Wednesday, April 6, 2011

These people are CRAZY, scary crazy...

This is sure proof the teabaggers have hijacked the once respected Republican Party, and old school Republicans are NOT HAPPY. So what will they do now? According to an NBC/WSJ poll, Donald Trump is tied for second with Mike Huckabee,  the GOP is in BIG TROUBLE for the 2012 presidential race.
Think Progress: In a CNN poll released March 23, Trump came in fifth in a hypothetical GOP primary, collecting only 10 percent of the vote. That poll, however, was conducted from March 18-20, as Trump’s embrace of the birther issue was just beginning. In just two weeks, he has nearly doubled his support.Prominent Republican strategists have blasted Trump’s strategy, saying it discredited the entire Republican party. In fact, his public embrace of discredited conspiracy theories has lead him to the front of the Republican field.
 With Trumps birther stance catapulting him to 2nd place, thanks to the Tea Party, the GOP's dream of a dramatic upset win over President Obama in 2012 will never come to fruition. The Republican Party can't be taken seriously.

Mike Pence, another Conservative pretty boy "presidential contender" is nothing more than a LIAR. He said this on Morning Joe when asked if he was willing to hold up the entire budget over defunding Planned Parenthood:
 "Well— well of course I am. I think the American people have begun to learn that the largest abortion provider in the country is also the largest recipient of federal funding under Title X, and they want to see that come to an end. I think there's a broad consensus in this country, regardless of where you stand on the subject of abortion, there's a broad consensus for decades now opposing public funding of abortion and abortion providers. ... We're going to dig in and we're going to fight for the principle that taxpayers should not have to subsidize the largest abortion provider in the country, namely Planned Parenthood of America"

LIAR, the man is a liar. AND he does not speak for me or a majority of Americans like he claims. Like all conservatives claim. I won't repeat all the good Planned Parenthood does for women, children and families, we all know the truth.  BTW, Do you remember this.....
 President Obama signed an executive order at the end of the health reform debate last year, ordering that no federal funds be spent on abortion. It was a crucial move in the health reform debate that won over many anti-abortion Democrats, including former Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.).

Todays GOP,  Hijacked by a minority of crazy people called teabaggers. They want a government shutdown and some are demanding it. Mike Pence and a good number of the GOP presidential hopefuls are pandering to these crazies, the Koch brothers are financing these crazies, what the hell are these crazy people gonna do when Glenn Beck is gone from Fox??


Ligtstar said...

Hopefully, with Beck gone, the crazies will be forced back underground a bit. I cannot see Trump actually running for president. I think this is a huge publicity stunt because that is what the man does. If he was stupid enough to actually run, it might be the best thing for the liberals. I don't think he could win and it might give the liberals some more energy.

What the liverals really need is to find a way to force the Democrats to respect their base. I am sick of them winning their elections and then kicking us in the teeth. Obama has done it over and over. He announces he is going to run again and then breaks a campaign promise from his first run. What the???? He had the whole country behind him when he won and went on to alienate us and abuse us. But we have no other choice. It is him or the crazies. We have to find another choice to make them nervous so they start appreciating us, as the Republicans are bowing to what they think their base is, no matter how crazy they are.

Flying Junior said...

What the hell are these crazy people gonna do when Glenn Beck is gone from Fox??

Maybe Trump could finance a new network MUSSOLINITV for those who shy away from FOX getting a little bit too fair and balanced.

Then they could still go to FOX to hear the liberal point-of-view from Juan Williams, Megyn and Bill O'Reilly!

Sue said...

we keep saying "I don't think he/she will run, or if they do they can't win".
I wonder who it will be, it's all so intriguing!

Mary Mayhem said...

The republicans are such a mess this campaign season that they are going to wait until the last minute to put forth candidates. This way they mitigate the impact of all the scandalous dirt that will inevitably be dug up on said candidates by limiting the time for the actual acts of dirt digging.

Lisa said...

the so called "crazies" are just everyday people. How insulting to call your fellow Americans extremist an crazy for wanting government to live within its means.
I guess when you are threatened you have to resort to name calling although how is paying down our debt a threat to you?

"This way they mitigate the impact of all the scandalous dirt that will inevitably be dug up on said candidates "
No it's to keep the left from spewing their usual vile.
You guys would be in a tizzy if Hillary decided to run.
Would you all of a sudden hate her and throw her under the bus?
That would e so entertaining to see how you and the liberal media would handle that.

Anonymous said...

Leslie Parsley said...

Dump the Trump. Watching this man on Today show. He's beyond bizarre. Only dummies could possibly be impressed with him. Otherwise, he'd be laughable if he wasn't such a pathetic liar.

