Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I haven't talked about President Obama's bipartisan meeting yesterday because at this point I'm not sure any of us knows what went on, and what's next for us, the public, remember us??
Look at these ugly stupid men, they don't have a clue what they are doing. They all gag me. The demand this time, to block legislative action on ALL issues to be considered in the lame-duck Congress until the tax cut dispute is settled. Now when they say settled they don't mean debated and compromised, they mean settled as in give us our tax cut extension permanently for our rich fuckin friends or you get NOTHING from us this year! Which by the way is nothing new....

All of the 42 Senate Republican jokers signed a letter to Harry Reid vowing to filibuster EVERYTHING til they get their way. Reid blasted the GOP on the Senate floor today calling them cynical and transparent, their strategy is to delay and obstruct legislation while turning around and blaming it all on Democrats. It will not work. The country will see those thugs for who they are, who they really fight for, and it sure as hell ain't you or I! Fucking whining MF'ers.... the country is watching you and your graves are being dug. They are so brazen, so disgusting....They still call the temporary tax cuts expiring a job- killing tax hike! There was a reason Bush made these tax cuts temporary, the proof is obvious to all of us except the moron righties, these tax cuts to the wealthy did NOT spur job growth. The game is over, the cuts should expire like Bush wanted them to.

So tomorrow, Thursday,  House Democrats will move forward with a vote to permanently extend the tax cuts ONLY for families earning 250,000 or less. THIS is NOT about hurting small businesses. When the GOP whines about that they are LYING! President Obama has made sure small businesses had their tax breaks, of which the GOP voted NO on....

Democrats are also trying to pass several pieces of legislation before a more Republican Congress is sworn in in January, including the START nuclear arms treaty with Russia, a repeal of the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, and the so-called DREAM Act, which would create a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants.

"Last month, the American people issued their verdict on the Democrat's priorities," replied Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky. "We need to show the American people that we care more about them and their ability to pay their bills than we do about the special interests' legislative Christmas-list." OMG, the man is delusional! Please people, take the time to listen to the Senators on the floor debating the issues, watch C-Span, you will be amazed. Mitch McConnell and his henchmen DO NOT care about you and your ability to pay your bills! That is friggin hilarious.....ROFLMFAO.......


The CDM said...

And you were expecting.....

I told ya Sue, just wait. This ship has only begun to start rocking. Putting policy above progress is a losing battle and I mean that in the polls 2 years from now. People WILL get sick of this shit and hold them accountable.

Nothing like doubling down on "party of NO".

Grung_e_Gene said...

The only jobs tax cuts to these Wealthy assholes create are extra work for their accountants to ship their loot to off-shore bank accounts. They don't re-invest it and they certainly don't hire people in America.

But, the Democrats should have been fighting back and passing every single piece of legislation via reconciliation.

Sue said...

I know C, I know...I hope in 2 yrs the country gets back on track...

Gene, reconciliation is for the bold, are they bold enough? Not so sure...

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ It seems that I have read that the reason the republicans want to filibuster all bills is in order to force this democrat controlled lame duck Congress to FINALLY settle on a BUDGET, for crying out loud. The republicans also want democrats to actually PAY for (remember PAYGO?) the extension of unemployment benefits for those who desperately need them. We must do something about programs that we can't pay for without borrowing more money.

Once again, the extension of the present tax code does not TAKE money from the poor and give it to the rich. EVERYONE would stay the same as it has been for the past decade or so. We need to do something about the runaway spending that has helped us get to this place in our economy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"We must do something about programs that we can't pay for without borrowing more money."

Programs like extending tax cuts to the very wealthiest in this country--a move that would add billions more to the deficit?

"Once again, the extension of the present tax code does not TAKE money from the poor and give it to the rich. EVERYONE would stay the same as it has been for the past decade or so. We need to do something about the runaway spending that has helped us get to this place in our economy."

