Tuesday, November 30, 2010

typical conservative gay bashing

I think this is the first time I spoke on DADT.  I felt the need to showcase a conservative's bigoted, homophobic stance on lesbians in the military because of the egregiousness of his words. I do so enjoy highlighting stupid conservatives!

From Huffington Post:    Joe Rehyansky, a former official at the Chattanooga, Tennessee, District Attorney's office, recently penned an op-ed opposed to allowing gays in the military, in which he argued that lesbians should be allowed to serve in the armed forces, in part because it would give straight male soldiers a chance to "convert" them.
The statement, which initially appeared at the Daily Caller but has since been removed, served as the apogee to an entirely controversial piece of writing, most of which still remains in the post.
Here's the original ending, now replaced:
My solution would get the distaff part of our homosexual population off our collective "Broke Back," thus giving straight male GIs a fair shot at converting lesbians and bringing them into the mainstream.
Though apparently the only segment outrageous enough to get scrapped on the editor's chopping block -- some have suggested, based on the rest of his piece that he is advocating for a sort of corrective rape of lesbian soldiers -- what remains of Rehyansky's writing is overflowing with other strange and offensively-worded arguments against gays in the military.
"I don't claim to be a Constitutional law scholar on a par with President Obama, but shouldn't the overwhelmingly straight warriors who answer their county's call be spared the indignity of showering with other men who achieve lascivious enjoyment from the sight of those lithe naked bodies, and who may be tempted to seek more than the view?" Rehyansky writes.
And, if not for the "indignity" of having to serve alongside gays, at least think of the disastrous health consequences that could be spread by allowing promiscuous men "with little or no restraint," who believe "it's 'party time' all the time," to serve, Rehyansky argues:
"What does all this have to do with force readiness and 'Don't-hint -don't-wink' or whatever they're calling it these days? My answer should by now be as painfully obvious as a suppurating genital rash: gays spread disease at a rate out of all proportion to their numbers in our population and should be excluded from the military."

Do you see this outrageous statement as condoning the rape of lesbian soldiers by their male counterparts? Of course it is! Deleted or not, the written word thankfully stays with us and we are lucky to have this little piece of disgusting filth so we can show the world just how putrid some people are when it comes to tolerance of those not of the straight conservative persuasion...

This ignorant excuse for a human being is typical of the views coming from conservatives these days. They are coming out of the woodwork like filthy cockroaches..... 

The Pentagon's leaders said today gay troops can serve openly without harming the military's ability to fight.....

Obama said in a statement released by the White House: "Today I call on the Senate to act as soon as possible so I can sign this repeal into law this year and ensure that Americans who are willing to risk their lives for their country are treated fairly and equally.


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

It's very interesting to see the super patriot- conservative types still holding on to their bigoted notions regarding gays in the military.

I know I've written this before in another blogger's comments, but here goes....

At Valley Forge Baron Von Steuben arrived to train the ragged, freezing, and shoeless Continental troops and militia men. Von Steuben spoke little English and traveled with his own interpreter- and swore at the troops in German, French, and broken English. But it was Von Steuben who was primarily responsible for drilling the Army into one that had discipline and order; it was Von Steuben's book on military drill that was used by American forces for two generations after independence.

What some history books won't tell you is that Baron Von Steuben was drummed out of the Prussian army on a charge of homosexuality. Whether he was or was not actually gay is not known; but the charge was real, and was the perception about him.

George Washington gave Baron Von Steuben a chance.....and it paid huge dividends.

Maybe some of these conservatives need to do is stop thinking about "What Jesus would do", and think more about what General George Washington did.

Teeluck said...

Gay Bashers...these people are sick!

Flying Junior said...

That's so fucking juvenile to think that gay men somehow look at other men in the showers like they're Playboy bunnies.

Men are more promiscuous? Women are annoyingly discriminating? It's party time all the time for gay men? This guy's in Fantasyland.

Teh stoopid. It burns.

TOM said...

This kind of "conservative" thinking, is why we do not have a civil society.
Bigotry, racism and other forms of hate and oppression can never be the basis of a civil society.
Social progress is not some Democratic political platform. It is the gradual maturing of people who have educated themselves to live with and respect the beliefs and lifestyles, that differ from their own.

Leslie Parsley said...

Tom: "It is the gradual maturing of people who have educated themselves to live with and respect the beliefs and lifestyles, that differ from their own."

Educated is the key word here. Sadly, education seems to be missing in a large segment of our population. (Good to see you.)

Infidel753 said...

Rehyansky's mentality is the same as that which, decades ago, said that black people couldn't be allowed to participate in society as equals because they would steal watermelons and attack white women. It would be absurd to dignify it by debating it.

Instead, one should point to the two-dozen-plus other countries which allow gays to serve in the military openly -- including Israel, which takes its military very seriously indeed -- and have not had problems.

The CDM said...

This reminds me of an exchange I had with someone just yesterday. Here I thought this guy was comfortable and embraced his ignorance and prejudice, but upon putting it out there for him to see, he didn't take it well. Let's just say he took the "I'll take my ball and go home" road which is typical for their kind.

Sometimes when you hold a mirror up to people to see what kind of person they are, they don't like what they see, let alone use their own words against them and out them for he intolerant bastards they are.

Lets take a look at what this really is which would be homophobia with blatant misogyny most likely come about as a result of an incorrect upbringing. This also wreaks of strict religious teachings.

Sad part of this is when you out these people for the haters, bigots and homophobes they are, they look at you like, "What did I do wrong?"

Grung_e_Gene said...

This is to be expected. Conservatives' worldview is formed as a white, christian, heteronormative dominance.

This is why President Obama is a threat. This is why homosexuals being treated as human beings is a threat.

Threats of violence are the lingua franca of the Right nowadays.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Great post, Sue. I've linked to it on my post on DADT.

Sue said...

thanks guys, I'm way behind today, I'll be by tonight to see you all. Thanks Shaw! oh and good to see you Tom!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

What kind of a dude would ever, EVER, want to "convert" a hot lesbian? That one, Sue, simply doesn't compute.

The CDM said...

"What kind of a dude would ever, EVER, want to "convert" a hot lesbian? That one, Sue, simply doesn't compute."

Well,...........You see,..........

I got nothin'.