Monday, February 13, 2012

Now we must be afraid of Media Matters??

I stumbled upon this incredulous 6 page article at Daily Caller., Link came from It starts like this... This is the first in a Daily Caller investigative series on Media Matters For America. Daily Caller reporters Alex Pappas and Will Rahn contributed to this report.

This is a series of reports...
 Inside Media Matters: Sources, memos reveal erratic behavior, close coordination with White House and news organizations

It's six pages of sensationalism and intrigue sure to scare the rightwing extremist to death, of our Commander in Chief, elected by a majority of intelligent Americans, President Barack Obama.

UPDATE! My friend Mary Banks got this email today, here is the reason why these Daily Caller "writers" are doing this series on Media Matters!

From Eric Boehlert, Media Matters
Friend --
No, our subject line wasn’t recreating Glenn Beck’s chalkboard – thankfully that went into retirement months ago. They are just some of the many victims of The Fox Effect and a sharp reminder of the destructive capability of Fox News’ lies.

Next week, Media Matters Chairman David Brock and Executive Vice President Ari Rabin-Havt will release a new book on Fox News, using leaked emails and the network employees’ own words to show Fox News for what it is – a political operation masquerading as a news network.
The Fox Effect lays out how the network operates when they attack political foes – a process we call the Fox Cycle:

STEP 1: Conservative activists introduce a lie.
STEP 2: Fox News devotes massive coverage to the story.
STEP 3: Fox attacks other outlets for ignoring the controversy.
STEP 4: Mainstream outlets begin reporting on the story.
STEP 5: Media critics, pundits praise Fox News coverage.
STEP 6: The story falls apart once the damage has been done.

Most attacks from Fox follows these six steps. The Fox Effect illustrates this phenomena and details how Fox News’ lies can be stamped out.

Mary is right when she says "The right just following the Bush Doctrine again, strike first so we don't have to fight them over here"  Thanks Mary, now we know why this series from Daily Caller! Assholes...

The proof is in the pudding, just read the CRAZY comments...

Man. Have you noticed how many parallels there are between this guy Brock and Joseph Goebels? And between media matters and MSNBC and the leftist MSM with the Nazi propaganda machine? It's kind of scary how few people ever question the "news" that is fed to them.

 So we find out that Brock is a deranged, possessed, paranoid, drug addict with delusions of grandeur and an evil agenda that is wholly bent on corrupting the media. Did anyone expect anything else? Totalitarian movements always seem to have depraved people like Brock spreading their propaganda. That he is connected to Hillary and Soros certainly comes as no shock. They convened the coven that eventually manifested itself in groups like The Center for American Progress. One doesn't belong to such a ruthless, seditious cabal without sufficiently evil bona fides.

 I had exactly the same reaction! Propaganda is being produced daily. And Joseph Goebbels learned how to produce propaganda from the American progressives of his era. We've now come full circle! And the American ones today are just as evil!
I just finished Alinsky's Rules for Radicals recently, and I couldn't help noticing that he all but promised that once they acquired the guns (control of law enforcement, military), they wouldn't hesitate to USE those guns against their political opponents. Those days are nearly upon us! OWS leaders are promising violence and unrest this summer without restraint!

Something has gone seriously wrong in our country and it ain't looking good...


Mary said...

The Daily Caller has always been on the same level as Newsmax and HotAir blog....complete nonsense! I think the people over at Media Matters should get a Presidential Medal of Honor for slogging through all that shit, hate and racism they spew on the right everyday. It really has to hurt the soul getting that close to Republican propaganda every day.

Malcolm said...

The right-wing is employing one of the oldest tricks in the book... attack the messenger.

This morning, I caught part of "Fox and Friends" and they were doing a story on how David Brock approved of his assistant carrying an illegal glock. Watch Fox "News" continue to pump this just the way they did with the new Black Panthers story.

