Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh how I despise those Republicans....

I feel like slamming some Republiscums, are ya with me??

 That Paul Ryan and his "plan to rescue America from doom and gloom" is nothing but a big steaming crock full of dog shit elephant shit!  Have you heard anyone say this plan of Ryan's does not balance the budget until 2063? Do the wingnuts even believe we will all be here in 2063? Maybe that's why this whole plan is a big friggin joke.

We all know defense spending is killing us right? Well in the Ryan plan defense spending increases over the next ten years. Why? I dunno know, does he? So he increases defense spending when the wars are "trying" to come to a close, he slashes spending for transportation, energy, education, veterans benefits, agriculture.....he takes hundreds of billions from Medicaid, ends Medicare as we know it today.....AND YET what they won't tell you is this PLAN INCREASES the debt by more than 8 TRILLION over the next 10 years. The budget deficits will continue til  the end of time with this insane plan of his!

This is the part that makes my blood boil...these enormous cuts do nothing to fix the debt problem because Republiscums will work to reduce the governments revenues by 4 trillion over 10 years because of their beloved TAX CUTS! This will include a lower top rate for businesses and the thugs, really, really smart.

The GOP will NEVER get it right. They can not fathom a tax increase on their rich cronies, not for a friggin second will they entertain the thought. So... cuts, cuts, cuts, with NO spending, and NO revenue coming in in the form of tax increases on the wealthiest Americans and corporations. Good frigginlord even a dumbass like myself can see this WILL NOT WORK!

This plan is so far fetched it makes me think this guy is up to something sinister...Yup he has a plan alright but he seems to believe the American people will take his side in the upcoming battle. Can you see the people agreeing to the privatizing of SS and Medicare so Wall Street can reap the benefits? NO! Can you see the people agreeing to more tax cuts for the rich? NO! When is it their turn to contribute to this economic mess? Does he think the cuts in infrastructure, energy, and transportation will help put people back to work? What does he think cuts in education will do to states? RAISE property taxes, that's what. Get those middleclass people right where it hurts you Republiscums!

Paul Ryan is gearing up for a fight over this budget proposal. He was asked at a news conference Tuesday whether any of his proposals might be enacted before the election, he replied, "At the end of the day we might just have to have a debate or a decision in this country about two futures." In a speech he made to the American Enterprise Institute he said,  "If we don't get agreements in the intervening time because of politics or whatever, at least in 2012 they'll have a real choice."  Oh they'll have a choice alright. The choice will be very clear Paul Ryan. If this country was to put a Republiscum in the White House by 2016 we would witness every single thing Obama has done to get this country moving, GONE, wiped out, killed! Education spending ......GONE, transportation spending..... GONE,  Veterans and energy spending....GONE!

 Paul Ryan is not worried this ludicrous plan will cause damage to his party. He is not worried the freshman teabaggers will be tossed out on their butts for backing this hideous plan. Ryan says this is a CAUSE worth fighting for.  

President Obama and Democrats are ready for this budget battle. Get your typing fingers ready, it's gonna be a great year!


Les Carpenter said...

Sue, Sue, Sue...

It is not the republicans you need fear. Why? Because unless they return to real conservative principles, and acknowledge that out of control defense spending, and out of control altruistic foreign aid must be reigned in they have little credibility on the domestic spending cuts.

Real conservatives and Libertarians understand this. We will continue calling for downsizing government because it does threaten all our liberties.

And unless a real principled conservative/Libertarian candidate surfaces in the republican party there are a lot of conservatives that either won't vote or else will vote 3'rd party or write in.

As to Ryan,,, his plan is still a d*mn sight better than the alternative. But it does have flaws.

Thanks for listening.

Ligtstar said...

I am with you, Sue! Ryan's plan made my head explode. Insane is a mild word for what it actually is.

I think you were on to something with the sinister. Think about what happens when you cut education. People are more stupid because they don't have access to good teachers and educational materials. Our modern education system was created to make good obedient workers. Well, since there are no more places to work, we don't need obedient workers,we need stupid people who will believe any lies they hear on TV because they have never been taught to think.

If the public does not mobilize, this country will be set back 150 years. We will never be able to keep up with the more advanced European countries.

We HAVE to start taxing the companies and people who can afford to be taxed. We have to start paying people a living wage and educating them again and teaching them to think.

Jerry Critter said...

