Monday, May 10, 2010

Is Elena Kagan GAY?? The righties want to know....

Here we go! 

Solicitor General Elena Kagan was nominated today for the Supreme Court. Ms. Kagan happens to be an unmarried woman who has not publicly commented on her sexuality( I didn't know she had to!) PLUS...she supports LGBT rights. OMG, (((((shudder))) could she be a lesbian??? The righties are making assumptions about her personal life, they are saying if she's a lesbian she is certainly NOT FIT to serve as a justice.  Last month CBS news published an online column by GOP operative Ben Domenech which called Kagan the "first openly gay justice".  The White House demanded CBS pull down the post saying the site was applying old stereotypes to single women with successful careers. We all know how the righties feel about "those kinds of women".  Successful??  Hell no, barefoot and pregnant is how they like their women, (unless you're one who doesn't like woman, and your preference is young men) Which brings me to the hypocritical Focus on the Family, now they are fine, I assume, with closeted gays in the GOP, but....God forbid a LESBIAN justice??? 
More hypocritical news, the far-right American Family Association (notice how these right-wing groups have Family in their title?) says the media should come right out and ask Kagan if she is gay, and if she obliged and said yes then she should not serve on the court:
  It’s time we got over the myth that what a public servant does in his private life is of no consequence. We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility, especially when that individual could become one of nine votes in an out of control oligarchy that constantly usurps constitutional prerogatives to unethically and illegally legislate for 300 million Americans.
The stakes are too high. Social conservatives must rise up as one and say no lesbian is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Will they?

What did they say? No sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility?? When will the Social Conservatives rise up and say NO closeted GAYS in the GOP. ALL gays raise your hands!

Americans for Truth also put out a statement....Kagan needs to answer the question, "are you or were you a practicing homosexual or do you consider yourself gay?" They want NO gays on the court, it will cause a conflict of interest and the gay person will be biased in certain areas. What if gay groups said "NO straight people on the court because of a conflict of interest".  

If you are gay you are a second class citizen? You can't make wise and unbiased decisions? Damn....

I can't believe I am typing these words, this is 2010, not 1950. Why are we talking about a persons sexuality? The right never talks about REAL qualifications, they must ALWAYS inject sex in every thing they do, every decision they make is based on sexuality. They have severe problems. But no wonder, look at their  "party of perversion".

Just how low will the right go?

Here are a few things you should know about Elena Kagan:
  • 1. Elena Kagan was the first female dean of Harvard Law in the school's 186-year history. During her tenure, she fostered consensus among differing viewpoints, promoted a diversity of opinions, and encouraged a respectful exchange of ideas, earning her great admiration among the student body. She also instituted a financial program that encouraged and assisted students in choosing careers in public service.
  • 2. If confirmed, Kagan will be the fourth woman ever seated on the nation’s highest court. And, for the first time, the Supreme Court would have three women serving together.
  • 3. In 2009 Kagan was confirmed with bipartisan support as the first female solicitor general of the United States. As solicitor general she represents the U.S. government before the Supreme Court. When she was nominated, every solicitor general from the past 25 years—both Democrats and Republicans—wrote a letter of support, noting Kagan’s “brilliant intellect,” “candor,” and the “high regard in which she is held by persons of a wide variety of political and social views.”
  • 4. Kagan has stood up for the rights of ordinary citizens and shareholders against corporations in her work as solicitor general. And even though she knew the odds were long, Kagan chose Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission as the first case she argued before the Supreme Court, defending campaign finance reform against special interests spending unlimited money in an attempt to influence elections.
  • 5. Kagan studied history at Princeton University and later attended Harvard Law School, where she served on the Harvard Law Review. After graduation, Kagan clerked for Judge Abner Mikva on the U.S. Court of Appeals and Justice Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court. She credits Marshall with reminding her that “behind law there are stories—stories of people’s lives as shaped by law, stories of people’s lives as might be changed by law.”
  • 6. President Obama and Elena Kagan were colleagues at the University of Chicago Law School in the 1990s before Kagan joined Harvard Law. As an academic, her scholarship focused on issues ranging from freedom of speech to government policy making—issues that have had a profound effect on daily life.
  • 7. Kagan is the granddaughter of immigrants and grew up in a family that emphasized service to others. Her parents were the first members of her family to attend college, and both parents taught their daughter the value of public service. Kagan’s father was a housing lawyer who fought for tenants’ rights. Her mother was a public school teacher. Kagan would follow in both parents’ footsteps, becoming both a lawyer and a teacher and inspiring the next generation of public servants.