Shaw Kenawe said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

Apparently, somewhere in the GOP's unconscious, they understand they're in a death spiral, so this is a way of diverting attention from the catastrophe it has brought on itself by supporting extremists and flip-floppers as viable candidates for the POTUS.

Going after Media Matters at this time appears to be a tactic akin to people rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Silverfiddle said...

All hands on deck! The Ministry of Truth is under attack!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm not afraid of Media Matters. I consider them a trusted source.

Sue said...

it's all so Glenn Beck, isn't it?! I found the comments more interesting than the 6 pages of hysteria and crap..

LOL, Mary you are so right! The reporting by Media Matters to keep us informed is much appreciated too!

Oh, so this will be an every day theme on F and F, well good for them and their sheeple. They must turn the conversation away from the positive news about our economy and the president.


Rusty Shackelford said...

All rightwing news and media out lets must be shut down as quickly as possible.
Our population should'nt be subjected their constant lies.
Only postive messages about Dear Leader should be broadcast,anything else must be silenced.

Sue said...

you're exactly right Russ old guy! LIES and HYSTERIA about our POTUS must me stopped dead in its tracks!

NOTHING the Right says about Barack Obama is the truth, assholes..

Rusty Shackelford said...

That lying Daily Caller is saying Media Matters is writting the script for MSNBC's hosts...if thats true MM should be writting for all news outlets.

Any radio or TV station not following the tome set by Media Matters should be shut down at once,by force if necessary.

The regime must be allowed to govern without the lying propaganda of the right.

Sue said...

right again Russ man! It's all lies and propaganda coming out of rightwing Nooze.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz said...

Rusty is a parrot. Be afraid; he's Lisa on testosterone. Not much, of course.... after all, his kind are angry for a, uh..... "short" list of reasons...

Rusty Shackelford said...

Sam,are you a troll of sorts? Dont you agree that Media Matters voice should be heard? If they are indeed supplying talking points to MSNBC thats a good thing...dont you think? After all who else should be trusted to get the word out to the uninformed?

Sam L. Bronkowitz....I take it thats a Jewish name....Sam,what is your position on Isreal's possible future attack on Iran.Could you possibly against it? If so why would'nt you support your home land? Are you not a true Jew?

Rusty Shackelford said...

Sam,please dont make judgements about Rusty when you know absolutly nothing about him.

When you make an unwarrented attack you look like an uninformed liberal....just screech,no substance.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz said...

Let's paraphrase a Rusty argument, real quickly. It is a template you can apply to all his future comments.

Rusty: The ocean is YELLOW!!!

Sentient Being: No, anyone with functional eyes can certainly see that the ocean is not yellow.

Rusty: Oh yes it IS yellow!!! And you arguing with me just proves how yellow it is!!!

We all knew Rusty when we were children: he was the one who made up new rules for whatever we were playing so he could win, and if we didn't go along, he took his toys and ran home. Screaming the whole time about how WE were cheating.

clif said...

Sam,please dont make judgements about Rusty when you know absolutly nothing about him.

That sounds funny coming from you rusty, since you have done exactly that.

Personally attacking numerous bloggers for years, when you disagree with the facts they post.

That is a large part of your stock in trade rusty.

IE; pot kettle time rusty.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Lookie here....its the old supply officer himself.Did you ever get off the public teat Cliffy?

Leslie Parsley said...

A couple of quotes from my latest post, which I did not write, btw. Instead, it was written by a very astute Republican House and Senate staffer.

"They [the right wing extremists] are highly submissive to established authority, aggressive in the name of that authority and conventional to the point of insisting everyone should behave as their authorities decide. They are fearful and self-righteous and have a lot of hostility in them that they readily direct toward various out-groups. They are easily incited, easily led, rather un-inclined to think for themselves, largely impervious to facts and reason and rely instead on social support to maintain their beliefs. They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups, have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use a lot of double standards in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times and are often hypocrites."

