Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who wants to see Cheney the Dick testify, raise your hands!


Unknown said...

Not me, I want a public lynching, no testimony required. The piece of slime should be shoved ALIVE down that oil hole in the bottom of the Gulf head first. With a head the size of his, that may just do the trick.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Only if we can waterboard him first. After all, ole Swingin' Dick says its not torture....its "enhanced interrogation".

Hmmmmm maybe we should waterboard him AND all of the rest of the SOB's who created the mess.

Annette said...

Yeah, but we have to have him hooked up to a lie detector.. cause he is just going to lie his way out like always. So, hook him up and everytime he lies give him a shock...

Unknown said...

A polygraph hooked up to a 220 outlet and to his balls preferably. Oh wait! I forgot, he doesn’t have any of those.

nonnie9999 said...

i'm with hugh jee. let's waterboard him first. oh, and one more thing. let's use some nice oily water from the gulf of mexico. you know, just for irony's sake.

Jerry Critter said...

Dick Cheney testifying? Yeah, like that's ever going to happen. Hell, the Obama administration won't even go after minor Bush players, let alone the biggest dick of them all.

Jolly Roger said...

Everyone here is right. Waterboard the piece of shit with water from the Gulf while he's hooked up to a 220 volt lie detector. America has never produced anyone worse, and this is the land of Gacy, Bundy, and Manson.

magpie said...

I suggest all of Cheney's personal wealth gained via his association with Halliburton be dispersed among the fishing communities of Louisiana devastated by this disaster.

That would be 'socialism', of course.... the notion that people being economically destroyed is a worse prospect than one rich bastard who is partly accountable paying a little of his wealth to these same people.
But I like it.

Sue said...

Oooooooh you all have such delicious ideas on how Dickless should be interrogated! I love the water boarding with the water full of oil globules, also shock waves from the lie detector testing, Let's go for it!

One Fly said...

All the way with Boomer Bob!!

Jerry Critter said...

Is it hate to hate a man that hates America?

One Fly said...

No shit Cisco-the bastard deserves every bit of it and more. Do you want to pull the trip rope on these killers? If not I'd be glad to. Hate my ass. It's called accountability. Its not that hard to understand if you have a few brain cells that function.

Now if you want to use the word angry that would be correct.

Sue said...

it's just lisa, you can ignore her stupidity

debra said...

Liberals don't give a damn about facts, they make their own...Look at what the left, including much of the media, is attempting to do to the Tea Parties. We even have some on the left accusing them of sedition for supporting the original intent of the Constitution, while those in power now don't give a damn what it says!
The religion of Progressivism gives its believers permission to lie. The morality of Progressivism allows its adherents to do whatever is necessary in order to advance the causes of Progressivism - even lie. They have no qualms about knowingly saying things they know are not true for they are doing the god of Progressivism's work. It seems, though, that the more they lie, the more they come to believe the lies they are telling..
They lie because they're Democrats.

Sue said...

Oh debra you poor pathetic soul. progressives are not the liars, you are so confused!!!

Since you chose to comment on the dickless post you must be a fan of his.

Dick Cheney is one of the most hated and evil men on earth, facts are facts, read up on his evil doings if you dare.

Leslie Parsley said...

Water boarding with Gulf oil is good. A polygraph hooked up to his balls is good. Stripping him naked and making him sit out in the hot Texas sun for a week with only hot oil to drink is good. Hanging him by his balls on a rack is good.

Debra must be Lisa the Loon's twin sister/brother. Can't really tell from looking at her/his ugly image on her/his non-existent blog. Personally, I don't have time for these morons.

Sue said...

Leslie check out the second blog listed for her. What a loon!!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Well, I've decided Lisa the Loon has multiple personalities. Most of the time she can't write a simple grammatical sentence consisting of three words. "Debra" seems to be able to write even if she's loony. Gues we'll have to call her Debra the Ditz.

Jolly Roger said...

What debra is doing is called "projection." It's an old Rushpubliscum trick, we've all seen it, and we automatically know who to apply the charges to.

debra, you can change, and thereby get rid of your self-loathing. Accept the truth about your heroes, and yourself, and then work on it from there.

Frodo, introducing the Tea Party to a black person, said...

". . .the original intent of the Constitution. . ."

Hmm, Frodo wonders how Debra came upon this insight into the minds of our Founding Fathers? Perhaps her name is truly Sallie Hemmings and she picked it up in pillowtalk?

Debra, your words are the epitome of arrogance and the Death Valley of credibility.

mommapolitico said...

We could always strip him of his citizenship without due process, then send Dickless to Gitmo. Maybe the troll Debra would like to go along for the ride, since we liberals are lying about what goes down there, right???

Keelhauling is nice this time of year. Perhaps in the Gulf? Seriously, seeing him answer for his war crimes and the fraud he helped Halliburton, Blackwater & KBR perpetrate on the American People would be fine with me.

Les Carpenter said...

I am not a fan of Dick Cheney.

However, the tone of some of the comments here are... well... a bit hateful.

Leslie Parsley said...

JR: "What debra is doing is called "projection."

Exactly and she could change except people like her don't have the brain power to recognize it or do anything about it.

RN: Hateful toward Cheney or Debra?
In either case, I have to plead guilty. I make no apologies for being hateful to people who are cruel and greedy and who destroy the environment, quality of life, and marine life along our shores.

Or to people who deliberately visit/target blogs only to taunt and disrupt. To continue when they've been told time and time again not to come back is bound to invite scorn and wrath from others and they deserve every nasty arrow thrown at them.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

There never has been much commity on the blogs between right and left leaners. Octo and Pamela tried working to bring more civility. Give RN credit for keeping up the fight.

Sue said...

I don't think we are hateful, just TRUTHFUL!

Sue said...

Isn't silverfiddle nice for always linking my blog so the righties can come by and read the TRUTH about themselves!!