Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SMART MOVE President Obama!

Dear Speaker Boehner, Senator Reid, Senator McConnell, and Representative Pelosi:
 I am writing to urge you to take immediate action to eliminate unwarranted tax breaks for the oil and gas industry, and to use those dollars to invest in clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
High oil and gasoline prices are weighing on the minds and pocketbooks of every American family. While our economy has begun to recover, with 1.8 million private sector jobs created over the last 13 months, too many Americans are still struggling to find a job or simply just to pay the bills. The recent steep increase in gas prices, driven by increased global demand and compounded by unrest and supply disruptions in the Middle East, has only added to those struggles. If sustained, these high prices have the potential to slow down the pace of our economy’s growth at precisely the moment when we need to be accelerating it.
While there is no silver bullet to address rising gas prices in the short term, there are steps we can take to ensure the American people don’t fall victim to skyrocketing gas prices over the long term.   One of those steps is to eliminate unwarranted tax breaks to the oil and gas industry and invest that revenue into clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Our outdated tax laws currently provide the oil and gas industry more than $4 billion per year in these subsidies, even though oil prices are high and the industry is projected to report outsized profits this quarter.   In fact, in the past CEO’s of the major oil companies made it clear that high oil prices provide more than enough profit motive to invest in domestic exploration and production without special tax breaks. As we work together to reduce our deficits, we simply can’t afford these wasteful subsidies, and that is why I proposed to eliminate them in my FY11 and FY12 budgets.
I was heartened that Speaker Boehner yesterday expressed openness to eliminating these tax subsidies for the oil and gas industry. Our political system has for too long avoided and ignored this important step, and I hope we can come together in a bipartisan manner to get it done.
In addition, we need to get to work immediately on the longer term goal of reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and our vulnerability to price fluctuations this dependence creates. Without a comprehensive energy strategy for the future we will stay stuck in the same old pattern of heated political rhetoric when prices rise and apathy and neglect when they fall again.
I recently laid out my approach to a comprehensive strategy in my Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, which includes safe and responsible production of our domestic oil and gas resources and doubling down on fuel efficiency in the transportation sector while investing in everything from wind and solar to biofuels and natural gas. None of you will agree with every aspect of this strategy. But I am confident that, in many areas, we can work together to help show the American people that we can make progress on an energy policy that creates jobs and makes our country more secure.
And I hope we can all agree that, instead of continuing to subsidize yesterday’s energy sources, we need to invest in tomorrow’s. We need to invest in a 21st century clean energy economy that will keep America competitive. In the long term, that’s the answer. That’s the key to helping families avoid pain at the pump and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Barack Obama

 Barack Obama is the smartest president in my lifetime, the way he plays the game is brilliant.......... John Boehner said we "need to look" at the billions in subsidies doled out to the trillionaire oil companies...Ha!.. At a time when we have sky high gas prices at the pump, the people are tired of rolling over and willingly giving more of their hard earned money to those BIG OIL companies when they friggin damn well do not need one more penny of it!!  Now it lays on the shoulders of Boehner and his House majority. President Obama said what he wants from Congress, he said what he believes is the right thing to do, END the tax breaks, NOW. The people are watching you John Boehner, your party needs to step up now and show us who you REALLY represent!  BTW, The GOP are not happy Speaker Boehner spoke on this, not happy at all! LOLOL


Jolly Roger said...

Junket John is already walking it back. He got his correction from the fat dope addict today.

Sue said...

I saw that JR. UGH, their true colors, they can't hide from them. The country is awake and paying attention, finally!

Mary said...

We have to strike while the IRON IS HOT, or the stupid Republican's will find a way to lie their way out of this! NOW is the time to add Regulations to Wall St. Speculators!

You see what is going on in Wisconsin with Paul Ryan? Now is the time to stand up and fight to reinstate regulations that will stop the MONEY hungry RIGHT!

Keep fighting Sue, I know Christie can steal your heart, but keep fighting! We all need voices like yours!

Jerry Critter said...

"...show us who you REALLY represent!"

They have already done that with the Ryan budget bill.

Sue said...

