Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Neocons??? Really???

Chris Matthews was right on the money with this closing to tonights Hardball...

"Let me finish tonight with this.
Mitt Romney is running for president using the words and speeches of the same people who got us into the hell of Iraq: the neocons.

You can hear them in Romney's speech today, all this talk of "not apologizing for America's power." They've got a thing about that phrase: we should never apologize for our power.
Well, of course, it's all a straw man. No one apologizes for America's power. Yes, we rethink some of our actions — like not getting into World War II sooner, like escalating the American war in Vietnam, like the deceit and cunning and propaganda that took us into Iraq nine years ago. Yes, we dare to rethink and learn from our experiences. Yes, we wonder if the military solution was the right one. We, many of us, believe that mistakes were made, that leaders told us untruths, that we were sold a reality that was not a reality.  
Yes, all this is true. In the world outside of stupid politics, it's called "growing up."
I don't know how someone like Mitt Romney, who didn't serve in Vietnam, doesn't feel in his conscience the need to revisit that war, to figure out what he thinks was done right, what was done wrong. That's not "apologizing" for America's power; it's understanding when and where and how to use it.
Here's what I think: I think that the horror of war is so vital to realize, to take to our own minds and hearts, that we don't send men and women into battle until the leaders fully and fairly decide that is the only solution. I trust President Obama to make that kind of decision. Today's words by Mitt Romney do not give me that confidence. The fact that they were so transparently written by the same neocons who sold us the war in Iraq makes me all the less certain of him.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Any American who bought the lies and corrupt thinking that took us into Iraq must hear in Romney's words today the worst memories of Iraq and "WMD" and "aluminum tubes" and "Niger yellowcake" and Scooter Libby and all the rest of this terrible, dishonest history.
If anyone should apologize to America, it's the neocons who wrote Romney's speech."


Silverfiddle said...

OK, I partially agree with this.

The solution is to elect smarter democrats who won't get fooled by stoopid Texan presidents. You also need to elect democrats who have the cojones to tell a warmonger president no, and then have the cojones to go on tv and explain it to people.

Face it, Bush rolled the dems, and they cowered and piddled down their little legs like inbred lapdogs. It didn't help that multimillionaires like Sens Feinstein and Boxer are war profiteers...

Flying Junior said...

Good segment Sue. Found it on podcast. Shows just how careless and thoughtless empty people can be about something as devastating as war. Mitt Romney is just a snow machine loaded with raw sewage. The remarks he made before the VFW? Unconscionable. I could think of several things that guy could apologize for.


The lap dog thing is a little bit partisan. But I will give you this. Kerry crumpled shamefully when Bush asked him during debate, "Well, are you saying that we never should have invaded Iraq?" He might be finishing his last term right now if he hadn't pussed out on that one. What a powerful opportunity he missed. How many of us would have given anything to tell off Bush. "Hell no! We never should have invaded Iraq!"

Sue said...

Here is Romney's speech at the VFW National Convention


It is so full of lies, distortions, accusations thrown at our president and his administration, denigrating our president and his foreign policies! It was so sickening I had to turn off the TV...

I look forward to the debates when President Obama comes face to face with that lying bastard, Mittens...