One strike and you're out??? I don't think so you fucktards, Yeah I mean you you fugly bitch! President Obama loses bid for Olympics and the rightwingfucks are all over this story like white on rice! Why is it so funny?? The president went and proudly represented the United States. Good lordy, if he didn't go, didn't try, you would be calling him a pussy!
So the Olympics will be held in Rio, good for them. Its a first for South America and they are thrilled beyond words.
Thank you President and Mrs. Obama, for showing the world how proud you are of our country! Too bad some here have hate and jealousy and can't see an act of patriotism for what it is.
Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
3 hours ago
Goddam it, Sue! For the last time Michelle Malkin isn't fugly. She just needs a labotomy and she'd be ah-ight.
Damn yous a harsh one today.
Da-yum Sue Sue, You held no punches on this post!!!! I have to agree though.... the repugs on on this shit like Obama just got impeached. Obama will always be scrutinized... and we all know why.
I see "you know who" is saying nothing...talking loud! :)
Donna M
PS What's up CD?
oh stop, I don't mean Malkin! LOL! Its the fugly Mormon bitch has a disgusting post up about the Olympics and her blaming Obama! BITCH!!!
I read some of the comments from the rightwingfucknut idiots - and I wasn't shocked at all. Neither was I surprised with all the venom they love to spew.
No big deal, it would have been nice if Chicago got the bid..but that's life. Tell me how any issues in the country suffered, by Obama making an appearance in Denmark. He met with McChrystal, and took care of a considerable amount of business. Did these idiots think he was alone in the Himalayas or something? Good grief.
"PS What's up CD?"
Me, now. Heeeeeeeyyyyyyy...
Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ, Sue. Don't waste your time with the later in the day ain'ts. So they're laughing, laughing in their magic underpants, who gives a shit? Not I. You have to consider the source.
Take lisa, for instance. You can keep proving her wrong, prove she's a knee-jerking idiot, digging nonstop into a hole of ineptitude and yet she just keeps making comments. It's a never ending and repeating cycle. The best defense is to just let them run their heads and let time take care of them.
Conservatives are shaking in their fucking shoes right now because the world(not just the U.S.) is changing at a pace they simply can't deal with. Their ideology is antiquated and being replaced and they're fighting it despite the futile effort.
CD... you are so correct! I am not bothered that they may be on to something. I am bothered by the pure hatred and evil. I know it is something that I can not change or control, but every now and then I just have to speak up! It makes me feel better. (LOL)
I think Sue may feel the same way.
Just another case of the right showing their asses again.. One more time they have opened their collective mouths and inserted their feet and shown how little regard they have for America, the people here, the money it would have brought in and the jobs it would have created.
But, what do you expect from a bunch of racist low life hillbilly idiots.. they got nothing, so they have to make lots of noise about nothing in order to look like they have something.
hey guys I'm having terrible computer problems, this fucker might get thrown out the window tonight, who knows!!
Try resetting it Sue Sue! Also, take a deep breath... now exhale.
Donna m
My laptop is about to turn 5 and I still love it and it still is the shiz.
I had a Sony Vaio for 5 years. After the 5th year.... it got the blue screen of death! I got a HP Lappy last year. It's ok... I miss my Vaio. (That was my 2nd one)
I haven't had any trouble yet. so far so good.
Donna M
If Hitler was able to secure the olympics for berlin and yet obama was unable to secure it for chicago, means obama can no longer be referred to as hilter?
(I read this on Reditt)
“This wasn't about the United States.This was about Obama,Chicago,Oprah and Valerie Jarrett.”
OMG! Lisa is more delusional than I thought. Does she really believe the IOC is interested in this petty right-wing nonsense?
There are multiple factors which go into the IOC’s selection, the least of which is politics. The U.S. and Tokyo have hosted in recent years, and Rio is PARTY TOWN!
Once more the right-wing attempts to knock down an institution (United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize, Pulitzer Prize, New York Times). They don’t have a clue about the mission of the Olympics – or anything else. The ignorance is staggering.
Sue, I don’t know about the Mormon’s post, but ask how the Olympic in Salt Lake City went? LOL.
Hey Nikki!! Thanks for commenting. You are the QUEEN of sarcasm and hateful posts and I'm trying but don't hold a candle to you my dear!! I really don't slam Mormons just one fugly bitch and if you email me I'll tell ya who it is, believe me Nik, it's not you I'm talking about! So, why do you say my blog is hateful? I never say the word hate as you can see here. I'm all about facts and presenting the truth, if the truth hurts then SORRY! The f-bomb is not thrown around inplace of facts, its just a stupid word and I don't have a clue why people are offended by it, it means nothing!