Do you see the way I am analyzing this letter? Boehner spoke to ABC about "looking at" ending subsidies, Obama and Co. scramble to get out this letter before the GOP can backtrack. Now Obama has voiced his expectations and they match what the American people want, so it will rest on the GOP to give the people what they demand and if they do not then they will suffer the consequences in 2012. The president and the people want to end Big Oil subsidies, Dems have to force the GOP to vote on it.

Leslie Parsley said...

I love the letter and I love this line from his press conference this morning: "We’re not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers."

Jerry Critter said...

"sideshows and carnival barkers"

LOL! That describes most of the GOP "hopefuls".

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm not a big fan of subsidies, period. BUT, if we had to subsidize one segment of the energy industry, I would probably have to vote for natural gas. A) That's probably what we're going to running our cars on eventually and B) we're supposedly the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. We just need to come up with a way to get it out of the earth safely.............Oh, and, yeah, C) it's easily the cleanest burning of all the fossil fuels.

Jerry Critter said...

Why subsidize an mature industry and natural gas, like oil, is not limitless.

Natural gas is clean burning...if you ignore all the carbon dioxide produced. Natural gas is mostly methane and methane is about 75% carbon by weight.

By comparison, bituminous coal, the most plentiful form of coal in the United States, has a carbon content ranging from 45 to 86 percent carbon. And we all know how "clean" coal is.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I just thought that, since Al Gore heats his humongous mansion (on the ocean) with it and T. Boone Pickens has advocated it as a fuel for transportation, it might be a pretty good bet.......You want to cut down on methane and CO2, a better bet would probably be to eat less meat. According to the UN's agricultural report, the meat industry contributes more to man-made greenhouse gasses than all forms of transport combined.

Jerry Critter said...

I think the meat industry contribution is cow farts.

Jerry Critter said...

And T Boone Pickens' interest is self-serving. He owns lots of natural gas.

Les Carpenter said...

Will - Perhaps we should go back to burning wood, lighting by candles, and horse and buggies. Windmills and Don Quiote.

You make perfect sense, gas, as well as other energy sources including oil, and nuclear power, AS well as alternative sources must be employed. At least in the short term.

Yeah, Mr. big footprint Al Goreleomi. Guess that flew right over everones head. What a charlatan and snake oil saleman that guy is.

Jerry Critter said...

The question is not what will we use in the short term. Of course we will use gas, oil, nuclear, as well as alternative sources and in some cases burning wood and candles. It is what we have now.

The real question is what will we use in the LONG TERM!

okjimm said...

Eliminate the Wars... and war profiteering.... and the sanity factor will be more balanced.

Leslie Parsley said...

How would Lisa operate without flatulence blowing out of her mouth?

Flying Junior said...

Hydrogen fuel cell? I remember when Schwarzeneggar and Bush thought that was going to be the next revolution. It has been used to successfully power cars, buses, boats and a propeller plane, (by producing electricity from a chemical reaction.) I think a lack of available hydrogen may be what is mostly limiting the technology at this time.

I'm not sure that T. Boone and his fracking are really going to be the solution either. But he has one idea that I like. The next energy technology or set of technologies will hopefully be a bridge to something new in the future. Some say that bio-fuels are carbon neutral in that they lock up the same amount of carbon as they release during combustion for no net change. Algae refineries, not oil refineries.

And in the end, the carbon you emit is e-qual to the carbon...
You sequester! I don't know.. plant a forest or something. Biomass is the key.

Sue said...

plant a forest FJ?? Makes sense to us liberal tree huggers but not to the Righties, they are all about destroying nature for monetary gain...

Jerry Critter said...

Beside forests, fields of sugar cane can have climate benefits beyond providing a feed source for biofuels.

Sue said...

thanks Jerry, that was a great article!

Jerry Critter said...

Thanks, Sue. Here is another one that the "Drill Baby Drill" crowd should love.

I particularly like this paragraph:

"Domestic oil production is soaring, but so are global prices. It should be obvious that yet more drilling can’t have any significant impact on oil prices — particularly since the U.S. Energy Information Administration has been making that precise point for years now (see EIA: Full offshore drilling will not lower gasoline prices at all in 2020 and only 3 cents in 2030!)."

Anonymous said...

You must be so happy that all of your communist goals are coming true. I know I am.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And you, anonymous, must be sad to be such an ignorant asshat.