"The U.S. is becoming the laughing stock of the world.", says the laughing stock in America...Donald Trump. He says Barack Obama is the worse president in American history. God what a buffoon, what a sick demented fool. He is making a fool of himself, the whole Republican party in-fact are making fools of themselves, if the world is laughing it is laughing at them!
This week President Obama found his balls and the Righties are LIVID! Poor sulking manboy Paul Ryan, he thought Obama would take him up on his plan to demolish Medicare? Paul Ryan and his followers in Congress think the people will embrace the "Path to Prosperity which takes them straight to the PoorHouse"? Paul Ryan and friends have given America a HUGE gift...the difference between the two parties hasn't been this clear in a generation.
The choice is yours, do you want a party who swears by the old, stale, debunked trickle down economics? Do you want a party who doesn't think twice about stripping away funding for food stamps, Medicaid, Head Start, FDA, EPA, wants to turn Medicare into a voucher system, wants to privative SS? Ryan and crew claim these cuts (and two thirds target the poor) will lower the deficit, but when he sticks in there the massive, trillion dollar tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations then you're looking at an increase in the deficit!
Has a Republican ever told the truth when confronted with the question "Why continue the corporate welfare"? They say the rich earned their money and why should they have to give more and more of it to the government to spend on social programs. Well you tell me wingnuts, WHY do the wealthy and trillion dollar corporations NEED tax cuts? So they can amass more wealth for themselves? Let them earn their money the same way we do, let them be taxed like we are, but stop giving them fuckingtaxbreakstheydon'tneed!! Can't we start there??
The wingnuts are scared, they have no candidate to go up against Barack Hussein Obama, their plans for the economy are backwards and will never see the light of day, their ideas are stale and proven failures, their new brand name "Tea Party Patriots" is just more of the same old failed attempt at forcing their ideology onto all Americans, and it will be rejected once more.
For the GOP to put forth a plan for the future, that the majority of Americans reject, is proof they don't listen to us. They live in their own little deluded universe. But that's okay, they can stay there forever....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
The House republicans have set the stage for the 2012 election with their passage of Ryan's plan. They have shown everyone that they place the welfare of the rich and powerful over the average American, especially the Seniors, with their tax cuts for the top being paid for by their increases in medical expenses by the decimation of Medicare.
Paul Ryan brought a Louisville Slugger, and Obama brought a wiffleball bat.
The dems will have to do better than "more of the same" which has proven to give us... More of the same:
More unemployment, more poverty, more illegal immigration displacing American workers, failing schools churning out kids who can't think or read...
The progressive model has failed. All it accomplished is to spread the misery.
We are where we are because of republican rule over the last decade. Obama is turning it around.
Turning it around? Yeah, we can tell by the increasing debt (now counted in trillions), continued unemployment and the increasing prosperity of his friends on Wall Street.
SF you are just another deluded fool. If Bush wasn't foolishly elected twice we would be debt free today. Trickle down economics is what destroyed the economy along with the rest of the idiot GOP policies. You guys will be out of power for a generation at the rate you are going. Nobody is listening when you place the blame on Obama. That is hilarious psycho talk! Look at the polls SF, who in this country besides the extreme RW wants to demolish Medicare and privatize SS? Extremism will not rule the day.
Consumer price inflation is growing at a 6.1% annual rate over the last three months, while producer prices are rising an even-faster 13%
The U.S. has added $6 trillion to its debt under Obama, a sure sign of being on the road to Third World status. Three years ago, the U.S. had $7.9 trillion in debt. Today, we have $14 trillion.
Just 45.4% of Americans had jobs last year, the lowest since 1983
Obama touts the "recovery" that supposedly began in June of 2009, but a look at the data show that last year's real private sector GDP was in fact still down 1.1% from its peak in 2007 — so all of the "expansion" has been in government, not the private sector.
Who's Turning US into The Third World?
