I am overwhelmed by today's news. I guess the best place to start is
with the Clint Eastwood ad from last night's Super Bowl. You saw it
right? Did you think Eastwood was speaking about President Obama and a
well deserved second term thanks in part to his genius decision to save the auto
industry, much to the dismay of most Republicans? That was my take,
even though Clint Eastwood is a Republican, I do believe he is in
support of our president, how can you not? Well, If you are Karl Rove,
you are pretty damn pissed off about the whole awesome ad....
Rove, on Fox News today
"I was, frankly, offended by it. I'm a huge fan of Clint
Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well-done ad, but it is a sign
of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the President
of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using
our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising and the best-wishes of the
management which is benefited by getting a bunch of our money that
they'll never pay back."
That's fine Rove, you and your
Fox news buddies can stew in your own gutter muck...the auto industry,
the auto workers, and the jobs market..ALL ON A COMEBACK, and the
Republicans are FURIOUS and scared shitless....too bad..
bit of good news is the new poll numbers out showing President Obama
gaining, even surpassing, Mitt Romney in a general election match up.
Well, Mittens people say the poll data is seriously flawed. Spokeswoman
Gail Gitcho said in a
statement that the poll introduced “specific negative information about
Governor Romney immediately prior to asking the ballot match-up against
President Obama. So by negative they mean FACT BASED ! The voters
were asked if Romney's wealth was a negative or a positive, do they
think he did more to create or cut jobs at Bain Capital, did they feel
his 14% tax rate was fair, and whether or not his Mormon religion would
affect their views of him as a candidate!! That's it, ALL legit
questions! The more the voters know about Mittens the more they hate him....that's not the voters fault now Mittens! ;)
Oh and while we're talking about Romney... John Sununu, former New
Hampshire Gov. and one of Romney's top campaign surrogates, would like
you to know the reason for low voter turnout at the primaries...Republicans are so satisfied with their front running candidate they need not bother showing up to vote...Oh my, yes he really said that...!!
Now this next story I just LOVE! Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White -- the man charged with
upholding election integrity in Indiana -- was convicted of six felonies
on Saturday, including three counts of voter fraud, two counts of
perjury and one count of theft. White, a Republican, could face up to three years in prison for each of the counts, the Indianapolis Star reports,
and will be sentenced on February 23. The charges were based on
accusations that White lied about where he lived while campaigning for
secretary of state. The jury ruled he lied in order to keep receiving
his salary from the Fishers Town Council even though he had moved out of
his district.
The reason the story is so fascinating is because of the HUGELY popular(with Republicans) new voter ID laws that are wafting across our great land causing distress and killing our Democracy, YET the ones crying for these new laws are the ones committing the fraud!!! Google Republicans commit voter fraud and you will be amazed how hypocritical this sick party
is! Have you noticed they said NOTHING about voter ID in the Iowa
Primary? No of course not, they only want these voter suppression laws
when Democrats vote...
some more Republican Hypocrites for your enjoyment...
Donald Lukens, Former Ohio Republican Congressman, was found guilty
of having sex with a minor - a girl he was accused of sleeping with
since she was 13. Also convicted of taking $15,000 in bribes from the
operators of a trade school while he was a congressman. A U.S. District
Court jury in Washington deliberated for just one hour before reaching
the verdict.
Ed Schrock, two-term Republican Congressman from
Virginia, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition.
Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay
rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third
term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.
Fund, of the Wall Street Journal, a prominent anti-abortion columnist
and GOP fund raiser. He lost his position after it was revealed that he
impregnated the daughter of an old girlfriend and then encouraged her to
abort his child.
John Allen Burt, Republican anti-abortion
activist from Pensacola, Florida, convicted of sexually molesting a 15
year old girl at the home for troubled girls that he ran.