What has helped us get to "this place in our economy" is Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, which did not add any significant jobs--in fact the Bush years had the lowest job growth rate of any post-war presidency. So tell us how giving the top 1% of billionaires helped the economy?

But let's not confuse ourselves with facts when we can repeat GOP talking points that are demonstrably false.

Tao Dao Man said...

Unemployment will be extended for 2 months.
W's I mean O's tax cuts for the rich will be extended for 2 YEARS.
Any one want to bet a cyber dollar?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, you and I don't agree on everything but on this one we agree completely; guys like Kyle, Inhofe, and McConnell are big time assholes. This was especially true when they started opposing the President on things that they themselves once advocated; deficit commission, small business tax credits, etc.. It was all about gumming up the works - pure and simple.

Sue said...

Linda your bullshit excuse does not fly, how many bills did the GOP push thru without being paid for? This is a situation unlike any other we have been thru in ages. The unemployed are desperate for jobs and for any tiny check to get them thru til the jobs come. The lameass excuse being given by the GOP is just that, LAME. AND unAmerican.

Sue said...

Shaw it's all so easy to see, why can't they see it??

Junebug said...

President Obama may as well turn in his keys to the White House. He had a mandate, a majority, and the keys to open up every door that the people who elected him wanted him to, but he chose to go with the money, to compromise everything he said he stood for away. When will the Progressives stop believing that he wanted to do anything they wanted? I won't vote for the Democrats next time, and I won't feel guilty.

Sue said...

RZ I have my post all ready in the draft folder, it's titled I'VE JUMPED OFF THE BANDWAGON! Yes I'm nervous..

Will, glad to hear it, anyone with a little common sense can see what the GOP is doing to Obama.

Sue said...

Junebug, like I told RZ, I'm nervous and my bandwagon post is written....

The CDM said...

I guess Linda is in favor of republicans holding progress hostage 'til they get their way.

Everything is VERY clear now.

Sue said...

LOL C! Yes in the past Linda appeared to be an Obama supporter...

Tao Dao Man said...

The big O was never a progressive.

We all just wanted him to be one.

He signaled many a times of what he would do, and for who he would do it.
How much more do the dems have to see that he is a Corporatista.
The repubs have played a wonderful dog and pony show.
Knowing that they will get what they want in the end any way.

This is not about us and them.

It is about the America that we once knew. And The United Corporate States of America.
O has not even started his campaign for 2012. Wonder why?
Most other presidents start the day they enter office.

Teach your children well.

The Wool Cupboard said...

CDM ~ One man's progress is another man's statist takeover. I'm not for republicans pushing through legislation that can't be paid for either. I don't care who you are...we need to STOP the massive spending and borrowing. And how in the world do we expect to bail out the EU???? We are broke. Looks like more borrowing from China in our future.

Sue ~ I've NEVER advocated Obama's agenda. I don't know what you are talking about.

Sue said...

It was a joke Linda...

RZ, Everything you say is true. It's gonna be more apparent in the next few months I'm afraid. WHY then do people like Linda complain about Obamas policies when he is doing everything the rightwing wants?? What has he done that is TRULY of a progressive agenda? If they want to hate Pelosi and Reid fine, but don't accuse Obama of a progressive agenda that is destroying America. if that's the case then they must admit it is their party that is destroying America!

I'm going through a pissed off stage, sorry guys who love Obama.

Tao Dao Man said...

Thats just it.
They are like a wrestling tag team.
One tells you this, while the other tells you that.

The winner was already decided before the match started.

They are determined to bring about a Corporate America.
The base of both sides can not come to terms with believing that their own party would throw them under the bus.
Do not be shocked if the Big O does not run for 2012.
Who does he have left.
Independents? Nope.
Far left? Nope.
Left? Uh Nope.
If he was white he would run as a republican.
Thom Hartmann on his radio show called O a Nixonian Republican.

Will you keep supporting O if he allows the tax cuts for the rich to remain?
Sooner or later dems must make a stand.
When, What will it take?

