Not only do teabaggers hate President Obama, pregnant women, blacks, Hispanics, smart people, liberals, sick people, poor people, unemployed people, teachers, firemen, policemen, unions, clean air, clean water, clean they come out with THIS...... They HATE puppies!!!
The main philosophical principle of the conservative-led tea party movement is an “aversion to big government,” with tea party organizers turning their ire on comprehensive health reform, clean energy legislation, and even mandatory trash collection.
Now, a group of Missouri tea partiers have found a new target:
regulations that would mandate more humane conditions in the state’s
puppy mills. This November, Missouri voters will go to the polls and
decide the fate of Missouri’s Proposition B,
which would place new regulations on puppy mills, including mandating
that they provide “sufficient food and clean water, necessary veterinary
care, sufficient housing, including protection from the elements,
sufficient space to turn and stretch freely, lie down, and fully extend
his or her limbs, regular exercise, and adequate rest between breeding cycles.”
As TPM Muckraker’s Jillian Rayfield reports, the Missouri Tea Party
and the Tea Party Patriots have begun organizing meetings against the
proposition. One tea party activist described the measure as being about
the “government or the big company trying to tell people what to do“:
The government is trying to tell people what to do! How hilarious. What do teabaggers WANT??? Go find your own fucking country to live in, we don't want YOU telling us what to do and how to live!
Trump Moves To Destroy The Free Press By Handpicking Who Will Get To Cover
The White House announced that they will now handpick the White House Press
Pool, and determine who gets to cover Trump, not the White House
2 hours ago
These people are not only flat-ass mean and incredably ignorant, they're just plain silly. How in the world can they take themselves seriously and expect others to take them seriously when they come up with crap like this. Next they're going to claim that children who are sexually or physically abused should not be protected. Geez.
I live next door to Missouri Sue. Missouri has one nutty electorate. The number one trait they look for in whom they cast their votes is how big an asshole the candidate is.
I tried to counsel a guy running for state senate on this years ago. He ran as a good guy and got the shit kicked out of him by the asshole.
I even worked for a Missouri Road commissioner and told him my theory. He said I was nuts. I told him that's how he got on the highway commission. Because he was an asshole. He fired me, thus proving my point.
It's never a good idea to put an asshole in charge. Yet for some reason,an asshole almost always seems to be in charge.
Sue....please, calm down! Tea Partiers do like some things. Like...........((long pause, thinking hard).....hey, they LOVE guns!
And I suppose these same super patriots, if called into military service by a draft lottery in the event of a national emergency, would refuse to report because "the government is trying to tell people what to do".
God bless America.......
But being against puppies...and TRASH COLLECTIONS? Good.... is it OK if I dump my garbage(and puppy poop) on your front lawn, oh Mighty Tea Bagger-In- Chief?
Ayatollah- we do need some assholes to be in charge. I mean, what the hell would Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher do for a living without assholes in government?
Maybe they could run for public least they're trying to be funny.
The GOP is the Party of No. Teabaggers are the Party of Hate!
Yee HA!! Thanks guys, you said it all!
Sue ~ Your tiresome BLANKET statements about tea party Americans is really despicable. Why don't you tell the truth for once and accurately show who tea party members really are?
Here is the entire link: I hope it prints this time.
Linda the teabagger mantra is HATE ALL GOVERNMENT, no matter who it hurts. They hate everything and anything government does for the betterment of America. When they say that it means they hate public schools, fire departments, police departments, safe roads and bridges, clean air and water, safe food, safe children, etc. etc. there is no arguing with a closeminded teabagger...
Once again, Linda makes no point. Shocked I tell ya, I'm just shocked.
How can you be against protecting puppies for God's sake? Why is this even on the ballot. Moral people would want to have puppies be protected without a law. The fact that we need one is sad.
Funny, isn't it? How fiercely patriotic these people become when they're out of power.
We didn't hear people running around the country singing verses of the national anthem while George Bush was torturing people and bringing shame to this nation, did we.
But we sure do now that a man of a certain background is president.
Just a note: Not one non-white person in that self-satified crowd.
