Thank you so much Malcolm, you have done a superb job disputing Malcontents distaste for the CBC and other organizations he feels are not worthy of our time and taxpayer money. You will come away from reading this post with a better understanding of what the CBC is about and the good works they do for all Americans.
I hope you read this and leave your comments to Malcolm, thanks!
First off, I want to thank Sue for asking me if I’d be interested in
writing a rebuttal to a post by Malcontent titled “What the Hell Is a
Black Caucus and Why Are They Allowed to Exist?” At first glance,
someone not familiar with “Malcontent” might mistake his post for being a
Stephen Colbertesque piece of satire. Sadly, it quickly becomes
evident that Malcontent is dead serious.
Malcontent asks what do organizations such as the Congressional
Black Caucus (CBC) and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) do beside
spread racism, yet he offers no evidence to back up his claim. I did
some digging to find out just what type of “nefarious” activities the
CBC and the CHC had planned.
Below are just some of the items on the agenda for the CBC:
Promote Educational Reinvestment in Low Income & Disadvantaged African American Communities
Increase Access to Economic Security
Provide Just Housing Options
Address Global Poverty
Also, the CHC has a variety of task forces
set up to focus on issues pertaining to the Latino community. They
include, but are not limited to, the following:
Agriculture and Rural Community
Civil Rights, Veterans and Worker Protections
Communications, Technology and the Arts
Education and Job Training
Damn those racist bastards in the CBC and the CHC!!
If you’d like more details on the positive activities conducted by the CBC and the CHC, please visit their websites:
goes on to question why President Obama would attend meetings held by
the CBC or the CHC. He seems to be implying that President Obama is the
first Commander-in-Chief to do so and as a result, is being racially
divisive. After doing a Google search (which took me all of a few
minutes), I learned that George W. Bush met with the CBC and the CHC
during his Presidency. Here’s a question for the anti-CBC/CHC crowd:
Does the fact that Bush met with these groups make him a racial divider?
In a perfect world, there would be no need for the CBC, the CHC and
other types of special interest groups. Because fairness and equality
have yet to be achieved by everyone in this country, these groups serve a
purpose. I don’t see a problem with groups who have historically been
victims of discrimination taking the initiative in making their
situation better. Why do some right-wingers see this as a threat?
Malcontent later steers the crazy train off the tracks by proposing
that we do away with all sorts of benign black-oriented
organizations/enterprises. The United Negro College Fund, Miss Black
America, The Black Award shows, Black newspapers, Black Magazines, Black
Holidays are just a few of his targets. Again, it goes back to the “in a
perfect world” comment I made earlier. These entities weren’t created
with the intent of separating the races. Because of the lack of
adequate and/or accurate representation within other mainstream outlets,
publications/events such as Jet magazine, The NAACP Image Awards, The
Black Chronicle, and the Miss Black USA Pageant were launched. The
creators recognized a void and sought to fill it. I would think the
right-wingers (who are always championing self-reliance) would applaud
these efforts.
As for those who join Malcontent in wanting to see an end to the United Negro College Fund, chew on this:
Partial List of Scholarships for White Americans
For good measure, along with the aforementioned black-oriented organizations/enterprises, Malcontent wants to make like Anthony Fremont
and wish Affirmative Action into the proverbial cornfield. This is yet
another instance of “In a perfect world…“. As a supporter of
Affirmative Action, what I find frustrating is that whenever I hear
people say it needs to be eliminated, they do so under the assumption
that the primary beneficiaries are minorities (mainly African
Americans). This is simply is not true. It may come as a surprise to
some of the opponents of Affirmative Action that the primary
beneficiaries of these policies are white women. Here is the link to an
informative article:
closing, the U.S. has made great strides in eliminating
discrimination. However, we still have work to do. As a result, I
feel there is a need for groups such as the CBC and the CHC. What
people who oppose these types of organizations don’t understand is if
it’s good for the (fill in the blank with the group of your choice)
community, it’s good for the country. I know it’s a dirty word amongst
many conservatives, but I think they could use a heaping helping of
empathy. A side dish of knowledge regarding race matters past and
present in this country wouldn’t hurt either.
Trump Moves To Destroy The Free Press By Handpicking Who Will Get To Cover
The White House announced that they will now handpick the White House Press
Pool, and determine who gets to cover Trump, not the White House
2 hours ago
Great post Malcolm, and thanks for enlightening everyone on this issue.
People like "the malcontent" are not interested in facts, therefore, most of his fevered rants lack them.
I guess it's better for him to release his fury in a factless blog post than have him set kittens on fire.
An enlightened person would realize that this country is rife with all sorts of special ethnic groups: The Sons of Italy, The Hibernian Club, The Hillel Foundation, The DAR, La Raza, just to name a few. All catering to their special heritage and ethnic backgrounds.
It is interesting to note how it is only the groups that apply to African Americans that the malcontent expersses his rage.
That's all we need to know to understand what his ignorance is based on.
Thanks again, Malcolm. Great information.
It is sad that in a so-called civilized and enlightened society in the year 2010 we still have hate-filled ignoramuses such as the malcontent and his ilk. Wonder what he thinks, if he thinks, about white patriot groups.