Sue said...

Obama has said over and over he believes the taxcuts for the rich should expire, so whose fault is it if Congress gives the extension for ALL the tax cuts? Isn't it true Obama can not use reconciliation to give the middleclass a permanent tax cut, that there has to be a majority vote on it? So how can it be Obamas fault if dems screw him? Because you will then say he is not a strong leader who demands his party obey his policy wishes?

Sue said...

read this...I'm going back to read it all

Tao Dao Man said...

O has said a lot of things.
That is what politicians do.
He is a lap dog for the repubs.
He has not led on one single thing.
He will throw the dems another bone to nibble on and all will be well again.

--We were forced to do this-- We had no other choice--- We had to compromise--- on and on and on.
The wannabe dems are leaderless, and hope less.

Tao Dao Man said...

Why not hold his puppet strings to the fire?
Just once.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I love the way that Al Pacino says "asshole". Ever hear it? He says it really fast and emphasizes the 2nd syllable. It's hilarious.

The CDM said...

Linda - They were going to block ANY and ALL legislation, understand that? In other words, they'll just throw their little temper tantrum just so they can get their way. Admit it, if the roles were reversed, you'd be calling for the Dems heads now wouldn't you?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My suggestion for all of this (gridlock), Linda and CDM, is that, when the minority party in the Senate wants to stop key legislation via a filibuster, the majority party actually makes them filibuster (this, I'm saying, as opposed to simply saying, "I object"). That way the American public can see what's going on, hear the actual debate, etc. (talk about a boon for C-Span, huh?). Another possible option could be to lower the threshold for a filibuster to 55....Just a couple of thoughts here.

Jolly Roger said...

Linda, I'm quite certain you aren't smart enough to digest this, but I'll try.

Massive tax breaks for your heroes include massive tax breaks for keeping their money overseas. That causes your heroes to slash jobs here, and move them overseas, so that they can keep any profits made overseas, and thus not be taxed.

As a matter of fact Rushpubliscum tax policy absolutely IS taking money away from 98% of us. Period. The proof is there.

But when did your kind ever respond to the truth, really?

The CDM said...

Will, I've always said that they should make them go through with the filibuster and see how long they last. I'm astounded by the mere mention of the filibuster that they cave so easily. I say Fuck 'em! Make 'em commit to it. I agree, C-SPAN would actually be worth watching then as we can watch the filibuster fail so progress can actually be made.

Grung_e_Gene said...

It's sad but I'm on the verge of agreeing with every Liberal who feels President Capitulate has given us the short shrift.

Why won't he stand with us? Why does he constantly let the Republicans piss on him? Why does he only get angry when the left disagrees with him?

They called him Marxist Hitler on the House floor from Day one, Limbaugh the Missourian, treats him like his personal chattel.

The entire Right which only a few years ago said it was treason to question a president in wartime has been denigrating his birth, his family, his religion every day non-stop and yet he appears to be nothing more than a Corporate toady.

Sue said...

I hear ya Gene. I feel the same, sadly.

Sue said...

I have said it many times before....Obama was not my choice in the primary, but when he became the nomination I supported him like a good partisan democrat would. I never really had a preconceived notion he would be a terrific bend -over -backwards- progressive-do -everything -we asked -of -him, but damn, the huge list of accomplishments gets drowned out by the list of the few REALLY important issues that we NEED him to be strong on. Strong is just not who he is.

Tao Dao Man said...

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

When given the choice of writing about Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and the rest of the GOP cronies and their latest shenanigans and obstructionism, or writing a column on New Jersey's infestation by the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, I chose the six legged pest over the two legged variety.

At least the stinkers will go away with onset of winter; the Congressional Republicans won't.

And that really saddens me.

The Wool Cupboard said...

CDM ~ Quote "They were going to block ANY and ALL legislation, understand that? In other words, they'll just throw their little temper tantrum just so they can get their way."

