I hope this video goes viral, I hope the masses see Rick Santorum as the dangerous religious wingnut that he really is but doesn't want the general public to know it. He thinks he's saving all these good little tidbits for just his moron base of religious zealots, but sorry frothy guy, these extreme statements do have a way of getting around, something called the world wide web!!! God how I pray this pig gets the nomination so he can debate our highly esteemed President Barack Obama! Our president a SNOB??? Who is he trying to fool? Oh yes, the sheeple you see laughing and cheering his extremist words on in this video..get your barf bag out before you view it....
"I don't want some Liberal Professor indoctrinating our kids, I want to create jobs so people can makeover their kids in THEIR image!" What the fuck does that mean?? I'm just speechless by this vile disgusting video....how many more months of this?? Hurry up November I can't take it!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
Sue, since the GOP is losing voters who have college degrees, they have to continue to appeal to the lowest common denominator...
One of their largest voting blocks are undereducated white folks...
Santorum understands this and is just trolling for those votes...
Remember the guns and bibles quote from Obama? I have lots of friends who fit that demographic and they were very pissed off and they let me know about it...
When I pointed out that they were acting just as Obama said, they got even more pissed...
What can we say about Santorum... with his three degrees from those elitist institutions...
Is it better to avoid a place where they will challenge your thinking or is it better to learn how to think critically? Which way will serve someone better in the marketplace?
Sadly, we now know where Santorum stands.
we should all be Rhodes Scholars
Wow, did you look at the people in the audience? It looks like most of them are on their last breath. This is what I have been saying for a while, this is the Grand OLD Party's last breath. They are dying, not quickly enough for me, and are grasping for as Dave said, their God and Guns, or as I say, racism and class warfare.
The proudest moment of my life was watching my son walk across that stage during his College graduation, now my daughter is set to graduate in May! I want an America where all kids can get a post-high school education. What Santorum is fighting for is an America where only the "Rich Kids" get any post-high school education. I believe this would make Frothy Ricky a snob!
Lisa, he made a mistake...
And he, like Santorum, went to college.
Don't most parents want their children to grow up and go to college?
Why is it you have an almost reflexive need to bring up his 57 state comment at every turn? He made a mistake, was tired and misspoke.
Since you seem to be big on words, answer us this... is it wrong for a politician to be a chameleon?
We'll all await your answer here as you seem to be unwilling to answer that question elsewhere...
Lisa, staying on the subject of this post, here's a nice article that shows how other GOP leaders feel about the idiotic Santorum comment...
And please read the article before you type your kill the messenger reply...
One of the guests on Chris Matthews show tonight said his Republican friends are embarrassed by the GOP candidates, that's a good thing but the sane Republicans are way too quiet, they should speak up and declare their party CRAZY!
I know Santorum is pandering to a tiny minority, so I guess I shouldn't let his ignorant words get to me, but they do. It's hard to believe these uneducated voters don't simply READ instead of just accepting the things the GOP says. They are liars, they constantly misquote the president, and the sheeple just blindly follow...it's sad, aggravating, and exhausting...it's why I don't engage Lisa, she is like talking to a brick wall.
I have news for Lisa: The American people heard her "57 states" error--which was actually about the 57 Democratic primaries that Mr. Obama was actually talking about.
Okay? Got that?
You bring this stupid mistake up all the time as if it were important. The American people in 2008 said it is not.
Get the message and find something else to obsess about. Thanks.
Little ricky has a point, anybody with an intelligence above a peach, or was able to qualify for higher education whether they went or not is probably embarrassed he is actually considered viable for the highest office in the nation.
PS I went to college, so according to Little ricky, I am ruin-t
Shaw people wanted Obama becuase the media portrayed him as some kind of Messiah. People wouldn't have cared if he worked with Hamas. Actually they would never have found out.
Again Lisa, are you unwilling, or just unable to answer a direct question?
Or maybe you are choosing not to answer any questions that are too difficult and point out the hypocrisy of your positions... It seems to be a trait of Malcontented bloggers... show up, make a lame comment and decline to provide links, proof, or answers to questions...
"Shaw people wanted Obama becuase the media portrayed him as some kind of Messiah. People wouldn't have cared if he worked with Hamas. Actually they would never have found out."