And what does Obama do to address this? He bombs Libya.
Would someone please explain how "trickle down economics" (whatever that is) "destroyed the economy?"
I know the wingnuts can't be so stupid as to think we could pull out of a DEEP RECESSION in just a few short years, especially when the president was stopped at every turn by the hideous GOP and yes, the Bluedogs in Congress. I already know how the next 6 yrs will play out...Obama will turn around the economy with his liberal agenda, we will be prospering and in a healthy position for another Democrat win in 2016 and the GOP will be so enraged, so beside themselves with hate and jealousy that they will manufacture and catastrophe and say it is the Republicans who can save America from impending doom. They will try, but god willing they will fail. Our democracy depends on it....
The GOP will do anything to retain POWER. Power hungry fascists...
stimulate the economy can't mean give tax cuts to the rich. Show me the jobs that came from corporate welfare. Where are the jobs the GOP swears will appear from giving tax breaks to the corporations and the wealthy. Going back to the Clinton tax rates won't bring an apocalyptic end to our economy. Grow up people, face it, Republicans don't know jackshit about economics.
"Turning it around? Yeah, we can tell by the increasing debt (now counted in trillions), continued unemployment and the increasing prosperity of his friends on Wall Street."
This statement completely ignores the fact that the unemployment rate has been slowly inching down. It also ignores the fact that Mr. Obama came into office with the economy tanking thanks to years and years of GOP fiscal irresponsibilty.
And in less than two years people like SF believe an economy the size of the US can be turned around? LOL!
But wait. Obama has "friends" on Wall Street?
I suggest Mr. SF go tell that to the howling TPers. For some reason, known only to their cramped little minds, he's been labeled a Maxist Socialist!
Why in the name of god's green teeth would Wall Street honchos want to hang around with a Marxist Socialist?
You gotta keep your stories straight guys, otherwise we're gonna think your nothing but opportunistic Cassandras.
Reaganomics, as implemented by Reagan and continued by Clinton produced more jobs than FDR's socialist make work programs, LBJ and Jimmy Carter combined.
I have never been for corporate welfare. I am for a simple, flat tax with no loopholes or deductions.
I also have never been given a job by a poor man.
Where are the jobs Obama promises? How will the jobs be paid for?
Now, I'll repeat my question: How did "trickle down economics" "destroy the economy?"
Speaking of corporate welfare, Obama ladled out $50 billion of it to GM, and he just let his buddy GO CEO Jeffrey HeMelts off the hook as well.
GE are Friends of Obama (Known as "Foo's") so they pay no taxes. That's crony capitalism, and it smacks of that fascism work you guys like to throw around.
You speak of corporate welfare?!? Who is trying to cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations? Who continually votes against closing corporate loopholes like for the oil industry as only one example?
You make me laugh, SF.
Ha! Did I not tell everyone so and they all ripped on me. I said Obama needs to get tough on these republican bastards and I get questioned by my own side. Now he does, and it was supposed to be off the record but it got on and now he';s a hero to lefties again!
I expect an apology from all the do gooders who espoused positive bullshit instead of telling like it is and acting like the leader of our Nation and the free world.
As for you Silverfish, I'm too euphoric at my vindication, and no doubt to scared cat response to Obama's telling Boner how it's gonna be to try and straighten you out on the empty suit Ronald reagan and his plan to drive America to fuedalism.
I didn't think anyone could explain how trickle down economics destroyed the economy...
Time to head out and shoot some tasty little critters...
(Not you Jerry, I'm talking critters with tails and wings ;)
here's the link SF and the last paragraph....
The Reagan Rule and all of the fraudulent analysis, like Leonhardt's, that is out there supporting it, is just one big ponzi scheme designed to convince us we should not be concerned with falling pay, downsizing, free trade sending jobs overseas a whole host of policies that, unless reversed, assure America can have no recovery. It is a scheme to convince Americans, as Leonhardt goes on to argue, that a handful of "high-income families" will spend enough to keep the whole economy going. If they earn more because we earn less, that will be good for us. Why? Well, because it is good for the economy which means it will be good for jobs and wages. So yes, we should be okay with earning less because that is what will help us to do better financially.
