Monday, October 4, 2010

The Chinese are coming for you!

Christine O'Donnell has said some incredible things in her life, most were on the Bill Maher show and are available on YouTube for your viewing and listening pleasure. But this article I am seeing tonight really takes the cake! 
O'Donnell's comments came as she and two other Republican candidates debated U.S. policy on China during Delaware's 2006 Senate primary, which O'Donnell ultimately lost. First of all, can you imagine that dingbat discussing China and U.S. policy??

She said in the debate that China was plotting to take over America! She is claiming to have classified information but could not talk about it, but she added China had a carefully thought out and strategic plan to take over America and accused an opponent in the 2006 Senate primary of appeasement for suggesting that the two countries were economically dependent and should find a way to be allies.

She could not say more, she wishes she could, she wishes she was not privy to such info, but she is privy! OMG....
We know this woman's past, we know she is a religious radical fanatic, we know where she got this privy info...

"A country that forces women to have abortions and mandates that you can only have one child and will not allow you the freedom to read the Bible, you think they can be our friend?" she asked. "We have to look at our history and realize that if they pretend to be our friend it's because they've got something up their sleeve."

When I read this it took me way back when I was somewhere between 12 and 16, (that was a long time ago)
and my dad was saying the same thing to us kids in one of our typical Bible study Saturdays. Back in the late '60's and early1970's he told us the Chinese would storm America and we all would be massacred. Yes, Bud, it's true. Just ask mom. My dad was a fanatical religious man always reading, always studying the Bible, searching, searching, searching for the truth. But then he got caught up in a church that taught the most radical of wingnuttery you can imagine. The Church of God. I believe it was really the church of Satan.....
This is the exact same thing that I am hearing from O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, teabagger candidates and their followers.
These people are FANATICS! Oh another one I just remembered, Sarah Palin, she is in that group too. And now coming out this year, we can add Glenn Beck.

Where is Jerry Falwell when you need him...


TAO said...

Poor Christine...all she wanted was a gig on Faux News and figured the best way to get one was to run for something and lose....

It worked for Palin and Huckabee...

She is such a Christian...she herself said she would have been a Hare Krishna but she couldn't give up meatballs!

The sacrifices she makes for her religion....

Leslie Parsley said...

Gawd. How can anyone take these people seriously?

I think the fact that the GOP has been humping the Tea Party might just end up giving them a STD.

Annette said...

Leslie, we can

I read this and thought it had to be an article from the Onion... seriously, I thought it had to be a joke.. and then like you Sue, I remembered back a ways... (LONG WAYS) when the "commies" and the "Chinee" were coming to get us... They were buying up property and businesses and going to take over from within.

She is really an idiot.... not to mention the fact, who would really give her classified information, just who? That's what scares me about these idiots, if they get elected, they will have clearance to get all kinds of info and I sure don't want them having that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I read on a comment board some rightwinger said that Democrats have a "problem" with good looking GOP women.

Apparently, if a O'Donnell/Palin type candidate appeals to his groin, that is the overriding qualification for holding public office. [That last sentence begs for an intentional typo! LOL!]

O'Donnell is a grinding embarrassment by anyone's estimation, except for those males who think with their--well, you know...


Grung_e_Gene said...

True Story: while employed by the Corps, actually reading classified intel I crafted up a bunch of documents about Area 51 and placed them under a TS cover sheet and left them for a junior intel marine to find, I think they made it to the one paragraph daily Bush crib notes intel briefing...

Shaw Kenawe said...

why are you so focused on a race that O'Donnell can't win.
Why don't you focus on a race where the democrat is losing or in a tight race?
I guess hatred must be a very powerful thing.

First of all, Lisa, we're not expressing hatred, we're expressing ridicule, which O'Donnell so richly deserves--as do the kooks who support her.

Second. You have your own blog.

Why do you come here and demand that Sue "focus" on something that interests YOU?

Since when did you make yourself the hall monitor of Sue's blog?

Sue said...

sorry Shaw, I deleted her at the exact same time you commented!

I was thinking after I deleted her I'd like to say, we are fixated on the GOP nominations because they are so friggin dumb! How can we ignore the face of the GOP??

TOM said...

"Where is Jerry Falwell when you need him... "

No need to raise bigots from the dead, just hope the current bigots die off like Falwell.

Sue said...

TAO, I believe that! She was such a bigmouth showoff on all Mahers shows, she craves the limelight and especially the laughs! What a dumb dork...

Leslie this is why we highlight them, they are unbelievably dumb and to think people vote for them! What has happened to our country??

Annette the only classified info this lameass wanna be Senator has is from religious fanatic's who believe the Chinese are coming for us. All these types think alike, they are all inbreds from Jerry Falwell.

Shaw there might be one sane GOP'er left and I would say he is mighty embarrassed by the bimbos his party is backing for higher office. It's really sad...LOLOL

Gene, REALLY?? That's pretty scary! :-)

Sue said...

Hey Tom! God help us, we sure don't need anymore Jerry Falwells. But then again the wingnut party is full of Falwells! What a creep, the righties sure know how to love a bigot and not think twice about it!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

You guys know by now that I have a song for everyone and everything....

Well, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, Christine O'Donnell! do you say "I am NOT a witch!" in Mandarin?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't have a problem with Christine declining to become a Hare Krishna for her love of meatballs.

My love of the chicks kept me from being a priest. This ayatollah gig is working great.

Harem tryouts later ladies!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Oh yeah. Sue's original post. Darn Chinese commies will soon be taking over Walmart and Home Depot. Olive Garden will be next. Then

jadedj said...

There once was a lass from Delaware,
Who found conspiracies everywhere,
We must admit,
She was full of s**t,
But, she certainly had a loverly pair.

B.J. said...

O’Donnell et al are going to crap their pants if the Chinese dissident wins the Nobel Peace Prize to be announced this week! Mark my words.

BTW, you know what I told you, Sue, about the U.S. citizen-consumer accepting some responsibility? My brand new Microsoft Opticon Wheel Mouse was “made in China.” I paid good old America dollars for it Sunday!

BJ P.S. I would not like to speculate where Jerry Falwell is.

The CDM said...

I'll speculate! He's smoking a turd in hell as the majority of TV evangelists are or will be soon enough.

#1 cause for war/death/destruction in world history: Religion

Next up: Water(future tense)

The first we can do without, not so with the next.