I don't usually like polls, with weeks to go before the election the polls are moving up and down and hard to decipher just yet who will come out on top. But these two polls make me optimistic, I think the voters are finally starting to pay attention.....
A University of Delaware poll released Wednesday showed Christine O'Donnell
trailing Democrat Chris Coons by 19 points. And a Fairleigh-Dickinson
University poll showed Coons up 53 percent to 36 percent.
What I love even more than O'Donnell trailing by a huge margin, is both polls showed Coons with a substantial advantage among Independents. I really believe we aren't giving the voters much credit to think for themselves. I'm guilty of accusing voters of being lazy and dumb sheeple, but this poll is good news for us and bad news for teabagger candidates. Only 25% of Independents nationwide have a positive opinion of the teabagger movement according to the latest NBC/WSJ poll. More than half have a negative impression of Sarah barracuda Palin! So what are we afraid of? NOTHING! It's the wingnuts who call us afraid, they want us to be afraid. Their future depends on it!
Did you see Rachel Maddow show live in Newark, Delaware last night? Wish I had been there, just around 20 minutes from my home!
Rachel and crew tried in vain to get an interview with Christine O'Donnell, but no such luck. In fact Rachel was thrown out of O'Donnells campaign headquarters!
Maddow said "they were greeted nicely by what
appeared to be two junior staffers" but were "then insulted by a senior
staffer" and left the building.
Next, she said, "an angry guy followed them out and
told us loudly that we all had to leave the premises and not come back."
Maddow continued: Other than that incident she loved Delaware!
Remember, O'Donnell did tell Sean Hannity she would focus on local media, so it's no surprise she would avoid Rachel. Surely she could not truthfully answer any questions from Rachel, afterall the voters in Delaware must be kept in the dark. These teabagger candidates, every single one of them, have avoided any and all national media, avoid all the tough questions, yet ask you the voter to support them in November. They are a national joke.
Last I heard O'Donnell will debate Coons on October 13th. I look forward to the reason for cancelling from the O'Donnell HQ!
Trump Moves To Destroy The Free Press By Handpicking Who Will Get To Cover
The White House announced that they will now handpick the White House Press
Pool, and determine who gets to cover Trump, not the White House
2 hours ago
Delaware likes their bearded marxists!
Now, SF. I have a hard time believing that even you would care for Christy.
Of course I care for her, as a Christian. Dennis Prager observed that all religions look funny to those on the outside.
The woman has been a chastity crusader, and that ain't an easy task in the MTV generation (as if it ever were an easy task!)
As for the politics, I don't know that much about her, other than she's run unsuccessfully a few other times.
Her opponent once referred to himself as a bearded marxist, hence the comment.
the bearded Marxists was explained, Google it.
SF, simply the reason she is a christian is good enough for you to vote for her? Is that all it takes for a candidate, to be a christian? She hasn't said one thing about policy, the workings of the Senate body, how she will fit in and what she will do as for Obama's agenda. She speaks to nobody!
Oh yes, the chastity crusader. Radical Christians seem strangely involved in Americas bedrooms, love lives, sex lives. WHY??? Who died and made them God enforcer?
ambien is getting,me ,gotta go, sorry. but I can't wait to fall asleep....
"The woman has been a chastity crusader, and that ain't an easy task in the MTV generation (as if it ever were an easy task!)"
Not exactly. O'Donnell has admitted she had more than one sexual encounter in her younger years, more than one.
It's easy to be a chastity crusader once you've had your fun. And actually, no one knows what her sexual life is at this point. I don't believe anyone who talks about it in public.
What I do know is that certain rightwingers are obsessed with the word "marxist." And not interested enough in the half-wits who want to represent them in Congress.
I said I don't know much about her as a politician, and I would vote for an honest atheist before I would a dishonest Christian. Anyway, I'm not an east coaster, so it's not my election.
She was involved with chastity programs for church people who were interested. I don't think she was invading people's bedrooms...
And I do understand the marxist comment and its context. After living amongst the poverty of a South American capital years back, I realized that if I were a poor person there with the rich oligarchs shitting on my head and calling it democracy and capitalism, I would be a very violent marxist.
Such urges are harder to explain in an egalitarian society where there are literally tens of millions of documented cases of upward mobility.
I just wonder at what point the national GOP pulls out of Delaware and concedes it....running TV ads in the Philadelphia media market costs big $$$ and you'd think they'd put money elsewhere.
It's almost time for me to stop beating up on Christine, she appears to be a nice (but really flakey and unqualified) person who is in way over her head in Delaware, and has become a national punchline.
She does remind me of the type of woman who would have dated Kramer on SEINFELD.
SF: "I realized that if I were a poor person there with the rich oligarchs shitting on my head and calling it democracy and capitalism, I would be a very violent marxist."
Some people (not necessarily me) would say this is exactly where the US is right now!
Sue, just as O'Donnell avoids the media in Delaware, so does Sharron Angle here in Nevada. Except when she needs to sat she never said, what of course she said.
