Friday, May 14, 2010

NO, you can't drive! And you're no good at mopping either!

President Obama told a Democratic fundraising event in New York late Thursday that despite one of the busiest and most accomplished legislative sessions in recent memory, he witnessed "our friends on the other side of the aisle fall all over themselves to argue otherwise."
 From holding up nominees to proposing frivolous amendments and gumming up committee hearings, the Republicans have tried nearly any tactic they could conceive to block progressive reforms. Last night, President Obama delivered a pointed and sharp political critique of Republicans. The president compared Republicans to bad drivers who once drove the car into a ditch and now want the keys back:
OBAMA: After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive! We don’t want to have to go back into the ditch. We just got the car out.

At the fundraiser, President Obama used one of his routine formulas to describe the antagonism in Washington between the two major political parties.
"We got our mops and our brooms out, we're cleaning stuff out, and they're sitting there saying, 'Hold the broom better. That's not how you mop.'
"Don't tell me how to mop. Pick up a mop! Do some work on behalf of the American people to solve some of these problems," he told some 185 guests gathered at the prestigious St Regis Hotel in Manhattan.
The president accused Republicans of doing "their best to gum up the works; to make things look broken; to say 'no' to every single thing."
Obama has claimed a major victory this year with the passage of historic health care legislation, despite unanimous Republican opposition to the bill.
Republicans this year have successfully used legislative delaying tactics, forcing Obama's fellow Democrats through a tortuous process to pass major legislation.
The president said that with just six months left before crucial mid-term elections in November, Republicans were hoping to sweep several seats in the Senate and House of Representatives through their obstructionism.
"Their basic attitude has been: 'If the Democrats lose, we win.'"

 “You would have thought at a time of historic crisis that Republican leaders would have been more willing to help us find a way out of this mess,” Obama added. “Particularly since they created the mess.” Watch it:


Shaw Kenawe said...

More of this, please!

We need to hear the president call out the conservatives whose only purpose in political life is to interfere with anything the president does to move the country forward, thereby proving they will always place party above country.

A perfect example of this was McCain's reckless choice of VP candidate, and his running away from everything he has ever stood for in hopes that he'll defeat Hayworth in New Baldonia!

Sue said...

Shaw I find it amazing a portion of the country still falls for the rethuggery. For the people to be so impatient and turn back the clock before its even wound all the way, is CRAZY! But ya can't tell those God-fearers their party is a bunch of do-nothing fuck-ups!

Obama is exactly right, we have to clean up the messes by the rethugs and before we get the chance to finish the job the people bring 'em back. OR Obama will get 3/4 of the way to victory, rethugs will come back into power and take all the credit when the last 1/4 finishes and we have prosperity again!

COME ON people wake up and smell the rotting republican party for what they are!! They sit back, DO NOTHING, then take the credit in the end!

Infidel753 said...

Glad to see he's talking tough. Let's hope it means less time and energy wasted on futile efforts at bipartisanship.

Leslie Parsley said...

He also talked tough to the oil companies. I hope this is a trend.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Obstruction and anger are good for the derivative seling scumbags on Wall Street. Thus, good for the republicans.

The republican motto is to obstruct and serve.

You and you fucking moderation. If you weren't so damn sexy with yor use of the "F" word, I'd be pissed off Sue.

Sue said...

I can't help it, lisa the fuckin loon won't leave me alone! I'm always here for ya sweetie, comment away!

Anonymous said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...


Every FLOTUS has taken up a cause. Remember Nancy Reagan telling young people to "Just Say No!"?

And Laura Bush encouraging young people to read?

Were you out there spittle-flecking about their telling Americans how to live?

Michelle Obama is SUGGESTING that young people eat a healthy diet and exercise more. There is no law mandated over these suggestions.

Here is the craziest part of your rant:

"As long as you believe in their stupid garbage blaming diet and exercise and smoking and boredom and all the crap they peddle."--lisa

It's not "stupid garbage" lisa. You obviously live in a cave and don't get out much. Poor diets, lack of exercise, and smoking actually DO cause poor health.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa the Loon: Find just one registered nutritionist or doctor who supports your misguided claims, then write them up on your blog. I'll be waiting.

The alarm about childhood obesity and its detrimental effects has been ringing for over a decade. FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA is doing our youth a big favor, one that has the potential of saving lives.

There's probably no use in pointing out tht scientific evidence proves that stopping smoking, exercise and eating healthy leads to a more productive and longer life - a good reason to be happy that you believe that this is all a big conspiracy.

I've about decided that you can't be for real. I honestly don't believe I've met anyone quite as stupid as you. I have a mentally challenged cousin who can reason better than you and she's no where near as dense.

Sue said...

what does Michelle Obama and diet police have to do with President Obama's speech? See girls, thats why I delete her and you shouldn't waste your time arguing with the loon. How many times must I tell her she is banned? I guess she can not read or understand the English language...

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue: Go back and click on "LINK" in the very first line.

mommapolitico said...

Now we're talkin'! The American people need to hear our President putting responsibility on the GOP for the mess they've caused and their unwillingness to clean up their mess.

I just hope he continues to call them out for their obstructionism and greed. That needs to be our main talking point right now.

Great post, Sue. Nice job - as always! ;)

mommapolitico said...

Oh, and as for the loon, she's hardly worth wasting your time on, Guys. Those brainwashed by FAUX News will not be persuaded, and hardly have the functional skills to argue, let alone have a civil debate.

Again, Sue, great post.

Sue said...

Hi MommaP, thanks for the visit! I hope our president continues with this calling out attitude, I love it. But the righties call him an arrogant SOB. Well I would be too if I had to deal with arrogant fuckers on the right every day like he does!

radical redneck said...
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