Saturday, October 9, 2010

Obama/Biden going head to head with a "witch"

 I wanna go!! President Obama and VP Joe Biden will be in Delaware next Friday campaigning. Some say why go to Delaware when Chris Coons is leading in the polls, he is double digits ahead of Christine O'Donnell. Well, Delaware LOVES Obama and Biden! O'Donnell is on the defensive with her ad "I'm not a witch", so sad, so very sad for her because she really is a witch ;-). OKAY, she's not a witch, but she will never be a Senator, thank God...

So why are the President and VP spending time in DE?  A party strategist says this..

 "Elevating O'Donnell as the face of the Tea Party isn't a bad thing," said the strategist. "Think about the tightening [in the polls] after she got nominated. The money that started rolling in. She's Sarah Palin. She causes people to pause and say, 'Whoa, this is who the Tea Party is. Do we really want to hand them the keys to the kingdom'."

While one prominent Democrat warned, "If you end up making women the object of ridicule it could end up a big mistake." This is not what the president intends on doing. O'Donnell has campaigned on a tea party platform and Pres.Obama is correct in making O'Donnell the face of the tea party. The women in Delaware, and around the country, do not want that kind of woman representing them in the Senate. Her views are not mainstream, but so radical as to take women's rights back to the 1800's!

From the NY Daily News...
Christine O'Donnell wants to know secrets.
The Tea-Party favorite and Republican Senate nominee said on Friday that she "would love" to sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if she wins her race in November.
She acknowledged the desire while being interviewed on her stances on Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran by Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, Congressional newspaper The Hill, reported.
When asked if she thinks it's inevitable that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons, O'Donnell said "You know, I don't know. I don't have access to the intelligence information that would help make that decision. Perhaps as a U.S. Senator sitting on the Foreign Relations Committee, I will…I would love that."
On Iran, she said the U.S. needs to strengthen its military, giving a shout out to former President Ronald Reagan.
"His foreign policy was summed up in four words—‘We win, they lose'. And he did that by not backing down, by not compromising, by strengthening our military and making it once again that the threat of military action, U.S. military action, had some teeth to it. Right now, it doesn't, and that's tragic."

The woman is hilarious. Some say do not make fun of these moron teabaggers, they are dangerous and can't be taken lightly. I say phooey! This woman will never be a Senator!  The Foreign Relations Committee??? LMFAO! How dare she demean our military! She is demeaning our military and our president during wartime! Is that allowed? I don't think so and she will not get away with this latest statement of absurdity!


Leslie Parsley said...
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Leslie Parsley said...

Goofed. 2nd try.

She's not going anywhere. No substance, no brains, no nothingand a card carrying whacko. A typical tea bagging woman.

Annette said...

She has a revisionist history too.. Reagan wasn't all that strong on the Military.. All he could do was trade arms with the contra rebels and with Iran.

Infidel753 said...

Elevating O'Donnell as the face of the Tea Party isn't a bad thing

Good strategy. She's the most visibly-nutty figure they've put forward. Best to stick her onto the rest of the teabaggers like a lead weight around their necks.

The only way this could go wrong is if she waves her wand and turns Obama and Biden into frogs:-)

but so radical as to take women's rights back to the 1800's!

And science back to 1800 BC.

When asked if she thinks it's inevitable that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons, O'Donnell said "You know, I don't know.

She's just curious about whether Ahmadinejad masturbates over his fantasies of exterminating the Jews with nuclear bombs (which he probably does).

Sue, just watch. Very soon one or more of your right-wing trolls will show up trying to make fun of how "liberals are obsessed with O'Donnell". You've seen it before. They know she's a horrendous embarrassment to their side, so they desperately want to discourage anyone from talking about her.

Sue said...


This teabagger Senator wanna be is the face of the TP, it is good strategy. We all know how intelligent Obama is with campaigning, the right hates that about him too.

Did ya see Boner in a rally this week? He did his quirky little scream "HELL NO" something or other... he sounds like a 5 yr old saying a bad word in front of his mommy. He is so weird!!! Come on righties can't you see the disgusting losers your party is trying to force on the people?? WEIRDOS...

Silverfiddle said...

"There's only room for one witch on this hill!" Pelosi was overheard saying...

Sue said...

I like Nancy Pelosi,
I think she is a strong woman and hardworking speaker. That's why righties hate her...

Shaw Kenawe said...

" strengthening our military and making it once again that the threat of military action, U.S. military action, had some teeth to it. Right now, it doesn't, and that's tragic." --O'Donnell

Every time she opens her mouth she says something excruciatingly stupid, and that statement is no exception.

She give no example of how the US military doesn't have any teeth. She's too dumb to understand that the US military was the military we had under Bush and it still is. So her stupid statement is an indictment of the Bush administration because the Iraq war --no teeth? Was fought with Bush's military.

She's an embarrassment to not just the GOP, but to our education system and to this country. The Tea Baggers who support this brainless wonder don't know what smart is and when it does come their way, they call it communist.

Make this woman the face of the Tea Bag Party--it IS who they are.

Anti-evolution, anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-rational, anti-education, anti-everything. They are the party of fear and loathing.

Oh, BTW, wasn't it SF who came to your blog Sue and scolded someone for name-calling a few days ago? And all he had to offer on this subject is that Pelosi is a witch?

Oh, how that must hurt Speaker Pelosi!


Sue said...

shocking isn't it Shaw? I can't believe a military man like SF didn't condemn O'Donnell for her horrific comments degrading our men and women in the military!

The witch is the one who is tragic...she's a tragic mistake the voters will soon realize!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hi Sue,

I took the test. I'm a "realityo-based intellectualist." Ha. But the last question I wanted to choose all of them for my answer, not just one group! LOL!

If you could pile any three people into a naked pyramid, who would you choose?

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld
The CEOs of Exxon, Chevron, and Shell
Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito
Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling, Andrew Fastow, and the ghost of Ken Lay
Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh
Revs. Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and Ted Haggard

I chose O'Reilly, Coulter, and Limbaugh because I loved imagining the nekkid Coulter betwee two nekkid asshats.

But I also laughed over the mental image of the three nekkid Supreme Court Justices! LOL!

Lisa G. said...

I don't know Infidel - I can't decide if O'Donell or Angle are nuttier - it's kind of a toss up in my mind.

I think they should go out to NV and help out poor Harry - not that he's my favorite and I would vote no on him being the Senate Majority leader in a second, but he's neck and neck with that crazy beeatch Angle, which I have no idea how that is even possible (maybe those people spent too much time in the LV sun and it fried their brain or something). The man needs help and a lot of it. NOW!

Sue said...

Shaw that's funny! I chose Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. I think my title describes me perfectly!

Sue said...

Lisa I could not agree more! I want Reid to win but kicked off as majority leader. He is too friggin wimpy! I believe in the end Reid will win, even Nevada can't be so stupid to put Angle in the Senate.

Jolly Roger said...

Sister Christine is the descendant of Bozo the Clown, after all. What did you expect?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As the supreme religious authority of our blog community I must say that supporting O'Donnell, Angle and any other tea bagger is a grave sin.

There are some "sins" that are justified. Such as stealing a loaf of bread from a guard to feed a sick comrade in a prison camp.

The tea baggers are stupid by choice. That is a sin which leads to more sinful acts such as supporting most republicans and repeating their lies (talking points) incessantly on fine blogs such as this one.

No virgins for them!