Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm running out of titles for my posts on the GOP. I'm running out of words to describe them.....

President Obama spoke today on his budget plan. I thought it was a good speech....He said things a liberal could feel good about. The room was very quiet, he got some applause when he said this...

"In the last decade, the average income of the bottom 90 percent of all working Americans actually declined. Meanwhile, the top 1 percent saw their income rise by an average of more than a quarter of a million dollars each. That's who needs to pay less taxes? They want to give people like me a $200,000 tax cut that's paid for by asking 33 seniors each to pay $6,000 more in health costs. That's not right. And it's not going to happen as long as I'm President. This vision is less about reducing the deficit than it is about changing the basic social compact in America. Ronald Reagan's own budget director said, there's nothing "serious" or "courageous" about this plan. There's nothing serious about a plan that claims to reduce the deficit by spending a trillion dollars on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. And I don't think there's anything courageous about asking for sacrifice from those who can least afford it and don't have any clout on Capitol Hill. That's not a vision of the America I know".
This is when he spoke on Paul Ryan's plan. He was very critical of it, but how convincing was he?  When the budget battle begins will he fight for us? Will he stand on principal, will he say NO to the GOP when they demand the tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations be permanent? 

Before President Obama spoke today the GOP was out early spewing their incoherent, nonsensical talking points,
John Boehner said "You can't tax the very people we expect to re-invest in our economy and create jobs,"  "Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem."

Boner said now isn't the time to think about raising taxes....YET...Republicans are all for raising taxes on working men and women and small businesses. The only tax cutting proposals are for the rich and large corporations.  Do they think we are stupid?? When you give tax cuts to the wealthy you have to raise taxes on the middle class! Come on President Obama, the middle class is sick and tired of paying for the Republiscums deficit spending!

Supply Side Economics DOES NOT FRIGGIN WORK! Show us when and where it worked! Come on Republican citizens, you can't be that stupid can you??  The rich don't spend their tax savings, this economy is proof of that!

 The GOP  stands up and  vehemently says they will NOT bend when it comes to raising taxes on the rich, they swear by the tax cuts, they truly believe those tax cuts will revive our economy, will spur job growth!  Are they blind, deaf and DUMB??

81% of Americans Want to Raise Taxes on the Rich

President Obama and Democrats in Congress this is your time to rise up and fight the beast. The Obama plan or the Ryan plan...which one will reduce the deficit, which one will balance the budget, which one will keep Medicare intact, which one will be FAIR to the middle class???