How is this any different from what the democrat party has done with regard to ramming legislation down the throats of unwilling Americans? Overwhelmingly, Americans have rejected ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, Card Check, and Net Neutrality, etc. Obama can't even get enough votes to pass his legislation in his own party, but he is enacting regulations without benefit of passing legislation through Constitutional channels. He has repeatedly stuck his thumb in the eye of every American. I think it is the Obama Administration who continues to throw temper tantrums and ignores proper legislative channels to get its way.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Jolly ~ Quote "But when did your kind ever respond to the truth, really?"

When I see some truth in your comments, I will respond to it.

Anonymous said...

The only jobs tax cuts to these Wealthy assholes create are extra work for their accountants to ship their loot to off-shore bank accounts.

Yeah Right people who make 250,000are going to do that.

It's not a tax cut,it's a tax increase.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Anonymous is an ignorant buffoon.

The last 10 years of the Bush Transfer of Wealth to the Rich Tax Cuts were supposed to foster growth and jobs. Where are they?

The Rich did what they always do with extra funds they "invested" those monies in their own off-shore bank accounts. Swiss banking giant UBS helped 52,000 unidentified American Thieves hide untold Billions stolen from American taxpayers into secret accounts.

UBS agreed to pay $780 million USC to keep their identities secret. Under President Bush we had years of wage stagnation and wealth accumulation amongst the richest Americans just the way the Koch Brothers want.

The CDM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Because the democrats are the hones ones who never evade paying their taxes.

Anyway if they were serious about tax cuts they would do away with loopholes but then what would happen to people like John Kerry,Charles, Rangel,Al Gore and the rest of the filthy rich politicians.

But then the democrats wouldn't be able to continue with their little "class warfare" game that they play so well.

The CDM said...

Linda - You side stepped the point and gave a nonsensical answer. If anything, that was an excuse and not an answer(Yes, there is a difference). So, according to your explanation, your republican heroes should just not even show up on Capital Hill at all.

You know, this is actually something that we can work with. They don't show up and legislation can get passed without anymore bullshit obstructionist tactics. That works!

Oh, I also propose that your republican heroes give up their salary since they won't be showing up for work. That's a small start for cutting spending.

The CDM said...

To the commenter that spewed nonsense after my last post - You REALLY don't want to go down that ethical road with Tom Delay leading that march.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Lisa you sure are silly. Not paying taxes and reducing how much taxes are taken by the Federal Government are core planks of the Republican platform so Republicans should cheer when Democrats don't pay taxes.
"And I'm going to tell you one other thing: When did we ever get to a point in America where, we're nearly at the point where fifty percent of Americans don't pay anything in taxes! Nothing!" ~ Sean Hannity. Of course, Hannity isn't the only Commentator at Faux News to demand the Poor pay more in Taxes. To the Republicans and the Rich Masters in America the poor and middle class need to shoulder the burden of paying for Government and Government's role is to protect the profits of Wall Street.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Was it Lisa or Linda who said Democrats need to get serious about loopholes? Really? How about the hypocrit Tea Baggers who voted for $1 billion, yes, BILLION, in EARMARKS?

Please LisaLinda, don't come here and give us your pompous whines when you need to understand what the hypocrits in the Tea Party are up to:

Tea Party Caucus Takes $1 Billion In Earmarks

Members of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus may tout their commitment to cutting government spending now, but they used the 111th Congress to request hundreds of earmarks that, taken cumulatively, added more than $1 billion to the federal budget.

According to a Hotline review of records compiled by Citizens Against Government Waste, the 52 members of the caucus, which pledges to cut spending and reduce the size of government, requested a total of 764 earmarks valued at $1,049,783,150 during Fiscal Year 2010, the last year for which records are available.

"It's disturbing to see the Tea Party Caucus requested that much in earmarks. This is their time to put up or shut up, to be blunt," said David Williams, vice president for policy at Citizens Against Government Waste. "There's going to be a huge backlash if they continue to request earmarks."