Why is one lone republican causing so much confusion?? This woman is totally making me ill, I can't listen to her for another minute! Would the rethugs put up with this if they had the majority? HELL NO!! Get with the program Mr. President, are you listening to us??
Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
3 hours ago
Good Morning My Darling Sue Sue! Boy am I out of the loop! I am going to play catch up! Be back.. I have alot of reading to do here...:)
Donna M
This "Public Option" is newspeak for a government option.
If this were a democracy, these issues that affect us all would be left up to each state to hold a referendum and let the people vote.
As is, we are being held hostage by "representatives" that fail to represent. We cannot recall them. We can vote them out only every two years. I can change insurance companies without a revolution.
I do not want my medications delivered by the government that sends me the mail addressed to others.
John there have been referendums in NJ, this election in November we will vote for money allocated for "open space"- farm preservation. That is a good point you make, Thanks for leaving a comment!
This is just more of the unnamed sources claiming they are giving into her.. Politico is good at quoting unnamed sources.. but there is a good named source who has now come out and debunked this entire meme of giving into Sen. Snowe... Here is what he had to say.
"The report is false. The White House continues to work with the Senate on the merging of the two bills," said Dan Pfeiffer, a top White House aide whose portfolio includes health care. "We are making good progress toward enacting comprehensive health reform."
He seems to be floating the idea of the trigger trial balloon. He has "leaked" this a number of times in the press to see what the public reaction will be to an issue and then has someone strictly deny it when it looks bad.
In the end, after all, he is a Chicago politician. He will settle for anything that comes across his desk so as to let the camel get its nose in the tent.
In other words, the tried and true method of starting a smaller program and letting it build in future years.
An authority in economics, Wildovski, used to teach incremental budgetting to those going into public administration. He wrote several texts used by schools all over the US in the late 70s and early 80s.
Promise them they will get everything they want, but get a budget started and increment it. It is like watching a flood fill your living room after filling your basement.
Having been in the military, I have had my fill of government controlled health care.
when I look at this video I see Snowes constituents telling her to listen to THEM, thats her job. I don't see this as a slam to Obama. To me the White House needs to be more clear on what it will fight for, Every day there is something different being said. Do you think he wavers, Annette? Take this morning for instance, already at 6am they are saying on MSNBC Obama favors the trigger as opposed to the states opt out. SO, is he caving to Snowe or not? If he's not caving to her, and he's listening to US his PEOPLE, then he needs to say it more.
I think he's caving to logic.
If the Po is such a great bill and the democrats have teh majority why not just do it already?
Maybe there is something to be said for haste:
Yes... Haste creates waste and increased cost everywhere this is tried:
1. Tennessee
2. Massachussetts http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/151830.php
If the costs of health care do not rise, then the physicians just stop treating.
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