You are right about elephant shit. Ryan's plan is a big turd!

Flying Junior said...

Seeing that dildohead with a book entitled "Pathway to Prosperity" tucked under his arm, I can't help but think of the old Outer Limits episode "To Serve Man." Everybody was lining up to get on the spaceship and visit the home planet of the wonderfully tall race of altruistic and technologically advanced benefactors. Meanwhile the government had all of their best cryptographers and language experts working around the clock trying to understand and decode the contents of that book. Just as the spaceship was lifting off, the desperate cries, "Wait! Wait! It's a cookbook!"

Malcolm said...

The non-partisan CBO did a good job of tearing apart Ryan's plan. Predictably, the conservatives are criticizing the CBO's findings or just flat out ignoring them.

Malcolm said...

Flying Junior: As a heads up, you are referring to an episode of "The Twilight Zone", not "The Outer Limits". :-)

okjimm said...

Yupperz.. it was the "Twilight Zone"... course... "The Outer Limits".... Well gosh, they both seem rather appropriate for today's political environment..... sci-fi in black and white. And to your point, yupperz, we's cooked!!!

Sue said...

don't say we'z cooked jimm, LOL! This plan will never pass the Senate or Obama's desk. I hope everyone is paying close attention tho and we will have no problem holding onto the White House for the next millennium.

Infidel753 said...

Of course massive domestic-spending cuts when unemployment is still high would be a job-killer -- and would get whoever implemented them turned out on their ear by the voters at the next election. But hey, reality is just a pointy-headed liberal intellectual scam, like evolution and global warming.

My guess is, the Republicans know perfectly well this will never fly. They're staking out an extreme position as a gambit to start negotiations. The problem is, they're so extreme already, that to stake out an even more extreme position, they need to propose to abolish Social Security and declare war on Neptune.

If the Democrats (not just Obama) play their cards right, the Ryan plan will be thr Republicans' suicide note for 2012. They don't call programs for the elderly "the third rail of politics" for nothing.

Anonymous said...

"As to Ryan,,, his plan is still a d*mn sight better than the alternative. But it does have flaws."

What alternative?

Obama has not even laid out his future budget yet.

Again we ask RN, what the hell are you talking about?

I love the two faced way the right cries about Obamas budget deficit.

They have run up a 13 trillion dollar debt in less than 30 years with their (Voodoo Economics- George Bush's words); then their i8dol George Bush II's last budget has a 1.3 trillion debt, and they demand Obama have a balanced budget. GEEZZZZ

The right's idea of balancing the budget is to cut all help to the people (which won't balance the budget anyways) they seem to think this is a government for corporations. I would tell them to read the Constitution, but since they don't know how to add (balance a budget) I doubt they know how to read.

Now back to RN's Rand cultist theory.

Flying Junior said...

Wrong post, but a $38B cut hailed as the biggest ever, (except for last year and the years following WWII,) only pays for about 3 months of war if you don't include the additional losses of life and property associated with war. The comparison to domestic life would be that if I only spend $100 for gas, oil and coolant this month, my monthly cost of operating my vehicle is still going to be $200-$300.

War can only be condoned to end genocide. There is no other reason to go to war. Killing people solves nothing. It generates far more problems than it solves, no matter what the circumstances. As an anti-war hippie, it is increasingly difficult to support Obama and his wars.

Yet the republicans insisted on giving the pentagon $5B more than they asked for. (Source, NPR.)

Les Carpenter said...

Anon - Thanks for sharing your deep insights.

Amazing, truly amazing!

Jolly Roger said...

I fixed this Jonestowner's picture to reflect what he was proposing.

The son of a bitch may well be gone soon. His District broke heavily for Kloppenburg (and there was no Nickolaus around to "correct" the tally."

Shaw Kenawe said...

The American voter waking up?

Poll: Plurality Of Voters Displeased With GOP House Majority, View Party As 'Extremist'

Only a few months removed from a landslide election that threw control of the House of Representatives back to Republicans, a plurality of registered voters now say the new GOP majority is doing a worse job than Democrats did when they controlled the lower chamber of Congress.

In a PPP poll released Tuesday, 43% of voters said Republicans are doing a worse job running the House than Democrats did before being ousted in last year's midterms. Meanwhile, 36% said Republicans were doing a better job than their counterparts, and an additional 19% said things are about the same.