 If allowed, Republicans will totally destroy the America we know today, in fact they are already doing it
Think Progress has some details for us…
…Governor Jan Brewer is proposing to kick some 280,000 Arizonans, mostly childless adults, off the state’s Medicaid rolls. Brewer claims such a move is the only way to get the state’s fiscal house in order, as it would save $541.5 million in general funding spending…
…Instead of balancing out these draconian cuts with additional revenue increases or simply not making the cuts in the first place, Brewer instead signed $538 million in corporate tax cuts into law two weeks ago.
Last week, Gov. Rick Scott announced that he was canceling a proposed high-speed rail line between Orlando and Tampa — something that will cause Florida to forego $2 billion in federally-funded investments and cost the state at least 24,000 jobs…
…Such deep cuts in essential programs and services are necessary to offset Scott’s proposal to cut corporate and property taxes by at least $4 billion.
…As Matt Yglesias has noted, Snyder has an innovative definition of “shared sacrifice.” His plan calls for “$1.2 billion in cuts to schools, universities, local governments and other areas while asking public employees for $180 million in concessions.” In addition, it would raise taxes on individuals by ending many deductions and taxing pensions — all in order to pay for $1.8 billion in tax cuts for businesses. Since the state’s entire budget shortfall this year is only about $1.7 billion, all or most of the cuts to services and programs important to the poor and middle class (many of whom will also see their taxes increases) could be avoided if the governor was willing to forego corporate tax breaks.
New Jersey
…After vetoing Democrats’ plans to raise taxes on New Jersey’s millionaires, Christie closed the state’s multi-billion dollar shortfall through a combination of measures, including simply refusing to make contributions to the state’s pension fund and steep cuts in education funding and assistance to municipalities.
…Christie is also being sued by Federal Transit Administration for keeping $271 million in federal funding for a tunnel under the Hudson — money he insists on keeping even after having personally canceled the project.
…The austerity measures and cuts to programs for the poor will have to be all the deeper this year as Christie is also insisting on cutting corporate tax rates.
Gov. John Kasich demonstrated an early propensity for making future-losing choices when he made good on a campaign promise to kill Ohio’s federally-funded high-speed rail project — a move that will cost Ohio $400 million in badly-needed infrastructure investment, cost thousands of jobs, and derail millions of dollars in related private sector investments in economic development. Kasich, along with numerous other Ohio Republicans, has signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge that rules out any tax increases to help the state make ends meet. Even though the state has an $8 billion budget shortfall, Kasich has gone even further in proposing a variety of tax cuts that would benefit corporations and the wealthy.
In facing down a $25 billion budget crisis on par with that of California, Perry categorically rejected any tax increases. Texas, as Paul Krugman said, already takes a “hard, you might say brutal, line toward its most vulnerable citizens,” as indicated by its poor educational performance and sky-high 25 percent child poverty rate.
…Perry also refuses to use any of the $9.4 billion in the state’s rainy day fund (some of which, ironically, comes from stimulus funds intended to help states stave off draconian cuts that Perry instead squirreled away) and is instead contemplating deep cuts to child services programs and education, among other things. Perry even floated a plan to drop Medicaid entirely. Perry’s proposed education cuts are so deep that they prompted an unlikely source to take to the pages of the Houston Chronicle to write in opposition to them — none other than former First Lady Laura Bush.
Walker is of course now famous for his high-stakes war against Wisconsin’s workers. Walker has used a very small short-term shortfall and larger shortfall to come (which is still smaller than shortfalls the state has faced in recent years) to move forward with an unpopular plan to destroy the state’s public employee unions.
…Walker is also late in offering his budget, but it is believed that in spite of the supposed “crisis” and being “broke,” as Walker himself has said, his budget plans will include “a LOT more tax breaks” for the rich and corporations that will have to be balanced on the backs of workers or with painful cuts to state services and the state’s Medicaid programs, BadgerCare.

Read it and weep Righties, or not...these are your people, you are defending this kind of governing. Is it affecting you personally... YET?? It will...


Sue said...

Rachel said... It's a Lefty thing, we are pleased with the speech but worried, simultaneously. She knows me well...

The more I see the presidents speech the better I feel about the things he said. I believe his second term will be a great one. I believe he will be the fighter we demand of him. BUT, my fingers are crossed behind my back...:-)

Leslie Parsley said...

And, 32 states are considering legislation to "disallow" college age kids from voting. You call them what they are - Fascists. All of these things mentioned in your post are exactly the kinds of things the Nazis did in 1930s Germany.

FYI: I saw your link to this on FB via Networked blogs. Maybe you want it this way but I couldn't leave a comment on FB, and when I linked from there I got knocked off when I tried to leave a message. So then I linked from my blog roll and obviously all is fine because I'm here!

Sue said...

My posts do go to FB and you should be able to comment there, hmmm wonder what happened..

Did you like the speech? The more I listen the more I like it. It's always gonna be a trust issue with us lefties because of the past disapointments, but we gotta believe or die..:-)

Jerry Critter said...

Wow! Disallow college age kids from voting?!? What's next? Property owners only? How about only those with incomes over 1 million dollars?

I'm sorry, but these people are a bunch of fucking assholes!

Sue said...

L, the list is unbelievable, these things are happening right before our eyes.

And now trying to stop citizens from voting? Fascism is HERE thanks to the Reich-Wing

Leslie Parsley said...

The GOP doen't want the college age kids to vote because they went overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008.

Here's a post from Glenn Greenwald. To tel you the truth I'm not quite sure what it is he's saying.

Those three in the pic at the top are the stupidist looking clowns I've seen in quite some time.

Dave Miller said...

Sue, you know darn well the GOP only believes politicians have a duty to follow the will of the people when they agree with the Republican party...

You can be darn sure no conservative will be saying our leaders have to follow the will of the people like they said after the 2010 elections...

Les Carpenter said...

"He {The O'Man} said things a liberal could feel good about."

That one sentence sums up the left. It feels good to feel good. Irrespective of reason and or the truth. If it feels good that's all that matters to the lefties.

I believe it was Winston Churchill who said, and I paraphrase... If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you'rs not a conservative at 40 you have no brain. More truthful words were never spoken.

All that aside, the current voting age will stand.

Jolly Roger said...

