical too, that's why I'm preparing myself for a republiscum comeback once Democrats fix the GOP disasterous economy killing policies. Seems like a little game God plays with us HUH?? Republicans fuck up, Democrats fix, and so on and so on... This time around the fuck ups are MAJOR so it's taking longer, plus the fuckers are obstructing at every turn. Will the people see it? I hope so or we are fucked again...

Sue said...

In another indication that cutting corporate taxes and providing corporate financial incentives are not helping to resolve the unemployment problem, The New York Times reports that businesses are spending their extra dollars on software and equipment (more automation) - and hardly any on increased hiring.

Add that to a large number of corporations sitting on record profits and the continued outsourcing of jobs overseas, and it becomes clearer that the economy needs increased consumer buying power through a high-octane jobs stimulus program.

Sue said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

RN: "...very telling of the real motives of the liberals who are beginning to see Obama as a King."

This sort of nonsensical comment is what angers people, RN.

We liberals are not "beginning to see Obama as a king. What the honk do you mean by that statement?

If you have something to add to the discussion, please do so. Coming here and making absurd statements such as that is a waste.

Mr. Obama is NOT being seen as a king by anyone. He's the president, and as such, has limited powers. The Founding Fathers wrote those limitations into the Constitution.

It was George W. Bush's presidency that was labeled an "imperial presidency."

It never ceases to amaze me how much projection goes on in the conservative mind. Bush pushed for and got an illegal war with a country that did not attack us and that did not threaten us, Bush created the largest government agency [Homeland Security] in the history of the US, and Bush instituted illegal wiretapping then lied about it, but conservatives project "king" onto Obama?

Just stop the nonsense, okay?


Oh, and don't come back with the tired old claim that GWBush wasn't a "real" conservative.

The conservatives LOVED everything he did.

TOM said...

Keep doing what you are doing RN - adhom attacks and insults.
It's easy to understand why you won't debate the issues, you have no facts on your side that prove your beliefs have any basis in reality, or helpfulness to the country.
And yes, BS does circle around.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Can I make a quick nonpartisan point about Weiner here?......All of these politicians (the stooges asking him to resign, I'm saying) make me sick. Sherrod Brown has a tough campaign coming up and, so, what does he do? He throws Mr. Weiner under the bus. Nice, huh?......And don't even get me going on frigging Eric Cantor. That son of a bitch can't even keep track of what he says. MR. WEINER SHOULD NOT RESIGN! This is strictly between him, his wife, and his constituents. Unless somebody can prove to me that what he did was illegal, I'd tell him to simply say, "Screw it peeps. I ain't going anywhere."

TOM said...

You never express ideas (at least none based in reality - like Obama being a king) you just attack and insult.
If you had learned anything from History, you would know the Rand ideology has been proved a failure just as Reaganonimcs has been proved a failure.

Mordechai said...

If there ever was a president who a set of partisan political operatives treats like a "king":

Ronald Wilson Reagan

The dishonest legacy as repeated by Norquist, Rove, Palin, Bachmann ET AL fits that bill to a T.

They worship him even if many things they "worship" never happened they way they claim.

He didn't end the cold war, it ended after the troops defeated a soviet supplied ally in Iraq in 1991, three years after Reagan left office.

Reagan raised taxes more on the middle class then he actually cut their taxes, (the very top 2-5% on the other hand).

His true legacy is an ever shrinking middle class bearing a heavier load of the countries tax burden with smaller and smaller paychecks. More job outsourcing and the current host of delusional Ayn Rand disciples who are hell bent on destroying the middle class, so the meth head's illogical ideology can undermine the democracy the founding fathers created.

I wonder if Allen Greenspan knew the economic philosophy he was blindly following came from an atheist dropping amphetamine Benzedrine pills before pounding the typewriter keys for hours at a time?

While completing her second novel (Fountainhead), Rand began taking the prescription amphetamine Benzedrine (aka speed, meth, crystal, & many others) to fight fatigue. Her use of the drug enabled her to work long hours to meet her deadline for delivering the finished novel to Bobbs-Merrill, but when the book was done she was so exhausted that her doctor ordered two weeks rest. Her continued use of it for several decades also may have contributed to volatile mood swings observed by her associates in later years.

So the delusional followers of Rand are second hand meth heads,


Les Carpenter said...

Tom -Hour opinion only.

Interesting that the sleepless of the left are as guilty of, if not more so than that they accuse conservatives of.

Obama is the President, I have acknowledged that and refereed to him as such on many posts.

It is MY OPINION, do you understand exactly what that means Tommy Boy, that he sees himself ads a king. As Sue obviously does with HER reference to the two term "Obama Reign", her words.

So, continue your insults, which the record clearly shows you Tommy Boy started. And rest easy in your ignorance.

Sue said...

thanks anonymous, great comment!

Sue said...

don't be ridiculous RN, there are many definitions for reign, with rule as king being just one of them. I never put the president on a pedestal like you on the right do with your leaders.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Ah, so Bush 1 ended the cold war. LOL

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

All of these guys are mixed bags. I refuse to believe that I'm the only one who's figured that out.

Les Carpenter said...

Will - You aren't.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I remember liking Paul Tsongas a lot (back in 1992).......Since then, though, I'm really trying to think. LOL

TOM said...