Excellent article, Malcolm. Got it right this time. ; )
Thank you Malcom! Easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to see the hatred of Malcontent.
According to my tracking device Mal(or his friends) has been by to read this post. I wonder if he saw the light, if he'll turn from his racist, hateful views. Nah, probably not. He enjoys his rants and raves that fire up his following of hateful punks.
Well done Malcolm! A home run!
Do you think there still a need for The Conservative Caucus, or does it still exist for guys with a man-crush on Rush Limbaugh and others who not so secretly lust for sister Sarah?
As Linda Richman from SNL used to say..."Discuss!".
the malcontent doesn't care a whit about what we say concerning his rampaging rant over the Congressional Black Caucus.
And he's devoted an entire post to telling everyone how much he doesn't care.
Shaw I saw it! For a split second I felt sorry for him, but that's the liberal caring heart I have, I even care for the dumbasses...:-)
I wonder which of his friends will comment and stick up for him. Ooooooh BTW, did you notice the slip of the tongue?? He said his BLOGS, NOT BLOG!!
never mind, I read it wrong..
Shaw: Thank you very much! It takes very little time and even less intellect to toss off the fact-free rants that seem to be the forte of Malcontent.
Oh yeah, I did notice the primary target of Malcontent’s rant. With the exception of the CHC, everything else he wanted to do away with was Black related. If nothing else, Malcontent is very focused in his racism.
Tnlib: Thank you! The various ethnic groups such as the ones mentioned by Shaw help make this country great. It boggles my mind why people are threatened by this. Personally, I welcome the opportunity to learn about cultures that differ from my own. ,
ExpressoSelf: I appreciate the kind words! To me, the more Malcontent posts, the more he exposes himself.
Sue: Sad to say, Malcontent didn’t see the light. I would love for him and any of his readers to come here and debate me on anything I’ve said.
By the way, I read Malcontent’s “rebuttal” to my post. For someone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass what us so-called moonbat morons and dingbats say and do, he sure had a lot to say.
Hugh: Thanks man! Although I’m not sure if there is still a need for a conservative caucus, its existence doesn’t bother me. Given the fact that there is such a political divide in this country, the Chairman of the conservative caucus (Howard Phillips) has kept a low profile.
Your comment about Sarah Palin is similar to my theory about some of her male supporters. I think her appeal to them is partly based on her physical attractiveness. If Sarah said and did the same things as she does now, but looked like The Bride of Frankenstein, I don’t think they’d be such ardent supporters.
BTW- Sue, didn't you have a wedding to go to? Your sister, if I recall?
How was it?
Thanks again Malcolm for a great post, I appreciate it as do all my friends here. Too bad no conservatives showed up, guess they are afraid to go up against an expert! :-)))
Hugh, yes my older sisters second marriage. It was nice. Amelia danced like the Energizer Bunny then came home with us to spend the night. Thanks for asking!
From "the malcontent" blog:
Do I Care If These Moonbat Morons Bring In Their Experts Analysis Dingbats to Give Their Asinine Opinions About My Blog?
Why yes. Yes you do. You've dedicated an entire blog post to telling us you do.
Comedy gold.
the fucker just called me big bertha!! LOL! If he thinks he is right then why so afraid to come here and debate Malcolm?? He is a PUSSY!!
BTW Mal, I invited Malcolm because he can write the truth in a much more eloquent way then I ever could! I am in awe of my wonderful blogger friends and their writing skills!
Don't get upset, Sue.
the malcontent deals with his angst by calling women names. How brave and manly of him! LOL!
He's called me a hag and a bag and put up a photo of a funny looking old lady, supposedly representing me.
It's embarrassingly juvenile and stoops to the level of a 10-year old.
Laughter and ridicule are the best defenses against such puerile pranks.
I did laugh Shaw, he is such a child. I wonder if he's really a 15 yr old?
Mal and the Utah girls are lurking about....HI GIRLS!!! Leave a rebuttal please!
very well done malcolm...
Thanks Dave for the kind words and for commenting on my RRHOF post at Pop Culture Dish.
To all: Have you checked out the update on Malcontent's post. It is priceless! I always enjoy a good laugh and he didn't disappoint.
the malcontent continues to tell his readers that he's not paying attention to us lefties, while continuing to read every word we write.
Malcolm I did go by today, he is a trip! Oh he has been lurking here and reading every comment. Anyone up for going over there and having some fun??
Hi Dave, Malcolm did a good job didn't he. And there was no hate towards Mal, just a reButtal to the Butt head.... :-)))
Woah!!! I missed a lot. I have some reading to do. Sorry I am late. I will be on later tonight. I have therapy after work and then a meeting at 7:00pm.
Donna M
Sorry I missed this. Malcontent is ...Well...a malcontent and a ranting, raving lunatic, if you ask me. It is so easy to spout negative propaganda and name call while hiding a blog. What a brave man he is.
hi pjazzy! I'm glad you came by to read Malcolms post. He's a great guy huh! I hope you'll come by often, good to meet ya!
Thanks Sue! Malcolm is great, but I am biased, he is my uncle :-)
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