I believe it was Winston Churchill who said, and I paraphrase... If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you'rs not a conservative at 40 you have no brain. More truthful words were never spoken.

And Churchill would spit on the likes of you, and you know it.

That one sentence sums up the left. It feels good to feel good. Irrespective of reason and or the truth. If it feels good that's all that matters to the lefties.

Project much? We're all painfully aware of who wouldn't know the truth if it produced a long-form certificate to show them.

Jolly Roger said...

It was a good speech. And now, I'll wait and see if it had anything behind it, or it was a campaign ploy.

I ain't buying this one absent actual deeds. Done heard too many pretty words.

Sue said...

LOL, that "will of the people" line is too funny Dave. I could throw a shoe at the TV when the righties say it!

RN, that "if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain" is hilarious! We all know Dems have all the brains...

JR, yes pretty words we all have heard before. I still gotta believe. I have no other choice.

I'll read the link L, thanks!

Shaw Kenawe said...


I've heard that quote from Churchill many times.

Have your heard this one from John Stuart Mill?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative."
--John Stuart Mill

BTW, RN-USA, may I point out that you came here merely to insult liberals. If you had a differing opinion on what Sue posted, it would have been nice to read it. Instead you've chosen, again, to use a liberal forum to mock liberals.

Your blog is called Rational Nation, but you seem to default to irrational taunts when you visit other people's blogs.

Anonymous said...

"All of these things mentioned in your post are exactly the kinds of things the Nazis did in 1930s Germany.'

WRONG! The Nazis and the schools brainwashed the kids that's why they don't want them to vote. They even turned on their parents.

Read your history!
Denying it doesn't make it true!

Shaw Kenawe said...


You must have unintentionally put a "crazy" magnet on your blog this morning.


okjimm said...

re: Winston Churchill quote...

it would be appropriate to add...

"and in America, at 60, you have no Health Care"

Flying Junior said...

Here are a couple of more sins of the current republican party. In the mid-term elections they brainwashed seniors into believing that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would somehow harm Medicare recipients. We all saw the frantic comments out in the blogosphere. "Obama is going to gut my mom's Medicare!" The signs at the tea party rallies. "Keep the government out of my Medicare!" Now they want to eliminate Medicare as an expensive entitlement that we can't afford even though we all have been paying into it our entire working lives. It's just too expensive to pay for all of those operations on old people and put people up in nursing homes. Then just to pass a budget, they try to get in their little pet peeves. They almost were able to cut funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Planned Parenthood. Then they insert taking the Grey Wolf off of the endangered species list. "We saw an opportunity and decided to take advantage of it."

Today's republicans are butthairs.

Jerry Critter said...

Republicans want to "give" the money to the rich and wealthy instead of paying for health care for the elderly. As Obama said yesterday, they will force 33 Seniors to each pay $6000 more in health care costs in order to give a millionaire an additional $200,000 in tax reductions.

Leslie Parsley said...

"WRONG! The Nazis and the schools brainwashed the kids that's why they don't want them to vote."

Well, uh -

I think it's important to point out that the move to rewrite history in school texts, to censor school library books and a whole bunch of other draconian legislation the the right is trying to legislate is exactly what the Nazi's did and exactly what the Republicans are doing today. Disenfranchising certain groups of voters has nothing to do with brainwashing but it is a characteristic of Fascism.

As far as not knowing my history? Not only do I know my history I can write sentences that make sense.

Les Carpenter said...

@ J.R.

I believe it was Winston Churchill who said, and I paraphrase... If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you'rs not a conservative at 40 you have no brain. More truthful words were never spoken.

"And Churchill would spit on the likes of you, and you know it."

Feel better now?

Les Carpenter said...

@ J.R.

That one sentence sums up the left. It feels good to feel good. Irrespective of reason and or the truth. If it feels good that's all that matters to the lefties.

"Project much? We're all painfully aware of who wouldn't know the truth if it produced a long-form certificate to show them."

Yes it does. It projects the absolute truth about the lefties. And there obvious delusions.

The Creator said...

If Obama's speech wasn't the most arrogant, pack of lies that I had ever heard, then it was the closest thing to it.
a 14 trillion dollar plus deficit reduced by 4 trillion in 12 years,what is he smoking? Are these ass clowns kidding? This budget will NEVER be balanced as long as we have a fool like this empty suit at the helm. Hes out to fuck the country and the taxpayers along with it.

Dave Dubya said...