Quite incredible. Yet bought by the nation for a generation.
With 30 years of reaganomics, we have seen:
Our manufacturing base destroyed.
The US go from a net exporter of manufactured goods to a net importer of manufactured good.
US trade go from a surplus to a deficit
Stagnation of wages with only the very top earners achieving significant gains.
Good, high paying jobs shipped overseas.
Corporate taxes as a percentage of federal revenue fall significantly shifting the burden to the individual.
The creation and subsequent collapse of economic bubbles.
The list of on and on.
Sue: If that's where you're getting your economic information, I understand why you're confused.
His comment link is busted, so I'll post my reply to Jeffrey D. Klein's nonsense here:
This is a preposterous theory speciously argued. So did Reagan demand every company lower wages? Did congress pass a law? Exactly how did this happen?
This is nonsensical:
"Problem is, what companies did to increase profits was cut pay, eliminate jobs, and send jobs overseas. So, to sum it up plainly, the Reagan Rule led to the premise that eliminating jobs and cutting pay will lead to an increase in jobs and better pay."
The first sentence is accurate. When it is cheaper do move something overseas, companies will do it and increase profits.
In the 70's other countries caught up after our post-WWII dominance. In the 80's US companies figured out how to take advantage of that. Also, productivity gains work against wages, by their very definition
The second sentence is a nonsequitur. It has nothing to do with the previous sentence. Reagan never said that.
Your wrap-up (I call it that because it lacks the logical coherence of a conclusion) is rife with strawmen and unfounded assertions.
For the record, Ford's Rule (other's so named it, not him), as you state it, is indeed straight out of Karl Marx, and real life has discredited it, as it has all of Marx's crack-brained theories:
Having said that, Ford was no Marxist and he wasn't a fool. Doubling pay was in his rational self-interest:
So, a worker in a factory making BB's should make enough to buy the BB's? While a worker in a shipyard should earn enough to buy his own yacht? The poor Chinese making cheap lawnchairs probably would not like this theory.
It it were indeed a viable theory, we could merely mandate a minimum wage of, say, $30/hour. Of course, that would be ridiculous and drive even more jobs out of the country or into an underground economy.
Even if you could make everyone pay that, you would cause inflation, because one person's income is another person's cost. The money for a pay raise for the dry cleaner, the restaurant owner and the car manufacturer comes from us paying a higher cost for their products.
I hope you are not a lawyer (and its clear you are no economist), and if you are, I would never allow you to represent me.
It is apropos that you published this on April Fool's Day.
Jerry: You have yet to answer the question.
What caused manufacturing to go overseas?
What caused corporations to escape taxation when we now have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world?
What causes the inflating and bursting of economic bubbles?
"Reagan Rule" is something that writer made up. We're to believe Reagan ordered companies to lower wages???
Companies went overseas because it was cheaper than staying here. I don't see how that was Reagan's fault.
Unions and business owners were locked in sweaty embraces, complacent to all around them, when the rest of the industrialize world caught up with us in the 70's. Detroit, liberal and sclerotic, has never recovered. Again, not Reagan's fault.
Ford doubled wages because it was in his rational self interest to do so.
The article you referred me to was a crazy quilt of illogic, unfounded assertions and strawman arguments.
I can see why you are so confused and unable to explain your beliefs.
Finally, that article does not explain how Reagan destroyed the economy. I'm still waiting for that explanation.
I googled and quickly read because I have a 3 yr old here. It really doesn't matter how many links are provided you will find fault with all of them. I don't have the time or energy to talk to a brick wall. We believe the corrosion began with Reagan, you don't, so be it.