They're the same people who believe only THEY have the right to govern this nation.
Lisa and Shaw, it's just a vicious cycle of doom, gloom and hate. I don't know where this country will be in the next 2 years. I just hope if any teabagger gets elected to Congress it will open the eyes of America and they will see where the teabaggers want to take is, back to the 1800's! We are a nation of 300 million people, we need a working government! I guess reality will hit when the new Congress succeeds in shutting down the government. The teabaggers and RWNJ do not deserve to live in our free society. It's OUR country and they are not gonna destroy it! We will never hand it over to them, EVER!
tnlib ~ Was that supposed to hurt my wittle feewings?
Why don't you do the right thing and come up with some examples of those lies that you claim that I have told? Do you have examples of my hate and bad manners, as well?
Sue ~ I don't know of any tea party members who hate all government. What they do want to stop is wasteful government spending and crippling government borrowing. They want their politicians to abide by and honor the Constitution, and they want them to stop taking money from those who work to give to those who won't work. (Don't get your undies in a bunch, I'm not referring to those who are truly in need!)
Who knows WHERE you come up with all these lame accusations against conservatives and tea party people, but you are wrong about us...and you know it.
If what you say is true, Linda, then let's hear your praise for Obama for creating the biggest one-year nominal drop in the deficit that has ever occurred.
LINDA typed: "What they do want to stop is wasteful government spending and crippling government borrowing..."
Linda, what we liberals are amazed at is that wasteful government spending and crippling government borrowing was going on during the 8 years of George W. Bush's administration. And conservatives all attest to this.
Where were you then?
Why the interest just now? Why the tea party movement NOW?
We liberals are very suspicious of your motivations since there was NOT ONE PEEP of outrage over the spending and borrowing during the previous 8 years.
It makes your movement and anger look like it's directed at this president because of WHO he is and WHAT he is, not because of the spending and borrowing because it is a FACT that you the rest of the tea baggers were SILENT when Dubya brought disaster to this country.
Oh, and LIsa,
Your childish idea of indicting an entire population of people because of the actions of a few crazies is not worth rebutting. If you don't understand why, that's your problem, not ours.
Shaw ~
***"We didn't hear people running around the country singing verses of the national anthem while George Bush was torturing people and bringing shame to this nation, did we.
But we sure do now that a man of a certain background is president.
Just a note: Not one non-white person in that self-satified crowd."***
Here we go again with the lies about George Bush...he's gone - move on!!!!!
BEING AGAINST THE LIBERAL POLICIES OF PRESIDENT OBAMA DOES NOT MAKE ONE RACIST. In your warped world all blacks would have had to agree with President Bush or confess their racism. They did not vote for him, so that must mean that they are racist, too!! Don't you see how foolish that argument is? How can people of reasonable intelligence believe this swill?
How do you know that those in the video were "self-satisfied?" That is so arrogantly judgemental that your statement is laughable. In the small circle of people around the singing man, no black people were visible, so you in your wisdom and superior intelligence, KNEW that those evil self-satisfied white people hate blacks. Those ignorant, racist, hate-filled whites stood there SMUGLY honoring America with the singing of the National revolting and just plain evil.
You people are so full of hate that you can't even think logically or reasonably on any topic. How sad.
Shaw ~ ***"Where were you then?"***
I was in the same place that I am now...complaining about the spending. I also complained about the border (lack of control) under Bush.
***"Why the interest just now? Why the tea party movement NOW?"***
The tea party movement came about because politicians were not listening to the American people. Half the country did not want the changes in health care and business, and they didn't like the way legislation was being rushed through Congress with no one knowing what was written in the bills and with no proper channels to insure checks and balances. THAT is why the tea party came into being. People were tired of having their voices ignored by elitist politicians. It had nothing to do with President Obama's skin color.
LINDA TYPED: " you in your wisdom and superior intelligence, KNEW that those evil self-satisfied white people hate blacks. Those ignorant, racist, hate-filled whites stood there SMUGLY honoring America with the singing of the National revolting and just plain evil."
Um, Linda, you're a bit hysterical.