"Probably about 20 to 25 percent of the adult American population is so right-wing authoritarian, so scared, so self-righteous, so ill-informed and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds. They would march America into a dictatorship and probably feel that things had improved as a result.... And they are so submissive to their leaders that they will believe and do virtually anything they are told. They are not going to let up and they are not going away."

clif said...

Did you ever get off the public teat Cliffy?

You mean, did my disability from combat in Desert Storm heal?

No, it never will.

But thanks for proving my point.

PS never was a supply officer, which is another lie you repeat;

I was an EOD officer.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Please dont continue that "combat" fib Cliffy when you actually got caught up in that little DADT problem.

clif said...

Another LIE rusty.

Why do you need to lie so much about people you have a basic philosophical disagreement with, are your views that weak, that you cannot defend then so must attack people with lies and innuendo instead of facts you can verify?

Are you that shallow a person?

Are you really that insecure?

You must attack everyone you disagree with?

Lisa said...

why don't you guys stop pretending that Media Matters is a real news outlet and admit what they really are. A long arm of the Obama White House going after anyone who disagrees with them.
Oh wait you'll never admit becuae you are all programmed like the these crazies

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Lisa:'ll never admit because you are all programmed like the these crazies [link to YouTube video].

Lisa, I see no crazies in the video you linked to. But what about these crazies? These people are, as anyone sane person can see, truly crazy...

Comments from the video (Tea Party rally from 4/14/2010)...

"I don't really know if there was an economic collapse. Why did that happen two months before an election? I don't see the proof of it. I think it was a political stunt to get the Democrats elected".

"I would vote for bush if he were barbecuing babies on the White House lawn, compared to Obama".

"Obama voted 'present' 97 percent of the time he was in the Senate. He's an embarrassment to our country". [on screen graphic says Obama voted 'present' 129 times out of more then 4000 votes, or about 3 percent of the time.]

"Reagan had peace through strength. He built up the nuclear program. When he went and met with Gorbachev, Gorbachev suggested that they lower the nukes. Reagan left the meeting, said 'forget you. I'm not cutting back'" [cut to clip in which Reagan says, "we must never stop our efforts to reduce the weapons of war. We must never stop until we see the day that nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth".

Flying Junior said...

You've got it half right Lisa. MM is not really a news outlet per se. As the name suggests, it's news about the media itself.

How is anyone going to go after the legitimate news and media sources that provide the reporting we count on every day. Reuters? AP? NPR? PBS? NYT? The newspapers? Boston Globe? Sacramento Bee? Seattle Times? San Francisco Chronicle? CBS? NBC? Los Angeles Times? (If you look closely at these last few questions, you will notice that I am actually smarter then Sarah Palin!) These are largely trusted sources that continue in the proud tradition of unbiased reporting. The so-called liberal media, if you will. Eat your hearts out right-wing ideologues. There is no legitimacy to your diploma-mill colleges, unversities and media outlets. Right-wing bullshit is all just making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Media Matters goes after the lying monsters. An excellent example would be this little piece about one of the FOX talking heads telling Maxine Waters to lay off the crack pipe less than one week after the death of Whitney Houston. It's racist. It's just plain wrong. It has no place on a network that would pretend to bring us "the news."

Lisa said...

W-d listen to this at 40 seconds. I uess she is a whackjob too

Rusty Shackelford said...

Does Maxine Waters smoke a crack pipe?
I did'nt know that.Thanks for the info.

Lisa said...

Maxine Waters is a crack pot

Rusty Shackelford said...

Clif,seeing that you've spent years sucking off the public teat all the while asking for more freebies,asking for us working stiffs to contribute our "fair share" so you can sit a keyboard all day bitching.

You know Clif,in reality I'm paying you,so its pretty clear you actually work for me.Would you mind stopping by one day this week and sweep my driveway?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa, have you no shame? At long last?

