According to Wikipedia the United States has a total resident population of 313,025,000,
there were 155.6 million females in the United States in 2009. so you can say most assuredly the number is higher, out of that number how many of those females are sexually active, are using birth control, or have used birth control when planning their families? Millions? And the simple fact is....NOT ALL those women are religious, so why is the Republican Party in a self induced death spiral putting this birth control argument front and center calling this a religious liberty issue, this is a woman's right issue! What the religious right wing and religious groups are doing is trying to force their theology on ALL WOMEN!
Let's be clear, this is a control issue by MEN, as seen in today's coverage of the U.S.House meeting on "religious liberty". MEN ruled the meeting even though no man in the history of the world has ever given birth or had to worry about using a contraceptive to avoid an unwanted man had to worry about ovarian cancer or menstrual issues, not to my knowledge...but women have, and the birth control pill has been used for HEALTH ISSUES, as well as preventing pregnancy...omg, it's like a twilight zone movie from the 1950's...
Thank god for the Democrats who stood up for womans rights today, because what went on in the House hearing was an assault on the intelligence of ALL Americans of sane mind. Committee Chairman Issa and his band of men represent the worst of the Republican party, opposing Obama's new regulation requiring employers and insurers to provide contraception coverage to their employees. These right wing extremists have sponsored legislation that would allow employers to LIMIT the availability of birth control to other words what they are trying to do is OUTLAW birth control in Amerika!!
When Elijah Cummings(thank god for him!) asked Issa to include a female witness (WTF, a female to talk about birth control? How dare she!) he refused and claimed the hearing was not about reproductive rights but it was about freedom of religion and conscience, which the Obama administration was out to destroy. NOBODY of sane mind and body believes that crap, NOBODY!!
Rep. Ann Buerkle pandered to the all male panel that included a Roman Catholic bishop, a Lutheran minister and a rabbi, she said she will fight to have the mandate repealed..HA! What a woman, she actually said the mandate is a fundamental assault on ALL RELIGIONS and our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS! REALLY? as she sat there with religious leaders who want all women to be submissive to their whims...YES, ALL WOMEN, make no mistake about it!
So as we move forward in an election year, when the president is focused on jobs and the economy, House Republicans and religious leaders are testifying in front of an America in disbelief, but what do they care, it's all they have. A partisan, all male gathering to bash women and their rights...and they call it "Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama
administration trampled on freedom of religion and freedom of
The Religious Right has already lost this battle, why are they still trying to wage a war...
update for A RANT!: The more I think about that hearing yesterday the madder I get! Our US Representatives put on a display of Catholic bishops who want to control womens lives, they claim birth control is a mortal sin, their goal is to outlaw all contraceptives, and they call President Obama a dictator?? I'm shocked and bewildered how the Republican party and the Catholic Cult has ANY female support left! Don't those women realize they are handing over their SONS to fuckin old geezer child molesters, these sicko bastards who call birth control a sin so there is always a supply of fresh young meat for their enjoyment??! And for Issa and his cronies to defend this and put them on a panel to dictate to our female population what they can and can not do in the privacy of their homes?? What is wrong with you American conservative women?? Wake up!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
This is NOT about religious freedom and everyone knows that. The GOP is pandering. And they're on the wrong side of this issue.
Overwhelming majorities of women, Catholics, and even a majority of Republicans support what the president did.
The GOP has lost its mind. And probably the women's vote.
Hey, there are plenty of men too (like me) who are equally disgusted by this. Three of those guys look like Catholic clergy to me, which means birth control isn't an issue for them even indirectly (altar boys can't get pregnant).
When Elijah Cummings(thank god for him!) asked Issa to include a female witness (WTF, a female to talk about birth control? How dare she!) he refused and claimed the hearing was not about reproductive rights.....
If this was the 1960s, these guys would be holding hearings on civil rights and not inviting any black people on the grounds that it was all about the freedom of lunch counter owners to discriminate (well, Rand Paul would probably still do that).
I hope that in November the women and gays and minorities and all the other decent people in this country bury these troglodytes so deep they can never dig themselves out and torment us again.
I'm sick to death of prejudiced old white people deciding policy in this country. How much time, and resources, have we wasted on absolutely HARMLESS issues like this?
Keeping a Rushpubliscum out of the White House isn't enough. Only a full-scale rout of these sacks of waste will do.
when President Obama compromised with the Catholics on the mandate we all thought this issue was behind us. 99% of the country was pleased and satisfied, BUT NO, the Republiscums will have NONE OF IT! pandering to 1% of the religious right will get them nothing but lost seats in the next election. They are Stunningly stupid, leaving all the rest of us speechless, just enjoying the death spiral...:)
Oh my, looks like someone can't afford his meds. Maybe when Obamacare kicks completely in, Preston can finally get what he so desperately needs.
UGH!! yes Sam, that was beyond insane!
How much does the Republican Party hate Americans, let me count the ways:
The Sick
The Elderly
The 99%
African Americans
Native Americans
Mexican Americans
Public School Teachers
....there are more you know, but I have taken up too much space on Sues blog already.