Give it up, dear Lisa. He won. He's the president!
And no matter how many stories you make up to try to change that reality, it doesn't alter the fact that Mr. Obama won the presidency by 7 large points. The American people rejected McCain/Palin.
You and your fellow travelers don't like that fact, so you make up ridiculous fantasies on why the American people chose Obama.
It's way past time that you get over it!
Your complaints are old and witheringly boring. Mr. Obama has been the president now for over THREE YEARS. You really, really, really need to move on and find some other subject to be unhappy about. Okay?
This obsession of yours is not healthy.
Lisa, you dumb broad. I know that you don't get to see much of the world outside your kitchen, but your heroes really screwed the pooch. Badly. And voters decided they didn't need anymore of the kind of "salvation" your wet dreams offered.
Now go bake your pies, and shut your pie hole, like a good little woman.
Santorum is a snob and dickhead. Exactly what the republican base of zealots, bigots, homophobes and idiots like Lisa want.
Ooooooh! Busted by that newfangled innerwebz invention YouTube!
Rick will be so redfaced when he finds out!
yea SF, he is a dumb fuck, what candidate trying to win over all of the country to beat a very popular president would pander to just a few to get their votes? Its pretty pathetic and STOOOOPID! There is nothing intelligent coming from the GOP these days...
1984 may as well be the GOP operators' guide. "Ignorance is strenght".
Your "very popular president" is at 43% approval/50% disapproval...
"I don't want some Liberal Professor..."
TEACHING?..what, medicine, biophysics, astronomy,nursing, chemistry, physiology, anatomy, agriculture...engineering... dangerous liberal studies.... so 'all' professors are..."liberal"? And the only safe college is..what?Brigham Young, Oral Roberts
.... but what does Ricky know.... he is a, hold your breath, a CAREER Politician.... wasn't that something the Tea Party hated in 2008?
That poll number, SF, is a three-day rolling average. His approval numbers were up over 50% just a day or so ago.
What is more important is how is Mr. Obama doing against Mr. Rmoney and Mr. Santorum?
Nationwide, at this point, he beats Rmoney by 5+ points and Santorum by double digits.
Source: Real Clear Politics
Well, well. well ....
The Dow Jones closed above 13,000 for the first time since before the republican caused crash of 2008.
When Bill Clinton was president the Dow rose 224%
When Bush held the white house for 8 years the Dow DROPPED 22%
Rince Obama has held office the Dow has risen 56%,
.... and the right wing trolls still peddle the same tired old false republicans are better for the economy bullsh*t.
Simply amazing if you ask me.
Bush got the short end of the stick. He became president 300 days into a bear market that began on March 24, 2000. Then nine months into his presidency, the country was hit by 9-11. Not saying President Bush was the best president we ever had, but I do think that we would have faced a stumbling market no matter who was president, just like we would have had the 90s internet bubble regardless of who was president.Just like the stock market would go up not because of Obama,but in spite of Obama.
But I do also recall whn the stock market was up under Bush all the liberals would say "The rich are the only ones benefiting from it". Remember how it was the rich are gettign richer and the poor are getting poorer ,only now it's more true than ever.
Bush got the short end of the stick.
R-i-g-h-t >>>>>
Nothing to do with the republiscumbagger ideology of kissing wall street's arse, and ignoring the government role of regulating markets so they cannot implode like they did in 2008.
Nothing at all;
Lisa you do post some big ones now and then.
You missed your calling, you should write comedy;
Oh wait, your this websites Colbert aren't you?
You have to be,
Nobody is really that uninformed are they?
Yeah well if you knew you had made bad loans you were forced to make (thanks to government liberal policy)or else be deemed racist,you would have unloaded them too.
More right wing LIES Lisa;
Goldman Sachs ET AL funded the mortgage machine, and told the banks don't worry about paper work, we will buy the loans.
No goberment involvement.
Nice try at pushing a false right wing talking point.
want some FACTS?
Try these;
Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis
Is Wall Street Responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown?
