I know where my president stands on job creation, you can see it in his budget he submitted to Congress. I also know where the Republicans stand on job creation, they don't want any because it will give a boost to President Obama in this election year. Remember, the GOP wants to make sure Obama is a one term president.
Already the Republicans are calling the budget dead on arrival. Why, because there is more than $350 billion in short term job growth measures. Democrats believe you have to spend money in a sluggish economy inorder to get people working which will then provide tax revenue to pay down the debt. Doesn't that seem a much clearer strategy then the GOP ONLY calling for huge cuts in programs like Medicare, and the always popular tax cuts to the rich, or better yet, don't tax the rich at all then they will hire and all will be well in the world of GOP insanity...just like now...where are the jobs since the rich have had the lowest tax rates in decades...but still we had a deep recession...get it? You simply can not cut spending now, we are progressing forward, and if it's too slow for you then blame the Republicans, NOT the president.....
Some of the proposals in the budget are... investing $50 billion for roads, rails and runways to create thousands of quality jobs, who wouldn't like that? Also $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 schools and $30 billion to help states keep and hire more teachers and first responders, who wouldn't agree to that? Project Rebuild is a series of policies to help connect Americans looking for work in distressed communities, working to repurpose residential and commercial properties, creating jobs and stabilizing neighborhoods. Doesn't that sound terrific? What? Too much money, Too "community organizing " sounding for you? Tough, it sounds great and will put people to WORK!
There is also a new tax credit for this year focused on small businesses, it gives businesses that add jobs and wages a tax cut equal to 10 percent of up to $5 million in eligible wages per employer. And there is the proposed investments in American innovation, clean energy and manufacturing, to create good jobs and goods stamped "Made in America". Nobody would vote NO on that, would they? How about the tax incentives for manufacturers who create jobs here, and it doubles the deduction for advanced manufacturing! This administration wants to end tax deductions for shipping jobs overseas and they want to establish a manufacturing communities tax credit to encourage investment in communities affected by job loss. If you are not on board with this then you are UN-American!
We must have more people working to make progress on deficit reduction. The president knows this, he can not move mountains by himself, Congress must act and do the right thing for American Progress! Those who work against progress should be ousted from their cushy government job!
We see President Obama's vision for the future, now we need a Congress who will work with him and work for us! COUNTRY BEFORE PARTY!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
I find it interesting that the GOP wants "huge cuts in programs like Medicare" and significant changes to Social Security, programs that are paying for themselves at the current time and do not add to the deficit, but talk about cutting the defense budget, something that does increase the deficit, and they have a cow.
the only vision Obama has is his laser like focus on his campaign but we can all thank the media for assuring us peasants that his focus is on the economy,the budget and jobs.
Makes us all feel so good about the futire.
I don't waste time trying to figure out the GOP and their idiotic ways, Jerry. Just look at Lisa too, they are so far gone I don't believe they will ever be able to find their way back to sanity. And it's all because they hate the Black man sitting in THEIR White House...they are just a hideous bunch...
the only vision Obama has is his laser like focus on his campaign but we can all thank the media for assuring us peasants that his focus is on the economy,the budget and jobs.
It's real cute, how a dingy broad like you is just smart enough to repeat whatever your man told you to. Maybe the hubs will take you out for dinner one night soon as a reward.
Excellent reporting Sue. The budget is exactly what Obama promised in the SOTU. Conservative indifference to the plight of the less fortunate is nothing new. Your readers might enjoy this excerpt from Louis Auchincloss's 1987 short story PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST BY ANOTHER. During the depression, a radical professor explains to his sycophantic student admirer why said lad catches the spirit of a small New England church school.
[You are] "a man who believes in the whole bloody mess... For God, for country..."
"And the other boys don't believe in that?"
"They take it for granted, which is different. I suppose one can't blame them...Hardly a whiff of the Great Depression gets through. Their families are basically unaffected. Oh, true, they've had to give up a butler or an extra cook, or close down the cottage in Maine or the fishing camp, and a few, perhaps, have actually gone to smash, but they're mostly still rich --- stinking rich in contrast to ninety-nine percent of the other ants in the heap. And I suppose it's only human not to give a damn about other humans. If their parents and teachers don't, why the hell should they?... You think that the poor are poor because they drink... You believe in the upper classes. You believe the Royal Navy is keeping the peace, and the British tommy is preventing his little black and yellow brothers from killing each other, and that over here, in God's country, Mr. J.P. Morgan is fighting to keep the madman in the White House from wrecking the economy. Isn't that about how you see it?"