Remember when you came to this blog and posted a completely made-up text which you claimed was from Mr. Obama's book "Dreams From My Father," and which you claimed proved he was a racist? And then apologized to everyone here for smearing the president--after we proved what you posted was a blatant lie?

Neither do I.

Remember when you also posted in comments that abortions cause breast cancer and after that LIE was exposed--through the American Cancer Society as well as other American medical associations--you apologized for spreading false information?

Neither do I.

But those are only two instances of your treacherous behavior when it comes to spreading false information. There are others.

When a person continues to act in this manner, tell us why anyone should pay any attention to you.

And now you're here again not knowing what you're talking about.

Media Matters is not a news organization. It's purpose is to uncover the lies and distortions spread by rightwing media.

And apparently Media Matters is doing such a great job that the rightwing media feels the need to attack it.

Good for Media Matters! A worthy organization that deserves our support.

If it's pissing off the wingers, it's doing its job!

Good article here on the story.

clif said...

1. Rusty, I do not work for you, never have, and never would. I worked for the US Army, so unless you are in uniform, your statement is false, as usual. No member of the US Military works directly for any individual citizen, they work for the Department of Defense.

2. As usual you conflate a combat disabled veteran with sucking off the public teat.

3.Why do republiscumbaggers like you do this regularly?

After all you never volunteered to serve and defend the country, but complain about those who did.

Why cannot republiscumbaggers ever be honest, we have Lisa spouting the latest fox news RNC talking points for the day, and rusty lying about and attacking veterans because he has a simple ideological disagreement.

Why the need to be so dishonest all the time from the right?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Why the need to be so dishonest all the time from the right?"

Media Matters can explain that depressing fact:

"Even when you try to build an airtight echo chamber, sometimes outside and unwanted information filters in and is impossible to ignore. For Fox News, the recent unpleasantness has taken the form of falling unemployment numbers as well as President Obama's rising approval rating.

The news is difficult for Fox to digest because two of the core claims it has been making about Obama is that he's destroying the U.S. economy (and capitalism as we know it), and that he's a political failure. But now both of those storylines are unraveling based on empirical evidence about the employment rate and the president's standing in the polls.

So if you're Fox's Gretchen Carlson, what do you do this week? You suggest that the improving unemployment numbers, as tabulated by the Labor Department, may have been "fabricated"

And if you're Fox's Sarah Palin on the same day? You suggest Obama's improved approval rating is based on "misinformation given to the American people."

It has been my experience that rightwingers have a difficult time in seeing what is in front of their noses--reality. So they create their own in order to keep themselves comfortable when reality bleeds into their fantasy world.

Mr. Obama's good poll numbers are a result of "misinformation given to the American people" is how Palin deals with what she sees as unpleasant news contra to her view of the president, who she thinks barbecues babies in his secret rotisserie in the WH.

And the other FAUX NOOZ bobble head suggests that the Labor Dept. "may" have fabricated the good news in the drop in unemployment.

In GOP World, when good stuff happens to Mr. Obama, there's always a nefarious reason underlying it--and their mouthpieces will be the first to make-up stories for those reasons, not matter how unimaginably stupid they are.

You must remember, President Obama didn't get Osama bin Laden. It was President Bush who gave the order to the Navy Seals to kill him.

Mr. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Got it? Good.

Flying Junior said...

Not to mention, it shows an astonishing lack of respect and civility.

Back in 1982, my drinking buddy and myself were enjoying a couple of the stronger Bloody Marys mixed in the fair village of Vista, California, not so far from Oceanside and Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. A marine sitting next to us went off on some kind of rant about electing more democrats so that, "We could all work for the government." Much in the same way a lot of republicans today float a negative statement about Obama to either test you, piss you off or see if you are one of them. Later, my buddy told me he felt that was a little bit ironic coming from a soldier. We chuckled. We held no hatred for our drunken comrade.

