Sunday, January 1, 2012

That damn music, they always use that scary damn music!!

When I was around 12 yrs old my religious fanatic Dad took Christmas away from his 6 children, my submissive and scared Mom said nothing.. My little sister and brother were just 5 and 6 yrs old! Their whole childhood was spent with NO Santa, No Christmas tree, No presents! At least I had Christmas up until I was 12....

It was a Pagan holiday Dad says....along with Easter, Halloween, ...But Christmas??? I was so embarrassed I hid it from my friends, never letting them come inside to see my "presents". What would they think, There was nobody like my Dad in our neighborhood! That was 44 yrs did not rub off on any of us kids, one by one each of us left home, married, and had Christmas....

Santa....Satan...????  Play that damn scary music and Religious scaredtodeath Righties will believe anything!


Infidel753 said...

Some people are really, really desperate for something to be frightened of.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Puritans who came to this country were against Christmas celebrations (too paganistic); and in fact, in our early colonial days, saying "Merry Christmas" could get you placed in the stocks.

Our Founding Fathers did not observe Christmas Day as a holiday, and, I believe, it was over 60 years after the founding of this country that Christmas Day became a holiday.

So contrary to what the idiots on FAUX NOOZ report, the War on Christmas was a founding principle of this country and very much a part of its early history.

Of course no one expects anyone on FAUX NOOZ to know facts or history.

Remember, people who don't watch any news programs are more informed than those who watch FAUX NOOZ.

mary said...

Speaking of religion run amok, I loved seeing my beloved Kansas City Chiefs grinding Tebow in to the dust yesterday in /Denver. Was the devil rooting for the Chiefs.

Shaw Kenawe said...

mary, I saw the New England Patriots do the same a week ago.

I don't think Tebow is a bad person, just misguided--to the extent that he believes a god--one that created the universe in all its unfathomable mysteries complexities--would give any notice to a ball game being played on this third rock from a very insignificant star.

The idea of that is so hubristic that it is comical.

Tom Brady of the Pats is probably one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of the game.

I have no idea what his religion is or if he is a believer at all.

Tebow opened himself up to this ridicule.

I hear a lot of believers call outspoken atheists "arrogant" when they speak out against religion, but what could be more arrogant than a ball player believing that a god favors an athelete or a team over another? Or a god who listens to a player pray for victory?

That is arrogance on steroids.

Magpie said...

I would like a well-rounded view…

Can we get opinions from Gnostic, Lutheran, Baptist, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Evangelical, Anglican, Unitarian, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, and Jehovah’s Witness authorities so we can have the one UNIFIED, UNAMBIGUOUS and UNDIVIDED Christian idea about this minor issue of who exactly is the personification of ALL evil in the universe?

Then let me know when they all stop saying all the others have got it all wrong.


Dave Miller said...

Sue those WWCOG people who followed Herbert W Armstrong people were pretty nutty folks. The guy who heads the group that made this and many other idiotic videos is a former leader of that group.

The other videos are just as funny, scary or nutty, depending on your point of view.

As a Christian myself, these are the people who scare me more than the atheists.

Cultic people who are dogmatic in their thinking will do more harm to America than any liberal who believes in learning how to think independently.

Have a great New Year and may all your election wishes come true!