Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trying to restore sanity......

No, I'm not gonna say which rally was bigger, Jon Stewarts or Glenn Becks. I'm not gonna compare the trash left behind like every rightwing blogger will.........That's not what's important to "our" side. What's important is the message. In Jons closing speech he said  "We live in hard times, not end times."
Stewart sharply criticizes the media, saying, "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing." Adds that it's insulting to not distinguish between real racists and Tea Partiers, and real bigots and Juan Williams/Rick Sanchez.
"The press is our immune system. If we overreact to everything, we actually get sicker."

What is obvious to me is the Stewart rally was not about dividing Americans, but about "Restoring Sanity" to America.. The people were there to have fun, not to hear talk about our president and leaders in Washington, whether or not they are destroying America, and how we can get the evil-doers out of the White House and Congress.

 Becks rally was divisive, pitting the Christian right against the liberal left. Beck and Palin were speaking to teabaggers, it was not a bi-partisan rally. It was a rally for Christians and how to take back their country from the liberals, how they need to turn to God to solve the country's problems. It was partisan hate, not the love fest they want you to believe.

A woman called in the C-Span program after the rally and said she was a Christian but that does not mean she has to be a Republican. She urged all her Christian family and friends to give President Obama a chance. She said he is not the evil person out to destroy America like the righties claim he is. Her statements gave me hope that the country is paying attention, that we are mostly sane, intelligent people and we will vote for the party who has OUR best interests at heart. There IS a difference between the parties....

From the Christian Science Monitor:
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington has sparked more than 1,160 mini-rallies in 84 countries, morphing into something of a global political happening.
The last time a political rally in America gained such international traction was during the 2003 protests against the Iraq war, says Timothy Patrick McCarthy, director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
"I have been surprised by the proliferation of rallies worldwide," says Dr. McCarthy. "But I’m not sure what it means. I don’t know if this is just an outlet for people who share frustrations to come together for some cathartic exercise of political relief. But one of the things I think is interesting is there is a lot of anger and disaffection across the political spectrum."
Both American expatriates and foreign fans of "The Daily Show" and its creator, Mr. Stewart, are organizing meet-ups Saturday – everywhere from London to Tel Aviv to Seoul – to concur with the rally on the Washington Mall.
While many criticize Stewart's gathering as lacking a clear focus, some Americans living abroad say it has inspired them to take part in next week's election. Mr. Stewart organized his rally in reaction to Glenn Beck's Aug. 28 gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.

It was a great day in Washington, the rally was a success, and hopefully it moved people to VOTE on Tuesday. Someone has to restore sanity in this country, so why not Stewart and Colbert? I love them...


Annette said...

I thought this, ""We live in hard times, not end times." was almost the best statement he made.

It was one of the very best comments of the day I thought. What a beautiful site it was. I don't know if it was bigger than Beck's nor do I care, as Jon said it was a very clear slice of America, different races, religions and beliefs all on display.

Wish I could have been there, but I watched it on Comedy Central, rather than one of the other channels because I wanted to see it without the commentary.

Sue said...

Annette when I heard him say that I went straight for Google to find his whole closing speech. It was a great one and when I find it in its entirety I'll post it.

I watched it on C-Span, then listened to callers calling into the program afterwards. There were alot of people calling in to say they were republicans but were voting dem because of all the hate coming from the teabaggers. Interesting huh?!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Good for Jon Stewart.

His message is positive and inclusive.

Nothing like the divisive and hate-filled rhetoric of the asshats Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin.

The extremists have nothing to contriubute.

Get out there and vote on Tuesday!

Silverfiddle said...

It says something about liberalism that a comedian draws a bigger crowd than that pathetic political farce a few week back when the bussed in all the union people.

Did the "dude" Barack show up for Stewart's show?

Leslie Parsley said...

SF - sucking sour grapes again? What's the difference between these comedians holding a rally and Beck who admits to being a clown? Apparently you didn't hear this line:

‎"If we amplify everything, we hear nothing."

I have been in a bit of a funk for the last few days but immediately became uplifted - not only by the speeches but by the number of people - you know the ones, those who had to pay their own way. That's called making a sacrifice for a cause one believes in rather than being a whore to corporate America.

Silverfiddle said...

@"If we amplify everything, we hear nothing."

That's right up there with "We are the change we've been waiting for."

It will take more than empty platitudes to fix what's broken.

And anyway, when you amplify everything, you hear everything, only louder.

Anyone who's ever been in a rock band can tell you that.

For crying out loud, do liberals even think before spouting such crap?

Leslie Parsley said...

"It will take more than empty platitudes to fix what's broken."

Is this why the Republicans just keep saying NO and the TPers run around screaming, "I want my country back?"

"when you amplify everything, you hear everything, only louder."

Say what? I can't hear.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SF, Glenn Beck a self-identified rodeo clown and recovering dirt bag pulled in a large crowd at Beck's hate-fest! Remember?

I think you need to STFU about who draws crowds for which party.

Also, when you amplify the magnitude of a sound wave, you're increasing the height of the wave, not the frequency, and if sufficiently high, it WILL destroy your eardrums, thus you will hear NOTHING.

Okay, amigo?