The reason Ms. Lisa returns again and again to deposit her talking points:
"Conservatism Thrives on Low Intelligence and Poor Information"
Monbiot qualifies his essay by saying not all conservatives are low-intelligence beings, but that the majority of low-intelligence beings are attracted to conservatism. Here is an excerpt:
"...drawing on a sample size of several thousand, correcting for both education and socioeconomic status, the new study looks embarrassingly robust. Importantly, it shows that prejudice tends not to arise directly from low intelligence but from the conservative ideologies to which people of low intelligence are drawn. Conservative ideology is the "critical pathway" from low intelligence to racism. Those with low cognitive abilities are attracted to "rightwing ideologies that promote coherence and order" and "emphasise the maintenance of the status quo". Even for someone not yet renowned for liberal reticence, this feels hard to write.
This is not to suggest that all conservatives are stupid. There are some very clever people in government, advising politicians, running thinktanks and writing for newspapers, who have acquired power and influence by promoting rightwing ideologies.
But what we now see among their parties – however intelligent their guiding spirits may be – is the abandonment of any pretence of high-minded conservatism. On both sides of the Atlantic, conservative strategists have discovered that there is no pool so shallow that several million people won't drown in it. Whether they are promoting the idea that Barack Obama was not born in the US, that man-made climate change is an eco-fascist-communist-anarchist conspiracy, or that the deficit results from the greed of the poor, they now appeal to the basest, stupidest impulses, and find that it does them no harm in the polls."
I love the excerpt, FJ. Looks like not much has changes with the R's, even got worse actually.
Their smugness makes me ill, watching Paul Ryan's smirk on the Sunday show this morning, they think they can attract voters with their insane social policies! I just pray the people are paying attention to their plans if they should steal power, you think Bush destroyed this country, you haven't seen anything yet!
Shaw, Conservatives in powerful positions might be wise, but only to themselves and their followers. Their kind of intelligence is to live how they please without a thought or care in the world about how their brother lives. To each his own, plus more of mine and yours. You can't penetrate their brains either, they have a mindset that is so different than ours and talking til you're blue in the face does no good.
I have a FB friend who INSISTS I listen to Mark Levine, says the man is really good and woke him to politics 4 yrs ago...Hmmmm, right around the Barack Obama presidency..makes perfect sense, but not to me...
We all know where the president stands on job creation: He's still a few million down, and on track to be the only president to have a net job creation loss during his term.
SF, What's historic is the MESS HE INHERITED and the fuckin Congress he had to work with, get real buddy. NOBODY believes that crap you are spewing
Oh Sue Obama wanted this just so he can mess it up more and continue to blame Bush. JR you can't hide behind your real name.
He didn't mention the word job or budget until he was forced to.
He had the democrat congress and senate for 2 years Sue. All he did in that 2 years was add 5 trillion to the debt and for real threw granny off the cliff.
Who knows where he would have taken us had the republicans not taken the congress although he ignores all their ideas now and "pretends" it's them who won't do anything and you go along with the big fat lie.
He so shrewd. No ideas just Chicago style politics.
What's "historic" is the unimaginable mess the Republicans left this country in and the unrelenting obstructionism the Republicans in Congress have engaged in since Mr. Obama took office, so that anything the president tried to do to put this country in a better position was systematically thwarted.
Remember what the Republicans said time and time again:
They hoped Mr. Obama would fail.
And Sen. McConnell said the GOP's goal was to make Mr. Obama a onen-term president.
Historic idiocy from a party that has only idiots to serve up as prospective presidential nominees, the latest of which is their newest prom queen, the unctuously sanctimonious Santorum.
You are right, Shaw. The GOP's number one goal has been to make Obama a one-term president. If they really thought is policies were so bad and that they would fail to create jobs and improve the economy, they would have let him do what he wanted and then run against his failure.
But no. Obviously, they knew that his policies would work, so they had to obstruct. It was the only thing they could do.
They hoped Mr. Obama would fail.
Wow SHaw you are so good at the distortion. Everyone knows it was they want his policies to fail which are the health care bill because Republicans knew it would be unsustainable which we are finding out it will be. Cap and Trade which would stifle growth so instead he back doored it by giving more power to the EPA .
Cash for clunkers more debt on the taxpayer,GM more debt on the taxpayer,Solyndra,Stimulus,payroll tax cut which is taking money from SS so "now" the media reports there is no way to pay for it,which was why the republicans didn't want it in the first place. See so now we blame republicans for it when it fails,we get it now. See how it works?
great point Jerry, the GOP knew Obama was gonna be a good policy making president so thats why they immediately started in with the obstruction! And now they are scared shitless cuz everything is falling into place, just as he planned, He is a long term planner and a good one!
wow, Lisa said this,
"Everyone knows it was they want his policies to fail which are the health care bill because Republicans knew it would be unsustainable which we are finding out it will be. Cap and Trade which would stifle growth so instead he back doored it by giving more power to the EPA .