Churchill was an aristocrat who never knew what common people lived through. No wonder he was conservative. Like fellow aristocrat George Bush, their "conservatism" only wanted to "conserve" their wealth and lock on power.

A degree in history is not needed when you read and pay attention.

"Conservatism" that Republicans promote is almost entirely about amassing and keeping all the wealth and power in the hands of the economic elite. Anyone who can’t recognize or admit that is either an aristocrat or brainwashed by the radical Right.

Republican conservatism is democracy's greatest adversary, and it is winning.

Sue said...

anon has to be lisa, she likes saying mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm

Sue said...

RN, I'm gonna delete if you have nothing of value to say, sorry.

Creator, is it okay for the GOP to give billions in tax cuts for the wealthy and then turn around and ask the seniors and middle class working poor to pay for those cuts?? Get REAL! The empty suits are the GOP, they have NO ideas, NO clue what they are doing, never did...

Flying Junior said...


Are you one of those paid trolls we keep hearing about? You're off to a great start on your blogging career.

TOM said...


Don't delete RN, it's fun hearing how stupid he is.

Nice quote RN, but the stupidity lies with people like you who supported these idiots who cry "tax Cuts, Tax Cuts" while were are 14 trillion in debt, and whose tax cut idiot mentality brought us to 14 trillion in debt.

It's another discussion how immoral Republicans are, to now ask poor people to suffer for their greed.

If Churchill knew and your asshole party, he would never have made that statement.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Jolly Roger said... I'll wait and see if it had anything behind it, or it was a campaign ploy. I ain't buying this one absent actual deeds.

That's what I was going to say. I liked the speech, but he said he was going to let the bush tax cuts expire when he was running for president. There are plenty of things for the Republicans to hold hostage.

BTW, with a comment left in response to Sue's prior post RN-USA directed everyone to take a look at his blog... where he urged everyone to see the new movie based on Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged".

Inspired by his enthusiasm, I composed my own post about the movie. If interested please follow this link.

Flying Junior said...

I heard that Paul Ryan huckster on NPR today. He's a fast talker and no doubt a fast-rising republican superstar. But for god's sake! The man has no shame. Brazenly touting his plan of sticking seniors with more and more of the cost of their healthcare. Indexing coverage on inflation rather than the price of healthcare. Expecting people to pay more and more despite the fact that most people in their seventies don't work anymore or at least would like to retire if they could. To his credit, he did say that the poorest of the poor would be entirely subsidized. I got a feeling that doesn't include me. The man is a fucking terror.

Sue said...

FJ a fucking terror is right! How can righties listen to Paul Ryan and defend that unbalanced budget? He is a fraud, a wannabe, Obama was right in highlighting his extreme insane plan. I'm glad the jerk was embarrassed, he should be!

Sue said...

w, like Rachel says, it's our nature to say great speech but then still be worried what Obama will actually do in the end. I hate that he does that to us, I wish we could have more trust in our diverse party.

I'll be by your blog sometime today or tomorrow.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

RN is bound by his devotion to Randism to defend the wealthy who he believes we owe everything to.

He's like Paris Hilton's chihuahau.

Les Carpenter said...

@ GCP, Truth 101...

'RN is bound by his devotion to Randism to defend the wealthy who he believes we owe everything to.'

There really is no hope I guess. Ya'll just don't get it.

As to Paris Hilton's chihuahau, well if this were true I guess I'd have a better view than you.

Philosophically I likely always have.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

RN said... There really is no hope I guess. Ya'll just don't get it.

I thank God for that. Too many believe in Rand's garbage the way it is. It's too bad Objectivism didn't die with her.

Truth is back to being truth, so I guess I CALLED IT when I put the following words in his mouth on my blog... "I'm so schizophrenic that I may just circle around again to that personality"... love the "chihuahau" comment BTW.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thanks for the mention Perquin, I mean Whirling Dervish.

Les Carpenter said...

w-dervish - To bad socialism and Marxism didn't die with Karl Marx. Along with all the rest of the statist philosophy of governance.

The battle continues.

Who ahh!

dmarks said...

I don't like Randism, but I like Marxism even less.

A Randist is like a grumpy old man in a mansion. Some kids playing ball outside accidentally throw the ball into his yard. The kids ask for it back. The man cites some garbage about property rights, laughs in the kids faces, and keeps the ball. Not good, that's one lousy human being.

If the man were a Marxist, he'd destroy the ball and then go out and kill the kids. That's worse.