All of a sudden I'm nervous...nervous because Rick Santorum is winning in states President Obama won in '08...Minnesota, Missouri, Colorado, Iowa....Religious wingnuts scare me, not because of their faith, but because people who back candidates like Rick Santorum are Fake Christians. Fake Christians scare me because they focus on hate, just look at this list of Santorum endorsements who believe he presents the biggest contrast to Obama. Well he sure does, but not in a Good way...
Michelle Malkin; David Limbaugh; former presidential
candidate and Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo; and James Dobson, the founder
of Focus on the Family, which is based in Colorado Springs.
See? Hate...
Never underestimate the Religious Right...remember G W Bush...The Teapublicans, the religious right are definitely on a mission. Santorum scares me even more than Sarah Palin did...
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Me too... :/
Santorum's wins don't really say much about the electorate. Two of those wins were in caucuses with very low turn-out -- much lower, in fact, than the Republican caucuses in those same states in 2008. This reflects the fact that most Republican voters are pretty un-enthused about their choice of candidates this year -- and who can blame them?
Also, the Minnesota Republican party is notoriously far-right (that's the party that sent Bachmann to Congress, remember), even though the state as a whole is not. Minnesota's all the more likely to go blue in November because the local Republican party is dominated by the kind of cranks who would vote for Santorum.
All Obama has to do to beat him is run ads featuring Santorum's own speeches. People that aren't religious wingnuts know crazy when they see it.
The insane people do not out number the sane among us.
Which is why the party of the insane work so very hard to keep the poorer among the sane from voting.
This time the party of the insane has doubled down with four certifiable lunatics,
They will be hard pressed to get the reasonable people to back them if they openly advocate their head up the tuchus ideology.
Which is why they are counting on the billions from the corporate funded super pacs to distort and out right LIE for the party who holds the most insanity in the countries history.
Good luck to the republiscumbaggers if the froth wins.
He is even more unelectable to the majority then the elitist Money first man is,
The froth is just not a mormon, so he is more palatable to the lunitic fringe, who uses a distorted 2000 year old set of unverifiable stories to base their choice to run the country. (usually not their own personal actions BTW.)
Santorum is not going to be the nominee.
People should read about his involvement in the ex-Senator John Ensign scandal.
Santorum also went through the revolving door of senator to lobbyist after he lost his last senatorial election.
Santorum will not appeal to the general public. His strength comes from the GOP base, and that is a minority. Remember, he lost by 18 points in his own state.
Those thcawy wight wing wepubwicans will thet up a theocrathy!
Jerry Falwell is dead and the majority is not moral, so you can save your fear for things that may actually happen, like financial collapse...
yea, I know he won't win the nomination, but those RR's still scare me. They are determined to "take back their country" and set up a theocracy, yes SF they will try!
So nice to hear you admit the Right lacks morals..
Jerry Falwell is dead
So is Reagan but that doesn't stop the right wing clowns from worshiping him every election cycle.
Sue: I meant it more broadly than just applying it to the religious right.
But I readily will agree that the moral message would work out better if those preaching it actually followed their own advice.
In other news, Michigan is back!
After liberal fiasco Jennifer Granholm wrecked the state, Republican Rick Snyder has them back in the black
Faith requires no proof. Faith is its own truth. That is why the Religious Right is dangerous.
SF is right you should be more concerned about the fact that the president isn't even interested in doing a budget and that the democrats aren't serious about the financial health of the country.
That's more scary that someone just panderingtheir base
@ Jerry: Faith requires no proof. Faith is its own truth. That is why the Religious Right is dangerous.
By your logic, anyone who is not an atheist is dangerous,
No, that is why the religious right is dangerous. Most people listen to logic, reason, and truth.
One in five workers in Michigan works in the auto industry.
Without the Bush and Obama bailouts, Michigan's unemployment and job numbers would be catastrophic.
Snyder can thank Mr. Obama for saving his, uh, job numbers.
Nevertheless, the people of Michigan are still not into him that much:
"...when asked "Overall, how would you rate the job Rick Snyder has done as Michigan’s governor?", 41% in the survey have a positive view of his job performance and 54% have a negative view.
In November 2011, the split was 37% positive and 59% negative, but the Governor's negatives have been between 50-60% since last August.
The difference between the two numbers is the first question asks how people in Michigan feel about Governor Rick Snyder; the second question deals with how he is doing at the job."
@Jerry Critter 1:56,
Agreed. It is the radical fundamentalists in the GOP base who are dangerous--the ones who disbelieve settled science, like Evolution, and the ones who think global warming is a hoax.
Many people of faith know that Evolution is real as is global warming.
Anyone who says he/she doesn't "believe" in Evolution and think the Earth is 6,000 years old is just plain stupid.
