Monday, November 22, 2010


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! We're on to you Mitch McConnell! The American people ARE NOT LISTENING to your lies! So you can crawl back into your hole and shut your lying big fat mouth! The country does not think a tax cut extension to your rich friends will stimulate the economy! Shut up you stupid FOOL!!!

here's the transcript for those who can't watch this buffoon speak:

As Americans across the country prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this coming week, we’re reminded of the many blessings we enjoy as a nation.  

Many families will not enjoy a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner, but thanks to liberal values they can visit the many soup kitchens who will open their doors for the unemployed and homeless to have a wonderful hot meal.

“We’re grateful for the sacrifices of the brave men and women in our armed forces who will not be home with their families next week, and who make these blessings possible. 
They would be home if not for Bush/Cheney and their wars of choice.

“And we’re also conscious this Thanksgiving of the many Americans who are struggling with serious hardships, including the many millions of Americans who are struggling to find work.
“At the moment, about 15 million of our fellow citizens are looking for jobs and can’t find one. The unemployment rate has remained stubbornly close to ten percent for a year and a half. We are experiencing what can only be described as a jobs crisis, a sustained period of chronic unemployment; and two years of policies that have vastly increased the size and scope of government and added trillions to the debt and have done little to alleviate this problem. You are a lying scumbag. Tell the American people the truth, your party is the problem. Your party who votes NO on every jobs bill, votes NO on helping small business to hire, your party is making it possible for your rich friends to sit on their billions and not hire.

“Take the Stimulus, for example.
“Here was a bill that was supposed to create millions of jobs and keep unemployment from rising above eight percent. Yet, since Democrats passed it nearly two years ago, more than three million people have lost jobs and the economy barely has a pulse. Another lie. We have had steady growth since the stimulus. Slow yes, but steady. Unemployment is a lagging indicator. 
The American people delivered a clear verdict on this and other failed experiments in the government-as-economic-stimulator on Election Day. But Democratic leaders in Washington continue to act as if nothing has changed, including their priorities. LIE LIE LIE, The American people want our leaders in Washington to work for them, the middleclass, not for YOUR rich friends and corporate America, which your party does. The verdict is in, the people want Obama to stop caving to republicans!

“The top priority of most Americans is to create jobs and get the economy moving. And the single best thing we could do in Washington to achieve that goal is to prevent a tax hike that’s about to hit every taxpayer and hundreds of thousands of small businesses at the stroke of Midnight on December 31st. LIE LIE LIE!! Giving tax cuts to the rich does nothing, it does NOT trickle down you asshole!! Let the tax cuts expire, ALL of them, the middleclass are not whining babies. we know how to survive!

“And that’s what I proposed a bill in September that would take care of this giant tax hike and prevent it from going into effect. Fucker...
“Unfortunately, Democratic leaders have shown little interest in the idea. After adding trillions to the debt on big-government policies most Americans didn’t ask for and which we couldn’t afford, Democratic leaders say they need more money, which they intend to take from small business, even though small businesses create the majority of new jobs. The stimulus added to the deficit because you have to spend inorder to grow the economy, asshat. Damn how does this guy get by with such stupidity?

“Americans don’t think we should be raising taxes on anybody, especially in the middle of a recession. But instead of giving Americans what they want, Democratic leaders plan to use the last few days that lawmakers expect to spend in Washington this year focusing on everything except preventing this tax hike, which will cost us even more jobs: Americans want the taxcuts to expire! If you'd just shut up and listen you would hear us!

“…Immigration…A repeal of the ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ …A reorganization of the FDA … More environmental regulations… Americans WANT immigration reform, they WANT DADT repealed, they WANT environmental regulations because they love America.

“Democrats put off all these things until after the election, along with the most basic task of funding the government. By focusing on them now, and not on legislation to promote job creation and reduce spending, they’re showing where their priorities lie. Your party shows every day where your priorities lie, and it's not with us middleclass Americans!

“This should be an easy one. The bill that job creators and out-of-work Americans need us to pass is the one that ensures taxes won’t go up — one that says Americans and small business owners won’t get hit with more bad news at the end of the year.
“It's time Congress got its priorities straight. It's time Congress focused on job creation —and that means preventing tax hikes. Tax hikes don't slow job growth! 
It's time to set aside the political votes and government spending that the administration and Democratic leaders have put above all other priorities for two years.
“Time is running out. But it’s not too late for both parties to work together and prevent this massive tax hike from going into effect. It’s not too late to focus on the priorities of the American people. And Republicans in Congress are eager to work with anyone, Republican or Democrat, who is willing to do so.
“Americans spoke loudly and clearly on Election Day. We owe it to them to show we heard them — to work together to get this done. 
Shut up about the taxcuts expiring, you are showing your true colors, who you really care about! On second thought keep talking like this Mitch...Americans know how to use GOOGLE, we know how to compare your policies and tax rhetoric to past presidents. Americans are not stupid like you wish we were...

Educate yourselves, see for yourselves, the GOP are liars...


JUDI M. said...

What an asshole!!!!!!!!

Sue said...

Judi I almost punched my computer screen!!! He's a despicable piece of crap!!

Jerry Critter said...

Give the rich a dollar and they give you back 31 cents. Give an unemployed person a dollar and they stimulate the economy by $1.63. They give back $1.63 for every dollar instead of 31 cents.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Judi's right....he's an asshole.

But being in a holiday frame of mind, I'd like to dedicate this song to Senator Mitch McConnell, his friends, his family, and to any and all who voted for him.

And have a Happy Thanksgiving, Der Leader!

Anonymous said...

Just be happy your not from his home state. I would have to move!
He really is despicable!

Leslie Parsley said...

I really detest this man so much I can't even watch him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Facts are stubborn things.

Under George W. Bush's tax cuts for the very wealthy, we had the worst job creation in post-WWII America.


Mitch McConnell is a despicable liar and he sniffs turtle turds.

(feeling grumpy this am)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

McConnell most proved what a dink he was/is during that health-care summit. Remember? He was keeping track of how many minutes each person spoke....and spoke nothing about reaching any kind of consensus.

Jolly Roger said...

"Mooch" McConnell has managed to keep his job in KY only by way of how much Federal dollars the mooch can steer Kentucky's way. Opinion polls in KY consistently show him with negative numbers.

Now that the Mooch has promised to stop stealing from the rest of us for Kentucky, he might just go away in a couple of years.

Frodo, laughing all the way said...

Frodo would like to merely say how much he admires this Jersey girl (Frodo assumes that everyone living North of Washington is in New Jersey).

Mitch McConnell is a pussy, and Frodo hopes that some fortunate TSA employee gets the opportunity to pull his twanger with a pair of tweezers. That would be quite a Thanksgiving!

Frodo is learning some good stuff from Sister Sue.

Cirze said...

But for good reason. They can't tell the truth as they don't look so good then.

Educate yourselves, see for yourselves, the GOP are liars...

But, come on, you know he can't add (although he can "figure" just fine) unless he's adding up the moolah he rakes in from the regular Rethug funding circles.

Jerry Critter said...

Give the rich a dollar and they give you back 31 cents. Give an unemployed person a dollar and they stimulate the economy by $1.63. They give back $1.63 for every dollar instead of 31 cents.

Thanks Sue and Jerry! You rock!!!

Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!!!!