Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Another LIE coming from the Rightwingnutfucks!!!!!!!!!!

         This is one of the most blatant of lies coming from haters this campaign season!!!!

‎ The TRUTH IS the Obama campaign was suing to block an Ohio law which restricts a very successful early voting program in the state. The President’s campaign was trying to keep expanded voting rights in place for everyone, military included.

In FACT it IS Mitt Romney, by supporting the Ohio law that would do away with three days of early voting for all but those covered under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (‘UOCAVA’), who is supporting the restriction of voting rights for as many as 913,000 Ohio veterans. This includes military retirees with over 20 years of service and multiple deployments. In short, Mitt Romney supports efforts to make voting more difficult for the very people who have put their lives on the line after swearing an oath to uphold our Constitution and democracy.

IT IS A FACT, The Republiscum Party is fucking with America's right to VOTE in THIS election!! What they don't get is we are fighting back and it will highlight the Righties as the party of lies, hate, racism, bigotry, and anti Democracy, anti patriotism, and ant Americanism....Fuck them all to hell...


Jerry Critter said...

This is just another case of republicans making it harder for Americans to vote.

willis said...

Very twisted logic from the right considering their moves to restrict all voters in several states (eliminate early voting, ID laws, etc). Typical from the Pat Robertson founded ACLJ - must be God's will.

okjimm said...

Sounds like Karl Rove is on the Romney Bandwagon

okjimm said...

Karl Rove rides again

Infidel753 said...

If the Republican party were Pinocchio, Curiosity could have driven along its nose all the way to Mars by now.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I keep hearing from the rightwingers that Mr. Obama's presidency has been a "disaster."

But when I tell them that if that were so, why isn't Romney ahead by 10 points?

Flying Junior said...

I can't help but wonder what the political science professors and undergraduates think of this bare-assed lying phenomenon. It's really not brand new anymore. Surely it has come up in class over the past several years that FOX has been in existence. Most of us tended to ignore Rush Limbaugh and his radio copycats the past twenty years or so as so much poppycock for old republicans.

I would imagine that liberal poli-sci professors are dreading fall semester and the more conservative profs are gearing up for a huge fight.

It's worse than ever with that lying son-of-a-bitch Romney. Not pretending to be compassionate anymore.

Jerry Critter said...

Compared to the last republican attempt at running the government, I'd say that Obama is a resounding success. Really folks, do you want to go back to what we had in the last administration?

Sue said...

Even worse is this Romney ad, one disgusting lie after another, his whole campaign is nothing but lies....


Sue said...

Politifact rates the ad a “Pants on Fire” lie HERE:

That’s a drastic distortion of the planned changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs — HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law.

The ad tries to connect the dots to reach this zinger: “They just send you your welfare check.” The HHS memo in no way advocates that practice. In fact, it says the new policy is “designed to improve employment outcomes for needy families.”

The ad’s claim is not accurate, and it inflames old resentments about able-bodied adults sitting around collecting public assistance. Pants on Fire!

I can't take much more, come on November!!!

Leslie Parsley said...

"Mitt Romney’s campaign has hit new depths of truth-twisting with its accusation that President Obama plans to “gut welfare reform” by ending federal work requirements. The claim is blatantly false, but it says a great deal about Mr. Romney’s increasingly desperate desire to define the president as something he is not."


As I've seen expressed on FB, I don't dislike Mittens because he's rich, I dislike him because he's such a blatant liar.

Lisa said...

Speaking of lies

I won't hold my breath seeing this comment published.

Sue said...

That ad IS NOT an Obama ad and NOT approved by the president...

clif said...

little lisa, the ad you have your panties (along with the rest of the right wing spin machine) in such a twist;

Isn't a President Barack Obama approved re-election campaign approved ad.

Nobody consulted President Obama or his staff about the ad.

HAS NEVER appeared on the MSM as a paid ad.

It was an internet ad, sorta like this one

It has ONLY been seen on the TV machine as part of the news cycle(thank you cable news channels INCLUDING fox noise who has run the ad on their "news" programs as much as any other cable operation) incompent ain't they?????

It provokes responses that hyped the right wing angst and anger against the Romneybot 2012 machine incompetence like nothing else has done.

Money well spent by the small super pac, something the Koch brothers and their uber sized pacs cannot duplicate for some reason even thought they LIE OUTRIGHT

I mean any add that can have Anny Tranny melting down and accidentally revealing Fox Noise as just another part of the right wing propaganda machine like (s)he did on hannities right wing spin show is priceless.

That and the amount of right wing pearl clutching and hand ringing after the lies they told during 2004 is simply laughable in the least.

Remember Karma is still the final arbitrator, and you right wing clowns still have a big bill due.

PS: This is probably what really has yer panties in such a twist, but you cannot admit it, otherwise you'd have to admit how hopeless yer chances really are,

you have NO HOPE

No, NO Hope at all

and we still have


Deal with it,

or not;

continue clutching yer pearls wringing yer hands and getting yer panties in such a twist.

Like you did here.

I won't hold my breath

how about holding yer breath until R-money show his real history or just his taxes .......


Dave Dubya said...

Or we can ask former Florida Republican Party chairman Jim Greer:


On voter suppression, Greer said he had just completed a December 2009 meeting with party general counsel Jason Gonzalez, political consultant Jim Rimes and Eric Eikenberg, Crist's chief of staff, when questions arose about fundraising.

"I was upset because the political consultants and staff were talking about voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting. It had been one of those days,'' he said.

Sue said...

I loved that Greer interview, Dave! I actually had a wingnut Obama hater say it was just that man's opinion and he was most likely a liar! How stupid the delusional are...sad...