Monday, October 11, 2010

Deliver us from EVIL....

When I first read this email from MoveOn I did not read it as something funny but Flying Juniors comment made me go back and reread and check the MoveOn email again. This is what they said that I left out.....

 It's too bad antitrust laws only cover mergers between corporations because these days it seems as though the Republican Party itself has become just another arm of the biggest multinational corporations.
The GOP barely even pretend to represent the interests of voters anymore. Well that got us thinking: what does this near merger actually look like?
The best way to stop these corporate front groups from stealing our election is to make sure as many people as possible know they're trying to do it—and we created this chart as a fun way to spread the word. Can you help?

Hover over the elements of the takeover plan to find out more. And be sure to tell your friends about RepubliCorp's big plans:
The Cabal of Multinational Corporations is pleased to formally announce RepubliCorpTM, a new combined entity following our complete merger with the Republican Party.
RepubliCorpTM combines the ethics-free campaigning savvy of the GOP with the limit-free spending power of Corporate AmericaTM. This merger is precisely timed: With the recent Citizens United ruling finally placing the United States Government on the open market, RepubliCorpTM is now perfectly positioned to lead our hostile takeover bid, currently scheduled for completion on November 2nd 2010.
See below for the restructuring plan for the takeover bid, designed to maximize the impressive array of assets which are now—or soon will be—wholly owned subsidiaries of RepubliCorpTM:

Established Subsidiaries

Republican National Committee

Public Relations
This unit has a proud track record of mass-marketing corporate priorities and training our political associates to serve us in government. Unfortunately, funding transparency laws and the GOP’s visible contempt for the American people will pose a serious challenge to this unit until all campaign finance regulations are repealed and the GOP’s image is sanitized. Of course, these are two of RepubliCorp’sTM top priorities for 2011.

US National Chamber of Commerce

Revenue Generation and Political Enforcement
This unit has an unparalleled capacity to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to corporate candidates and lobbying operations. While recent accusations of tax fraud, money laundering, and soliciting donations from foreign corporations have posed minor setbacks, these will be quickly resolved following our US Government takeover.

Fox News

Left unchecked, an informed electorate poses a serious risk to our long-term interests. Thankfully, this unit has demonstrated a best-in-class ability to ensure a healthy climate of constant fear, driven by unquestioned RepubliCorpTM talking points, perfect for achieving and maintaining our full ownership of the US Government.

Republican Governors Association

HR and Development
Funded by other subsidiaries such as Fox News and major oil companies, the recent merger will allow full integration of this growing campaign asset into the RepubliCorpTM family.

New Business Units

We’re proud to bolster our hostile takeover bid with an outstanding set of new divisions, led by the very best in the field political manipulation.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP)

Founded in 2004 by Oil and Gas billionaires the Koch Brothers, AFP is the industry-leading expert in converting corporate funds into the appearance of grassroots support. The well-financed force behind the “tea party” apparatus, AFP will ensure RepubliCorpTM appears to be on the side of “the people” for years to come.

American Crossroads

While protesting that he doesn’t, Karl Rove (see staff profile) will lead this unit with a healthy $60 million budget. Unfettered by principles and funded by billionaires, this unit’s deceptive and negative advertising will considerably strengthen our takeover bid.

American Action Network

RepubliCorpTM was proud to hire disgraced politicians Norm Coleman, Haley Barbour and Jeb Bush to run this division. AAN is posed to spend $25 million on attack ads in 2010, and is fully immune from disclosure thanks to Citizens United and the Senate's fortuitous failure to pass the DISCLOSE Act.

Americans for Job Security

This unit has faced troublesome allegations in the past of hiding its revenue and illegally funding corporate money into deceptive electioneering. Despite that, this unit soldiers on, running political strategy for the narrow self-interest of our donors. Thankfully, once our takeover is complete, this highly effective branch of RepubliCorpTM will be able to advance our interests without fear of accountability.

Planned Acquisitions

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

U.S. Supreme Court

White House (2012)

Staff Profiles

RepubliCorpTM shareholders can be confident that our hostile take over bid for the US Government is in the hands of an all-star team of executives who are passionate about transferring power from voters to corporations—and have the track record to back it up.

Rep. John Boehner

CEO-Designate, Government Division
As the top Congressional Republican, Mr. Boehner is a life-long pioneer in bringing corporate power deep into government. He set the new standard in 1996 when he when he physically distributed checks from tobacco lobbyists to Republicans on the floor of the US House of Representatives. Just imagine what his leadership can do for RepubliCorpTM once the takeover is complete.

