Thursday, July 26, 2012

Right Wing Extremism, It's Not Going Away..

I received this article from my cousin, I'm posting it in it's entirety. I came away with a massive stomach ache and head would think I'd be used to the extremists on the Right after 4 years of listening to their filthy trashing of our President and his family. But no, it still makes me sick, it still leaves me speechless and it still scares me to read what they are capable of. They really are evil mother fuckers and I hate them with every inch of my being...

Again With the Birthers, Neo-birthers and Right-wing Sleaze?

By Joe Conason
As the Obama years unfold, observers who lived through the Clinton era sometimes have the eerie feeling that they have been here before—particularly when directing their gaze toward the far right. The roiling paranoia and hatred that marred American politics when Bill and Hillary Clinton were in the White House has resurfaced in attacks on Barack and Michelle Obama, who like the Clintons have been maligned repeatedly as communist, subversive, satanic and, above all, illegitimate.

Speaking of illegitimate, the latest assault on the Obama family is a new movie purporting to show that the president's father was not Barack Hussein Obama Sr., but an African-American radical and poet named Frank Marshall Davis. There is no more substance to this claim than that the president was actually born in Kenya and educated in an Islamist madrassa.

Taken seriously, this "neo-birther" fable would tend to erode the original "birther" claims. But logic and proof have no impact on such speculations, whose aim is to profit from prejudice and extremism.

Consider the source—in this instance, an individual named Cliff Kincaid, who runs an old extreme-right outfit called Accuracy in Media and, appropriately, venerates the likes of Richard Nixon and Joe McCarthy.

The last big plot promoted by Kincaid was the "bipartisan" scheme to portray the "murder" of Clinton White House counsel Vince Foster as a suicide. Among the conspirators fingered by Kincaid in this alleged cover-up was Republican independent counsel Kenneth Starr, best known for his dogged, intemperate, $50 million effort to remove President Clinton from office.

Now Kincaid is insinuating that Davis was not merely a left-wing mentor who somehow transformed Barack Obama into a communist—an old theory that first surfaced in 2004—but Obama's actual father, too. To Kincaid, the influence of Davis, who died 25 years ago, explains why Obama has pursued policies such as universal health coverage (although Accuracy in Media has yet to investigate how the communists duped Romney into that Massachusetts health plan).

Kincaid recently appeared to promote a movie and book based on these claims on a Secure Freedom Radio show hosted by Fred Grandy, a former Republican congressman who played Gopher on "The Love Boat." (I couldn't make this up, and neither did People for the American Way in reporting this news on the website Right Wing Watch.)

In a revealing exchange, the sophisticated Grandy says: "I've heard this rumor before—that Frank Marshall Davis was more than just a surrogate father to Barack Obama; he may well have been this guy's real father, and Barack Hussein Obama Sr., to some degree, is merely a minor influence in this kid's life. How much credibility do you put into that?"

Kincaid replies: "I put a lot into it now that I've seen Joel Gilbert's film; it's called Dreams From My Real Father. It's an incredible film. He's going to show excerpts; he's going to talk about his research. He's expanded upon what we and (author) Paul Kengor have done, and I think it deserves a fair hearing. Now, whether or not he was a real father or not, the fact is Frank Marshall Davis has an influence over our president, and that's the critical issue, but if, indeed, if he was Obama's real father, and the comparison's photos are striking, then we've got even more of a mystery behind this guy in the Oval Office."

The key phrase? "Whether or not he was a real father or not." The malaprop-prone Kincaid doesn't really care whether his filmmaker or his author can cite an iota of proof to support these speculations. They want to smear the president as an illegitimate Marxist—and in unconscious mimicry of the most dedicated communists, they behave as if the end justifies the means.

Like The Clinton Chronicles video that portrayed the then-president and first lady as murderous drug-runners (distributed by such respectable figures as the late Jerry Falwell), the current crop of right-wing propaganda embraces whatever wild fantasy might provoke fear and rage. And as with what became known as "Clinton Derangement Syndrome," the insane accusations eventually infected mainstream discourse, with supposedly sane politicians and pundits endorsing or simply alluding to the maddest conspiracy theories.

Should Obama win a second term, don't be too surprised when they demand impeachment.

Joe Conason is the editor in chief of


Infidel753 said...

I've always thought that if Obama gets re-elected these people will go even more bonkers than they already are, but it's getting increasingly difficult to imagine what that will look like, since they're already pretty much at the outer limits of human bonkersness. The next logical step is "Rosemary's Baby Republicanism" -- "Satan was his father!" I wish I was joking, but I'm not. I've seen right-wingers claiming that Satan is personally behind everything from the gay-rights movement to the Arab spring, and there's the whole Psalm 109:8 thing.

Let's just say the Secret Service is going to be working hard for their paychecks for the next four years.

Leslie Parsley said...

I'd love to be able to say that nobody pays any attention to these loonies, but obviously there are a lot more other loonies out there who don't have the good sense God gave a jackass. Actually, the jackass probably has more sense.

Sue said...

Scary isn't it? Sometimes I put on my rosecolored glasses and imagine Congress embracing our president, even apologizing to him and agreeing to put country first...then reality strikes and I read this kind of insanity. The next 4 yrs will most likely be worse than the previous, and impeachment might be talked about, THEN maybe we will take to the streets in a bloody revolt..Glenn Beck did predict it didn't he? Except he said it would be OUR fault! hahahaha! evil bastard...

Jerry Critter said...

If the next four years are worse, I think it will ultimately benefit the Democrats by showing the majority of Americans what batshit crazy the republicans are.

Sue said...

You would think so Jerry. Look what they voted into Congress 2 yrs ago, if that didn't wake people up I don't know what will. GOPers are great at using the fear factor, it's really all they need to get the votes.

Lisa said...

These aren't just moderate socialists in power right now -they're lying, thieving, corrupt, blood thirsty, godless, morally bankrupt die hard communists.
And you are playing right into it.

Sue said...

Wow Lisa, you just described the teabaggers!

clif said...

These aren't just moderate socialists in power right now -they're lying, thieving, corrupt, blood thirsty, godless, morally bankrupt die hard capitalist bankers.

The bought and paid for(through millions in campaign donations) politicos in Washington are just fronts for the sheeple to yell at, and provide entertainment for the MSM to crow about every election cycle.

Fixed it fer ya little lisa.

Flying Junior said...

It's so nice to hear from Lisa.

She's such an easy target.

Only dumb rabble rousers like Ann Coulter would call anyone godless. I guess it used to be fashionable to call the Soviets godless. Maybe Lenin was a godless heathen. No one with any knowledge or understanding of Russian or Eastern European history could possibly say anything so empty-headed. The Eastern Orthodox church is a beautiful tradition.

Here in the United States of America, we don't impose our own religious beliefs on others. And we don't criticize other people for the beliefs that they hold.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"These aren't just moderate socialists in power right now -they're lying, thieving, corrupt, blood thirsty, godless, morally bankrupt die hard communists."

Infidel753 nails it again. The above is a prime example of "bonkersness."

Lisa never disappoints us with her spittle-flecking rage.