Rachel just ripped Tim Phillips a new one and NEVER backed down! He's the creep president of Americans for Prosperity. I know you have seen the giant bus with the bloody hand, he's that guy!
Grassroots my ass, and Rachels ass too. What a bunch of rethug lying dirtbags. Fearmongering is all they know how to do.
If you missed Rachels interview, double segment interview cuz it was so damn important to out these jerks, then read the transcript tomorrow on MSNBC.com. I may put up a video tomorrow too just to rile you all up!!
Gotta love Rachel...
Yes, it was awesome! I'm so glad we have Rachel to raise awareness of these jerks who are ruining our country!
Rachel is great. I have her show TIVO'ed so I will watch it later. In deference to Linda, far be it from me to comment on it until I watch it.
I hope she does the same.
The immense professionalism & beautiful "swift sword" integrity of Rachel's attack against Tim Phillips, so obviously motivated by her desire for honesty & transparency, lifts my hat farther off my head for her than for any other journalist of our day.
I found myself jumping up and down in the living room, holding a one person pep rally for "Rachel! Rachel! Rachel!".
Thank you for your strength & perseverance and for celebrating the reason behind freedom of speech. May we watch you speak for us better than we can for ourselves. May we all grow old watching her take the bluffs to task!
Didn't catch it the first time through, but I did the second. He...got...RIPPED! I was embarrssed FOR him.
That poor bastard doesn't even know what "grassroots" means. Not even close.
I noticed that all too familiar double talk you get from hypocritical jerk-offs like these.
guys it was so awesome to see Rachel confront that jerk. She was pissed and never backed down, not for one second. She proved she has no fear of confronting liars and deceivers!!
Wow...I hate to disagree with a bunch of you liberals, and I noticed that not a single pro-AFP comment was published, which gives me little hope of ever seeing this one either, but I felt I should write. AFP is doing a superb job of rallying people who are fed up with the spending and gov't take over of just about anything not nailed down. Who cares where they got their start-up funds from. I donate to them and I'm not rich. I just want someone out there like Tim who will stand up and tell us the truth. If the truth hurts, which obviously it does or Rachel wouldn't attack Tim as she does, then deal with it. Why can't you see that Obama is leading us down a path of destruction with hardly anyway of returning. Yes, I know, Bush started a lot of it, but why in God's name does Obama have to finish it. Let's stimulate the economy by investing in companies who provide jobs and stop spending it on ACORN's and the like which do nothing to get this economy back on track. I'm sick of it. Stuart
thanks for the comment Anonymous. I do not delete comments from the right unless they are personal attacks. There have been no pro AFP comments, sorry.
Wow, I hate to disagree with a conservative. On second thought, I love to.
Why doesn't "Americans for Prosperity" disclose its funding? Guess they don't want to name the people who gave the big bucks to fund the group.
A "grassroots" organization. Ya, right. The opposite of grassroots is elite. Sure enough, the biggest backer of AFP is Koch, one of the wealthiest men in America.
But I'll have to give credit to fear mongering groups like AFP. 95% of the population who don't buy their propaganda are getting pretty fed up with it all. And it's starting to back fire against the GOP. Yipeeeee
By the way Anonymous, you don't end a sentence with a preposition.
Doesn't it strike a chord with the poster A. Nony Mouse that to lament the capacity to reason by a Rhodes Scholar is a bit of a malaprop? In Frodo's humble opinion, Rachel Maddow is a true investigative journalist. She follows the money, and just because it leads back to John Mitchell or to Dick Armey, doesn't mean that there is anything other than the search for truth in her presentation. Why, Frodo asks, do Republicant apologiusts make noise, but they can't seem to distinguish fact from make-believe?
Frodo my love, I do believe you are most correct when you say Rachel is a true investigative journalist. Who cares what others think, we know what is fact...
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