Wall Street, Not Fannie and Freddie, Led Mortgage Meltdown
as for your original lie;
Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner says the CRA isn’t to blame for the subprime mess, "First, only a small portion of subprime mortgage originations are related to the CRA. Second, CRA-related loans appear to perform comparably to other types of subprime loans. Taken together… we believe that the available evidence runs counter to the contention that the CRA contributed in any substantive way to the current mortgage crisis," Kroszner said: "Only 6% of all the higher-priced loans were extended by CRA-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or neighborhoods in their CRA assessment areas, the local geographies that are the primary focus for CRA evaluation purposes."
PS, get this, the author of that quote is Federal Reserve governor Randall Kroszner, a conservative economist on leave from a teaching post at the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business, and the quote is published in the WSJ.
How's that fer karma?????
Wanna try another dishonest right wing talking point since yer first one has been shown full of shi-ite??????
Clif: You damn the president with faint praise.
He's taking care of his wall street cronies, but what about mainstreet?
We're outta work, last time I checked...
C'mon Lisa, he's given you every biased leftwing link he can think of, aren't you indoctrinated yet?
He's partially right. CRA alone didn't cause the crash, because government had other fingers in the pot as well... Freddie, Fannie, Hud, and well as strong-arming banks into making imprudent loans, and it was a bipartisan job, with dems as well as rebubs cashing in...
The federal government told banks to throw standards out the window and go gambling, the taxpayers have their back.
As a bonus to get more campaign cash, congress let wall street in on the scam, now you and I are holding the bag.
For a bonus, google "Affordable Housing Goals"
His most successful effort was to impose what were called "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992. Before that time, these two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had been required to buy only mortgages that institutional investors would buy--in other words, prime mortgages--but Frank and others thought these standards made it too difficult for low income borrowers to buy homes. The affordable housing law required Fannie and Freddie to meet government quotas when they bought loans from banks and other mortgage originators.
At first, this quota was 30%; that is, of all the loans they bought, 30% had to be made to people at or below the median income in their communities. HUD, however, was given authority to administer these quotas, and between 1992 and 2007, the quotas were raised from 30% to 50% under Clinton in 2000 and to 55% under Bush in 2007.
.aei.org the right wing think tank where every failed Bush admin official eneded up?
the rag that wasted 8 years chasing the Clenis?
usatoday opinion?????????
My supposed "left wing" links;
left wing?
The wall Street Journal?
left wing, tell Murdoch he runs a lefty paper silverfiddle.
BTW you quote is also from AEI, written by Peter J. Wallison, a codirector of AEI's program on financial policy studies, researches banking, insurance, and securities regulation. As general counsel of the U.S. Treasury Department, he had a significant role in the development of the Reagan administration's proposals for the deregulation of the financial services industry.
Deregulation allowed wall street to become a big bunch of casinos who were sending money to the mortgage Companies like country wide to use to fund the the sub-prime they were creating just to sell to wall street. Hell son even CNBC has admitted as much.
Their documentary House of Cards shows the truth unlike the right wing lies you are trying to spreads.
BTW check out David Faber's book and the roof caved in for more truth about the epi-center of the sub-prime fiasco, wall Street greed, cronyism and stupidity.
David Faber is no screaming lefty, but then again he does accept right wing lies at face value either.
(edit)he does NOTaccept right wing lies at face value either.
Santorum's message is clear to me: A majority of the GOP base is stupid and I want to keep them that way! We often hear right-wing clowns like Santorum talk about liberal indoctrination in our education system, yet they never provide any evidence. Not surprisingly, these same people never say anything about a clear example of indoctrination:
Clif: The fact remains that if government had not stupidly promised to underwrite it all, none of it would have happened.
Your politicians are getting reelected by handing out your money.
The fact remains that if government had not stupidly promised to underwrite it all, none of it would have happened.
1. This is NOT a fact at all. It is simply your unverifiable talking point.
2. TARP was NOT created or enacted before the crash let along the wall street casino gaming the mortgage industry looking for quick easy money defrauding millions of people and institutions out of their hard earned money.
3. Home-owners were NOT underwritten either, they lost their homes by the millions.
Try some verifiable facts, you know those things you do NOT find on fox, newsmax, rush or the RNC daily talking points. Then you wouldn't look like a dumb teabaggin' foole spouting the idiotic things they say.
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