Tuesday, May 25, 2010

They are scrambling, It's too painful to watch... But please do!

The GOP, once again is trying a new "old" tactic, they are calling it  A Contract for America, part 2. They have mega plans to take over like they did in '94. Rep. Boehner was on TV talking about it. He looked and sounded dreadful, more orange than a jailhouse jumpsuit! He said they don't know just yet what will be in the contract...Good grief this is pathetic....

 Over the past couple of years, Republicans have repeatedly rolled out new plans, projects, ideas, and websites to claim that they’re going to “listen” to the American people:
National Council for a New America: GOP leaders launched this initiative last year to revive the Party’s image and “listen” to the American people. But the group is now defunct, after holding only one town hall meeting at a pizza parlor in Alexandria, VA and coming up with no policy positions.
GOP Platform 2008: During the 2008 campaign, the GOP launched a website to solicit ideas for the Party’s platform.
Rebuild The Party: Republican activists led by RedState.com founder Erick Erickson started “Rebuild the Party,” a web movement meant to “set in motion the changes needed to rebuild our party from the grassroots up, modernize the way we run campaigns, and attract different, energetic, and younger candidates at all levels.” The group has only 8,846 members.
The Republican National Committee was widely mocked when it launched its new website that touted “a whole new experience” that would reflect “what is going on in the streets.” It featured a blog authored by Chairman Michael Steele called “What Up?” (which was later changed to “Change the Game.”) The site even featured “Faces of the GOP” seemingly meant to show regular GOPers from around the country, but it actually includes a collection of RNC interns.
Matt Yglesias guest blogger (and former ThinkProgress writer) Ryan Powers notes the flaw in the GOP’s new attempt to listen to the American people. American Speaking Out “is all kind of a farce and House Republicans won’t incorporate anything they don’t already agree with.” Indeed, as McCarthy’s spokesperson said, “It’s not ‘American Idol’, where whatever gets the most votes automatically wins.”
Ben Smith notes that the top vote-getter so far is to “DEFUND, REPEAL, & REPLACE GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE.” Another policy proposal offered on the site: “Repeal Section II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”

Project chairman Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) lays out details in this video....

hear that? They have their principals, Hmmmmmm, coulda fooled us! The sad thing is, the GOP really hasn't a clue how to fight against this Obama administration, but they want you to trust them to eventually come up with some ideas. OR better yet, they want your ideas because they HAVE NONE!! Haven't they proven that time and time again! It's all so pitiful....

UPDATE: I found the orangeman video...Joe Scarborough speaks here too. He is a GOP'er I can actually listen to without gagging.


Leslie Parsley said...

I like the idea of deporting the Republicans.

Lisa G. said...

tnlib, I like that idea too. Sue, I've noticed that the contents of your blog have become a lot more serious and thoughtful. Please, keep up the great work - your last 5 posts have been especially impressive!

Sue said...

I LOVE that idea Leslie and Lisa!

Thanks Lisa, I really appreciate that. It's a struggle to post in a timely mmanner and for the posts to be readable! lol

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I don't know how much more I can take with "those guys"....its like Groundhog Day, the same thing recycling on a regular basis.

But it could be worse. More Republicans could be like a certain 350 lb GOP governor who, I'm told, ate Hackensack for lunch on Tuesday afternoon. The whole town. Seriously...I read it on the internet, it has to be true.

nonnie9999 said...

they're so incredibly full of shit. most americans want the end of don't ask, don't tell, but every rethug is going to vote against it. most americans wanted a stronger public option, but every rethug swore they'd vote against it. most americans are for regulation of banks and financial organizations. rethugs vote against it. they only want to hear those ideas that they already agree with. i'd love to see who's editing their new little website. you can bet your ass that dick armey, the club for growth, et al are paying lots of people to post there. i can smell tea brewing.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

What Lisa brought up makes me curious and tempted to post as a righty. It's just so damn easy. I bet I could go to one of those rebuild the party sites and post some drivel about calling Libs "socialists" and be a hero to these shitheads.

It's almost unfair that we use intelligence and wit to insult the idiots, bigots and homophobes that make up the base of the republican party. Yet, they only have to remember a few catch phrases that will fit in the palm of Sarah Palin's hand.

It's unfair that I come up with a thing of beuty and wit like what I just came up with and that idiot right wing troll that visits here will just look at her palm and say "Ohh yeah! You're a commie socialist Truth 101." Then she'll get a bunch of cyber pats on the back from like minded deluded fools who's closed minds can't think beyond whatever their palms and the Texas School Board tells them to think.

Hey. I did it again. How bout a cyber pat Sue.

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

Hugh Nonnie, they are incredibly full of shit. All you have to do is look to NJ!

Sue said...

Truth I'll give ya more than a cyber pat! :-)

Am I reading you right? Are you misunderstanding LisaG? She is not lisa the troll, and she really was complimenting me! :-) But I do like your idea for impersonating a righty, would be loads of fun!

Infidel753 said...

Sue, you probably don't read PZ Myers regularly, but he has a pretty funny post about this here.

Sue said...

That was pretty funny Infidel! I copied this from him, it's one of the comment suggestions the GOP got from their website, look what's lurking in the shadows of the rightwing!

"We should administer capital punishment to anyone who has an abortion. In order to cut costs that the death penalty normally entails, we will have lax gun laws that will allow people to obtain guns with greater ease. Then we would allow the "free-market" to dictate whose philosophy wins out - the liberals irrational philosophy or our logical and God following philosophy. Liberals who have abortions would be taken care of by a militia of the willing who will get rid of all liberals who take the life others irrationally and will allow us to remove all of our opponents to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

WOW! I'll be looking at that website this weekend, looks like some great material for a post!