Only one question left to ask, who is left to vote for them?
Clearly the Republicans are pandering to the "severely" religious right - the fundies and evangelicals. Since the vast majority of Americans don't swing that way, they've made a huge tactical error which is only going to blow up in their stupid mugs.
"As a gynecologist, I am also concerned that women covered under these inadequate plans would lose access to the many non-contraceptive benefits of the contraceptives. Birth control pills are often used to control irregular bleeding. The progesterone containing IUD Mirena is also used to control bleeding, reduce certain women's chance of cancer, avoid surgery for fibroids, etc. Women with cancer whose bleeding may be excessive due to chemotherapy can often avoid hemorrhage using approaches which have been marketed as contraceptives. Obtaining access if these medications are blocked can be a nightmare for women and their doctors."
Latest polls clearly show that the majority of Americans are not in favor of the GOP or the Catholic hierarchy in this case.
Seriously Lisa, I just don't understand the level of your arrogance. What makes you think Republicans are the only ones who work? That is the singly most ignorant thing the Republicans fall back on. My husband works, he has supported his family, sent 2 kids to college (daughter graduating in May!! I'm so thrilled, I will have 2 college grads!!) took in my Mother with Alzheimer's, bought a house, pays taxes (he actually pays extra taxes because he is a truck driver)...and he will never vote Republican! Not now, with what the GOP has become!
I finally figured Lisa out, he/she can't read! That is why he/she is always linking to You Tube videos.
Umm...Lisa why would you post that comment on Sue's blog? I remove your links from my blog, not hers.
Reading is fundamental!
Here's a bargain: Keep your hands out of my wallet, and I'll keep mine out of your medicine cabinet.
That is why this is an issue. Decouple insurance from employment and allow everyone to shop and pay for their own insurance without the government, church or employer spying on you and telling you what to do.
Let's try liberty and personal responsibility for a change...
Yes! Silverfiddle I agree with you...stop making employers pay for Heath Insurance, come on over to my neighborhood, where we have to buy our own insurance. You know what you get for $465 a month here in WI? 10% off any tests, 0% off doctor visits, and roughly 5% off prescription drugs. To purchace an insurace coverage comparable to an employer based insurance our agent told us it would cost $1500-$2000 a month. Yeah, give up employer based insurance...that will be the quickest way to single payer!
Can you imagine the total country wide freak out when people find out how much you pay and how little you get out there on your own! Lol...good one Silverfiddle!
Sorry Lisa, you are still under my don't follow a trolls link policy, but you can tell me what your link says, if your Dragon Software can handle it. Isn't technology just a wonderful thing, even people who can't read can troll.
Sorry Sue, playing poke a troll on you blog again. I'm done now.
Yes, let's try liberty and personal responsibility. Those who are bankrupt and sick due to denial of insurance coverage and health care costs would love that idea.
"Compassionate conservatism" at its finest.
don't feed her Mary, looks like she's on a roll today, but it's just a waste of her time. She really should get a job so she can afford that 5.00 gas
SF - Like Viagra coverage?
everyone should get a job but thanks to President Hope for gutting the economy we can forget about that. How are we going to support his new big governmnet at this rate? Greece anyone?
Lisa: I think you'd fit right in in Somalia.
More ignorance from the right:
"...thanks to President Hope for gutting the economy..."
Remember, folks, Lisa has a very bad habit of coming here and spreading lies and disinformation. I've called her out on it many times, but to no avail.
She has no shame. And is terrible unhappy that the GOP candidates are making fools of themselves while Mr. Obama is doing just fine.
SF, I'm with you on getting businesses out of the business of providing health insurance. I'm for single payer and Medicare for everyone.
Cheapest way to go.
Your way would have left me bankrupt because the insurance company denied me coverage after my first major illness. And I would have had to what? Go to a religious organization or some other non-religious charity and ask them to pay for my roughly $70,000 to $100,000 to treat my next battle?
It appears that the Libertarian view is every man for himself, keep your hands out of my wallet, I've got mine, the hell with you.
I believe in Burp control....if you cannot control your Burps..don't drink.
Yupperz, less gubermint control.!!!! The Condom police are next. Gees, if God doesn't want me to have sex, he can tell me himself. He has my cell phone number.
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "What has been happening in American politics of late is entirely familiar, but I have never experienced such a barrage of unrestrained hatred, filth and nonsense to compare with this. It's as if The Bastards took 100 years worth of anti-woman sentiment, condensed it into a dense nugget of hate-crack, and hit the pipe…. Now is the time to rise up, point at this mess, and say in a voice too loud to ignore, 'This is why these people are not to be trusted with power. This is why they must go.'"
read the letter to his Mother's great!
Maryb: Thank the government!
SF, Whom should I have thanked for a private insurance company canceling me out from coverage because of a gene I inherited?
Should I have begged in the streets with a tin cup for coverage for my next battle? I'm not a believer, so how could I ask a religious organization to cover the costs that ran to almost $100,000?
It's so easy to be anti-government everything when you're not faced with grim reality.
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