Shaw you mean anyone who believes opposite of your beliefs is stupid don't you?
I guess you are also saying anyone who believes in Allah is also stupid?
I double dog dare you to say it...out loud,not to yourself.
I see the Santorum wins as a good thing...first off I can tell you that here in Colorado, there was a significantly lower turnout than in 2008...I think it speaks more to the issue that the right wingnuts want anyone but Romney...the most rabid of the electorate out here are talk radio listeners- they're vocal, but they don't vote! They just complain. Here in Colorado, there were roughly 13,000 active Repo voters that didn't bother to show up on Tuesday. Factor in a few more months of the GOP candidates beating the crap out of each other, along with the fiction they promote being debunked...I think it's positive for the party that actually cares- the Dems.
"Lisa said...
Shaw you mean anyone who believes opposite of your beliefs is stupid don't you?
I guess you are also saying anyone who believes in Allah is also stupid?
I double dog dare you to say it...out loud,not to yourself."
Lisa, here you are again being FOXy with my words that are, BTW, above your comments and which specifically state:
"Anyone who says he/she doesn't "believe" in Evolution and think the Earth is 6,000 years old is just plain stupid."
Because you are dishonest, you run with those specific words and add your own as though I wrote them.
I did not.
I wrote absolutely nothing about everyone being stupid who does not hold my beliefs. I was quite specific on what beliefs I was talking about, and I stand by my words on those specific issues: Evolution and the age of the Earth.
Take you double dogs and go learn how to read what someone ACTUALLY WRITES, not what you imagine or wished they did so you can bring a strawman along with your dogs to an argument.
You. Are. Dishonest. I've proved this time and again here when you've posted smears against Mr. Obama (posting words he never wrote and calling him racist because of the made-up words) and lies (abortion causes breast cancer). Now you deliberately misinterpret what I specifically wrote.
But then, again, you do belong to the extreme conservative wing of the GOP, don't you.
That explains quite a lot.
What do you know about Michigan?
Did you know Granholm was obstructed by a Republican controlled house and senate, along with a Republican state supreme court, for all but two of her years?
The Bush recession and corporate off shoring of jobs hurt the state more than Granholm. My wife had to train her Indian replacement before being terminated from her good job. This was from a company that had all the tax breaks it wanted. There's gratitude for you.
And did you read this part of the article you linked?
United States automakers have increased production, saying sales are up, and General Motors, only a few years after a federal rescue and bankruptcy, recaptured in 2011 a crown some thought was merely a dusty memory — that of the world’s largest automaker.
Give credit, and blame, where its due. This has very little to do with Snyder. BTW, Snyder RAISED my taxes. How do you like that?
I think Infidel's assessment is on target. Santorum is a freak.
I have a group of friends who usually would id themselves as Republicans...Fiscal conservatives,socially liberal, if that makes sense. They are not Obama fans, to say the least... yet to a man(woman) all voted for Obama in the last election because they thought McCain/Palin ticket, quote "Ridiculous'. None will vote for Santorum or Newt or Perry. Two, with Masters Business degrees...can find NONE on the Republican side to vote for. There is hope.
Dave, I posted a few yrs ago about my niece who worked for Bank of America for almost 15 yrs when her whole department was told the department was moving to New York from Delaware, but in the mean time she had to go and train those who were actually taking over the jobs in Delaware, they were people from Bosnia!! She took a package deal, left her job instead of relocating, and it took her almost 2 yrs to find another job!! Outfuckinrageous!! There is something extremely wrong with companies getting rid of Americans and replacing them with foreigners for half the wage, GREED FUCKING GREED!!
I recall reading somewhere that Santorum said women who fell pregnant via rape should be grateful to God that they have been given a child, and of course be denied medical intervention.
yes Magpie, they have a saying, goes something like this...when god gives you lemons, make lemonade!
Strange how he has a following of women who will vote for him when he wants them to be nothing but baby producing and pregnant, that's how the RR's like their women!
some of Santorum's quotes on the role of women...
they have a saying, goes something like this...when god gives you lemons, make lemonade!
Rick of-the-Saints said that a pregnancy caused by rape is a "gift" from God, and that the victim should "accept what God has given to you", though he did acknowledge that rape itself is a tad disagreeable.
What would that mean in practice?
In this area as in others, these people really do want to use the power of law to enforce the insane, random taboos of their own religion on everybody else. It's a theocratic agenda for all practical purposes.
Rick Santorum winning the primary? While unlikely, we should be so lucky. Even the libertarians would rush to Obama's side. Rick Santorum's rise has everything to do with Mitt Romney's inability to connect with people not in his tax bracket.
thanks for the comment and link, obamftw! Excellent, excellent!