Are there some good and decent Republicans? Yea, I guess, but the
party of family values, the religious right, the party screaming about
voter fraud, the party who calls our President a Kenyan, Marxist,
Socialist, commie pinko pig...HYPOCRITES, one and all...
Confidence In Trump's Ability To Handle The Economy Collapses
We were all told that people voted for Trump based on the economy, but a
new poll shows that only 30% of Americans are very confident in his ability
to han...
1 hour ago
The law of averages dictates there must be a decent republican somewhere. Sadly, Eisenhower is dead.
Well one well known former republiscumbagger congrescritter got away with a very bad one;
Lori Klausutis
and ended up crapping all over the MSNBC airwaves for years.
Well, Mittens people say the poll data is seriously flawed.
This is actually another good sign. In any election, watch for which side has to start trying to convince itself that the polls are all wrong. That's the side that is losing its grip on reality and will probably lose the election.
There's also a new Rasmussen poll out that shows Obama with a 7-point edge over Romney, even though Rasmussen is well known for skewing more Republican than most pollsters.
Lukens, Schrock, Fund, and Burt join Vitter, Craig, Allen, Haggard, and so many others on the roll of dishonor. Thanks for mentioning these cases -- I hadn't heard of any of them. I try to stay informed, but these days, just keeping track of the bizarrities of Gingrich alone is turning into a full-time occupation.
Although I didn't view the Clint Eastwood ad as being pro-Obama, I did think it had a pro-America message that people (regardless of political views) should get behind. Repubs like Karl Rove are making a mistake in criticizing this ad because they are coming off as rooting against the American worker. I have a poll up about this ad and so far, everyone who has voted gave the ad a thumbs up.
If the Chrysler ad had featured a dog driving a car around Detroit with an American flag, the far right would have claimed it was political. Eastwood is a Republican. The bailout was initiated by Bush and Chrysler has paid it back - or 90% of it according to other sources. I really thought it was an uplifting ad and think it's sad that some on the right have to make something so tawdry out of something so moving.
I have changed my first opinion of the Eastwood ad, it wasn't pro-Obama, it was Pro-America. Which makes it twice as bad for the Right and people like Rove to criticize it because it makes them look anti-America and sore losers. How can you not cheer on the auto industry for it's come-back and cheer on America for coming out of the abyss?? It's just another nail in the GOP coffin..
I found it ironic that the Eastwood commercial was paid for by a corporate welfare queen who is only still standing because it used the federal government to rob from us to line their pockets when their investor group would not risk its own money.
Detroit is back? They're plowing under neighborhoods and turning it back to farmland...
... and their electric toy crap boxes are catching fire
Very eloquently stated SF. You have encapsulated the right-wing point of view. You're like an uninhibited Karl Rove who doesn't really have to pretend to say anything nice.
Decent republican list. Come on kids. We can think of at least ten.
1. Clint Eastwood
2. Merle Haggard
3. Michael Bloomberg
4. Laura Bush
Ranchers? Farmers? Horse breeders? Blue collar workers? Construction guys? Heavy equipment operators? High-schoolers? Young marrieds? People that wouldn't watch FOX News if you held a gun to their heads? (Yay for them!) You can include local politicians and people that you know. Just write a little story about them.
The more I think about it, I'm sure there are probably at least one million decent republicans alive today.
if they were decent they wouldn't support what the republican party has become and wouldn't be republicans anymore.
I have to agree with you there Truth. I don't see how anyone can put decent and Republican in the same sentence. If you still vote R and consider yourself a diehard R, even after the really nasty shit going on the past ...what 20..30 years, then you are an accomplice to the fall of the USA. The Democratic Party is trying against all odds to save our country, and like minded folks are trying to save our planet...some do not want it saved, they think there is a better life elsewhere...
Clint stated...
" Eastwood has refuted claims he is affiliated with Obama and has assured voters he didn’t pocket any money for the promo.
He tells Fox, “l am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about (sic) job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was OK.