Cash for clunkers more debt on the taxpayer,GM more debt on the taxpayer,Solyndra,Stimulus,payroll tax cut which is taking money from SS so "now" the media reports there is no way to pay for it,which was why the republicans didn't want it in the first place'
Lisa thinks the GOP actually cares about the spending Obama has done for fear of the rising debt! Funny Lisa and you are dead wrong! Repubs never cared about debt and deficits, NEVER! What they hated are Obamas popular policy decisions which are working and sustainable. Now we can end the Bush tax cuts and begin to really move forward in the next term. Its gonna be exciting to see the progress with Dems holding ALL the power!!
In 2001 the budget projection was for surplus well in excess of a trillion dollars. By 2005 it had swung 2 trillion in the other direction. Nearly 30% of that was tax cuts, 22% for security - a lot of it for the war fought on a lie.
Much of the rest of it was because Republicans are just bad at economics.
You will not see surplus again for decades, no matter what you do.
Republicans correctly assumed that they could get away with owing money to foreigners because of the scale of US influence and power. China needs the US market, Japan needs the oil that US military hegemony guarantees... etc.
What they fear is the conversion of that debt into bonds - public debt. The fear is well-founded, but their solution is not what any advanced country should aspire to.
Since downscaling the military - which the US spends more on far in excess of, say, China - is not palatable to anyone, the sacrificial cow for them has to be old people and poor people and sick people. They have to be put down, because they cannot be paid for...
Unless you fix your medical system, the cost of which was growing unsustainably pre Obama and still sucks because the solution was half-arsed.
You need a single payer system.
And you need to start making stuff again.
Republicans who supported cap and trade before Mr. Obama supported it:
From my own state of Massachusetts:
"Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.): Once he started running for the U.S. Senate, Brown picked up his party’s “cap-and-tax” mantra with gusto. But only two years ago, while supporting a version of a cap-and-trade bill in the Massachusetts legislature, he was of a different mind:
Reducing carbon dioxide emission in Massachusetts has long been a priority of mine. Passing this legislation is an important step … towards improving our environment."
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
"I do support the cap-and-trade concept because I believe it offers the opportunity to reduce carbon, at the least cost to society. The signal about future prices sent to electric power-plant operators will hopefully stimulate spending on low- and zero-carbon renewable energy plants now."
Sen. Richard Lugar, (R-Ind.)
"I’m impressed with the fact the Chicago Climate Exchange, maybe as a prelude to some type of cap-and-trade or carbon-pricing system in our country, has at least established a price for carbon."
"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): With his recent swing to the right, McCain’s become one of the leaders of the GOP’s “cap-and-tax” chorus. Yes, this is the same guy who cosponsored the first cap-and-trade bills in the Senate in 2003, 2005, and 2007, and who said this during his run for the White House in 2008:
A cap-and-trade policy will send a signal that will be heard and welcomed all across the American economy. And the highest rewards will go to those who make the smartest, safest, most responsible choices."
What Lisa doesn't know, because she probably gets her info from Sarah Palin of FAUX NOOZ, is that cap and trade was embraced by the GOP until Mr. Obama became president. They then decided their grand idea was a wrong idea once the Democratic president started talking about it.
How does Lisa explain this?
Lisa has to check with her masters at the RNC for a response. Then log in to all her other blogs and spread it around. May take her/him/it a while to get back here.
The best ever write up on the ....
The Insane Clown Posse Drinking Game
.... worth reading several time comments included.
I don't want to drink myself to an early grave all in six months!
When Obama wins, I'm mixing up the baddest Hornitos-Grand Marnier-Rose's Lime Juice margaritas this side of the border with homegrown twists of lemon. Hopefully I'll have my fish tacos and shrimp cocktails ready before the polls close back east. I'm going to be partying my ass off.
Shaw doesn't mean I agree with it because some republicans do but we have a better Chance of pressuring the republicans then the Al Gores on the left who have all their stock invested in it.
@ Magpie: Much of the rest of it was because Republicans are just bad at economics.
The progessive Bush had a lot of help from democrats in congress.
SF: "The progessive Bush had a lot of help from democrats in congress.
February 20, 2012 11:17 PM"
There it is, and so succinctly put. It's always the Democrats' fault even when a Republican, with SIX YEARS of total control of Washington fubars the country.
But if we were to point out that President Obama hasn't been able to move the country forward because he has had NO cooperation from the opposing party, that would be labeled as bellyaching and avoiding responsibility for his administration's "failures."
Also, calling Bush "progressive" is a dishonest way for rightwingers to shift the blame from the GOP, again, to the Democrats. It's really quite clever if one weren't able to see through the flim-flam of it all.
Bush is a bit too "progressive" to a fascist. Cheney, on the other hand...
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