Rupert Murdoch

Vice President For Corporate Communications
Mr. Murdoch is not just a principle investor in RepubliCorpTM but a passionate advocate of replacing journalism with corporate PR. He will now fully devote his considerable talent to our hostile takeover bid for the US Government, and ensure voters are sufficiently frightened and misinformed to avoid any interference from below.

Karl Rove

Marketing Director
A legend who needs no introduction, ‘The Prince of Darkness’ has proven the boundary between politics and governance is just an antiquated formality by bringing the same fear-mongering, divisive agenda into George W Bush’s Whitehouse as he made famous on the campaign trail. RepubliCorpTM shareholders can rest easy knowing our takeover bid and future administration plans for the US Government are in Mr. Rove’s experienced hands.

Rand Paul

Diversity and Equal Employment Solutions
Cumbersome laws promoting diversity and equal employment opportunity have long bedeviled many of our private sector subsidiaries. Following our government takeover, Mr. Paul will be retained at the ‘Senator’ level and lead the effort to eliminate these tiring restrictions. With a long track record of outspoken opposition to key provisions of the civil rights Act, Mr. Paul is clearly the right executive for this delicate task.

Sarah Palin

Director of Outreach and Incitement
Until our R&D engineers at Diebold are able to perfect the Fully Automated Voting System, individual voters still pose a potentially threatening externality to our takeover bid. And nothing disturbs voters like facts. That’s why RepubliCorpTM is proud to retain Ms. Palin, the world’s leading authority on the replacement of facts with folksy talking points and Facebook posts. Ms. Palin’s legendary ability to neutralize voters though inciting and misdirecting anger while obfuscating our activities makes her an irreplaceable addition to our senior executive team.

Thomas J. Donohue

Executive Vice President for Fundraising and Arm-Twisting
Mr. Donohue’s excellent leadership of the US Chamber of Commerce makes him an invaluable asset to the takeover bid leadership staff. He has demonstrated a prodigious talent for converting corporate wealth into unrivaled DC influence, and a healthy penchant for money laundering and deceptive smear campaigning against politicians who refuse to join our business units. And the vast quantity of consumer dollars that secretly flow into US Chamber political coffers ensures a reliable revenue source even in a worst-case-scenario outbreak of voter awareness and outrage.

Michael Steele

Chief Morale Officer
Mr. Steele has raised all of our spirits over the past year as Chairman of our newly acquired GOP unit with his knee-slapping gaffes, lesbian bondage excursion scandals and astounding ability to retain a straight face despite his kind-hearted buffoonery. While we are confident of success, hostile government takeovers can be grueling affairs, and we are excited to have secured Mr. Steele a permanent slot on our senior team to keep the smiles coming.

Glenn Beck

Director, Conspiracy Unit
At RepubliCorpTM we know that customer service comes first. And nothing interferes in our ability to serve our corporate customers like voters who demand know ‘what’s going on here.’ That’s why we've found Mr. Beck’s conspiracy unit to consistently yield amongst the highest ROI’s of any RepubliCorpTM division. With just a healthy imagination, a common blackboard, famously flexible ethics, and the integrated support of our Fox News unit, Mr. Beck has provided millions of voters with carefully fabricated answers to their questions, expertly diverting their concerns and even enlisting them as inadvertent supporters of our takeover bid.

The Koch Brothers

Chief Investors, Shareholders, and Chairmen of the Board
Nothing proves the unofficial RepubliCorpTM motto: ‘billionaires know best’ like the inspiring story of David and Charles Koch. These visionary brothers understand that hard work is the engine of progress, and no one will work hard if they think that once they become billionaires they will still be expected to pay taxes like regular suckers. As billionaires themselves, the Koch’s have selflessly contributed over $100 million to a series of RepubliCorpTM campaigns to remove the yoke of reasonability from billionaires’ shoulders and thus unleash the hidden potential of this great nation. RepubliCorpTM is humbled to have this duo as our chief investors, shareholders, and Chairmen of the Board.


Cirze said...

Who is this ass, Lisa?

Or am I being redundant?

And is she bothering you, Sue?

Just delete scammers who have nothing to offer to solving our huge problems but rightwing nonsense cant.

You've got 'em dead on, girl.

You rock!

And I love the way they say:

proud to hire disgraced politicians Norm Coleman, Haley Barbour and Jeb Bush to run this division.

Being readied for their next stolen election?

President Jebbie!


Thankfully, this unit has demonstrated a best-in-class ability to ensure a healthy climate of constant fear, driven by unquestioned RepubliCorpTM talking points, perfect for achieving and maintaining our full ownership of the US Government.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Founded in 2004 by Oil and Gas billionaires the Koch Brothers, AFP is the industry-leading expert in converting corporate funds into the appearance of grassroots support. The well-financed force behind the “tea party” apparatus, AFP will ensure RepubliCorpTM appears to be on the side of “the people” for years to come.