I said nothing about anyone hating black people, or being evil. I made an observation which can be validated by looking at the video.
You're the one who is awfully touchy and needed to run back here and tell me something I did not say.
You're the one imputing words to me that I did not write. And who's full of hate, my dear?
You're anger may be a sign of feeling guilt.
I still maintain that there was not one person of color in that video and that I find the super patriotic singing of the anthem just a tad hypocritical, since none of this super patriotism was evident while the Bushies tortured people, invaded a country that did not attack us, and arrested people for wearing tee-shirts with slogans the Bushies didn't like.
Those thing all happened during the previous 8 years, and you and the tea bagging patriots were all SILENT.
You've all found your indignation and outrage now that a bi-racial man is president.
linda typed: "The tea party movement came about because politicians were not listening to the American people."
No, Linda. The tea party came about because the Koch brothers infused millions of dollars into it so that they could cripple Mr. Obama's administration and overturn laws that impede them from polluting our air and raping our land.
If you truly, truly believe that the tea party is a grass roots organizaation, then you are gullible and uninformed.
The Koch brother have succeeded in fooling you all.
Shaw ~ You certainly do throw around a lot of unsubstantiated charges and claims without one shred of proof.
I happen to know that the tea party is a grass roots movement which has organized itself into becoming an effective political force.
The fact that President Obama is bi-racial has nothing to do with the tea party. It is interesting to me that so many liberals can see into the hearts of their fellow Americans and observe the racism that they just KNEW would be there.
The tea party is about as grassroots as Rupert Murdoch, David Koch, Charles Koch, and Dick Armey.
A common trait among those who lean to the right of the political spectrum is what's called "justification." Their beliefs are similar in symptom to hypochondria. They believe their lies and mischaracterizations and seek to justify them at all costs no matter what the facts tell them.
This Linda character is typical of many of the case studies I've performed studying republican behavior. In the years following the 9/11 attacks Linda and those of her limited mental status heard and repeated that "President Bush kept us safe." They cling to this like a toddler clings to a teddy bear when told the fact that under the Obama administration more terrorists, insurgents and pirates have been killed than under Bush. More undocumented people have been deported under Obama's presidency than Bush's.
Her reaction will be interesting in it's predictability and reliance on nonsense she has been programmed to say by the republican propaganda ministry.
Well, it looks like the resident "doctor" has spoken...not very intelligently, but he has spoken, nontheless.
It is perfectly obvious that the only mental disorder on display here is on the left. Symptoms include, agitation, unfounded anger, inability to see reason, uncontrollable profanity, delusional visions of social utopia, morbid preocupation with sexual or physical abuse, and hatred for ones homeland.
Diagnosis: Wacked-out liberals.
Prognosis: Bleak. As cases go, these poor schlubs are pretty far gone.
Treatment: Root them out in November. Repeat treatment in two years.
tnlib ~ Please allow me to go. You belong here and I don't. I'm just the bamboo shoot under your fingernails. (You know how we conservatives love torture.)
I have reason not to believe anything you say. You're always pouting and threatening to leave us - as if anyone is going to cry - and then you just can't seem to stay away. Hmmm - maybe you do need to lie down on a couch somewhere and have your head shrunk.
Linda says..."It is perfectly obvious that the only mental disorder on display here is on the left. Symptoms include, agitation, unfounded anger, inability to see reason, uncontrollable profanity, delusional visions of social utopia, morbid preoccupation with sexual or physical abuse, and hatred for ones homeland"
Yes, we do get agitated with dumb people who won't open their minds beyond Fox Noise. I see NO uncontrollable profanity here whatsoever, What I do see are words you probably have coming from your own home during a debate. No, no delusion here, just a confidence in our president to do a much better job then any GOP could dream of doing. Morbid preoccupation with sex and abuse???? I demand you show me where you see this on my blog!! Nope, liberals love America, that is why we are trying to restore it back to its glory days, unlike the wingnuts who want to destroy us, our freedoms, our environment, our children, our seniors, our immigrants, and now our puppies. Such utter hate for America, that's what the right shows me!
