Saturday, May 14, 2011

More of the same 'ole fearmongering

 Every election cycle brings the same 'ole, same 'ole GOP fearmongering. The American people have to listen to the GOPPERS anal drivel about our broke country, our broke Social Security fund, and our broken Medicare program. The sane Americans who do their homework and actually pay attention to current events know these are LIES to scare you into giving the party "who knows how to fix things" back the power. My BP is through the roof as I type these words, plus I'm hyperventilating a bit..

If we are so broke and need to transform Medicare then why is it the Republicans refuse to allow the Medicare program to negotiate prices with the pharmaceutical industry?  In 2005, and in 2007 Democrats tried to amend the Medicare program by allowing such negotiations -- the measure was blocked by Senate Republicans. An attempt, H.R. 4752, in 2010 died in committee. Democrats have introduced yet another attempt to allow for price negotiation, H.R. 999, (Schakowsky, and 27 co-sponsors). In this instance, voters have a far better chance of spending tax dollars wisely than is evidenced by the House and Senate Republicans. No, Republicans have no interest in putting the peoples interests first. Their voting record proves that....

The backlash from the public over the Ryan plan to dismantle SS and Medicare has the GOP a bit scared, so what do they do? They come up with a different plan that is even more stupid then the first one. They are calling it a "mandatory global spending cap" and it's the House Republican budget in disguise, but don't tell them that! LMAO!!  Oh Hell, of course they know what it is, don't be silly, it's YOU they are trying to fool but it ain't gonna work. This plan isn't a way to make the government live within it's means, it's a way to reduce the "means" that normal people live on,  it's a way to cut your Medicare and Social Security so they can give more fuckin' tax cuts to the ubber wealthy!  Oh just more of the same 'ole, same 'ole Republiscum dirty tricks... More than 70% of the population wants the Republicans to stop with the "plans" to destroy SS and Medicare, but the GOP is blind deaf and dumb, they are hell bent on destroying America as we know it, from within....

WE ARE NOT BROKE!  The GOP just wants you to believe that so they can fuck with your money..  Big corporations and the wealthiest Americans are making more money -- and a higher percentage of America's total income -- than ever. So if millionaires and billionaires paid taxes at the same rate they did during the Reagan Administration -- and the income they earn on investments were taxed at the same rates as people who work for a living -- that would go a long way to eliminating the deficit.
And the experts tell us that Social Security would be solvent for 75 years if you required higher-income people to pay as much in Social Security taxes as their secretaries and janitors by eliminating the cap on income for which Americans pay Social Security taxes. Eliminate the CAP, how obvious is that?? Come on Mr. President, put that on your agenda please!

Social Security and Medicare benefits have been earned, and paid for, throughout the American workers life, it can not be up for grabs by the GREEDY Wall Street bankers!

The budget battle will be the next test for Democrats. If  they cower to the thugs, America loses, BIG TIME.. Lord help us all. We can not afford to lose this fight...


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Good day my Dear friend..Just stopping by to say HI!! love ya Sis..Hugs and smiles Gloria

Sue said...

Hi G!! Hugs and love to you too!

Sue said...

I found this comment on another blog and loved it!

Pres. Obama will most likely do with the debt ceiling issue the same thing he did on the budget issue earlier this year–let the members of Congress take the lead with VP Biden doing the dem negotiating with the republicans. I remember how over 60 members of the Senate wrote to the president begging him to take the lead on the budget, but he refused, and rightly so. The Constitution mandates that Congress has to take the lead on budget issues or on anything having to do with the spending of taxpayers’ monies. McConnell can continue howling at the moon because I think PBO learned something about revealing his hand too soon in dealing with republicans over the past couple years. I fully support the president not getting too involved in the negotiations at this point for the same reason you pointed out–McConnell wants the president to be the fall guy. That’s partly what that letter the 42 GOP freshmen sent to PBO earlier this week was all about. They hate PBO, but at the same time, they want him to provide political cover for their voting for the Ryan budget so they have a chance at keeping their seats in the 2012 elections. As far as I’m concerned, they can go suck a duck’s butt.

jadedj said...

I pity the duck.

Sue said...

poor duck... LOL!

The CDM said...

I find it interesting that some people think that big oil should keep their tax breaks. After all, they only make a very small percentage of profit on their product....only thing is, that that small percentage of profit is based on a multi-billion dollar business. This is pretty much how pharmacuetical companies make their money and their percentage of profit is smaller than big oil.

The fear mongering that corporate Amreica(mainly big oil) imposes on the ignorant public at large needs to be combated with people who are willing to call these assholes on their threats of raising prices if they get thier tax breaks taken from them.

Leslie Parsley said...

Let 'em keep talking. I think the majority of Americans are wising up - everyone but the teabuggers, that is.

Sue said...

It's all a game C and L. Just like terrorism really, threats of terror strikes and threats of high gas prices, just to keep the public scared shitless. Show 'em we're not afraid and the threats go away. The fun is over.

Jerry Critter said...

In 2005 bush said if oil prices were at $55 a barrel, the oil companies wouldn’t need the lucrative subsidies that the federal government gives them. In a hearing in the Senate, executives from the five largest oil companies were asked whether they agreed with the oilman-turned-president. They did. (Reference here)

So...let's tax them about 50% on each barrel of oil they sell. That should drop the price to around $55 per barrel. Then, since they have said they don't need the subsidies with oil at $55 per barrel, let's get rid of the subsidies.

We would be doing just what the oil companies said.

Sue said...

Jerry it's so simple, why won't Congress make the move? It's so frustrating, no wonder Obama gets blamed for nothing getting done. Things move soooooo slow in Washington, by the time something important gets done we're on to the next issue and Obama's accomplishments get lost in the shuffle. I guess the GOP likes it like that!

Les Carpenter said...

When we are actually broke, and we have hype inflation, and we are all servants to the feds, perhaps everyone will get it.

Until then "it's the economy stupid."

Just as Bubba!

Sue said...

we're NOT broke RN.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue, I repeat...

"When we are actually broke,..."

Eventually we will be if the disasters that are GWB and BHO continue to prevail with the fiscal insanity that is fed by Keynesian economic theory.

Jittery said...

I see you've gotten over your slump Sue! All you needed was a bunch of GOPpers put together in the same room and WHAM! Sue gets her groove on... I do that with a cup of coffee! lol

Sue said...

ok RN, whatevah...

Jittery I just needed to take the time to read, watch, and listen to the GOP drivel then the BP started to rise and the brain started working once the blood flowed to it! LOL

Lisa said...
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