The poll also found that a plurality of voters (48%) now say the Republican party is "extremist," while 40% say the party is mainstream. The numbers were almost flipped on the Democratic side, with 46% viewing the party as mainstream, and 39% viewing it as extremist.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sue, that copy of the "Path" budget Ryan is holding in the picture you posted contains a typo. Here's a later picture of him holding a CORRECTED copy.

BTW, I recommend reading the Rude Pundit's take on the Ryan budget.

Les Carpenter said...

Momentary Infomercial break... non paid advertising.

You got to check it out. Will be the greatest film the first half of this century. Link to current ticket locations.

TOM said...

More cultist advertising from RN.
Pull you head out of your ass RN.
You worship Rand like she was Jesus, and wonder why you are called a cultist.

Flying Junior said...

Hey Everybody! The "Chronicles of Narnia," The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is out on DVD! This promises to be one of the greatest children's movies based upon a literary work of this decade!

Only two of the four Pevensie children (Edmund and Lucy) take the magical step into their Narnian kingdom in this story, but to their deep disgust they have with them a particularly odious cousin, called Eustace Scrubb 'and he almost deserved it', who is eventually reformed by being turned into a dragon.

This time their way lies through a picture of the good ship Dawn Treader. Once on board they discover King Caspian voyaging forth to find the seven friends of his father who vanished in the Eastern Seas beyond the Lone Islands, and with him is Reepicheep the warrior mouse who eventually fulfills his dreams to go to The End of the World, and beyond to Aslan's country.

Every Narnia tale has its own charms, this is perhaps a little more adventurous and less mysterious than some of the others, but Aslan appears more often and explains many of life's mysteries in his uniquely tender way.

Les Carpenter said...

Tom, Tom, Tom...

Thank you for sharing your clever insights today. I pleasure as always.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ayn Rand's two most famous novels "The Fountainhead" (1943) and "Atlas Shrugged" (1957) are among the greatest word-of-mouth hits in American publishing. Both were scorned by the critics when they came out, went on to become enormous best-sellers, and to this day sell tens of thousands of copies annually...

The reason for the books' success probably has less to do with their novelistic merits, or lack of them, than with the way they package in fictional form a philosophy Rand called Objectivism, which in effect turned the Judeo-Christian system on its head. In Rand's view, selfishness was good and altruism was evil, and the welfare of society was always subordinate to the self-interest of individuals, especially superior ones. In some ways, Objectivism is an extreme form of laissez-faire capitalism, a view that Rand came to naturally...

[Rand]...sometimes wore a gold brooch shaped like a dollar sign, and the dollar sign is also the final image in "Atlas Shrugged," a novel in which liberals and humanitarians are ruinously taking over the world while the intellectual elite, led by the genius industrialist John Galt, hunker down in Colorado.

For a while in the '60s, Objectivism had almost cult status on some American campuses. Much of the fervor dwindled after Rand’s death in 1982, but the books continue to be rediscovered and passed from one initiate to another. Among the many people influenced by Rand are Camille Paglia, Hugh Hefner, Alan Greenspan and Angelina Jolie,"
and Les Carpenter.


Les Carpenter said...

Proud to be influenced Shaw. And no modern liberal garbage {as opposed to classical liberal reason}will change the truth.

Yes, Rand wrote a book titled "The Virtue of Selfishness". It is about RATIONAL self interest. But modern liberals, progressives, or whatever they liked to be called, keep working hard at vilifying something they do not take the time to understand. Talk about fear.

The fact that Rand's classic novels,as well as her nonfiction works continue in print and sell in significant quantities as they do, as well as the success of the ARI, speaks volumes over that little Ellsworth Toohey like ditty as you posted.

Like I said, fear. And it is indeed a powerful motivator for the left.

Flying Junior said...

I read Anthem. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was rather Orwellian in its imagination of a totalitarian state. It was an anthem against the collective. Small groups of people all the same gender, all with the same name or number went out on work details and then returned to their dreary dormitories every evening. Only the scholars were allowed to possess knowledge. Technology and literature had been all but obliterated. One group of men began experimenting with electricity and electric light in secret.

It was a very exciting book and appropriate to the world of 1937. An allegorical fable of the power of the individual against the will of an authoritarian state. To label social programs that help people today as "collectivist," OTOH, is simply ludicrous.