Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hateful Wingnut

Hold me down people, HOLD ME DOWN!
There's this post by a bigmouth, know nothing blogger slamming the elderly for collecting a Social Security check every month.
He's crying about the whiny, pathetic old geezers (his words, not mine) in an ad telling the GOP candidate to keep his hands off their SS. Of course he calls SS a ponzi scheme in collapse, so anyone who collects a check every month is stealing from the paychecks of young workers.

"I would just bet that this ol' biddy paid perhaps a total of $30,000 into the system over her lifetime, and has now taken out over $150,000 (and counting....), and yet demands that we keep our hands off of 'her so-security." he said

".They must surely know that the checks they are cashing are not the funds that they contributed, and that were stored safely away in the So'-Security Lock Box. Are these old geezers that stupid?."
Wow! He is calling these seniors un-American because they are standing up to the GOP candidates who want to end SS as we know it and put that money into the stock market. Has this moron ever been to a teabagger event? I'm sure he has. How many in the teabagger community are seniors on SS?? Those seniors are the ones standing at the rallies with their signs saying 'Keep your hands off my Medicare', 'NO Pubic Option', so I wonder what this guys teabagger rally friends think about his claim they are 'Old Codgers' stealing from him and his buddies.
What he really hates about seniors on SS is the fact they collect a check from the government. He calls it eating off of their fellow Americans tables directly and unashamedly. He says they are not self sufficient. They are sticking their old liver spotted hands directly into the pockets of the young worker. Need I go on??
Sorry, yes I must.... He says SS was never intended to be a retirement fund, it was set up to assist the poorest among us to make ends meet, not to finance a lifestyle of meeting every want and need from age 62 til death! Oh and he called it a socialized mess of course, lets not forget the socialism word in every conservatives posts...
Do you think this 55 yr old has parents who collect SS? Do you think he has ever encountered a senior who lives on SS and SS alone? Does he not hear the stories of seniors who have to skip grocery shopping because they can not afford to eat, pay rent, AND buy their meds??
Hey you hateful un-American wingnut, pick a different subject because you are WRONG on this one. Educate yourself on Social Security and the people who collect it before you call them nasty, hateful names.  That senior who is sitting in his apartment hungry and cold because he can't afford heat AND groceries in the same month, will one day BE YOU!!!
All my faithful readers know he is wrong on SS, but if any new visitors want to read an old post on the GOP and their fearmongering about Social Security, you can go here.


One Fly said...

Why do we have to carry the water on these issues. Every dim in office should be saying the same. Every singe one but they don't and they won't and they're not going to. In fact if SS gets on the table some will vote with the other side.

Sue said...

there will always be the few DINO's OneFly. But we can't turn our backs on the democrats because of those few dims. All the good that has come to America has come from the left.

Lisa G. said...

Social Security was put in place so seniors wouldn't starve in their old age. The checks they receive are below the Federal poverty level. So you, 55 yo asshole, STFU!

Good rant Sue, take your BP meds!

Sue said...

Isn't it so annoying, Lisa with a capital L?? The conservatives want you to believe SS is broke and they are just looking for solutions, but the truth is they HATE government checks of ANY kind going to Americans. They truly are hateful.

Infidel753 said...

Actually, I wish all Republicans would attack Social Security and denounce retirees as parasites. We could really use the resulting three-to-one majority in both Houses.

Of course these people don't want a national pension system. They don't want tax-funded fire departments that put out all fires regardless of insurance status. They don't want a health-care system that covers the whole population. They don't want public education. They don't want a minimum wage. They want to abolish all that.

They want us to be the Third World.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ah Sue. This only proves what PT Barnum said about a sucker being born every minute. There's one that retires every minute also. And they go to tea bag rallies and demand less government as long as they get their Medicare and Social Security and senior discount.

Selfish ignorance is not limited to to one age group. Idiots come in all ages.

TomCat said...

I paid in for all my working years from age thirteen up. In addition, for five years I owned a small business that employed 30o workers, so I paid for them two, so I think I can safely say that I will never get back anything near what I put in. Now where does this asshole get off calling me a parasite over my lousy $800 per month? :-(

PS - My Lisa is better than your Lisa!! ;-)

Sue said...

ah nice, all my favorite guys!

Infidel I thought all the wingnut rethugs were attacking SS. Even tho the thugs are coming right out in public now and saying all these things they are still gonna gain seats in November, what is wrong with people??!

You are very wise and insightful Ayatollah!

TC, I feel for ya sweetie, $800 a month? That is poverty and yet the thugs just hate the fact you are collecting that check! It's amazing! Yes your Lisa is a super smart and kind liberal, the other lisa is just a troll who gets deleted. Please don't call her mine! (((((shiver))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Infidel753 said... Actually, I wish all Republicans would attack Social Security and denounce retirees as parasites. We could really use the resulting three-to-one majority in both Houses.

From the Oct. 2010 AARP Bulletin... Voter turnout is notoriously low in midterm elections. Since 1974 less than half of the electorate has bothered going to the polls when the presidency is not at stake. Older Americans are the exception. They are much more likely to vote than any other age group, and that adds up to increased clout with politicians before and -- more importantly -- afterward. (From the article "Five Reasons to Vote", pg. 18).