RN (cultist) prove to us that Rand's ideology has ever, or could work in America.
Stop with your nothing, insulting comments and prove some of the BS you say.
Having an opinion that Obama is a king, is nothing. It's just insulting, and proves you are brainless.
Do you blog out of conviction, or just to earn money from your ads and begging for donations?
You fit the dictionary deffinition of a troll perfectly.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How little you know about the Cold War Will and my other friends. Everyone who's studied the issue knows Rocky Balboa won the Cold War when he defeated the scary Russian Ivan Drago in Rocky IV.

God. I have to straighten you people out on everything.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'll give it to you, Truth, that WAS one hell of a speech by Rock (especially after absorbing all those haymakers).

Les Carpenter said...

Tom - Take a long walk off a very short peer.

Why I blog is none of your business really. Since you haven't the capacity to figure it out just give it up dude.

As it is you who is incapable of civility with me {it ain't me that keeps it going}I suppose it is time to cut you loose to drift out into the huge sea of delusions.

Les Carpenter said...

Will - Yeah, thinking back Tsongas was a pretty good guy. To liberal for me but a democrat with integrity.

Les Carpenter said...

Damn Truth, you bring it home yet once again making it so crystal clear!

TOM said...

I notice that, again, no response to the question about your core belief (Rand cult ideology) just more insults. Typical of you, as all who have ever run into you can testify to.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN typed: "It is MY OPINION, do you understand exactly what that means Tommy Boy, that he sees himself ads a king."

RN, you actually wrote this:

"...2) very telling of the real motives of the liberals who are beginning to see Obama as a King."

You know very well that Mr. Obama does NOT see himself as a king and neither do his supporters.

A king rules with impunity. Please explain how that applies to Mr. Obama who had to give up his campaign promise of a single payer system for health care reform as well as compromise with the GOP to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich, which he was against?

A "king" would have been able to push through his single payer reform and get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, no matter the consequences.

If you were trying to make a point about the president and his powers, you did not do so.

Mr. Obama is no king.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - I'll concede your point.

Perhaps in my effort to make the point that some, repeat some liberals seem to have a a quite interesting opinion of Mr. Obama and their {perceived} view of his effectiveness. Almost as though he is almost infallible and can do no wrong.

I certainly do not include you in that group Saw as I have read your commentary.

Now Tom, feel free to go ahead and have fun with this response to Shaw.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I could be wrong, Shaw, but I don't believe that Mr. Obama ever campaigned for a single-payer system. Perhaps before his Presidential ambitions he opined.

Mordechai said...

I guess RN has nada to comment about all Randian cultists are really second hand meth heads .... LOL

Shaw Kenawe said...


Here's PolitiFacts review of Obama and single payer.

Obama was for it, but with qualifiers.

But apparently, it wasn't a campaign promise.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, it isn't news to anyone--at least it shouldn't be--that liberals would support a liberal president, and that some of them are quite enthused over him.

Do you not notice that conservatives feel the same when a conservative is in the White House?

Why would that rankle you and merit any snarky comment?

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - Good and fair question. I suppose, and speaking only for myself, it is because when first entering the big wide world of the blogoshere I found a plethora of liberals doing nothing but bashing conservatives. Often unfairly.

Example, conservative does not automatically mean republican. In fact a true conservative has as many issues with republicans as with democrats.

And I acknowledge that the republican party is not getting better, With the exception of a few. The same applies to the democratic party.

Again Shaw, I put you in a special class of reasonable and thoughtful liberal. Perhaps that is why I have been less snarky with you.

It has been appreciated.

Les Carpenter said...

Anon - Henceforth, and beginning now, it will be my policy to not reply to anon, or obviously irrelevant comments.

As to Rand and her Objectivist philosophy my site amply explains my position relative to the same and why. Go find the answers there.

Mordechai said...

Henceforth, and beginning now, it will be my policy to not reply to anon, or obviously irrelevant comments.

Translation: " I cannot spin the fact that the ideology I follow was written by a meth freak, so I will act like 3 year old and pretend it never happened."

Nice try but ignoring the truth doesn't make it go away.

It just shows you simply cannot handle the truth ...

but then again ...
you have proven that here time and time again.

Jerry Critter said...

I think the reason that people equate conservatives with republicans is because at the end of day, when it is time to vote, conservatives overwhelmingly vote republican over democratic.

Les Carpenter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Les Carpenter said...

Anon - I Suggest you read and reread prior comment by me.

Mordechai said...

Yo RN, I directly quoted your 3 year old style of dealing with issues you do not like, nor can defend.

TOM said...

I want to thank all (especially Sue and Leslie) who supported me last Summer when RN was attacking my blog.
I'm sorry if comment moderation (I was forced to use because of RN's attacks) bothered some of you when trying to comment on my blog.
I hope you all do not forget what kind of troll (ass hole) you are having fun with RN and his bullshit.

Sue said...

Tom you know where I stand with You, and I can safely speak for Leslie and Shaw and all my friends here. I don't know why RN visits my blog, Not a single commenter agrees with his politics.

TOM said...

Sorry Sue, but I think RN started coming to your blog when I did. I brought him along. My bad.

Sue said...

don't be silly, you're GOOD! :-)