Yeah, I didn' think so...
I think one of my comments got caught in your spam filter.
@ Sue: I have a 3 yr old here
I can sympathize. I have a whole houseful of kids, I've got a bbq grill going, a guitar strapped to my back, and I've been drinking...
And why do you say the "corrosion" began in 1980?
Every liberal traces the root of all evil back to Reagan, while ignoring Jimmy Carter's historic misery index. Sky high interest rates, double digit inflation and double digit unemployment.
The piece of the rust belt I grew up in never recovered. Papa Silverfiddle walked me down to the recruiter's office and I never looked back. Thank you Jimmy Carter
Quote ~ "Poor sulking manboy Paul Ryan, he thought Obama would take him up on his plan to demolish Medicare? Paul Ryan and his followers in Congress think the people will embrace the "Path to Prosperity which takes them straight to the PoorHouse"? Paul Ryan and friends have given America a HUGE gift...the difference between the two parties hasn't been this clear in a generation.
The only sulking angry face has been that of the President as he arrogantly disregarded the common sense and wisdom of the Ryan plan. The President is the one who came across as a man/boy talking trash during his speech and in recent comments made when he thought his microphone was off.
You are right - the differences between the parties are perfectly obvious. The real conservatives are dead serious about cutting the runaway spending (and borrowing) by the government, but the President certainly is not!
Funny how "real conservatives are dead serious about cutting the runaway spending (and borrowing) by the government" only when there is a Democrat in office. If they were really serious, they would have been screaming about it 10 years ago. They would have been screaming about paying for two wars, tax cuts, and unfunded drug benefits.
Sorry, Linda. You are full of crap!
Jerry: I readily admit I did not wake up until Bush's last two years. His allowing Dirty Hank to blow a hole in the treasury and hand out trillions to his wall street cronies was the last straw for me.
Turning it around, how can you criticize Reagan et al when Obama's budgets double the national debt?
Were you against it before you were for it? Or is it ok now that your guy is in office?
Politics is full of hypocrisy and inconsistency, a three-year old can point it out. Stick to the facts, por favor.
Jerry C ~ Funny that you can be so "indignant" about republican spending when President Obama has quadrupled the debt in two years in office. Yes, Republicans (under Bush) did not curb spending enough, but Nancy Pelosi and President Obama will be remembered in history as the most irresponsible of the spenders in Washington.
Someone has to be the adult and tell Americans the truth about our debt problems. It won't be the Big Spender in Chief.
I can't go into the reasons Obama HAD to stimulate the economy, we all know the facts. So therefore Linda I will just say this..... Bwhah Ha Ha Ha Ha hahahahahahah to you and your hate for liberals....
Barack Obama will go down in history as the president who saved us from doom brought on by the inept Republiscum party
Truth, who ripped on you? I don't know anyone in our circle who didn't agree Obama needed to get tough. We all criticized him again and again for caving to the thugs. Even with this latest incident with the open mic and the speech on the budget, I'm still a little leery of the end game with him because of so many disappointments. I believe he may be learning from his mistakes though and his second term will be much more progressive in his agenda.
Before Obama was Bush and his massive debt and deficit problem, all his doing because of two unpaid for wars, unpaid for tax cuts to the rich who did not need it, and unfunded drug benefits. And BTW we must not forget TARP which was a give-away not a loan. What pray-tell would a GOP president have done differently than what Obama was forced to do when he was elected to clean up the Republiscums disastrous reign??
It' funny that the Lindas of the world criticize Obama's speech and applaud Ryan's plan while so many knowledgeable (emphasis on knowledgeable)conservatives like Frum and Brooks do just the opposite.
Let me explain to you why Trickle Down doesn't work anymore...since obviously reality seems to not be enough evidence for you.