I'm not old enough to receive the AARP Bulletin. The above quote I copied from my father's copy, which he gave to me because there is an article in it about the Democrat's Health Care reform legislation.

According to the article "If Health Care Reform Unravels"... with only a slim majority in the House, Republicans could still throw enough sand in the gears to make the law virtually unworkable... There's a lot of potential for not just mischief but really serious undermining of the intent and hope for improving our health care system. The most effective thing they could do... is try to use the appropriations process to cut funding. ...a budgetary move that would not need a two-thirds majority to overcome Obama's veto. (pg. 14)

So, seniors will be the determining factor in the upcoming election, yet the Republicans are still expected to regain control of the House. WHY? Is it an "I've got mine" mentality? Do they think SS and Medicare are safe even if they vote for Republicans and teabaggers who speak against both of those programs?

The Republicans usually do say that changes will only apply to younger workers and not to seniors who are currently receiving benefits...

BTW, social security is a social insurance program and not an investment. As with any insurance program, there is the potential that you may end up receiving more than what you paid in. There is also the potential that you will receive less. That's the way an insurance program works. Obviously this is a fact the RW blogger you refer to doesn't understand.

Also, the reason social security currently has a "trust fund" (it wasn't designed to run a surplus) is because the Baby Boomers were double-taxed so they could pay for their own retirement. After the Baby Boomers die off the trust fund will go away... which is what it was designed to do.

Of course the government will be paying out more than it takes in during this time... and the RWers will be screaming about that... even though it was Reagan and Greenspan who set it up to work that way. Cons are such liars.

Papamoka said...

The old tried and true test when it comes to politicians touching the third rail of politics will never change. Those that look to change Social Security are never around for long. Show me a pol that wants to take away Grandma and Grandpa's monthly stipend and I'll show you two VOTERS that actually vote, that will vote for the other pol on the ballot. Have to love our Senior citizens!

You can visit Social Security online to see the facts of how long the system will be solvent and according to some Gubmint agencies it is well into the 2040's. And even then it isn't insolvent.

Great post sis!!!! Hugs at ya.

Sue said...

w it really boggles the mind! Teabaggers are also seniors who are receiving these SS checks but yet vote time and again against their own best interests! I have heard stories from the younger generation of how they try in vain to convince their parents voting GOP is not helping them one bit, but these seniors, alot of them, are hypnotized by Fox, Beck, Limpy etc. The poor kids can't get through to them!

Sue said...

how are ya Mat? I've missed ya!

The seniors are still voting GOP, even after listening to their plans to privatize SS! This is what's so frustrating. They are brainwashed and hypnotized by the wingnuttery going on in the teabagger movement. You see it in their signs, they have no clue what they are protesting. If Limpy and Beck tell them to do it, they listen! I wanna believe a majority of seniors will come out and support dems, we need them to!

Lisa G. said...

I tell you what - if those fuckers touch SS all freaking hell is going to break loose. You'll have every senior citizen on Capitol Hill beating those Repubs with their canes. (Which would be HILARIOUS to see!) SS is NOT a government program; it doesn't contribute one dime to the deficit. People pay in and get their money back. I do think they should put it in a money market fund (now covered by the FDIC) and earn a little interest on it. It's stupid for all that money not to be earning safe interest. Hell my checking account pays 4%. (Credit Unions - MOVE YOUR MONEY!)

Sue thank you for your nice compliments. I'm glad you ditched lisa; she was such a pita (pain in the ass). Linda needs to go too; she's got nothing - no facts, no data, notta. Plus she really pisses me off (and you too I suspect.) And we'd never call lisa yours - why she even bothered to come here is beside me.

I love the pic at the top - who put the spit in her bangs - I almost peed myself at that one!

Lisa G. said...

You know, I was thinking (don't everyone fall off your chair), you could send your comments off for your approval if lisa isn't going right to spam. That way, you could catch her before she got here. I'm sure it's a big pita, but better than have her majesty the annoyance hit your comments.

Just a thought.

Sue said...

Lisa do you mean moderation? I hate to moderate just because of one or 2 trolls. I'm doing OK with catching her comments quickly, she doesn't come by as much as she used to.

I hope you're right about the seniors. So far I'm not as optimistic as you because they seem not to care so much with people like Angle and Paul Ryan saying the ones affected will be the younger ones who haven't even come close to collecting age. They tell the seniors their checks will not be touched. So I guess they aren't too concerned about their children and grandchildren. Oh I forgot, they expect the END to come soon anyway!

Sue said...

When I saw C O'Donnell in the debate with Coons and her bangs were plastered down I thought they looked like someone spit on them and smoothed 'em down! LOL! YUCK!

Leslie Parsley said...

I read on Blogger "help" (pardon me while I choke) that smetimes you just have to keep putting her in spam - not delete. The fact that she doesn't have a real blog may be part of the problem.

Yes, Linda should go to.

Lisa G. said...

She's back. This time with a capital L and quoting the Cato institute, which I would believe as far as I can throw it.