I've come to the conclusion the liberals are wasting their time debating the issues with close-minded conservatives. It's the Democrats who constantly bend over backwards to appease the Republicans in Washington (it makes me ill just to write those words), and here in blogland the conservatives say they are debating but I'm through listening to their crap which will NEVER sway me, NEVER make me second guess my liberal views. I will NEVER understand how they think, where they get their points of view from, and how they come to their conclusions on how this country should be governed. We were subjected to 8 years of incompetent governing by the Republicans yet they have managed to convince a large portion of our population that somehow they have learned from their mistakes and deserve another chance. But to get this chance they have lied and manipulated the people. What happened yesterday on the Senate floor is proof they have not changed one bit. Yes, those votes were symbolic, but how else can we get it through the peoples heads their precious GOP are NOT standing with you the middle class and poor? Their top priority is to make sure the rich stay rich at the expense of all the rest of us, 98% of us.
So to you Rational Nation who calls the democrats demothieves, and to you lisa and Linda who call Obama a socialist marxist dictator who is hell bent on destroying America ON PURPOSE, I'm not gonna debate you, I'm also not gonna call you names and cuss, I'm just gonna ignore you because we are very different people with very different world views and nothing will change that. Nothing.
Attn E. Musk
Elon Musk sent an outrageous, disturbing, and ominous email to federal
employees with the subject line, *“What did you do last week?”*
*“Please rep...
55 minutes ago
Watching bitch mcconnell on Meet the Press said a monumental amount about the republican side. He wouldn't commit to saying anything about his position, rather he, "wasn't getting into details" on national television about their position.
In other words, (on the tax cut issue)if he was put on record as to where he(but more importantly "they") really wanted to cut and the reasons why, he and the rest of those obstructionist bastards would be outed for the sham of humanity they are.
So, on Meet the Press, which is viewed by both sides, McConnell won't talk the talk out of fear he will reveal his party for the scum they are. Not a whole helluva lot of people watch C-Span and get the chance to see those GOP in action on the floor.
If he won't go into detail on national TV, then where does he expect his followers to hear his truth?
It is amazing that they would not even vote for tax cuts for people making under ONE MILLION DOLLARS per year in taxable income. That covers 99+% of all families.
The republicans are truly only interested in millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires.
Frodo believes in compromise. If the Republicants want to continue the bargain basement tax rates for those making more than $250K, then let's do it.
In return however, let us demand that each such recipient (since they are all seemingly small-business owners) hire three non-relative full-time employees for at least three years.
Sounds bi-partidsan to me, doesn't it you?
SUE: "...and to you lisa and Linda who call Obama a socialist marxist dictator who is hell bent on destroying America ON PURPOSE, I'm not gonna debate you..."
People who continue to call Mr Obama a "socialist" are woefully uninformed and continue to mouth FAUX NOOZ talkingt points without bothering to learn what socialism is. Obama is NOT a socialist.
From "Socialism for Dummies" by Benjamin Barber:
Obama a socialist? Has his administration collectivized the hospitals, turned doctors into a state monopoly, nationalized the insurance companies? Or are we continuing to privatize our security forces, turn school and prisons into for-profit businesses, and let the financial industry self-regulate? President Obama is a market-leaning liberal democrat. Nancy Pelosi is a vigorous advocate of the welfare state and of the social safety net, and she wants to regulate the runaway banks. But that’s not communism, folks, that’s liberal democracy, and reflects a less egalitarian agenda than the ones pushed by LBJ or FDR.
It's a very good idea not to engage with people who don't know what they're talking about. It's a waste of time.
Frodo that sounds good! I don't trust those rethuglicans, I don't want to give them the satisfaction of saying they won over Obama cuz he's weak and caved to their demands.
Jerry, I know, ONE MILLION and they said NO!! One rethug strategist said today the one million was just a ploy! They love the trillion and gazillionaires!!
Shaw is it not true this whole socialism and Marxist talk originated from Fox commentators just since the election of Barack Obama? I don't recall them saying Clinton was a socialist. What Fox spews, the cons lap up.
I always get back to this line from the late great George Carlin...and is someone wants to call me an elitist, feel free to do so...then go back to your country club.
"Think about how stupid the average person is....and half the people are even stupider than that".
Sadly, it appears to be true....either they are stupid, or not paying attention, or just don't seem to care.
The American people have voted back into power many of the same people who got us into this mess in the first place....but maybe they're not stupid, inattentive, or apathetic. Maybe just crazy.
I guess that's why in recent weeks I've temporarily veered away from politics on my blog....because what's the point? I only succeed in giving myself bigger and better migraines...last Monday's was the champ.
So America, if you're crying now, stick around. The GOP will REALLY give you some stuff to be crying about.
(Joke time.....why does Chris Christie avoid going to the Jersey Shore? Because the last time he did somebody threw a harpoon at him.)
Hey Sue, remember that tea party douchebag that I've been having it out with? I just made another post on this dipshit. Apparently he wasn't quite done...sort of.
CDM -- send us links!!!
Oh, never mind. I just went to your blog. Duh!
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