Yes my blog is liberal, but guess what, so am I! Your blog is conservative but you are a no holds barred blogger yourself and I have been shocked by some of the stuff you spew. So, miss Nik, I'm a little surprised by your comment, I thought you were tougher than that and you could also take what you dish out. Maybe you don't read the liberal blogs and this shocked you??
Anyway, thanks for commenting, it was nice to have you over here in the bright side of blogland!! :-)))
"And for that loud mouthed Complaint department, dude, did a conservative kill your mother?"
Did a liberal kill your mother? Like I'd give a shit anyway. Pot calling the kettle. Damn you have a convenient memory and are oblivious to the fact that you and your "peeps" do the same. You're obviously too stupid to even fathom the mere fact.
I remember your big ass from some time ago "calling people out" and you lay that shit on me??? You put the "cunt" in "CoUNTry". Go eat another gallon of ice cream and chill your big ass out yourself.
I would like to take this time to address the friendly followers of Sue's blog:
I just used a word addressing a certain right-wing fringe hypocrite. In that response, a certain word was used. I don't like using that word, but clearly, I felt she earned it. Nevertheless, I have to take in account that some of Sue's faithful followers may take exception to that certain word used. To those faithful followers, I humbly apologize if you are offended by that comment.
To the hypocrite, I give a rat's ass about your feelings. Keep fucking that chicken.
Typical! ABSOLUTELY TYPICAL! What a coward!
thanks for that apology C. Totally understood.
wonder why nikki removed her comment???
To those who want to know what that hypocrite coward said, here it is:
Nikki said:
"Nice Mormon bashing. Disappointing Sue. Thanks for proving that liberals are bigots and more importantly you. Liberal bigots are the worst kind. Imagine if I called Donna Marie a black bitch, whoa doggy, your hippie head would freaking implode. You act like you are tolerant and full of love, but your blog is a very hateful place. I have read through your blog and good Lord, do you talk about issues or just throw around the f-word like it is an argument? Your inaccuracies are too many and your anger is apparent. Seriously, you all sound like a bunch of high school idiots trying to impress the cool kids. I don't know why any conservative would show their face here and try to engage. Your blog is full of liberal pit-bulls waiting to pee on any and all conservatives. You have never been treated like this on my blog Sue. You are indeed a shitty hostess. And for that loud mouthed Complaint department, dude, did a conservative kill your mother? Try veering away from liberal sites peeps and smoke some pot and calm down. This place is worse than Gitmo. Freaking looney blog Sue...Nice going."
You, Nikki, are a hypocrite and a coward! Funny, how a liberal had to help you come to your good clean christian senses, especially on a Sunday.
Nikki, I will pray for you.
No CDM, I am not a coward and you don't scare me. But you are abusive to women and an obvious male chauvinist pig. You are a sorry excuse for a man saying what you said to me. I deleted my comment because I didn't want to create a firestorm of insults from you. I don't like to fight with abusive men. You obviously have a very small penis if that is how you think you can treat me and other women who comment on this blog. You are a sorry excuse for a man and a liberal.
And never ever address me again CDM, EVER! Or I will expose you on my high traffic blog as the total abusive douche bag that you are.
"I deleted my comment because I didn't want to create a firestorm of insults from you."
I'm throwing the bullshit flag on this one. What the hell did you think would happen? Do you ever think before posting? Typical. When confronted, lash out in anger and make threats. HA! Whatever.
"And never ever address me again CDM, EVER! Or I will expose you on my high traffic blog as the total abusive douche bag that you are"
Actually, I know you want me to address you because you like it and you want it. I'm touched that you find me so appealing that you would pay me such a tribute on your "high traffic" blog. I can't say I'd do you the same, you're not worth posting about.
MOOOOOO! MOOOO!(That's I'll pray for your alleged "christian soul" in cow)
HOLY SHIT! I just love it!!! CDM....WOO HOOO FOR YOU!!! Call it like it is, brother!!! And as for the lame ass threat to expose you .......
::::rolling eyes:::::::
Me - Yeah, I'm going to be "exposed" by our fine leathered friend. Razor burn is more of a threat than it. In fact, I'm sure it has the same trouble with razor burn.
I found a lot more interesting things in the wording choices it gave, but I'll save it for later.
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