Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fucking hateful Americans should hang their heads in shame, but they won't

Health care reform protesters mock man carrying sign saying he has Parkinson’s disease.

Activists staged “competing rallies” outside of Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy’s (D-OH) district office yesterday, in a noisy, often confrontational attempt to influence the undecided congresswoman’s vote. At one point, a man with a sign saying he has Parkinson’s disease and needs help sat down in front of the reform opponents. Several protesters mocked the man, calling him a “communist,” with one derisively “throwing money at him.” “If you’re looking for a handout you’re in the wrong end of town,” another man said. Watch it (at approximately 0:51):

After the protests, Kilroy released a statement thanking “both sides for making their views known” and promising to rely on “the voices of my constituents” when making her final decision. (HT: Raw Story and DailyKos)

I and every single blogger should post this most disgusting video. 

You conservatives who oppose this healthcare bill to the point where you have such hate in your hearts for suffering Americans, is beyond comprehension. The video of screaming idiots hatefully bashing a man with Parkinson's, telling him to get a job, throwing money at him because he is at a rally asking for this bill to be passed so people like him can have insurance, it's just sickening. I am careful not to lump all conservatives into one group but my God people this is embarrassing and I would be mortified to be a part of a group who has such hate. Can anybody give me an example of liberals who despise their American brothers and sisters so bad to treat them the way these conservatives are treating this man?? I don't fuckin think so! 


Leslie Parsley said...

If Kilroy can vote against HC after witnessing this mob of ugly people, she has to have a heart of stone.

Tao Dao Man said...

I am glad I was not there. I have 0 tolerance for those type of animals.
I can assure you, I would have ended up in jail for for assault and battery. America should be ashamed of themselves. That guy throwing the $$$ bills needs to be left on skid row for a year or two.

Sue said...

I am surprised none of the fuckers spit on the guy. Sick bastards

Leslie Parsley said...

I just posted a little something. This is so sick and infuriating. I wonder what people in the rest of the world think of us.

I agree with you RZ. I think I would have yanked the crutch away from that guy and poked that other fellow where it would hurt most.

Tao Dao Man said...

This is so infuriating to me i can not stand it.

This is all out WAR.

Consensus, go along to get along, tolerance for the opposing view, political correctness. Is all nonsense.
When will the dems learn?

Sue said...

Did you watch Obama on Fox today? He stood his ground, he spoke to the Fox mob and told the truth about what this bill will mean for Americans. I was proud of him!

Tao Dao Man said...

There is part of the problem.
Obama DID NOT push for the Public Option, or single payer. Yet dems are proud that he stood up to Faux noise. That is not standing up, it is promoting his watered down version.
Now they will say. "Well it is a beginning, and we will make it stronger"
Bull shit.

Jerry Critter said...

Republicans -- the party of HATE!

Jolly Roger said...

I am beyond words at this. It's a good thing I wasn't in the vicinity, or some of those inbred scum would have seen how our healthcare system works firsthand.

Jolly Roger said...

RZ..... the thing is, we will. Anyone who has seen how Social Security was gradually expanded knows how we'll do it.

The Rushpubliscums were wetting their panties over Social Security too, but Americans saw how much of a help it turned out to be for our elderly citizens. They did the same thing when Medicare was introduced.

There is nothing new under the sun. The President is probably as far as he's going to get this round, but make no mistake-there will be other rounds. The health insurers aren't whipping up the inbreds because they're crazy about the windfalls they are sure to receive.

The CDM said...

Much like RZ, I'd be in jail.

I know you all are against torture, but that fucker throwing the cash, along with all those agging him on and getting in that guy's face, deserve it and if it were up to me, their suffering would be legendary!

Tao Dao Man said...

CDM; Ya, we would bring mi-evil on their ass. Got a blow torch layin' around any where? I do. LOL.

{Pulp Fiction}

Tao Dao Man said...

JR: I do not have the faith in this dysfunctional broken system as you, and others have.
Then was then, now is now.
Obama is no FDR.
On the contrary he is Bush/Lite.
He is just a better sales person.

The CDM said...

Blow torch. Would that before or after they get boned?

Actually, my method would involve sodium hydroxide and that's as far as I'll go.

Kentucky Rain said...

These actions are not the actions of Americans. They are the actions of Republicans...

The Wool Cupboard said...

Since you have withdrawn your post regarding the performance of our dear Commander in Chief in the interview by Fox News' Bret Baier, I would like to point out that this was a slam dunk interview by the Fox anchor. He was focused, to the point, respectful but determined to get answers, and all in all, was well informed and well prepared in his questions. That is more that can be said of the President. He seemed irritated, angry and arrogant. He did not answer a single question, but rather just dragged out the tired old democratic talking points about the bill. I don't believe he even knows what is in the bill. He also was remarkedly ill informed about the lawmaking process and what's worse, didn't seem to CARE about the process. A stellar performance by Baier, but a dismal, limping showing by Mr. Obama.

Sue said...

you are terribly mistaken Linda, I had no such post up. The post I had up last night simply said to watch C-Span and the HC debate that was going on.

As for Obama on Fox, of course you would find fault, afterall you are a conservative Obama hater. He did a wonderful job, when he was allowed to answer the question without interruption. Baier was rude.

Any thoughts on this post of hateful and rude protesters??

Leslie Parsley said...

Funny, I didn't see it that way at all and neither did these people:

"Fox News' Bret Baier interrupted President Obama so many times during Wednesday's interview that Newsweek described the enounter as a "interrupt-a-thon."


"Twelve minutes into his 19-minute White House interview with President Obama, Fox News anchor Bret Baier finally got around to a question on substance."


Personally, I have real problems with any interviewer who is disrespectful to the President of the United States.

Lisa said...

see how Obama gets disgruntled when the interviewer isn't coddling him?
He had him there to ask the questions that are concerning to people about this bill and he proved to us that he had no intentions of addressing the questions and Linda is correct he had all his talking points ready and had no plans on answering any questions.
He wasn't there to make another one of his speeches on health care. He was there to answer questions.
But in usual Obama fashion he skillfully skirted the around the the questions.

Leslie Parsley said...

I could respond to this gobble-de-gook but I've decided not to.

The CDM said...

Brett Baier respectful my ass! I hate it ANYBODY interupts smeone trying to answer a question, ANYBODY! That was half-assed and any idiot could have seen that....well most idiots, apparently.

Jolly Roger said...

lisa of the perpetual dirty diapers drooled,

He had him there to ask the questions that are concerning to people about this bill and he proved to us that he had no intentions of addressing the questions and Linda is correct he had all his talking points ready and had no plans on answering any questions.

Clearly, you, nor the rest of your Klanservative, DNA-challenged brethren, heard a damn word the President said. But that's typical; after all, the lot of you believe that the State of Hawaii conspired with the President to plant stories in newspapers printed nearly 50 YEARS AGO in order to conceal the fact that he's a Kenyan.

Leslie Parsley said...

JR: LOL, LOL, LOL. Careful - you're going to make her cream in her undies. Actually, I'm surprised you could make enough sense out of that gibberish to respond.

Sue said...

thanks JR, I was trying to ignore lisa but you did good!! lol

thanks for the links L, Baier was disrespectful and totally different kinda interview then he would do with a repub president, such as Bushie.