Fortunately we have a real bird dog of a reporter who holds all the politicians, yes including Reid, feet to the fire on their statements.
Here's her priceless explanation that she never offered any deal, ala Harry Reid, to the other Tea party candidate to get out of the race. And of course, Jon Ralston has the tape of her doing just that, but somehow she gets to say she never said it.
As Ralston says, it is as if we are living in some kind of Alice in Wonderland world here.
Saturday Night Live could not write this stuff...
When Christine O'Donnell appeared on "Hannity" and stated that she would concentrate on local media, I listened with a skeptical ear. According to two members of the local press who were on Rachel's live Delaware show, they haven't been able to catch up with her. Big surprise. I wonder if Christine knows she has no chance to win in November and is just using all the media attention to snag a job at Fox News.
In regards to the writers of SNL, I wonder if the antics of candidates like Christine make their jobs easier or harder. On one hand, it could be easy because the comedy material is basically laid out for them on a platter. On the other hand, the writers might say, "The 'I Am Not A Witch' ad is comedy gold as it stands. There is no way we can top it!"
Malcolm, maybe we can make up some Delaware Witch Trial questions to determine if she is a witch, or not.
thanks for the visits today! I'm having "issues" and also an eye infection that is giving me a headache, so I'll be on tonight and definitely all weekend.
I think we are living in a dream world with all these moron teabagging liars, Dave. I don't believe this country has ever seen such idiots crop up and run for higher office positions. We really are a dumbed down society!
I do believe O'Donnell is yearning for a Fox position too. This is her third time running for a Senate seat right? She is gonna lose big once more...
Has no one thought of throwing a bucket of water on her? Hell, I'd throw a bucket of water on her AND Paula Dean just to watch 'em both melt.
I do believe these tea party candidates are really of the manchurian variety. They are controlled. In Illinois the tea party backed candidates never give anything but the general "low taxes,less government" jive. They never answer a question directly. Just more crap about low taxes and less spending. Never any mention of what they would cut.
They all say the same meaningless crap and then spout that they're movement has no leader.
These kooks are nothing but programmed sheep.
I do admire Silverfiddle's loyalty to republican strategy. He knows as well as anyone that the right has no ideas or plans so they lie and mislead about their opponents. Karl Rove would be proud of you SF.
He knows as well as anyone that the right has no ideas or plans so they lie and mislead about their opponents. Karl Rove would be proud of you SF.
I know no such thing. Don't put words in my mouth.
All I know for sure is democrats can dig a fiscal hole to China faster that the GOP.
Yeah Silverfish! Damn that Bill Clinton and his deficits! Oops. Wait. Democrat Clinton left a surplus which republican Bush squandered on to invasions and tax cuts for the wealthiest. That republican champion of personal responsibility never even asked any of us to pay for "defending liberty."
Your words are music to the ears of the ignorant, deluded and selfish SF. You know. The base of the republican party.
Rove says keep up the good work.
You conveniently leave out Obama's Bacchanalia, and you also overlook congressional complicity in the irresponsible spending.
Speaking of Clinton, a fine fiscal conservative, his balanced budgets were passed by a GOP congress.
Your arguments are vapid (I don't even know who you are arguing with). I've neither defended GOP spending nor attack President Clinton.
Careful swinging wildly in the air, you'll throw your shoulder out, troofy.
The stimulus was due to republican mismanagement and it was the Bush administrations idea Silverfish.
Would you rather we be in a depression now?
Wait. Yes you would. That would be far tougher on the poor and middle class.
In the interest of bipartisanship though, I like words like vapid. Well done SF. Of course Rove wouldn't like it. Unless you called me a "vapid doer." That would be acceptable to the simple minds he specializes in pandering to.
Yes, and the trillions in the hole is due to a century of progressivism, and there are actually people screaming for more.
In case you haven't noticed, troofy, I am against socialists of all parties.
Now go read the constitution and see how money is spent before you continue blathering on about presidents causing debts. You are leading other liberals astray with your spurious mind leaks.
Deficits became the norm in the last thirty years Silverfish. Reagan and his supply side began our slide toward being a third world debtor nation. He could have vetoed budgets. So could have BushI and II.
They didn't. For you to defend them with your ridiculous assertions of progressivism leading to the financial mess is disingenuous to say it nicely.
There you go again, troofy...
Using weasel words like "became the norm." Define that.
If you look at a chart of the history of US debt, it stairsteps. We did not see debt over 30% of GDP until the 20th century.
You can blame whomever you like, but the fact remains that for whatever reason you hate (wars, welfare) our federal government spends too much money, and they can't raise enough taxes to pay for it all.
Keep smokin' that hopium!
YAY SF you said it! "We can't raise enough taxes to pay for it all". SO, what then do we do about the tax cuts for the rich?? When Clintons tax rate for the rich was at just the right number we had a surplus, imagine that......................
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