Sue said...

Suzan good to see ya! Yes, lisa is the troll who won't shut up, even after I tell her to shut the fuck up she STILL comes back! I put her comments in SPAM but it's NOT WORKING!! Grrrrrrrr!

This article I got from

It was too large to put in the post the way they showed it but still very effective huh??! Our country is being stolen out from under us and now it's OUR turn to say "give us back our country"!!

Thanks for the comment, YOU ROCK!

Cirze said...

Thanks, Sue!

These days we gotta be vigilant.

Delete these spammer/scammers!

Wonder how much Karl the Wonder Dog is paying her to disrupt real discussions?


Love ya!


Our country is being stolen out from under us and now it's OUR turn to say "give us back our country"!!

One Fly said...

The coffin lid is just about done nailed down.

Sue said...

we're stayin' on top of things Suzan!

OF, No, it's not nailed down, that means our side is giving in. We have only just begun to fight! Come on OF, you gotta get that fighting spirit going, don't let those fuckers win!!

Leslie Parsley said...

I don't understand why your comment spam isn't working. Are you going to dashboard and clicking comment & sending that twit's b.s. to spam before you view your blog? I'd just keep doing it for awhile. It's bound to kick in sooner or later.

I received this as well. Good post.

Flying Junior said...


You so totally rule. That's the funniest, most dead serious blog post I've ever seen. I haven't laughed that hard since I soloed four joints in my garage/fort at Dad's house on New Year's Day 1977 watching the W.C. Fields/Marx Brothers marathon.

Keep up the good work sister. Should be required reading for any poli-sci course.

Sue said...

Leslie, yes I do. It seemed to work in the very beginning but now it's not.

Junior, your comment made me reread this in a whole different light, I did not see it as funny at first but ya know, it really is funny!

Did anyone else see this post as funny?? I'm gonna go reread the MoveOn email again...

Flying Junior said...

Well, it's either laugh or cry.

People forget that we really are one people. They let these political and philosophical arguments cause a deep divide. Manners are forgotten. But it's the people that are striving to bridge this divide that are doing good work. You can take on your opponents with respect and good humor. For the most part, we all care about the same things in life. Family, youth, friendship. Gardens, forests, rivers. Beautiful cascading rivers in deep gorges bridged by the CCC in the 1930s. The Genessee River Valley.

Sue said...

Junior I have to disagree, the rightwingers do not care about forests and rivers, clean air, clean water. They only care about one thing and that is power.

MoveOn did a good job of turning this Republican take over into a comedy show featuring Boehner, Palin and Beck. I guess we have to laugh or we would be terrified.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Plutocratic Corporate Moneyed Masters have absorbed and compromised the Republican Party. Those who don't see it at this point don't want to and probably never will...

Voting for any Republican is voting to place a chain or noose around one's neck.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

A very interesting- and tongue in cheek- nightmare scenario.

And though the actual machinations described in the piece are the product of an imagination, it does follow a pattern that was seen in Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan where industry and the state were one.....I know we aren't supposed to say the other "N Word" (because Chris Matthews says it's wrong), but if it looks like a duck.....

And for the record.....I hope the usual suspects don't bring up "but the AFL-CIO and unions give big bucks to the Dems", because it's apples and oranges. They do it to save American jobs for American workers. What's the motive for tens of millions of dollars funneling into GOP war chests from unnamed foreign sources?

And they have the unmitigated gall to proclaim themselves "patriots".

It's simply another betrayal of the American worker by those who have fed them lie upon lie and fear upon more fear. They have no shame, or a sense of economic patriotism.

The Wool Cupboard said...

It is really instructive how you all are crowing about this email as if the information were true. The really humorous side for me is that no one has one single shred of evidence. You have indicted, tried, and then convicted many people for a "crime" for which you have no proof...typical.

Sue said...

Linda read the post again. Like Hugh said, it's tongue in cheek, MoveOn said it's a fun chart, what don't you understand?

Yes Hugh it is a nightmare scenario, will it come true? Not if we fight with everything we have to save our country from the evil wingnuts!

You got that right Gene. Those who vote republican are voting against their own best interests... but what do you expect from dumb people?

Tao Dao Man said...

Soros says he will not stand in front of a republican avalanche.
Interesting to note where he is while saying this.
The Bretton Woods conference discussing the IMF, and the World Bank. Remember now that Soros is a currency trader that is very fond of China.
He could care less who sits in Congress or in the White House.
He wins either way.
The dealers never lose. They own both sides.

Leslie Parsley said...

I've never met a Republican yet who has a sense of humor. It takes brains.

Sue: On that Comment Spam thingy, they have a link to "report issues" - in that little banner at the top and the link is on the right.