“I am not supporting any politician at this time. Chrysler, to their credit, didn’t even have cars in the ad. Anything they gave me for it went for charity. If … Obama or any other politician wants to run with the spirit of that ad, go for it.”
good on Clint. Rove will attack anything he thinks may smack of the truth.
Poor poor Karl;
his math skills failed him (read not being able to steal the 2006 election,)
and now he has to watch Willard sink the 1000 year GOPer reign.
Like McCain/palin did so brilliantly in 2008
Aw, Silverfiddle's been sucking on too many sour grapes.
It really is amusing to see how out-of-their-minds bitter the GOP and their followers have become.
Nothing makes them happy anymore, not even Willard, who will be their standard bearer, so long as he has dozens of standards to choose from.
Sour grapes implies someone who is scorned or who has lost some battle, so I don't see how it fits.
Eastwood delivered an awesome message, paid for by a corporate welfare queen.
corporate welfare queen
Do you mean Exxon who gets Billions in federal tax subsidies so that they pay a tax rate of only 0.4 percent, ie 39 million of taxes on 9.9 billion dollars.
Or could that be GE, who got $4.1 Billion Taxpayer-Subsidized Tax Refund
Or possibly Koch who benefit directly from billions in taxpayer subsidies for oil companies and ethanol production.
Koch Industries applied for health reform subsidies made possible by the Obama administration.
In Alaska, a Koch subsidiary in Fairbanks asked Gov. Sarah Palin’s administration to use taxpayer money to bail out one of their failing refinery.
Koch brothers want a gobernment bailout???????????
You mean those right wing corporate welfare queens??????????????
I'm with you, SF. Let's end Corporate Welfare! Let's start with eliminating all corporate deductions and make them pay their full 35% federal tax.
My blogging pal, "Nameless Cynic" over at "The Swash Zone" got it right with this:
"They [the GOP] decided it was a call for a second term for Obama. That, plus the fact that the auto industry was saved because the president loaned them money, and the shrews and screamers of the right wing noise machine went ballistic.
"WTH? Did I just see Clint Eastwood fronting an auto bailout ad???" said Michelle Malkin, the conservative blogger.
"I think Clint Eastwood’s credentials as a conservative have been overrated for some time," added David Limbaugh, the brother of Rush and himself a conservative author.
Karl Rove was "offended by it." (Which is OK with me - I'm offended that Karl Rove is still allowed out in public.):
"I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well-done ad, but it is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the president of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising."
But reread that transcript. Watch the video again. Or perhaps, notice that both Eastwood and Sergio Marchionne, the CEO of Chrysler, have said that there was no political spin to the ad.
Doesn't matter. It didn't say that the Kenyan Devil-baby infesting the White House is destroying our Way of Life, so the attack hamsters continue to shriek and spew spittle. Because that's how they roll."
Yes it is.
BTW, any day that Karl Rove is offended is a great day in America. Ditto the Limbaughs and the (shudder) Malkins.
The bailout was inituated by Bush yet ObamA takes the bow for it and stupid Americans believe it was all him
LISA wrote: "The bailout was inituated by Bush yet ObamA takes the bow for it and stupid Americans believe it was all him."
Lisa, you fail to understand that Mr.Obama, as president, made the decision to continue the bailouts, while the GOP bellowed their disapproval.
Your argument fails again.
You don't want Obama to claim any credit for the bailout because George Bush started it? But then you and your GOPers don't want Obama to blame Bush for the financial disaster he started?
It would be nice if you could, despite your irrational hatred of Obama, at least be consistent.
Yes Clif, all of it. It all needs to stop.
"Lawmaking" is a bi-partisan pay for play racket, and they shake down We The Taxpayer to pay for the orgies.
Jerry: I'm with you on ending the exemptions, but I would like to see our corporate tax rate 1% lower than the average of our global competitors, otherwise we would lose jobs to them.
Interesting how we are not so far apart on some issues.
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