Oh, everyone just needs to relax about Linda...
She didn't start blogging till 2009 so she really didn't get all that worked up over GWB and his crazy spending ways...
Another conservative that voted for GWB twice and cheered him on for 8 years and now has the audacity to tell Liberals what is wrong with them!
Remember when you could not criticize GWB because he was commander in chief and we were at war?
Those same folks now run around calling Obama every name known to mankind and if I am not mistaken, we are still at war!
Of course their comeback is that GWB is gone! Yep, but conservative craziness isn't!
Oh, Sue...if you want to rid yourself of the conservative troll infestation just post some graphs or charts....nothing kills off a conservative troll infestation like facts and figures....
Sue, you are dead-on, as usual- I am actually grateful for the Tea Party's existence in this election cycle, because it's providing so many crackpot, nutjob candidates that will assure the Dems have a winning year! We won't lose many seats this midterm because the American people are smarter than the GOP thinks. The GOP voters aren't happy with their party, and sent the party a message with their votes; but the majority of Americans won't vote such extremists into positions of power. Dems are starting to finally campaign on the issues that matter, the planks of our platform, and to run against the crackpotiness of the opposition. Time will show that Teabaggers are simply acting as the rebellious teenagers of their party, and are not a political force to be reckoned with, but have provided the Dems a service in what could have been a difficult election year. Great post, Sue. You are a strong voice for our side.
I think it is absolutely hysterical that Linda posted a link from, priceless! And here she gives people here grief on their sources of info...amazing, truly amazing!
The only thing I saw from that over-priced site was a decent recipe for chocolate chip cookies...okay, the cocoa kisses looked good too.
The only real unbiased sources are Politifact, Factcheck, Snopes and NPR.
Both sides of the aisle love and hate those sites. Lately, it has been the republicans and tea party rousers that have been on the short end of the stick and for good reason.
thank you for visiting and commenting today! I've been Christmas shopping.....yes Linda, Liberals celebrate Christmas :-)
I just looked at Linda's link she left for us and I really don't understand why she wanted us to see this Marine sing. Does she think only teabaggers are patriotic? They are mislead sheeple who don't have a clue why they are so angry. They were told to be angry before they knew themselves that they were. They are the nations JOKE...
According to the owner of the home that was left to burn by the Conservatively run fire department, 3 dogs and a cat died in the fire.
Cons don't give a damn about their fellow humans, so of course the life of a puppy (or any animal) means nothing to them. Animals are just another commodity to be bought and sold.
you're right w. Sitting and watching someones home burn, letting defenseless animals die like that is beyond cruel. These people are insaniacs, and all over 75.00! Beck thought the whole thing was something to make light of tho. Those of you who love Glenn Beck(Linda) should be ashamed....
These are the same people that get a hard on watching a car wreck.
ya mean them thar Nascar rednecks, Jerry??
Ah...yup! That be a ten four.
Holy, Moly! I NEED a cup of caffeine after reading all these comments!
In response to Lisa's claim that social security is "officially" broke...
Senator Bernie Sanders says "Despite what you may have seen or heard, the Social Security Trust Fund today has a $2.5 trillion surplus that is projected to grow to more than $4 trillion in 2023. According to the non-partisan CBO, Social Security will be able to pay every nickel owed to every eligible beneficiary until the year 2039".
Social Security is NOT broke, either "officially" or unofficially.
thank you w, you are absolutely correct.
I can not leave her comments published but I do want to say to lisa...
Shut up you stupid fucking bitch, stay off my blog with your asinine comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys, please don't get me confused with either of those nasty bitches, Linda and lisa. I know it wasn't intentional, but even the thought of being associated with them is making me ill. Thanks so much!
Linda, you have no facts, have nothing rational to contribute and now you show your immaturity on top of it all with your stupid response to tnlib "was that supposed to hurt my wittle feewings". Seriously, a 3 yo can do better than that. Get a grip woman and go play on Red State with your own people. You're really starting to get annoying.
Lisa G, no we would never mistake you for the moron lisa! Thanks for coming by to chat!
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