Sue said...

RZ, there HAS to be a lesser of two evils, we would all be dead if there wasn't. IMO, the lesser evil is definitely the democrats. I'm not embarrassed to call myself a progressive democrat, and I'm thankful I never affiliated myself with the wingnuttery coming from the rightwing, :-)

Sue said...

LOL, so true Leslie!

Yes, I looked at the report issue, it's a waste of time really. I'll just keep sending the dumb one to SPAM...

Sue said...


The CDM said...

"You have indicted, tried, and then convicted many people for a "crime" for which you have no proof...typical."

...and you have done what exactly yourself? Talk about "pot calling the kettle pink" on this one. Not only that, the people you champion do the same, so....


Sue said...

hey C, For someone who quotes FoxNews on almost every post, YAWN is right!! :-))

The CDM said...

I'm yawning because it's the same tired excuse/argument/bullshit these so called "individuals" use to point fingers and they say some shit like "typical" when quite frankly, they are "typical" themselves.

If there is one thing I've learned when facing an opposing viewpoint on their blog is to use the most credible sources as possible like ones I mentioned before like NPR, Snopes, Politifact and Factcheck.

Thus, you won't find me giving up sources from some talkboard on a cooking website, as that is just plain silly...or in this case a "crime" of rationality.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Video is video no matter what the source. What is so hysterical about a food website, anyway? Not that it matters to anyone, but I was sent the video link in an email and thought it was appropriate to your discussion of how tea partiers "hate everything...blah...blah...blah...

I suppose I can follow your reasoning pattern here and deduce that liberals hate food!!!!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ So, when you said, ***"It was too large to put in the post the way they showed it but still very effective huh??! Our country is being stolen out from under us and now it's OUR turn to say "give us back our country"!!"*** you were just being "tongue in cheek?"

tnlib ~ It seemed to me the other day that YOU had lost all sense of humor judging from your screaming rant about not coming back here to Sue's Blog unless I went away and never came back (which rant coincidentally, has been "removed by author").

Sue said...

what I meant about the size was how it was formatted. The email had it smaller and wider where I had to put it more narrow and add onto the bottom. I did state,(since you still haven't read it all I guess)I didn't get the tongue in cheek at first, Flying Juniors comment made me go back and read it all again. This is MoveOn's rendition of whats ahead for the republican party. DUH....

The CDM said...

*YAWN*(Cue broken record noise)

Lisa G. said...

Excellent analysis - perfectly done! Good job Sue!

Sue said...

thanks Lisa, thanks to MoveOn and organizations like them to move forward the progressive agenda!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've been raising the flag about this cumbag Tom Donahoe of the US Chgamber for two years. He's the same anti American asshole who says outsourcing jobs to foreign countries is good for America.

There is a willing list of dupes on their happy to schill for the Koch brothers. There are also many willing bloggers who think the blessings of the Kochs or fame and fortune await them by repeating FOX talking points on their blogs.

There are even the dozens of blogs that are created in a boiler room staffed by a few right wing suckups whose purpose is to troll left leaning blogs and post bullshit in addition to being "followers" of these phony blogs to give the illusion of large numbers. One of these boiler room locals is in or near Long Beach NY.

Sound familiar Linda?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Ayatollah ~ I,like you, have NO idea what you are talking about.

Sue said...

Ha, yes Ayatollah, we all know what you are talking about, well except for Linda. She is just a teabagger living in her own little conservative world, really not paying attention to the NYC bloggers. Someone should clue her in....

TAO said...

Sue, Why cue Linda in?

Its not like she will catch on or anything! Besides if it were to disgust her she would still have to defend it because that is what the Conservative Cult does....

Tao Dao Man said...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Lisa. Just between us sister. And you can be straight up because I'm an ayatollah. Do you and Linda have catfights over Malcontent when you're locked in the boiler room trolling Lefty sites?

Unless of course you're all Malcontent. Then, hey Mal. Do you fantasize about two chicks havin g a catfight over you when you're trolling Lefty blogs under one of your hundreds of monikers?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Perhaps the President Obama would, in the interest of the transparency
he promised on the campaign trail, divulge the identities of the thousands of online contributors donating millions of dollars to fund his campaign...don't hold your breath.

Bruce Josten of The Chamber of Commerce explained today that they did not divulge the identities of donors because some of their donors whose identities had become known were subjected to intimidation and harrassment from liberal organizations such as SEIU and Shocking!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

In the interest of complete accuracy, the Kelly-Josten interview was yesterday...

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda, stuff it. Get on your broom and fly away.

Sue said...

the Chamber of Commerce is afraid of SEIU and MoveON!! LOLOLOL!