Annette said...

It shouldn't matter whether she is or not.. If they can put Thomas on there with his history of sexual harrassment to women.. then they should have no problem with her.

Give me a break. They know they can't stand up to her on anything else so painting her as gay is all they can come up with.

I also heard them say she has no prior judicial experience... So What.... neither did some of the top justices on the court.. In fact it used to be the norm for them not to be a judge.. it is just since the GOPers have been putting justices on the court that they are judges. That is not a qualification.

Annette said...

I also think they hinted at the same thing with Sotomayor. If I remember correctly.

Jerry Critter said...

Maybe we should demand that all gay GOP members, closeted or un-closeted, to step down.

Leslie Parsley said...
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Leslie Parsley said...

A point of reference: 40 of 111 Supreme Court Justices have had no prior judicial experience.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility..."--AFA

Right. We need more of those red-blooded heteros like Sen. Larry Craig, ex-Rep. Mark Foley, Pastor Ted Haggard, Bob Allen, Glen Murphy, and George Allen Rekers.

Les Carpenter said...

My answer to the perceived issue of her sexuality... who cares? I don't and I am one of those righties you love to hate.

As to her qualifications and her lack of judicial experience... Check out

She may not be the one I would nominate {actually Robert Bork would be my choice} but Obama could very well have opted for a far out screaming leftist loon. I really don't think Kagan is that type of legal mind.

We shall soon know. The conservatives {and Republicans}may be better serves if they wait to find a different battle to expend political capital on.

I am sure it will present itself soon.

Leslie Parsley said...

Shaw, good points - couldn't think of the names right off the bat.

RN: Your post is excellent and I hope others link to it. Unfortunately I can't agree with you on Bork.

amadmike1 said...

I suspect she is but I could care less. The fun will be watching the Righties in the Senate trying to come up with reasons why she should not be confirmed without saying it is because she is gay.

Sue said...

Leslie you didn't have to delete your comment.

I suspect she may be gay too, but leave it the hypocrites on the right to make it an issue. In this day and age I'm shocked it is even brought up. The whole argument that gays can't be normal and live normal lives is outrageous. When the religious right thinks of gays they think of those wild ones who march in the gay pride parades and pedophiles. It's ridiculous. They actually put their pants on one leg at a time just like you and me!

Anonymous said...

Conservatives don't like strong women? Michelle Bachman? LIz Cheney, Lynn Cheney? Margaret Thatcher? Sara Palin (who could out-hunt and out-fish most men)?

The tea parties are majority women, and women are overwhelmingly the leaders at the local levels.

Some rightwing nuts may try to make this an issue, but I predict no mainstream conservatives will touch it with a 10 foot pole. It's just not proper or warranted in this day and age.

A person's sexuality has nothing to do with how they do their job. Time will tell if my prediction holds. I'll check back in a few weeks...

Sue said...

glad you don't consider a woman's sexuality a credible argument SF, but I fell off the chair laughing so hard at your list of strong conservative women. strong? in what way? credibility?? NO way....Bachmann is INSANE not strong.. Lizard is plowing through life on the back of her daddy, who is one of the most hated men in the world, so that hardly gives her credibility.... Cheneys wife? kinda gross, just like him. Sarah Palin.. she's a fraud..

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sarah Palin? Strong?

She has no basic knowledge of American history.

Her latest embarrassing idiocy is out there for everyone to laugh at.

But she sure can shoot wolves from a helicopter!


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sarah Palin is not a lesbian. My lesbian "gaydar" tells me so. Not that that really matters when it gets down to the brass tax. If she were it would only make her more interesting.