Mordechai said...

How insulting to call your fellow Americans extremist an crazy for wanting government to live within its means.

Funny when Bush Jr was running up the GOPer credit card Ronnie Raygun taught them how to use to undermine the fiscal stability of thew government the crazies didn't give a good god-damned did they?

In fact I remember criticizing Bush was called unpatriotic by the same self serving crazies who are having a shit fit because a black man is currently Commander in Chief.

I guess when you are threatened you have to resort to name calling although how is paying down our debt a threat to you?

You mean the debt run up by Ronnie Raygun, and both Bushes?

The debt that Dick Cheney said didn't matter, and none of the frauds calling themselves patriots TODAY said a god-damned thing eh?

The debt Bush increased by lying us into a 20 billion a month war that the crazies cheer lead for in opposition to the teaching of Jesus Christ?

That debt?

The debt caused by 30 years of voodoo economics, and republican plans to defund the government so they could dismantle the parts that don't fit into the plans of the 1% to control the economy for their own benefit no matter the damage to the rest of the country.

Is that the debt you refer to?

Mordechai said...

BTW Trump has declared bankruptcy as many times as Newt has cheated then switched wives, makes neither one fit to hold any public office.

But the crazies don't use logic or common sense do they, just repeat the latest sound bite the republican propaganda network and radio wingnut bloviators sends them.

The founding fathers would be soooo disappointed in them.

PS so is the person they claim is gonna save their sorry asses in the end.

okjimm said...

gees, Lisa.... if //how is paying down our debt a threat to you?//

... was of any interest to you.... you would write about closing loopholes in the tax codes that allow for corporations to suck tax money from the public... without paying any.

.... and please don't carp about 'creating jobs'.... if corporate tax breaks really do create jobs... we would have full employment now.

... and as far as the 'crazies thingee' if I see a black furry creature defecating in the forest I call it a bear shitting in the woods.

Ligtstar said...

@Lisa I would LOVE to see our government live within its means. However, I know that if the companies refuse to spend money then it is impossible for the government to reduce spending. That idea is both crazy and cruel to your fellow Americans.

If these people were serious about our government living within its means, it would see that all corporations paid taxes instead of allowing them to pay none. They would be closing the loopholes in the tax codes that allow companies to make money in the US but keep their money off shore and not share it with their fellow Americans.

They would also see that the wealthiest paid their fair share in taxes. When this country was considered “prosperous” in the 1950’s, the tax rate for the wealthiest was 90%. I don’t think it needs to go that high, but it certainly must be higher than it is now. Since the few are hoarding all the money, they should pay for that privilege.
Those two simple things would grow our economy, protect our important social programs to alleviate suffering and reduce the debt. But there seems to be little concern for your fellow Americans.

I am not threatened and I do not see any name calling. I see a statement of fact. Anyone who thinks the debt that has been run up by Reagan and the two Bushes should be paid down by hurting their fellow Americans must be crazy.

I have not seen “vile” from the left. I have seen more than enough vile from the right. The left tends to be restrained and stick to the facts because we don’t need to make up crazy stuff.

Your delusion about Hilary is entertaining. There would be no “tizzy” but there would probably be some hard debate that would solidify our positions and clarify our commitment to a good quality of life for all our fellow Americans.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It was only a matter of time before the republican party was taken over by the nuts it pandered to for votes. The bigots, homophobes, religious zealots, the stupid.

Leslie Parsley said...

I just have to share this. It's a link to a study which compares the differences in brain structure between liberals and democrats. It's brief but revealing.

Jolly Roger said...

I still think lisa is honing up some kind of a stage act. Nobody this stupid is thick-skinned enough to take the volumes of shit Lisa (deservedly) eats.

Leslie Parsley said...

JR writes of Lisa: "Nobody this stupid is thick-skinned enough to take the volumes of shit Lisa (deservedly) eats."

LOL. I still think she (or maybe even "he" - who really knows?) is getting paid to be stupid and a pain in the ass. Or else, she's seriously mentally ill.

Eric Noren said...

I think you're a little early in announcing that the Republican Party has been hijacked. Trump is totally wrong to pull this birther nonsense, but anyone can announce a run for president.

If he actually wins the nomination, then I'll agree with you that the party has been hijacked. Don't worry, we'll police our own and Trump won't even make it to the convention.

Sue said...

I hope you're right HR. The republican party is in desperate need of policing. Can you imagine a complete takeover by the teabaggers? Yikes!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sue said... Can you imagine a complete takeover by the teabaggers? Yikes!

I don't think that is going to happen. In my opinion the establishment Republicans are playing their teabag faction for fools. See my post on the subject here.

Shaw Kenawe said...
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