SF is right you should be more concerned about the fact that the president isn't even interested in doing a budget and that the democrats aren't serious about the financial health of the country.
When you said "SF is right," you proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are too dingy to even try to talk to. And I'm not even going to try to address SF's sci-fi fantasy about Sultan Synder fixing anything.
You-get back to the kitchen! I'm sure SF is waiting for you to bake him a pie.
Shaw you mean anyone who believes opposite of your beliefs is stupid don't you?
No, you dingy broad, that isn't what she said at all.
Why is it that the automatons always rant about what THEY WISH someone had said, rather than what someone ACTUALLY said?
Never mind.... that's a question we all know the answer to.
Lisa - Regarding the financial health of the US, it's Republicans who refuse to allow the Bush tax cuts on the rich to expire and who are doing what they can to slow the recovery. The majority of the added debt comes from lowered revenues from the Bush tax cuts and economic downturn, both of which Obama inherited. The Democrats have agreed up to at least a 4-to-1 ratio between spending cuts and revenue increases (taxes on the rich) and the GOP has refused. It's the GOP who doesn't care about our financial health.
Robert Reich on the 7 Biggest Economic Lies
obam, I appreciate your explanation and link for Lisa, but unfortunately she will not appreciate it, nor will she read Robert Reich....for you see she is just a troll who comes by to spew lies and stupidity, and then think we will engage her in stimulating conversation..LOL!
the democrats aren't serious about the financial health of the country.
Funny it was the republiscumbaggers who through Ray-gun started the US down the road of massive deficits with NO PLAN to ever pay for them.
Bush ET AL who ran two wars off the books and refused to ask for increased revenues to pay for his optional wars of aggression aided by the republiscumbaggers in comngress.
Bush and the brain dead congress republiscumbagger critters who took a projected surplus which would have PAYED OFF the countries debt, and in 2001-2003 turned that into much steeper deficits and acumulating debts for future generationds to deal with.
The republiscumbaggers would rather bankrupt the country then return to the horrible levels of the 90's in taxation, where the rich did very well.
The republiscumbaggers would rather sink the middle class into poverty thus destroying the center and majority of economic power in the country, then admit paying a real living wage is MORE important then coddling the uber wealthy when the country as a whole is considered.
The republiscumbaggers in congress who would rahter add to the deficit then close uber wealthly or business friendly loop holes that keep them from paying even the same tax rates as their employees.
Funny how you are SOOOO CLUELESS about facts like these ......
So if they are so concerned where is their budget? Th only budget Obama and the democrats have is tax the rich. That isn't a budget,that's a re-election campaign. He's been running a re-election campaign since hi inauguration.
Good public policy is what gets one elected not rhetoric.
LISA typed: "Good public policy is what gets one elected not rhetoric."
Exactly. And tell us, Lisa, who was elected in November 2008? By your own logic and typed words you believe it was Obama's "good public policy," because he was elected!
Too easy. Give me something difficult.
Th only budget Obama and the democrats have is tax the rich.
Actually it is two things you dishonestly claim is "tax the rich".
1. End the Bush tax cuts which got the US in such dire fiscal straights.
2. Make millionaires pay at least as much as hard working middle class people who usually don't earn 10% of their income.
Sorry you think that is such a bad idea.
The majority of the country thinks it is a GOOD idea.
Come November President Obama will make sure it happens.
Regardless whether the fraud, who flip flops with every speech, or the cretin, who wants the country to return to the middle ages, wins the right wing beauty contest, the GOPer ship of fooles ain't gonna screw the country over this time,
enjoy 2012.
The more money that fat cats have, the more we will all be lifted up. Bigger mansions mean more bedrooms. More chambermaids. More cars. More chauffeurs. Maintenance positions. Gardeners. Construction and remodeling. Monies spent at fancy department stores. Neiman-Marcus. Rodeo Drive. Palm Springs. Scotland. The French Riviera. Let's free up these revenues by reducing taxes on rich people. Get the economy moving again!. Who do you think benefits from maritime and aviation gasoline sales? That's right. You and me, indirectly. Even money spent on yachts built in Europe will eventually float us all a little bit higher. Add that to rising sea levels. What are you whining about? We need to increase our service economy at the same time we decrease the minimum wage. I mean, who ever saw a poor person create a job? Get with the program. Money talks. Bullshit walks. God bless money and the stupid people who worship it.
As long as there is a marginal middle class, there will always be a need for clerks at Wal-Mart. The young 'uns can work in the restaurant industry. School-age children will be needed in janitorial work. Let the chips fall where they will. Never again will we pay anyone for ninety-nine months for doing absolutely nothing! (Wild applause from the tea party animals.)
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