Trickle down "worked" for a very limited period of time...1985-1995. Then we added "free markets" by eliminating tariffs and trade restricitions. Slowly but surely manufacturing moved off shore and now the concept of benefits to the rich working their way down to the poor has to be viewed from a globalized perspective....trickle down still works but the benefits that trickle down are being enjoyed in CHINA!
So now we find our GDP growing every year but our government is taking in less and less income but spending more and more to support our ever increasing GDP.
So now we need to change our tax philosophy so that those who benefit the most from an ever increasing GDP should pay the most for the benefit.
Since the benefits of a rising GDP no longer go to the poor, working classes, and or middle class but rather to the wealthy, the corporations, and China.
Since we no longer have economic borders trickle down happens on a globalized basis....
If your GDP increases every year and your government finds its self deeper and deeper in debt and you find more and more of your citizens in poverty then obviously, trickle down no longer works....and your solution is to cut government spending...which will only lower the GDP...
More unemployment, more poverty, more illegal immigration displacing American workers, failing schools churning out kids who can't think or read...
The progressive model has failed. All it accomplished is to spread the misery.
REALLY? Silverfish and his buddies have had it their way for the better part of 30 years, and it's the LOSING side of the argument that causes all the misery?
If this is an example of the intellectual capacity of the right wing, wouldn't you just HATE to have to deal with the STUPID ones?
Would someone please explain how "trickle down economics" (whatever that is) "destroyed the economy?"
Yes, you idiot, I'll explain it, but you'll be too stupid to understand it.
When we took all the wealth of the nation, and we concentrated it in the hands of a few people, those few people simply could not spend enough money to sustain a viable economy. History has shown us over and over again that this simply does not work, but Rushpubliscums don't know much about history. Because they're stupid.
Whoa.... I guess this has been a 'Fun with Trolls' post.
Paul Ryan brought a Louisville Slugger????
Read your Burrough's... it was more like Steely Dan. & not the band.
Aha! Good job, TAO. You nailed it. We lowered tariffs, putting imported goods on equal footing with domestically produced ones.
This has nothing to do with "trickle down" the "reagan rule" or any of the other multifarious bogeymonsters you guys mix together in an incoherent hodgepodge.
TAO has nailed it. It was tariffs.
So you want to raise them again?
Shall we go back to the 70's when Detroit, under Uncle Sam's protection, churned out overprices shitboxes that were lucky to see 100,000 miles?
Yeah! Back to the Carter 70's baby!
Speaking of corporate welfare, Obama ladled out $50 billion of it to GM, and he just let his buddy GO CEO Jeffrey HeMelts off the hook as well.
Yes, that GM bailout (which your beloved monkey Messiah initially set up) saved a bunch of American jobs. And we all know how your ilk feels about working Americans.
Navel gazers are so STUPID>
What caused corporations to escape taxation when we now have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world?
Look up "deferral," you moron. And get your information from somewhere other than Hannity's farts.
Let me correct so mis-information. SF tells us that Obama has double the debt. Linda says he has quadrupled it. They are both wrong.
Let's look at some actual numbers from the Treasury's own website.
2008 Debt -- 10.02 Trillion
2009 Debt -- 11.91 Trillion
2010 Debt -- 13.56 Trillion
Obama took office in January 2009 with Bush's final budget in place. Therefore, Bush's final deficit was 1.89 Trillion dollars (11.91 - 10.02)
The 2010 budget was Obama's. The deficit for 2010 was 1.65 Trillion dollars. Obama has actually reduced the annual deficit, not increased it.
The debt at the end of Bush's final budget year (2009) was 11.91 Trillion dollars. The debt at the end of last year (fiscal year) was 13.56 Trillion dollars, an increase of about 14%, large but hardly a doubling or quadrupling of the debt as previously claimed.
thanks guys, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your comments! My limited time and slow brain power doesn't allow me to answer silverfish and Linda with as much expertise as you all, THANKS!!
Jerry: Obama's still spend more than Reagan.
As to GM. Our tax dollars propped up a failure. Someone else would have scooped it up and hired people while actually making a profit.