Now the extreme right has come full circle and they don't even respect the men and women they send to die in their imperialistic wars. You're just a spoiled, little child Rusty. Every time you come here, you make all of us sick.

Lisa said...

Media Matters is not a news organization. It's purpose is to uncover the lies and distortions spread by rightwing media.

Oh yeah Shaw just like they slogged through Obama's past.

clif said...

It's purpose is to uncover the lies and distortions spread by rightwing media.

Oh yeah Shaw just like they slogged through Obama's past.

Obama wasn't part of the right wing media Lisa, do try to read all the words, ask for help for those which you do not understand.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Shaw wrote: "Media Matters is not a news organization. It's purpose is to uncover the lies and distortions spread by rightwing media."

Lisa Answered: "Oh yeah Shaw just like they slogged through Obama's past."

You know, Lisa, you should have the manners to remain silent on this issue. I've caught you lying your tibia off many times here, and I've proved it.

Media Matters does a great job of intestigating and uncovering people who, for a living, do what you do here, just for fun: spread disinformation, smears, and lies.

As I said, you really shouldn't be chiming in on this discussion. It's as tasteless as Newt and Callista Gingrich giving a talk on marital fidelity.

Shaw Kenawe said...

As for slogging through Mr. Obama's past, where have you been, dear?

If there was a scintilla of scandal, dishonesty, malfeasance, or venality in Mr. Obama's past, do you, in all sanity, believe it wouldn't have been dredged up by now by the vast rightwing sewer muckers?

The reason you're complaining nothings been done about it is because there's nothing there.

And what little the rightwing could manage to dig up was of no import, since the American people decided they liked the guy enough to make him their president. Remember? He won by a very considerable margin in 2008.

Dave Dubya said...

Media Matters is a favorite target of Right Wing hate.

Why the hate? The reason is found in Media Matters own words:

“Media Matters works daily to notify activists, journalists, pundits and the general public about instances of misinformation, providing them with the resources to rebut false claims and to take direct action against offending media institutions.”

The Right hates Media Matters for exposing their lies.

They hate MM because they blow the lid off their “liberal media” Big Lie, the 2006 study of Sunday talk show guests that found that they overwhelmingly lean conservative being but one example.

I wonder if we can get a Rightie to take our bet of, oh, say, $10,000, that Media Matters is more accurate than FOX(R)?

Anyone want to make a little wager?


Rusty Shackelford said...

Dave,can you sell your food stamps to come up with the 10 grand?
Is there another government agency that covers bets for you people?

Malcolm said...

The Media Matters critics make me laugh. Although they love to say MM isn't truthful, they can never back up their claim with any facts. When you ask them to back it up, you often hear crickets chirping or they'll duck your request by insulting you, changing the subject, etc.

On the rare instances when they do take you up on your challenge, it ends with an epic failure on their part. I challenged a right-winger who commented on another conservative blog to prove that MM was wrong in its defense of Planned Parenthood. I thoroughly embarrassed her with those little things that are like Kryponite to most right-wingers... facts! Here is the link:

Dave Dubya said...

Since you're not bright enough to catch the "Romney the Aristocrat's bet joke", you're probably ill-informed enough to take my bet.

Name your wager and be prepared to be proven wrong, son.

Come on, show your pride in your ignorance. Take the bet.

Not that you would honor it anyway.

Lisa said...

I wonder if we can get a Rightie to take our bet of, oh, say, $10,000, that Media Matters is more accurate than FOX(R)?

So you need a bet to prove it. "Misinformation" . You guys love that word like it means something. The only one you are proving it to is your own choir and ditto heads.

Dave Dubya said...


I'll take that as a concession to my being correct. The bet itself proves nothing, but your fear of taking it does.

Thank you for being the second Rightie to make a meaningless comment while dodging the challenge.

Lisa said...

well Dave you already have proven whatever Obama says or does you all go along with it even if it's the same as Bush policies.

Silverfiddle said...
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