Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Lizard speaks...

This is from Think Progress in it's entirety, sorry 'bout that but I'm way busy tonight! I thought it was a good read and lizard never fails to entertain. Such a dumb-ass blonde. Who listens to her anyway?? For your enjoyment I've added a link to her take on the Times Square terrorist. Wow the lizard is ona roll today!

Liz Cheney Perpetuates Greek ‘Bailout’ Myth, Says U.S. Should Adopt Greek-Like Austerity Measures

Conservatives have responded to the massive economic crisis in Greece — which is spreading to the rest of Europe — by trying to score political points against President Obama’s domestic economic policies. This morning on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace and Liz Cheney pushed the myth that the United States was “bailing out” Greece, and Cheney even suggested that America adopt Greek-like austerity measures to counter the budget deficit:

CHENEY: When you look at the question over whether the US tax payer ought to be contributing to bailing out Greece, I think you also got to say wait a second at the same time that we are looking to put $7 billion to bail out Greece… we’ve got the same types of policies being put in place here in the United States that frankly are much more likely to lead us down the path that we see Greece on.

Mara Liasson pushed back, noting that the notion that the U.S. was bailing out Greece was nothing more than a great conservative “talking point.” Watch it:

The U.S. — along with many other countries– is a contributor to the International Monetary Fund, which serves as a lender of last resort to countries in crisis in order to prevent these crises from spreading worldwide. By Cheney’s standard every Administration in the last 60 years since the IMF was created, including the Nixon, Reagan, and Bush administrations, have “bailed out” countries.

Cheney’s suggestion that the United States adopt the kind of “austerity” measures being enacted in Greece, moreover, would lead to absolute economic catastrophe. Greece is expected to experience massive economic contraction and if the U.S. were to follow that approach, it would fall back into a deep recession.

Still, Cheney contends that America’s deficits will lead to a Greek-like tragedy. But as Marshal Auerback notes, the problem isn’t Greece’s debt per say but its inability to service that debt, because it both doesn’t control its currency (the Euro) and because its economy is contracting. The United States is in no danger of defaulting — the American economy is growing and due to fears over the Euro, investors are boosting the value of the dollar.

In fact, what the crisis has actually shown is the failure of conservative approaches to economic crises. Contrary to most conceptions, Germany’s leadership has long adopted a conservative approach to the crisis, resisting economic stimulus or providing economic support to other European countries. As a result, the crisis has gotten worse and now threatens to spread to other Southern European countries, putting the Euro currency and the entire global economy at risk. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has finally awoken to the danger and has now belatedly agreed to a massive bailout for Greece – one that is considerably larger than what would have been needed if she acted sooner.

But conservatives in America are still holding on to their failed economic dogma. As Dave Weigel notes, “Greece is the new France” meaning that “Greece is now the nation whose name Republicans invoke to make the case against Democratic policies.”

Liz Cheney criticizes administration for its "first instinct" to Mirandize Times Square suspect.  More of the same bullcrap from Lizard....

CHENEY: When the administration captures a terrorist and their first instinct is to inform him that he’s got the right to remain silent, that is exactly the wrong way to win this war.


Infidel753 said...

As usual, the radical right is talking irresponsible rubbish. The US is not headed in anything like the same direction as Greece.

Here's a debunking of such claims, written by a rational moderate conservative.

Les Carpenter said...

Hmm... Shall we continue on our present course of huge budget deficits and a 100 plus trillion dollar unfunded liabilities, and they continue to grow along with our national debt?

Just asking. And please don't remind me of the profligate spending I never met a spending bill I didn't like Bush because I know all of that. It was a disaster.

So what is different about Obama your man Saviour?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

WE could just ask our politicians to be honest and tell us that taxes need to be raised.

So far, RN has a point. I'm more than happy to pay more taxes to help my Nation pay it's bills and get out of debt. I'm waiting for President Obama nad Congress to tell us.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"So what is different about Obama your man Saviour?"--RN

I've yet to meet any Obama supporter who refers to him as "Saviour."

It's a term the ODS people use all the time to distract themselves from the fact that millions of Americans actually like the man and his policies.

Since they hold him in absolute contempt, these same people cannot understand how any other person could admire him, so they try to mock those who support Mr. Obama by imagining that they think of him as a Savior.

I've got news for Mr. RN USA, we don't think of him as a "Savior." We think of him as an intelligent, reasonable man who is carrying out the policies he said he would while he was running for the presidency--and he's doing so while his distractors nip at his heels like so many hyenas.

That we don't think of him as the second-coming of Hitler is your problem, not ours.

He's a decent American who is trying to do his best for his country--despite the calumny and hatred he has to endure from ODS crazies on the extreme Right.

That doesn't make him a "Saviour" in anyone's mind but yours.

Infidel753 said...

RN: So what is different about Obama your man Saviour?

The difference is that Obama took office in the midst of a deepening recession. Under such conditions, deficit spending is necessary to stimulate the economy. Most of Bush's deficit spending did not take place during a recession.

We will need to wait and see what spending under Obama looks like after the economic recovery is complete. Then, and only then, will we know whether he is a chronic over-spender like Bush.

Sue said...

thanks for the link Infidel, I'll check it out.

Truth I would be more then happy to pay more taxes too, the righties are petrified of debt but also of taxes so what do they think we are supposed to do?? How about ending the wars for starters?

Shaw you say it so well, THANKS!!!

Sue said...

great points Infidel. The righties are deaf, dumb and blonde when it comes to logic...

Les Carpenter said...

Infidel - Spoken like a true disciple.

Good luck on your thesis. As Nixon once said... We're all Keynesian's now.

More of the same. Different party different kool aid.

Push on... the more things change the more they seem to be staying the same.

Go criticize the real culprits... the statist and socialists in both parties. Not the ones trying to make sense of the delusional and misguided allegiance to part ideology. Which makes up a good deal of America.

Truth makes a point I can at least, and to a certain extent agree with. At least for a period of time.

So... all the rest of you keep on truckin on and hope for the best.

Me, I am getting off the bus before the wheels come off. When they do I will be sure to send acknowledgment to GWB and his successor for the results of failed thought.

Have a good day all.