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue, I put the top photo on my FB. Can't wait to hear some wing-nut say these guys don't know how to spell Fox!!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Silverfish; you are a giant, hollowed out rectum who's purpose is to echo right wing bullshit.

You go along with the obstructionist republicans because you are a mere sheep with no independent thought.

Do you enjoy being a dupe? Is it an S&M thing between you and the masters of the right wing?

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"It's very motivating for conservatives to have that stereotyped group of Manhattan elitists, know-it-alls, snarky, smarmy liberals to be looking down on average Americans."- Andrew Breitbart on the Rally to Restore Sanity.

My answer to Mr. Bretbart....I guess you're taking a break from doctoring videos (ie, Shirley Sherrod),heh?

And for the record, Colbert is from South Carolina and Stewart from the other side of Jersey, Lawrenceville, across the Delaware River from Bucks County, PA. Nowhere near Manhattan.

The lyin' SOB can't even get that distortion right.

Sue said...

hey guys! fun huh?! LOL! What a great day for America, we had someone to make us laugh and be happy instead of the wingnut fearmongering and hate fest.

Not sure I can be back on here til tomorrow. The boo boo is here spending the night with the gam gam...

love you great liberal friends of mine..

Leslie Parsley said...

Hughg: Funny you should mention Freitfart. Just read in the WaPo that ABC has hired him as a contributor and reports that the staff is none to happy about it.

Silverfiddle said...

Wow! I don't think I've ever been called a hollowed out rectum before...

I feel a Jeff Foxworthy moment coming on...

You might be a liberal if you believe "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing" is a profound statement, but "Don't spend more than you take in" is a ridiculous rightwing talking point.

Leslie Parsley said...

SF: "You might be a liberal if you believe "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing"

or, you might be a conservative if you believe, "If we simplify everything, we hear nothing."

Teeluck said...

I wish there was a "Like" button on the comments. :)
Great post Sue!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're the one that schills for the party of spend and borrow Silverfish.

You can run from your lies and misleads, but the stench echoing from you gives them away.

B.J. said...

Thanks, Sue. I don’t have TV, so was very happy to find your recap of the rallies. BJ

Jerry Critter said...

"What is obvious to me is the Stewart rally was not about dividing Americans,..."

So right you are. Republicans strive to divide. Democrats unite.

And whoever cannot see that, is blind as a bat.

Flying Junior said...

Did the "dude" Barack show up for Stewart's show?

I don't think so, o thou of the greatly-enlarged cranium. I'm pretty sure that I did see a YouTube clip of the two men talking on some kind of a TV show.

If the great one showed up at Jon's rally, how could he reach out to the poor lost republicans who are not completely without hope? An appearance by the president, the object of so much hatred and derision 24/7 on every minute of FOX News programming and every republican talking points morning radio show could only be seen as an attempt to further divide our nation.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Silverfiddle has been correctly identified as a troll by our esteemed cephalopod, (O)CT(O)PUS.

He comes here only to denigrate us and our values, thinking that he's expressed something profound and of great importance when essentially he's the alligorical turd in the punch bowl.

He's not interested in discussion or expressing a differing opinion. All he does on this comment section is try to impress us with his witheringly inane observations and junior high school level wit.

BTW, Mr. Obama's job approval is right where Saint Ronnie's was at this point in his presidency. And Reagan wasn't facing the level of ill will and hatred that Mr. Obama has had to endure, nor the catastrophic conditions that Bush &Co. left behind for another administration to clean up.

Sue said...


Shaw SF has turned himself into a punching bag lately, that's too bad. I welcomed the conservative point of view here but lately they just want to prove their closed-minds and offer up smart-ass comments.

Sue said...

for SF to call our president a dude is really just showing his immaturity, and quite frankly his jealousy that Barack Obama is still so popular with the masses. The righties hate when the liberals rally because it shows the younger generation is embracing liberalism in huge numbers. That's another one of their fears. This is why they want their kids sheltered from normal American families and public schools.

Silverfiddle said...

John Stewart called President Obama dude, which is what I was alluding to.

President Obama went on his show and, shades of W, said Larry Summers was doing a heck of a job.

Stewart responded “You don't want to use that phrase, dude."

Sue said...

I guess we stand corrected SF, thanks for clearing that up...

Silverfiddle said...

No problem Sue.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Oh what the goes.

"You might be a liberal if you believe government is NOT the problem; rather it's the failure of those WE, the people, have chosen to govern us".

Liberal or conservative, it all gets back to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to one degree or another.

And put simply, any government is only as good as the people we choose to govern.

So get out there and vote tomorrow, goddammitt!

Silverfiddle said...

I gotta agree with Hugh Jee.

We get the government we deserve.

Jerry Critter said...

In general, I agree. We do get the government we deserve. In fact, I have probably said it myself...


it is getting harder and harder to know what we are getting. Political campaigning is turning into sound bites, distortions, and lies. In-depth reporting is a thing of the past as is reading in-depth reporting. I think they go hand in hand. Now we have unlimited money being poured into campaigns with no accountability and no knowledge of where the money is coming from.

Money has always ruled, but the money stick is getting bigger and bigger.