Jolly Roger said...

Conservatives don't like strong women? Michelle Bachman? LIz Cheney, Lynn Cheney? Margaret Thatcher? Sara Palin (who could out-hunt and out-fish most men)?

Any rational person would have said this as a joke, and gotten some pretty good laughs.

Thatcher, for all of her faults, would probably slap an iron hand to your head for lumping her in with the rest of this scum. Legally insane Welfare Queens, colossally incompetent beneficiaries of nepotism, and outright myths (the gullibility of those who believe the "rugged woman" bullshit about Caribou Barbie is stunning) are what Rushpubliscums consider "strong" women, huh? No wonder all of you have such sexual hangups.

Sue said...

JR, at first I thought it was a joke, then I realized the conservatives really have NO strong women and surely not one to compare to the awesome women we have in the Democratic party.

Lisa said...
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Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I'd take it one step further regarding her sexuality....if asked she should refuse to answer.

What is this, 1950 and the McCarthy Era?

But if the usual suspects persist she could humor them, and declare that she's a homo sapien AND was at one time a practicing thespian.

It worked for George Smathers in smearing Claude Pepper in Florida back in the day.

We still haven't REALLY grown up as a nation, have we?

Lisa said...
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Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa - do yourself and us a favor. Go live in Tanzania or outer Siberia. You're even too stupid to understand what Hugh is saying, which has nothing to do with you're post. Take a remedial reading course so you can quit making the proverbial ass out of yourself.

Sue said...

FUNNY, lisa thinks Hugh is talking about the Palin smears, whuch by the way are all true!

I guess moderation is back on til lisa gets hit by a truck....

Anonymous said...

Sue: So I guess you meant strong like a circus strongman, big black curly mustache and wearing tights?

OK, you guys are right. We don't like your type of strong woman and we don't have any one our side. We just have the normal, feminine ones who believe in taking charge of their own lives (and we love them!)

nonnie9999 said...

did they ask john roberts about his sexuality? he didn't get married until he was 41 years old. his wife was also 41 and a lawyer. *gasp* in her 40s and an unmarried career woman! she must be a lesbian. they adopted their children. don't they screw? that sounds very suspicious to me. did they marry only for the sake of appearances? and while we're at it, ever notice how samuel alito tilts his head and closes his eyes when he speaks? very effeminate. i think this calls for an investigation. i think they should have to prove that they are heterosexual.

now who wants to talk about lindseypoo graham, mitch yertle the turtle mcconnell, david dreier, or patrick mchenry? and while we're at it--tom tancredo, i think thou doth protest too much. my gaydar beeps like crazy when he's on tv.

Sue said...

LOL SF, I mean a strong woman who could actually make for a great president one day, Hillary Clinton comes to mind. We also have great women in our Democratic Black Caucus, very strong women. AND don't forget the great Nancy Pelosi! Sorry, I don't like any of yours...

Sue said...

Thanks nonnie, I will definitely pay more attention to those righties in question!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

God I wish I knew what Lisa said about what she thought I said about her....I'll be losing sleep again. the way. The next thing the righties will be saying about Ms. Kagan is that at Princeton she actually MATRICULATED with OTHER FEMALE STUDENTS!!!!!

Who will say it first, Beck or Limbaugh?

Sue said...

lisa has left a new comment on your post "Is Elena Kagan GAY?? The righties want to know.......":

I agree Hugh as stated in my post before yours.

this is what she said Hugh, she thinks you are complimenting Palin as she was.

Leslie Parsley said...

nonnie: great insight backed by equally great writing. Loved every word of it.

Sue said...

you're right Leslie, nonnie is great!!

magpie said...

"We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility..."

A senator here - and a member of our federal cabinet - is openly lesbian, born outside Australia of a non-citizen father, and is of a racial minority.

Nobody cares. Not even our Right wing cares.

She is also a practicing Christian.
Her church doesn't care either.

Sue said...

magpie it's a shame we Americans can't progress and get past the homophobic attitudes. A persons worthiness should not be based on sexual preference.