Your thinking is what keeps WWII-era government mohair subsidies alive.
....GE are Friends of Obama (Known as "Foo's") so they pay no taxes. Known as "foo's" Would I be playing the f-in "race card" if I declared racist undertones here? This makes me sick!! It is very doubtful Obama has ever said "foo." Would you say that if Clinton was President?? Or McCain or Bush or Hillary or Palin?
You answer your own question when you say"
"Just 45.4% of Americans had jobs last year, the lowest since 1983"
So, after 30 years of dramatically lower taxes and the philosophy of trickle down we find our economy right where it started before we instituted any of the voodoo economics...
The reality is that Reagan's annual deficits are now THREE times more than whatever Obama incurs on an annual basis because Reagans deficits are now part of the national debt and have tripled due to the wonders of compounded interest.
Even with Ryan's dumbass plan the budget balances but our national debt still increases....
But you are not really looking for answers and or solutions you just like being annoying....
Like your smartass comments about tariffs and building shitty cars...
The Germans build great cars, pay a buttload of taxes, and are a socialized country and they have tariffs....
The Chinese not only have tariffs but they also manipulate their currency and they kill people by putting poison in their baby formula and lead paint on their toys...
So, whats your point?
What I thought...you don't have one.
My point is, TAO, that we have better cars now. Last I checked, This Ain't Germany!
And your pretzel logic to justify Obama's record-setting spending is hilarious. You should write for the daily Kook or have your own MSNBC show.
I love how American Leftists extoll the virtues of European Socialism, while firmly ensconced in the cushy confines of (still somewhat) capitalist America.
Mary Mayhem: Oh No! You've called me a racist! Great Godwin's Law! How original. Racist is the new fascist among lobotomized lefties left stuttering when confronted with their own illogic.
Even the regulars here have not sunk to such trite depths. You're out of your league, Mary.
Look at TAO and Jerry Critter's comments and learn how to form a real argument.
I am not justifying Obama's record SF, just trying to slap the stupidity out of yours....
Personally, I do not believe BUSH should have pushed TARP down our throats and rather used those funds to support a secondary banking system based on community and regional banks.
I would have rather seen the stimulus funds increased 10 fold and spent on developing new industries and increase the number of small businesses....
Oh, and I would have not only let the Bush era tax cuts expire I would have also slapped a 1% tax on all financial transactions to fund an educational and job training program, along with a 3 year unemployment insurance plan to fund what is obviously a radically changing economic system in the United States....
Whew....that makes Obama a lot more conservative doesn't it?
I like your plan Tao. I'm late to the conversation so I don't have any arguments (to refute Silverfiddle's nonsense) that others haven't already made.
As for your observations Sue, I pray you are right. However I do NOT think Ryan ever expected Democrats to take his proposal seriously. It's another hostage taking situation. This time the Republicans are taking working Americans, the elderly and the poor hostage. They know from experience what Obama does in these situations... he gives the hostage takers exactly what they want.
I liked the speech... but it was only words. I'll believe Obama has actually found his balls when he backs up those words with actions.
Trickle down economics was never real, never happened, has always been a myth. A myth Republicans got way to much millage on, especially since it never happened. Lower wage earners never got a raise because the rich got richer. Jobs created by giving the rich, or corporations tax breaks never came close to meeting the needs of the nation. I remember a recession shortly after Regan signed his new tax bill. That tax bill started the nation down the road to multi-trillion dollar debts, which of course, Republicans have been pushing over the last 30 years.
You would think 30 years would be enough evidence to prove a policy faulty, but Republicans are a dense bunch.
The only trickle down is from big business to the politician --- and the politician gets so excited that he (or she) pees on their own leg.
Great post! The GOP has grown xenophobic and hateful. No one sane wants to be party to their divisive antics.
Heaven help us and God bless Obama
Recovering Republican
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